THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 21, 1900 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of Hie Town of Sutnter. I-UIIIISIII I) I.VI WY WIIIMMMY II Y I'.. II. MARSH anii J. W. OONNELLA MIHM.IIII'IION WANS ne Year Mi Moulin .. i.aj AIWAYN IN AHVASCr. I nteri-J ill Hip pottufllce In Sumplrr. Oregon, Inr transmission through Hit mails as seennj class Maltrr. POPULATION OF SUMPTER 4,500. I.(K;aI. "I'nxris" are not working as openly now as a frw weeks since, but some iliily work is still going on. One l these "good-inleutiniifd fools" was manipulated to kuiuk a sale last week, livery our knows t to tie an easy tak. It reuires a in. in ol ability to consummate ii deal. II Till wrlred report tint the Northern Pad Ik, Great Northern ami Union Pacific to.ids, all siic.illi'd lines, li.ive formed a coalition tin drleuse and iillriisr. Is true, then the people in this Noitliwesteru country that do businrss with either company might just as wrll throw up their hands and deliver their aci'ounts to the tiininv irate; for they "wont do a tiling" to shippers. CONSini'lMltl.P Inteiest is being maul lestnl in a ipilel way in the appinaJilog clet Hon. Candidates are mak ing a Im-tlr to get on the niiii-p.iili-sail illieiis thkel. gentlemen who .ue being lilted to inn tor the luuucil and .1. II. Kobblits for mayor stand pit on Hie piopiisilinu tliat they will adept nominations only as lepie-M-iitalivrs ol a litlt-u's inoveuient, .Hid this K as II should be. 'Mil- term "bla. k-mllli," as used in pi'ntlng ntlkes, means a printer who iIixmi'I Know his iuluess. President MiKlnley, it is said, ulltied Hit-dlitlor. skip ol lilt- Inilrau "I i-njit.iv lug and pilot ing to Hank P. Silgt-nl, gland mastrl ol the lliothtrhood ol I uiomolive Pin-iuiii. II he aurpts, Silgfiil will lie known In Ike employes as ,t "I'l.uksiiilth," and he might as wrll be In leahH , as a Immiio tiye I his is a payment ol .1 debt at the -wrens? ot Hie public seivke. WllV dnrsii'l Ihe pieident pill this polltUal "siokti" in ollice tv appoint ill)1, him bank csollilutl? lie would do less damage llleie tli.iu in the pusitinu nlfru-d him. AND now the bloodless theoiists are willing on absii.ul justice and the majestv ot the I iw, with the burning in t ailolado a lew divs sjiue ti tlir- black t'rnle liend; hvsieikallv loiuiemuing the deed, ot ionise. Ihe lalliel ol Ihe uiuideied ihild stiutk tue kev note in all sikIi's, whru he said: "It he liad tern killed wlieu he committed his lust oliense in Kansas, my ihlhl would have been altxelodiv. No other patents will suiter as we have on his amount." Peo ple and p.ipeis who thtow a lit everv time they heal ol one ol these beasts be ing Iviulled.ate those whoieg.'ild tile brute's oliense .tlomt on a pal with uvri drawing a bank ,1,1 mint. AN Assoclited Piess dlspitih ol re,eot date quotes (.ongiessuiau Hopkins, ol Illinois, ihaiimaii ol the house commiltre on census, as si.tilug thai no attempt will be made to dr,ieise the representation ot Southern states 111 lougtess, because of thedisti.iiulilsemenl ot negroes; that the lepiesentatlon will be based upon popula tion. Continuing, he said: "I think tliat a propositi in will be adopted whkh will increase the pteseiil membership of the house. It Jins been suggested that we nu-1 lhorl.e one member to ever 108,000 In habitants. That seems to be the ratio th it Is In general tavor among the mem- j hers of the committee. This proposition ' wouiu email an increased memuersmp ui from is to 30 members." IT IS announced from Washington that Colonel Russell H. Harrison, the son of1 former President Harrison, serving as an I inspector general of the army at Puerto Rice, who was honorably discharged by) an order of the war department a few days ago, has cabled protesting against dis-1 missal. General Harrison asked that the order he rescinded, at least until he had 1 Mulshed a certain work upon which he is ; 'now engaged and he called upon his I (friends to secure revocation. The appeal j was laid before General Miles and Corbln, I but it is stated tint nothing will be donci 1 hi the matter, which means Hint young j I Harrison will be discharged at the end of j I the month. One of the reasons assigned ! for his dismissal Is.Davls.commandlnglhe 1 island of Puerto Rice, has not been satis- lied with Harrison's work. It is also said in some circles tliat Harrison's discharge is due to politics and grows out of the fact that his father refused to take an active 1 part in the recent campaign in behalf of the republican presidential ticket. VVllliN four of the nine members of the supremecourt of the United Slates dissent from a decision, the average cillen should not be consider:d an -inarchlst if lie fails to regard that decision as n sacred thing. A case in point is the opinion recently hiuded down on the cigarette law of Tennessee. Involving the old, perplexing question ot states rights, in modem garb. Ibis high tribunal recently rendered a de lisionhi the case of Win. H. Austin vs. State uf lennessee, Involving the validity ot llie state law legul.iting the sale of iik!.uettes. The law was attacked as an iulriugmeut of the right of congress to regulate. Inteistale commerce. The Ten-1 uessre supreme court upheld the law, and the United Slates supreme court sustained . that verdict, though not without disap-' pioval ol some of the positions taken, and ' then upon a very narrow margin, four out ot nine members joining in the dissenting opinion and another member of 'in court, I .lustke White, pi. king his assent upon grounds dtlfeieut Iroin those announced bv .lustke lilov.ii, who handed down the opinion. John Temple Grayson Mininjj Expert and... linginccr lhr lllulirsl Ui-lrirnce-. (in When li-.uiic.l IIAKM.U CITV. OHIu ( .0 le A .Ue renipk'Kra . Maker, Ole I. O. R. M. i:i.N IIJIIII No. m, lmpiov,..l Orj,i MeJ .Men, ' im-i I In reijiil ir ,oun II at llllslli'i at the St ti run on th,- ir4 -.Icep ot eerv vwn suns ol r.nh in. kim All KeJ .Men sKltirii; our huntlni; i-iuunJ-. an- m-l.iiine. ClOkiiK II SKI w. W. W. 1 1 lit. Col M. -sachem. SUMI'll-R DEVLLOPMENr CO. SUMPH-K, OKKGON Owners ot all the choice acreage sur rounding Sumpirr. Inside residence lots on r.isv leinis. Apply to SI-VMOUU II. iii:I.L. Manager. 1 17 A. I. srANU, I Attorney-at-Law- (.enter, (or High St, Sumpter, Oregon To the Faithful KNOW ALL MEN: Thai many Princes il Hie Orient are nn vnurnlni In ihe Cllv nl Sumplrr anJ are meeting, lor the purpose ol In structing novices anJ Jiiluslng ulsJom, it 8 p. m WeJneiJay evenings at HeJ Men's hall, anj nl such oilier places as Ihe OranJ PaJasha may oiJer. All Princes who have not tnaJe themselves known are corjljlly InvlteJ to present themielves, stall of llie In han I, at the temple Jour, where they will he corJIallv welconu-J. BY ORDER Grand Secretary Grand Padasha f, A. CLEM & CO. MINING INVKSTMENTS Proptrtia Eiimlntd ind Reported on. Member Port land Mining Sleek Cichen(t 146 THIRD ST. PORTLAND, ORK. CHAS. II. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Rooms 2 and 3, l-'irst Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON L T. HROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter. Oregon Specla) Attention (IK en to Surrery anJ In Dl. eases nl Women. "Ollicc, Nl-III Mock; RetlJenie, Mill pENNHR & WORTHINGTON Civil and Mining Engineers. V. S. Deputy .Mineral Surveoi tor Oregon, Wash ington, I.I iho. in I .Moniana. I!nglmi'i lor the Sumpter Tow nslle Company, LlmiteJ. Undenround and PtUnt Surrtri. Ilm Printing nd DriiiMin. JJ.T. HENDRYX & CO., Mines Houglit, Sold and Developed. Iliru.iliis In Smnpti-r DUtrlct Qu.uti (ll.ilms. SUMPTUK, . ORl-GON A. SAM.V.S, AKcmrrcT, IIM'IU i:il- , : OKHION pl.ois,seclhratlnnv an J estimates IvrnWheJ yRTHUR PHILBRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. II. S. Deputy .Mineral Survevor lor Oreuon an J U.ilio. lA.iinln illons aiU iesirlsou rnlilllij; piopi-r-lies. Oltici'Hhh lltilelilant.MlnlncCo. MllL SlkUT. Suni. Oncnos. Nsumsi:i'. E.L. MANNING, HI'L IsfAlU City KecorJer anj NoUr PuMU. I'olleclloits Al.iraci Agent lor l")rlclJe I Ire Extinguisher. Sumpter. STOTT & SHELTON. sO. STOM J. 1. siniios Attorneys at Law. SUMI-ri'-K. OHICON W. II. W. HAMILTON. Mlnlnit anj Consiililni; fnulneer. .Mining Pinpertles Ksani.neJ. KcsuteJ On anJ I or Sale. Morelne anj Neal CoJe. U jii. simiti:k. okiiiiOn )RS. TAPE & PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons C. H. Hl-M.l-', H. U, t. M. r.Mt, M. u. Telephone Main j. St'MHitK, Ourao.s Basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for "HERCULES" . Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO II AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. LINES OI: THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SUMPTl'K-CANYON ROUTI-. EAT iX)Q a, m. 8 00 n. m. 7:10 a, in. 5'isia. rn. Omntctlng at Austin with stages lur Canyon City anj Intnlor slnts. p. m. l.v. . CllflorJ Ar 7:1a a. in. Vuo P;.m. J Ar .tlnnania. -Lv o:ta a. n.. Connecting at llonania lth sutts lur Pyx. RoWnsomllle, Woiley. Virginia, Oon Juan juj lielcher mines. SlIMPTLH-liHANITU KOUT& i:io p. 4:10 p. ILv I Ar Sumpifr (ir.mlie. . ...Ar I 10 1. ':: iu a. 00 a. LKriy Mtiranlte to North Pork, KeJ K'tie unj aJiacent mines. Ko Uaii. SlIMI'TLH-HOUHSE ROUTE. w:io p. too p. Lv... Ar..., Ar. .. ..Sumpter. . . Uourne... .Cnlumhla.. ..Ar I y.o a. in . . Lv I S'co a. m . Lv 1 1:10 a. m m. :io p. m Including Nortli Pole, E. E., Cllaiat, O'lloanJ aJ iacent mines. i:o p. in. I l.v Sumpter Ar l)u p. m. I Ar CllllorJ Lv w p. m. I Lv fjlrfnrj Ar 1:10 p m. j Ar. . .Austin Lv "1 I' II