12 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 2t. 1900 TOWN OF ..WHITNEY.. Building Has Actually Commenced A LIMITED NUMBER OF LOTS WILL BE SOLD to bona fide building purchasers. NO BOOM. Let your eyes and foresight be your judge. The cars will be running into Whitney by No vember 10. Don't overlook a good thing. The coming town at the western terminus of the Sumpter Valley Railroad. && Add or Consult TELEPHONE BLACK U91 JAMES H. GRAHAM BAKER CITY OR SUMPTER RAILROAD SPECULATION. Sonic IiiUmtlng Gueu at lo Whtre Pro jcld Linn Will Run. J. S. ItiiUe, nl Huntington, president nf themnip.iuy uhUi .illemplrd navja lldii ol tlif Sn.iUe lixrr Willi ihr -tramrr M.I I'd, npel.ltillg between Huntington and thr Seven Devils itippri itiiiuntains, vwis 111 tills illy yestrid.iv, .1 guest ill tin- Hotel Summer. Mt. I.nle, whit is ! Keen husiuess in. in, talked iulrirMluglv ul pl.uis tiy the (J. K. V N., limiting In tilt tapping ul thr splendid ll.uiiry valley, in llatney nullity. "The H.itnrv valley Is the l:iti:t in rasteru Oiegou," leiiiatkrd the lloutiug ton man, ".iiul no mold itit (ii.nule Monde valley In It, .mil then le.ive sp.ue lor thousands ul people. "I h.ive jut letiiine.l to Huntington .titer ;t tllp ul 7o inlle with leptesent atlves ut the (). H. - N. Co. We jour neyed to the towns ol )revsev, llarnrv .mil Hums, theme into the Unions Lake touutty. "It is geuelalls understood lh.it the O. M. V N. Co. people investigated the new Olefin Smithriu, vvhkh lalhoad is com pleted to ShiniUn. with the idea of figur ing on the pi 111 nl seiutlng III it tonle lo lap the ll.uney touiitv. "In niV opinion the Similiter Valley rallioad, now building lo Whitney, will he extended to the I'llmvllle set lion, hob ably the line iii;iv Minielline he disposed ol (o the O. It, N. Co., to he used .is ,1 feeder line. "I he Impression is gaining lime In H11nti1ittt11nth.it the O. It. N. Co., will make tli.it town the junction lot Hues ol railroad going along the Sn.iKe ilvet lo l.ewistou, Id iho, and a feeder eMending into the splendid Harney county, with its great stovkralslng and wheatgrovving possibilities. I he country to he traversed jrom Huntington to Later county is not to he compared in difficulty with that over which the extension of the Sumpter Val ley railroad is bring pushed." Mr. Locke is very enthusiastic over the certainty, as he thinks, of the Hunting' tnn-l.akeview line brine pushed forward to actual completion by the O. It. & N. Co. He said regarding the richness ol Harney va'ley, alene: I ''The Harney valley, having about 2000 Muate miles, is capable ol producing mil- 1 lions of bushels of wheat, oats and other gr iln, and the extension of a railroad into J the Like county country would also be I over a legion where steel rails could be laid with extremely small expense. I he Laheview region, too, is a splendid agri uiltuial lountry. La Grande Journal. Dredge for Burnt River. I) II. Ste.irus, of Portland, president of the (iold Coast Development company, is In the cltv perlectiug plans to do some development wink in that seition. Mr. Steams has purchasrd thr old Cavana rami) and will soon 'irgin thr erection of a 5o,ivo dredger, to operate In Hurnt liver on this raiuli. Mr. Stearns states that there is certainly gold in this stream and he will be able to secure it with this diedger. The dredge is to be run by elec tricity and operate both day and night. He will leave tomorrow afternoon lor Chi cago and New York. Huntington Corre spondent of the lloise Statesman. Miners Union Dance at Bourne. The llourue Miners union No. 42 will givr its lust bill l:rld.iy evening of this week, In Bourne lull. The committers are: On invitation, J. T. Itusk, W. I:. Campbell and Joseph Calvert; music, C. II. Cook.W. M. Francis and M. W. IttvLvrilli lliiiir m.'iii.'ittrr. ("Y VV. Nevi Iln, (ins Audrisou and Chris White., Some of the men were In town Saturday selling tickets to tile Kill and disposed of a lirge number here. This is slated for the big soJ.il event of the season, and thr gentlemen In charge are spariiit! no pains to in. ike It a success in rsrry detail." SPOKANE Drug Go Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. Grueral Brass and Iron Founders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works FRANK MAI.ONE, Proprietor : Special attention given to repairing and rebuilding all kinds of machinery. Baker City, Telephone-Red 161 POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFERED BY THE njOTiiffi? n . v . tv. lV I PICT OP Wo Have Daily Fast Trains. tO till! EAST If you t'ununt lake tlm iiiorniri train, trawl liy tho evening train, llotli are fully equipped. OURSI'KCIALTIKS FAST Tl .MK THROUGH SKRV10K Through Palace anil Tourist. Sleep ers. Dining Car ami Uutlett Lilirary Cam. First-class Five Reclining Chair Carv. Hours in time saved to Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, Now York, Huston anil other Eastern points. Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It is to your interest to iie the Overland Route. Tickets and sleeping ear liorths can lie secured from 11. c. now Kits Agent O. R.itN. CO. Raker City, Oregon Or, J. II. LATH KOI, Gcn'l Agt. 135 Third St., Portland, Oro. ( 'I