The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 14, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, November 14. 1900
Contract Let For 500 Feet of
Tunnel Work.
I. H. Allien, of the Sumpter Grocery
aii!i.'iiiy, visile I llir C Jvpsy CJueen Kfiiup
tills week ;i;itl reports til it lie s i v one ot I
tlir best Imikfug prospects in 111- Cable '
Cove dlstricl. It is situated on HU Liui- J
ir creek and about two miles In ;i ninth
ly direction from tin Crown I'oiut mine. ,
Several inontlis ago I:. A. Kingman, of
Hoslnn, secured It on Hie strength of the ,
repmlofW. II. V. Il.iinillim, Hi- well
lnown mining engineer of this pi. ice.
Since Mr. Kingmiu's return to Itnstou, a
company was formed to purchase the ,
property. Its nlluers ;ire, I:. A. Kingman,
preslJenlj Dr. G. H. Siw telle, vlce-presi-,
dent; Hnr.icc Chester, treasurer; C l. I
Chester, secretary; with W. II. W. Ham- j
illou as one of the directors, and who has ,
since hern appointed general manager of :
the property. i
The company has a nominal capital of j
J 500,000, divided Into $00,000 shares ol a i
par value of fi.oo per hare and non-as
sessable. One hundred and tidy thousad
shares were placed In the treasury and ns t
yet have not heeu offered to Hie public.
I he property cnnslstsof the Gypsy Hoy,
Gipsy Girl and Gipsy (,)ueen, besides ;i
splendid water light wlikh controls nil the
water In Hig Umber creek, sutlaient to
drive nil the m.uliiuery that will ever be,
needed on the properly.
Since (he coiiipiuy uas formed, M. ma
tter Hamilton has Kept a force of six to
eight men busy eieiling buildings and
making preparations to push development
all winter.
Most of the development, so far, has
been on the Gypsy Oueen, whkh .shows
a true fissure vein with seven feet ol solid
ore avenging from Ji to fid per ton hi
gold and a little silver. Selected samples
radii, Montana and California are conse
quently often deceived by appearance, and
thus condemn what the know nothing
ibout. 'I he number of producing mints
in tint vicinity, however, proves the
value of the distrkt and Indicates the per
manency of eistern Oregon gold mines.
Mr. Newburv will remain in Portland for
a few das. Oregoiilan.
"Mlnlne Men" Who Don t Know Col
From Quarlzite.
One of the rich men of Cortland who is
Interisted in eastern Oregon mines was
in camp a few days since. He says It is
now quite the fad among all ilissesand
conditions ot men In the Webfoot metrop
olis to affect a knowledge or mining and .1
familiarity with ores that you can't
throw a brickbat on one of the business
streets without hilling a rnj sharp.
A week or Miago while drilling a well
on a piece of laud which he owns near
that town, a narrow strata of half formed
coal was encountered. A young nephew
of his who has heard much mining talk of
late, noticed some of the stuff was
brought to the surface, and came to him
with several samples, very much excited,
' thinking that he had found a bonaua
' right at Inline.
1 he gentleman put .1 piece in Ills pocket
' ....1 .. -... .1.... 1 .1.. ..i.uai... it ,. .. '
.mil 11 itrw uiia unci Miiiiiitu ll i" i
group of these abovej!menttoued recently I
' hiintif "inhtiiiLV m,it ." Tllei 1iiiiv
'"- 'r . .. . .. ....
hehadactpilred a gold mine or two out tills
1 ... ....
way and concluded at once that this spec
imen was from one of his properties.
I hey all agreed th it it was very hue ore,
that he was the "luckiest dog" 011 the
list, but ditfered in their opinions as to the
proper method of treatment to extract the
And not one of them offered to buy a
basket of wine when the truth was re
vealed and their striking resemblance to
thlity cents pointed out.
Through the Ycllowitone.
The new route via the Oregon
have assayed up to ,pj per ton, w hkli go ! I-'"C K-'Hk'-'J J Monlda, Mont., enables
to show that the discovery ot higher aver-! v" " "',e '' JellKlitftil trip through the
age values remain to bereealed through 1 Yellowstone National I'ark, entering via
the medium of eplor..t on. j Monlda and coming out via Cinnabar,
I'he principal development this winter j tn.illiiK It unnecessary to cover any por
will le a tunnel on Hie vein. I he lust ",m " 1,e " "ke- :,,r l.itifiil
$00 feet of this was let to J. I). I'attv, uVxrIptlve booklet, write or call at Ore
who Is on the property pushing Hie work. I K" s,m,t Une ' kUt OtUcv, 14 1 'I hlrd
Mr. II million says Hi il he will h ive all I s,r' '"''"J. Oregon.
the work done by umtt.ul this winter, but
next spiiog he Intends putting in machine
drills niut al.enn compressor, to be
driven by water power, and will then stay
at the property himsell and have the work
done by the div.
lheGpsy (Jueen Is an Ideil drifting
pnviisitlan, as by driving the tunnel just
Matted I joo feet, loon leilol backs will
be obtained, consequently 110 hoisting and
pumping in.uhlnerv will be needed tor
I "The Portland", conducted bv Gils
Woodward on Mill street, is fully .1
I representation of its name. A visit will
coiivIikc sou ot this.
Henry Finger
On draught or in bottles
at five cents per glass
or five bottles for one
dollar. . Full car load
just received.
Center St., 0pp. P. 0.
Sumpter, Ore.
Henry Finger
Is Prepared to Do Business
Por the -
Hartford Steam Boiler. Inspection
and Insurance Co.
Royal Insurance Company
Equitable Building and Loan Association
Portland, Oregon
Real Kstate Loins or. Appmved Property
Secretary Sumpter Transportation Co.
All kinds ol pies, cake, bre nl, etc., at
UreJitel's bakeiy, opposite depot and in
Ncill building. Orders promptly tilled. I
When von travel Hie Hniirne mid re
member It. mi ml h, is, ill the I itest lemedles '
lor dust in the thro it. !
JuJg Newbury hi Porlhnd.
W. S. Newburv, now .1 milling man of
Sumpler, is spending. 1 lew dis at the ' sale, beginning Mondiv, November 12
Impeilil. dels lomieited with the As
toil.) and Mrlboutn Mining company,
which his its base of opeiatlims wllliiu
six miles ol Sumplei. .Mr. Newbury says
the value ot the me at a depth ol eighty
feel Is few per ton, although at the sur
lue the assays ge it but fli. I he
ledge Is twenty teet wide and the indica
tions point to Its widening .is the miners,
penetrate into the mount liu. He shows
I uge photographs ot the entrance to the
tunnel, whkh is sutiounded by a large I Plve quart bottles of Olympla beer fo
lorceof worl.lugmen, while the building f i.oo at Heurv Plnger's.
devoted to the buukhouse, cookhouse and -
messhouse looks the pklure ol comfort Special site of syrups and pickles at W.
and convenience, though built of logs, R. Hawleys.
alter the style of the pioneer settlers ot 1
Oregon. Mr. Newbuty s.iys that con-
Oltious In the bumpier distrkt are Ullterent
All crockeiv ware huhided in Haw lev's
1 II iw ley's removal sile begins Mondiv,
Novembir 12. and lists one week.
I Plve quail bottles of Olympla beer for
ii.ooat Henry Plngeis'.
Genuine Olvmpia oyster cocktails 10
l order at Henry Plnger's.
Heurv 1'inger serves genuine Olympla
oyster cocktails to order.
Well Dressed Men.
Atuslnccirlly div? their ctnilirt
iiMJe ly J 11 iM'UletlieJ
WrCi-nth Imm I'orllinJ, where tie ln .Ktnclilel
ull'i tln-taJing Uiliiiln houes (or over twelve
'jirs No i.tirlnc .1 line line ol lull inj
Wlnirr Sbluno. t)rcu4t I'jttern ml Pjnu
(M.i al
Ccmer Seccnd md
Wiihinjton strc:li
Baker City, Ore.
aT"Clothes Cleaned and Pressed on Short Notice
Irom those of any other district hi the
country and experts whouime from Colo-
The best Is always cheapest buy G
la nt
to depend upon Giant
Eureka Feed & Livery Company
J. I.. SULLIVAN, Manager.
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
and passengers to any and all points.