THE SUMPTER MINER VOL II. SUMPTER, OREGON, NOVEMBER 21. 1900. NO. 11 1 HEALEY BLOCK BURNED FIRE DISCOVERED EARLY THIS MORNING BY A LODGER. Building Insured for $1500 Several Occu pants Hold Policies for $1400 More Loss Njt Eitlmtted Same Nirrow Escapes Splendid Work ol the Fire Department. The Sumpter tire department Is all right. It demonstrated this to be a fact again this morning, for the third or fourth time. Shortly before four o'clock Mrs. Jack son, who occupied a room in the llealey Mock, comer of Center and -Granite streets, discovered that the building was dfire and gave the alarm. The tire had caught between the ceiling and the roof, from a defective flue, and the whole upper portion of the building was abla.e when the hose companies arrived. The only delay In turning on the stream was occasioned by the fact that the nozzle on the hose kept in the house near the school building had rocks in it; probably put there by some of the pupils. Soon, however, two good streams were playing on the fire, which was confined to the one building in which it originated. Better work could not have been done, as there Is adjoining It, with no space between, a row of frame buildings that were appar ently built to burn. The department worked promptly and Intelligently. T he weather was cold and the firemen deserve great credit for the haidshlps endured so willingly. The building Is owned by P. I). Henley. It was insured for 1500 with Mrs. Well cock's agency, $800 in the Liverpool, Lon don and Globe, $500 in the Home and f 200 in the Agricultural. This will pr-b-iibly cover the loss, as the lire damage is confined to the second story, the roof be ing entirely destroyed.. The fust tloor is badly damaged by water. The comer storeroom Is occupied by Cox iSc Co's saloon and gambling house. Nearly all the fixtures were removed. They carried no insurance. This Is a case of lightning striking twice in the same place. The firm was burned out lust spring, when this camp was visited by the most destructive lire in its history, occupying a place which it then owned, on the opposite comer. In the rear of Cox & Co., facing on Center street Is Henry Finger's place. He carried 5500 Insurance in the Liver pool, London and Globe. He sustained considerable damage by water. The other ground lioor room was occu pied by L. Harris' fruit and cigar stand. The owner lives In Portland and the busi ness is managed by Louis Moses. The stock is insured for 5400 in the Phoenix, represented here by ri. L. Manning. Nothing was moveJ from this place and water got in its work. The second story is operated as a lodg ing house by l:. O. Lee, under a sub lease from Henry Finger. The first named owned the furniture, which was Insured for 5503 and almost entirely de stroyed. The latter owned the partitions, uninsured. H. K. Wheeler's news stand adjoined the building to the east. This is a small cme-story building, also owned by Mr. Healey. It received little damage, but water 'ruined considerable of the stock, ' fully covered by insurance. Mr. Wheeler 1 was negotiating last evening for the sale J of his business, but the deal is not yet 'consummated. 1 Several of the roomers in the lodging ' house had narrow escapes, getting out In scant apparel. None saved their personal effects. I The total insurance is J2000. It is im 1 possible at this time to estimate the loss. It will, however, amount to considerably more than this. The building will be re paired as soon as the loss can be adjusjed by the insurance companies. MYSTERIOUS LIFE AND DEATH Annie Clement Passes Away) Also Her Property. Annie Clement, known here as Mrs. St. Johns, landlady of the lodging house over the Club, died last Thursday, after a lingering Illness. A sister from Denver was with her nt the time of her death. Since then another sister lias arrived from Seattle, and a friend of the family, Mr. Edwards, from British Columbia. All kinds of rumors have been floating around regarding tills case, first as to the original cause of herslckness.subsequently the progress of the Illness, and pertaining to the disappearance ot her personal ef fects. It Is stated that the cause of her illness was poison administered by some one else than herself. Then, if you will listen to curbstone gossip, you will hear that other doses were administered by at tendants as she gradually grew worse. Dr. Brock, the attending physician, is of course, not taking the public into Ills con fidence. He admits, however, that there were some puzzling features connected witli the case. During the dead woman's illness there were a half dozen or more nurses and to some of these suspicion attaches. Till: MlNI:l has heard names mentioned, which it will not repeat, because 110 official steps have been taken to apprehend the guilty ones; if, indeed, there are such. It is said much of her personal property has mysteriously disappeared; trunks full of expensive wearing apparel, elegant rugs, pictures, S180 in money and a thousand or fifteen hundred dollars worth of diamonds. A portion of the lat ter have been found in the Hank of Sump- ter, hypothecated for 5400. The local police was notified ten days or more ago regarding this phase of the mysterious business, but a suspicious lack ot Interest was manifested and nothing done to stop the looting or detect the culprit. This has given rise to much unfavorable comment regarding these officials. The body will be shipped back to the old home In Illinois today. Dr. Brock, on petition of one of the sis ters, has been appointed administrator of the estate, consisting principally of the furniture still left in the house. He has not yet accepted the charge, however. It N thought that the estate will scarcely pay the indebtedness, unless the stocks, which the woman is saiJ to have had, can be found. No impiest has been held and, appar ently, none will be. 'I HI: .MINIM can learn nothing authoritative in reference to the intentions of the authorities, as to whether or not the case will be in vestigated. Prompt attention to orders for cut (low ers and llnral pieces. City Gieen House, Baker City, Oregon. Five quail bottles of Olympla beer for f 1.00 at Henry Finger's. B tw aie of , but ask for it Giant Pow de MILL FOR MAMMOTH. Has Arrived and Will Be in Operation December 5. Tills morning the first lot of machinery for the Mammoth mill was hauled out to the mine. The remainder of the plant Is now at Baker City and w ill arrive here In a day or two and be taken to the mine without delay. This is a Bryan mill, sold by the Joshua lleudy .Machine works, of San Francisco. Secretary Heed stated to a MlNliK rep resentative today that the mill will bein operation by December 5. All the build ings are completed, ready for the recep tion ot the machinery. It was In the Mammoth that the richest strike ever known in the Northwest was made a few weeks since. The ten stamp mill for the Bald Moun tain, owned by the same people, but un der separate organization, lias not yet been shipped from S.iu Francisco. The Bald Mountain is one of the most exten sively developed properties In this district and will be a hi: producer from the day the stamps begin to drop. Assessment Work on Overlapping Claims. Where two lode locations owned by one or the same parlies overlap, the assess ment work for both mav V peilormed on the ground covered by both, and may con sist at the option of the owners of one piece of work or improvement. But it must represent an expenditure of at least fzco; or it upon ground overlapped by three claims, of 5300, etc. But the inturc of this work inuM be such that, In the opinion of tile owner, It will tend immedi ately or ultimately to the improvement or development of both claims. When tills aim is hi his mind when the work is per formed, the requirements o the statute j are met, and it makes no difference it it Is ultimately shown that his judgment at the time was in error, or might have been better. San Francisco Mining Keview. Pendleton Men Buy Malheur County Land. Several large 1e.1l estate transactions have been consummated at Ontario this week. A sale was made Monday to C C. Hunt and W. L.Gibsou.of Pendleton, ot 520 acres, situated nine miles from On tario. 'I lie consideration was H2,sKo. I he laud lies along the Owyee ditch, hi Malheur county, and will be seeded In alfalfa at once. Substantial improve ments will he made. Mr. Hunt is a sou of the railroad man, i. W. Hunt, and 1 Mr. Gibson lias been connected with the I Fryc-Hlirun company, a meat market con I cent in Seattle, Washington, lor tiie past ! live years. La Grande Chronicle. Suit for Damages Against the Golconda. I fli i.Imv llmiio;lli ll.'i. hrniiollt Kliil lor twenty odd thousand dollars damages against the Golconda Gold Mining com pany. While working in the mine last spiing a wire rope broke, striking and in juring lilm seriously. He claims that it was on account of the negligence ol the company, in using a defective rope, tile acctJeut occurred. The case will probably be tried at the December term of tli Circuit court. Finish Fight in the Tenderloin. Last evening two of the tenderloin belles had a difficulty, it is reported, over the usual cause, both playing the same man lor a favorite. One named Lillle Daven port got the other, Madge or Blanch or something of that sort, l.uich down and kicked In a couple of slats. The men standing around the dance hall did not In terfere. It Is said that the Lynch woman had a light about a week ago and was only partially recovered from tlic Injuries then received. Judge Felix says that .1 warrant will be sworn out this afternoon for the arrest of the women. Hllgard-Granlte Road Again W. T. Chalk, a prominent Seattle rail way surveyer, left yesterday for the west, after a somew hat extended sojourn in this cltv. He was called here nun railroad case to testify. Yesterday's telegram re calling him west, In his opinion, meant the resumption ol operations 011 the new railroad fiom llllgard to Granite, Ore., of which he Is chief engineer. "I he survey have all been completed on this line, but, pending the election, woik' was sus pended. He believes operations are to im mediately commence, and if so, he says there will be no stoppage till the line lit completed. Statesman. Coait'ng Season in Full Blast. About four hundred children are now constantly coasting down the "school house hill" and every Incline sidewalk In town, making life for pedestrians 0110 grand hustle to keep from being run over by the rising generation, and mangled. Till: MlNhK would not dare to interfere in the sport, even if it had I he Inclination which it hasn't but tlmldlv suggests that the youugsteis be kept off the crowd ed business stieets and sidewalks Willi their rapid trausir sleds, that come rush ing along like they were falling from sx story buildings. Townsitc Company's Building. Painters have about finished witli the Similiter I'mviisite company's new build ing, and a handsomer little ollice struc ture is not to be found in eastern Oregon. That portion to be occupied by the com pany 11. is been partitioned into conven ient apartments, reception room, private otlues and "separating parlor," as Gen eral Warren Used to designate the room where checks were exchanged for war r.intey deeds. I he company will innva into its new quarters Mood ty. Sanger Mine Buys 1000 Cords of Wood. The contract has been let to Baker City people to lumlsh the Sanger mine at San ger with 1000 cords ot wood, and yester day a number of men with supplies left the city lor the mine. I his large wood contract indicates that the old mine under the management ot J. K. Kouiig Is to bo operated on an extensive scale. Democrat. Lessons in Lace. Mrs. Marsh, next door to MlNliK olfice, will give practical distinctions in laco work. Materials and hundreds ot pat terns to select from. " The Portland," conducted by Gut Woodward oil AM 1 1 street, continues to merit the name ot the popular gentlemen's resort of Sumpter. When oii travel the Bonnie road re member Barnaul has all the latest remedies or dust hi the throat. Five ipi.irt bottles ol Olympla beer for fi.ooal Henry Fingers'. GenulneOIinpU oyster cocktails to order ill Henry Finger's. Henry Finger serves genuine Olympla oyster cocktails to order. Always reliable Giant powder.