Wer'ne-r'av, November 21, i.)co THE SUMPTER MINER PRESIDENT M'EWEN. Important Change in the Sump ter Transportation Co. At a mcetlnR of the Sumpter Transpor tation company stockholders held last week, Tom McE wen was elected president, In place of W. H. Cade. Mr. McEwen also retains the position of general mana ger, which pla'ce he has filled since the company was organized early last spring. As everv one familiar with the history of eastern Oregon transportation is aware, Tom McEwen is one of the pioneers in the business in this Mate. He was one of the organizers of the corporation to which the Sumpter Transportation company is the successor, with largely increased capital, facilities and business. aLk. ir aYBYBYBrl Biv'l T'BBJBBJBl BBBw-s v - ABBJBJBJB ' tBK$ '-fBTBTBrfl it mv Htti&BBBBS j .bHb? bBmb8 . JBBBf .BBBBBBBBB f v4fJdBYBYBYBYBYBBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBrl THOMAS Minwi.N I'rrOJrnl Sumplrr Tranjpmtation Lotntuny The retiring president will in future give his exclusive attention to the livery department. The company has voluntarily advanced the wages of all drivers lifteen per cent, which In said to be the beginning of an increase In the salary of all employes in every department, demonstrating not onlv the good will of a "soulless corporation" towards lt men, but also the prosperous condition of the company under the man agement ot its otticlalsjand in this last must always be included JamesNcvlands, the secretary, who looks after the finan cial end of the business. Of course, this Indicates further the present great activity of the eastern Ore gon gold tields. The Sumpter Transpor tation company now has contracts for hauling a million pounds of machinery. Latt Run of the Hors Cannery. The Linton horse cannerv, which wis supposed to be closed tor good, is to start up again for a brief season for the dispo sition of 1000 lultusctyuse ponies. Sam uel Kinsman, the sole owner of the estab lishment, now states that it will be strictly an accommodation run, as he has no in tention of fiuther engaging in the horse canning business. The industry here never has been a success, by reason of the fact that it was difficult to find a mar ket in Europe for the output. It is Mr. Kinsman's intention to convert the horse cannery into a trait cannery. The plant is admirably situated for the fruit-canning industry, possessing the advantages of both rail and water transportation facil ities. Times-Mount ilneer. O. R. & N.'i Great Advertising Plant. In line with its policy for settling the Northwest, the Oregon Railway & Navi gation Co. will spend more money the coming year for advertising than has been expended during any previous year. Under the careful management of General Passenger Agent Hurljurt, the road's ad vertising department has materially as sisted In developing the Northwest. The road does not depend upon circular adver tising to attract settlers and investors. It has a more practical method. It deals di rectly with the intending settler and in duces him to visit the proposed place of settlement, in order that he may see for himself and not take the word of anyone j regarding the advantages of the country. In tutherance of Its scheme the road's In dustrial department assists the settler In becoming prosperous In order that he may hive the more trade to give the railroid. , The advertising department of the road is run as a business proposition to develop I the resources of the country tributary to j Its system, which, of course, Increases the earnings of the raiload. Telegram. , NEXT MINING CONGRESS. win cc iicia 111 ewic in juiy"rrcprarun . Now Being Made John M. Haines, secretary for Idaho of the International Mining Congress, Mates tli.it now the election Is over the arrange ments for the meeting of that body in this city next July will begin in good earnest. From letters received from the general sec retary it is shown that there will be an enormous attendince and that already the mining men of many surrounding states have begun their preparations, such as se curing extensive mineral exhibits, mem bers, etc. The last meeting at Milwaukee was a good deal of a lizzie, due largely In the fact that there is no mining in that section outside of iron and a little coal, but the meeting next year will be of entirely a different nature, as Rolse Is essentially in a mining country, with some of the great est dividend-payers of the United States close at hand, and with not a foot of trib utary ground unmineralieJ. l-'or these reasons the outside mining men will do their utmost to make a good display of ores as well as Insure a large attendance. The rivalry In this matttr will be condu cive of great results, as the mining men of I this state will put forth every effort to make a better display of the ores of the J state than were ever before put on exlil I billon. The mining men of tills city are I willing to push the matter as far as may be, and w ill do so, and in this the expec tation is that the business men will take a strong hand. It has been suggested, and well thought of, that In this regards the commercial bodies of the different towns and cities of the state come together In a general state organization, and that then they, as a distinct body, but representing the best business element of the state, petition the legislature for an appropriation sufficient ' to cover the different districts and show the world what we have In minerals. This scheme Is looked upon with especial I favor. At any rate, the campaign for the 1 congress will begin without further delay and be vigorously pushed. Boise States man. i Scenic Line of the World. I For an enjoyable trip east, take the ' Denver & Rio Grande railroad, Scenic Line of the world. Three daily trains be tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and all eastern points, and all points on 1 the Pacific coast. Most magnificent seen ery on this continent. The leading fea ture in connection with the trip is that the ! through trains pass through the scenic attractions of the Rocky mountains In Colorado by daylight, thus affording pas- 1 sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable ride, free from dust and the annoyances experienced via other lines. Superb din ing car service on all through trains. , Service a la carte, pay for what you order. I nrougn standard and tourist sleepers. Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Call on your nearest ticket agent for tkkets, rates and all information, or ad dress, C .B .NtCHOL, General Agent, Portland, Ore. Joshua Hendy Machine Works San Francisco, California ' I I Tripl I HIV bbBbbb bbbS. HbbW BBBBB 1 vJunVJBBBM l)iiliiui.f bbBbVHbbbH bybybI " ifW jm- -T KLbbbbbbEbUi1Sn -W r bbbW BH B Hw v bbbbbbbBJM The "Hendy Improved" e Discharge Two Stamp Mill 1900 MODEL ft In 111 Itmj 'f 1 iljy Mill iiimplrlr with H;n-lh. ilumpi, 8ji ltv, irto'lr. viw ii. milii-J to Jilvc Hfo-lh. slump mill... II. I'. luit-lts " . 7 II V. ntct ... . . 4(5 iiiic hulir IMi Oil IMS LAM SIIAIT UOXIS Mining Machinery and Supplies "P.iU linn IVwit lleM'ni: Whims SIM umlnt;Oii jin.l Wain Sklfs On' mi I Wnicf HurtrU .Mining lni;m.l ho It.ill "lili n lli n.l"lliiiih Nmh'm" ( ntKiiitiatntk, On- ( iislirr. On ln.lih,l iiinIiIhi; UM I I'ilils, I HKlnrs inn I'uii ; llollln, I'limfltiK nn.l IiiIkiiiIiik 1'l.inls, Wnli r WlurU nn.l Wnlrr Molms Oil .111J (mvillni' I nglnrs nn.l llnKls, All ,nntrsors nnj Kmk Dillls, S4 .Mill M.i. hin. iv Plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished OiuIiik On A'IIi.iiIimi GOLDEN EAGLEHOTEL HE-OPENED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT To Be Conducted on the European Plan First-Class Restaurant in Connection T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMITI:H, OHI HON HYDRAULIC. MINING AND DREDGING MACHINERY. RIVETED STEEL PIPE. Waits roa WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS BB . . . . n AMERICAN IMPUL8E WATER WHEELS. ETC. PORTLAND OREGON 48; (id (!! iiM Mini, fur I lie Cawston & Company. Succttton 10 H. P. GREGORY & COMPANY Engines, Boilers Machineiy and SnpplieB.... rOkTLAID, ORE