THE SUMPTER MINER 4l;JC, iHI Wednesday, November 21, 1900 RHEUMATISM DISTORTS MUSCLES SHATTERS NERVES STIFFENS JOINTS 7 S DTK to 1111 neiil poNon which r.iin- iireo-' In tlu lilooil lliniiijrli failure of tin' pniHar nr,jiiii lo I'iiny oil' nnil Kt-cp the vMrin I'h'iir of nil inoiliiil, I'lK'tc iiiiillcr. 'I'lii-t pni-oii tliroiili the pcucriil I'lirulntion U tk'HMtotl in the joints inu-eli' "nil iicrvi's run-in;: the ino-t iiitciin pain. Uheuinuti-'tu may iitlnrk with Midi fiiili1ciitii"' tiinl pfvi-ril y n to make within a li'w ilay a healthy, active pi'Min hclpli'-H and hi'ilriililcn, with ililnrl'il limlw iilnl fhatti'iiil nerve-; or it may In- blow in ili'Vi'lupiiij:, with Vlijiht, wimilcriiit; pains j""' m'Viti' enough to intikn mio feci iiiiconi I'ortiilili'; llu tciitlenry in mu'Ii cui is to iow wmw, anil filially heroine rhroni'. Ijki'othcr lilooil ili-ni-o-.Rheuiniiti-ni Hnfteii inherited, ami exposure ' to ilamp 11111I cold, want ol piopcr foul, iii-t.ilieuiit clnllniifr, or niiyllinifr calculated to impair tin health, will fn-rpuntly i-iiim' it to develop in early life, hut mine olten not until midille n-io or later. In whatever t'orm, whether necute or chroiiii', ai'ipiiud or inheiited, Rheumatism is Strictly a Blood Disease mid no linameiil or oilier I'Nleinal i'in lieitment ran reaeh the Iroiihle. Neither do the preparation.- of potti-li ami ineieiiry, and tho variniM iiiineiiil wilts whiei the doeio'i iiIwhv prererilie.-, eme, hut ruin the difie-'tioii and Ineak down the eou-titution. A mmi'ily whiiMi liuiliN up thi- ciiimiiI health nii(l at the Mime lime liiN the ytem nl'tlio ihiwiii i the only fate and certain euro for Rlion nmlutii. Nntuie Inn pnivided (Julviinie Kcrliicily, that nervc-Mrrnjithenin, hlnoiliinvipirutinf,' mid lii'iillli-rotoring nervo remedy, which cor Uiuly ami unfailingly I'liV- thi ten idle ilkcnMi if taken in timc.; . ' I i Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt Cures Rheumatism ll will purify, vitalize and enrich tile Idood and xyli'iiitiiiwn1lic closed pun ol'tlip nkin. New life is tnntillcd into every nrirnn of tho iHMly, tint circulation U I'lpiuliurl. The KM now and Nerve Confer arc ftrcivithencd; the Liver w renewed, the Norvnu Syntoin ttoothed, cutininj,' Kuwl, noiiuiI xlccp. N'alural inci.tion is rcHtnrc'd, creatinu n MnnnH-ned appctjte, toninj;, invigiirntiiifr, ntrciij,'triirijrtho entire body, pnxliieiii, good liCf.HI. hy NATIIKK'K MOST COMMON PKKKK MKTIIODS. V . I mEr M sm Mm, '''wS' mvwwf Jaw' ' I ' A ) I COPYRICyHTED 4- A trra(mrnl llh rlrclikliy NOW lll iM oti ol nur wv t- '"''''0 I Milatli, la lirlpp. Ihf rngt of Hhrumllm, (.mil. Vlnlltt Nruralcla. 'trril i1 tuj KUnrv, anjUvrr TrnuMrt. Mch atr mi rftvalml DO NOT DELAY I In lhiHn(.a writ at ItraJxhei, tlllou Allatkt, loo Arrrtllr, toair J Tnnuur. lame Wl Irt'Tiulhani llcilon," ahlcti will t,avni Imm bclne ImrowJ upon h lniftiirt utiti Ihclr lli(i, Tiff J I frllnc, anj manv iillinlJIactrMr anJ palntul mrinmv, vrnir mp lojat aroul nin cai, at (ontuiiaiiiin it llrr You will alto rrrrivr mvlook- wimlilir tn-rallrJ rlrdllc Ivllt. Department 19 Russell Building DR. A. T. SANDEN Portland, Ore. HISTORY OF THK COLUMBIA. Virlou Nnui Which Ihe MiJMtie Strtim Hii Borne. A rc.iJcr nsks (or lutoriintinii as to the I11JI.10 n.Tiiie of the Colinnhl.i river. When Ihe lust white expliut-rs came into the country the liiilliiit iltvellhiK ailing the stre.un I11J v.irlnns n mio (or the w'.ttervv.iy Spol,itllkiiiii,or iTlend ty W.iler, W.ihiin i, nr llin river, .nut for the upper Ihe inrltijlmis u.uiie Miiltiioiu.ih Miiiiftiint-s iim-J. Ihe c.irller n ivl.ilnrs and explorers Imiiiil It ililluull to unite upon a ii.itne tor llil m.ijestk river. lite older cli irts in irked it I'onsider.ihle I illhiK into the I'.iillic, and termed it the Kin de Kiiilir, in honor ot .1 Sp.iuNh lieutenant who Is slid to h ive s.illcd ipto tiee w.iters In the idih century. It l the Ken helief of hlstoriius, however, p.iused before 'culling so north rrn .1 point, the river ha discov ered one ot the sm.iller streams ll ow ing down from the iiumnt.iius of southern Oregon. Other clnrts hulic.ited the Uivet of the West, tiie llver I'liegiys, and later the Itiver Oregou. 1 lie origin of the latter name is lot in mystery. Jonathan Car vcr, who penetrated the wilds west of the Mississippi river dining the iSth century, (s thought to have been the tirst to cm- jlny it. In his ipi.tlnt and interesting iIhhiIv he stated that the Indians he en tmmteied in the Hocky mountains told river rolling tar to the west ward, and this river he called the Oregon. The mot plausible theory of Hi: origin if tills name is that it was bestowed by early Spanish navigilors in honor of the province of Aragou in their native land. I he name Columbia, it is hardly nees .ary to add, wis bestowed by the river's discoverer, Captain Gray.ot Boston, who ailed in over Ihe bar in May, 1792, in the sloop Columbia. COLLECTED $80,000 IN TAXES. A few other points in connection with the history of this river may be of Inter est. 1 ne trading post at Astoria was not Urfeit Amount for HJ! Year In the the first white settlement upon the river's 1 .- banks. In 1810 Captain Wlnship at-1 Hl,,orV of B"r Cu-"y' tempted a settlement and built the first The Baker City Democrat states that house at a point forty miles above the the sheriff collected taxes amounting to mouth. The Astor enterprise came In Jf70.458.21 from March 1 to October 1, 1H11. The first white woman to come giving the collections In detail. Contiu into this country was Miss Jane Barnes, nlng It says: who arrived at Astoria In 1814, coming Ihe amount collected and paid to the from l-ngl ind in the ship Isaac Todd. treasurer since October 1st is Wji j, mak- I'rlor to the advent ot the whites the ing the total since March 1st, 578,81)1.21. Indians had large villages along the river. . 1 he amount collected and still in the hands Among them Wishram, at theiascades, of the sheriff will swell the amount in peopled by a villainous lot of thieves and round numbers to cut-throats, whose descendants, half a, This Is the largest amount ever col century later, became so troublesome to ted in the same length of time in the Lieutenant Sheridan. 1 he Indians along history of the county. It has been paid the lower stream were more peaceably in- in without any undue pressure from the dined. They dwelt in rude plenty, and sheriff a-id Is an index to the financial con were fairly prosperous and happv until ditlon of our taxpayers an Indication that o-ie of the sailing vessels dropping Into the people generally are prosperous in Ihe river brought the deadly seeds ol Baker county. smallpox. The pestilence spread among While there are some who are delin them, and the losses were appalling. So quent, yet the percentage Is smaller than thoroughly were the natives cowed by for years past. this disaster that for forty years thereafter, ' It will be noted that i,oo6.n in out when thev became turbulent, to bring standing warrants have been redeemed In them to terms It was only necessary to payment of taxes. 1 his represents about bring forth an empty bottle, securely more than the amount'of warrants corked, and threaten to let loose the small pox. Spokesman-Review. Through th Ylkwt4onc. The new route via the Oregon Short Issued in payment of the expenses for the year. Raker county Is slowly but gradually reducing her enormous debt. The taxa ble property in the country is almost Uue Railroad and Monida, Mont., enables , uoube what it was 10 years ago, while you to make a delightful trip through the ,he wpene of BOvemment is a great deal Yellowstone National Park, entering via fMt Wi,h these facts and figures before Monida and coming out via Cinnabar, them ,ho$c vvho have charge of county fi- making it unnecessary to cover any por- n.1MCes begin to see a bright light in the lion of the route twice, t-or beautiful js.ancet descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore-1 ' - gon Short Line Ticket OHice, 142 Third . Lmoni in Lace. streel, Portland, Oregon. .... . . . u.... I Mrs. Marsh, next door to MINER office, Only the best of Wines, Llqu ors.'lce . will give practical instiuctions in lace Cold Beer and temperance drinks at! work. Materials and hundreds of pat Barnard's Halfway House. ' terns to select from. Famous. HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Oregon IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpter Forwarding Company PMrittiitrr Sumptcr, Oregon ASK FOR HOP GOLD 1 I