The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 14, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, November 14, 1900
This Unsubstantial Rumor
Will Not Down.
Just how these reports Ret started it Is
difficult to ascertain, but thry do, and
generally prove the truth of the idea
conveyed in the expressien: "Where
there is so much smoke there is apt to be
(ime lire."
The latest rumor of Importance In min
ing circles is to the effect that the North
Pole mine, InJCracker Creek, district lias
luen sold. There Is considerable "smoke"
ascending from tills statement and people
generally are inclined to credit the report,
though no authority therefore is cited.
Nor is the purchasing syndicate Identified.
It is known that Mr. McDonald, Gov
ernor Mackintosh's expert, examined the
property some weeks since, and It is quite
probable that the Governor Is negotiating
the sale or possibly he Is figuring on pur
chasing It for himself and associates. As
has before been stated in these columns,
lie has for months past entertained the
plan of buying several of the large pro
ducers in tlut district, with the Idea of
ultimately reducing the ores from all in
one mill, to be erected here In Sumpter.
This program contemplates the utilization
of A. W. Ellis' water power near town
and the construction of an electric road to
iiourue for transportation of the rock. It
Is a $20,000,000 proposition. Thr Gol
conda is also doubtless Included in the
deal, which has probably not yet been
It is known that Governor Mackintosh
has taken to Loudon with him on his
present trip a bag full of options on vari
ous properties, and if he succeeds hi his
mission, there is going tube the most stu
pendous mining transaction put through,
involving mines In the Sumpter district,
which has yet taken place in the Northwest.
a large producer, If the amount of ore that
he saw in ttie shafts and tunnels counts
for anything, for there is certainly plenty
of It.
Mr. McCalhtm, he thinks, Is the type
of mining men whkh this country needs,
men who go ahead and do things, open up
mines and make dividend payers of them
that he Is wortli to the district and to
Sumpter a carload of some other kind ol
people who Infest the hills hrrebouts.
A very rich strike was made last week
in the Orpheno, on Olive creek, owned
by John Schmil., of Haker City, George
Young and V. J. Morehead, of this place.
The vein Is from three to four feet in
width, Aliich will average twenty-five
dohars a ton.
Another good strike was thst made a
few days since in the Golden Gate, ou
Quartz gulch.
M. I;. Dennett, of the Tempest mine,
passed through here a few d.iys ago on
his way home to Haker Cltv. While
here he exhibited some very rich rock from
that property, which he thinks will run
into the hundreds. He will begin ship
ping at no distant day.
Miss Pefferly, teacher of the Granite
school, spent Saturday and Sunday here,
the guest of Mrs. Will Haggerty.
Mrs. J. W. Daly and family are visiting
relatives and friends in Kakei City.
Baker City Elks Entertain.
Raker City Lodge 338, H. P. O. E.,
gave one of its dellghtlul parties last Fri
day evening, at which the majority of the
members, and a few visiting Elks with
their wives, sisters, daughters, or other
fair friends were present In full force and
attire. The Elk's hall and dancing floor
'are next to perfection; the music was ex
cellent, as provided by Professor Nichols'
orchestra, and the repast served by Frd
Ernst and attendants was lit for any oc
casion In the laud.
Died While in a Fit
Hans Fischer, husband of the lady who
runs the Klmbol restaurant 011 Mill street,
was taken to Haker City Sunday forenoon
by Marshal Austin and turned over to the
sheiiff, to be transported to the state in
sane asylum. While preparing to start
Irom the jail to the train in the afternoon,
he had an epileptic lit and died. His re
mains were shipped to Portland for Inter
ment. He was In the asylum about two
years ago. Of late he has been showing
symptoms of becoming insane again, and
a few days since became so uiimauagable
that his wife decided to have him re-enter
theasylum. He is subject to fits.
Scene of Industrious Activity That Pleases
a Visitor
W. R. Neil!, of Hie Neill Mercantile
company, MleJ the H.ild Mountain Gold
Mining company's property this week and
reports that the people of Sumpter do nqt
realize what a big thing that mine is to
the city. Through the courtesy of the
general manager and superintendent, H.
b. McCallum, he was shown everything
itnd all through the workings. One can
not look in any direction on the hill but
what he sees a force of men at work.
At the saw mill there is a force of men
at work keeping it running to its full ca
pacity, getting out timbers for the tram
way and the 20 stamp mill, w hlch is ready
to frame. The tramway, which Is 1000
feet long, is being pushed as fast as men
can do it. The ditch is all dug for the
pipe to carry the water from the flume, at
the top of the hill, to the mill below. The
flume Is completed, being 2200 feet long,
and an abundance of water is ready to
turn on as soon as needed.
Mr. Neill thinks that this is going to be
Lessons in Lace.
Mrs. Marsh, next door to MlNliR office,
will give practical instiuctinns in lace
work. Materials and hundreds of pat
terns to select from.
Saddle and Bridle for Sale.
In good condition and offered cheap.
Apply at THE MlNUN ollice.
"The Portland," conducted by Gus
Woodward 011 Mill street, continues to
merit the name of the popular gentlemen's
resort of Sumpter.
1 he Hnbson Mercantile company will
close Its doors for a few days to arrange
the interior of the new store; opening for
business Monday, November 12.
Prompt attention to orders for cut flow
ers and floral pieces. City Gtreu House,
Haker City, Oregon.
Five qua, t bottles of Olympia beer for
$1.00 at Henry Finger's.
mi Minks 01 Tin:
Oregon Mining Stock
Correspondence solicited rela
tive to mines or meritorious
prospects. Can place them in
stock companies or sell outright
.Extensive Eastern.
' hhSR''
Fraser and
Mill ING MACHINhRY-Rolls, i
Stnnins. Crnsliris. Perforated B
Metals, Jjs Fine Winners, lite.
including Sedcihnlm Hoile;, Air
Compiessors, Keidler Pumps, Fur
naces, lite. Write to our Chi ago
ollice for Catalogue.
Represented by MLNNO UNZ.'CKER, Hotel Warshaucr,
Agents for Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a 2o-year-old
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
A. P. GOSS, President
A. J. GOSS, Cashier
S Bank of Sumpter 3
Trimicli Oiniril (inklni Btilmti
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Drafts drawn ou all parts of the world. Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
Bousum & Spalding
CRYSTAL Kp" Company
Free delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at ollice of Columbia Hrcwing and
Malting Co., next door to MlNhK oltice.
Paul E. Poindexter,
Bedford McNeal1 Code.
Sumpter, - - Or.