H Wednesday, November yf 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. I MONEY" TURNED LOOSE Election Will Promote Min ing Investments. It Is difficult for an unbiased mind to look at the matter as does Secretary Hard, of the Oregon Mining Stock ex change, but the following interview with him in the Portland Telegram Is cheerful reading, just the same, and all will hope that his prediction will be lulfilled: Secretary F. J. Hard, of the Oregon Mining Stock exchange, is among those who rejoice over the election of McKinley and Roosevelt, and the assurance of four years more of business stability and na tional prosperity. As a stimulus to min ing activity he declares the republican vic tory of Tuesday will have a powerful and far reaching effect. In the mines of Oregon he looks for the greatest activity In the mining history uf the state during the coming year. Much eastern capital seeking Oregon mining investments, he says, will now be turned loose, and scores of prop erties will be developed into diviJend pay rrs. The demand for Oregon mining Mocks is growing in the money centers of the east, and while the Oregon Mining exchange lias already done much to ad vertise Oregon's vast mineral wealth, it will now be in a position to do even more in attracting capital. Being asked what effect the result of the election would have upon the busi ness of the local stock exchange and the mining industry in general, Mr. Hard this morning, said: "McKinley is elected. The world moves on. The farmer sows his wheat, the merchant puts in his winter goods, the mechanic goes back to the shop the same as he did before, and the housewife tries out the lards and stores away the usual crocks of apple butter. Confidence is again restored. "It is amusing, but true, that the capi talist draws in his wealth and a general bear movement is brought about as elec tion approaches, and probably no industry suffers more than that of mining, unless it be the tillers of the soil, whom the miner looks at in sympathy, less a drouth come and the seed do not take root and grow. The approaching election causes a general calling in of loans. Roth the miner and the farmer produce from the soli that which forms the basis of trade. The farmer hopes to reap that which he sowed; the miner that which has already been planted in the wisdom of the Al mighty, and cannot be destroyed, but is given to us with the promise that 'if ye search diligently, ye shall tinJ.' Yet this bear and bull movement lias its effect, and the uncertainty which puzzles the specu lative world, lias much to do with the for warding of the mining industry, which, when conservatively Invested In, Is safer than many other depositories or accom modating associations willing to take our savings. 1 he vaults of the mountains are God's o u depositories. I lie sliver and gold cnntaineJ therein are what he says the streets ul the .new Jerusalem will be lined with. "With confidence in contlnueJ prosper ity and movement of more wheels even than the last four years have even seen, capital will not hesitate to invest In any well governed mining company's slocks, j and tile vast mining regions of Oregon , will now come in for their proportion of the money sure to be turned loose. When Colorado lost all hope by the repudiation of silver, the mines continued to be her best friend, and the miners turned loose on the next best metal, and gold mining became even more profitable than silver had been and brought about more and brighter days, new cities and more rail roads, and in all, good times prevailed. "Will the mining exchange be benefitted now that the election Is over and we have the results? This question would better be reversed. Better ask will the mining exchange continue to be a benefit to the mining community, and the answer will be 'yes.' A mining exchange is an Im portant aid to legitimate mining, and the restoration of confidence, supported by a mining exchange where quotations are maintained, lias much to do with encour aging investment and the protection of miners, Investors and brokers, and all who want to do business right." THAT ST. ANTHONY SUIT. Federal Court Temporarily Regains L. G. Wheeler. Judge Bellinger, of the United States circuit court, has issued an order continu ing (lie temporary restraining order against L. G. Wheeler, to prevent him from interfering with the expertlug of the property of the St. Anthony Gold Mining and Milling company, of Alamo, until the case Itself is decided. This ac tion is taken on the complaint of William Kickhaefer, one of the stockholders of the company, who lives in the east. Dr. Wheeler was appointed surerintendent of this property some time ago, and accord ing to plaintiff's statement, he was to re ceive so much of the stock. The eastern directors became dissatisfied witli Dr. Wheeler for some reason and removed him, appointing George Weigand, a Po lander, as the new manager. Dr. Whee ler still claimed that the stock was due him, and would not permit Weigand to have the management of affairs. Mrs. C. M. Koester, also one of the stockholders and plaintltfs in this case, has authorized the following statement: "L. G. Wheeler promoted the company In Milwaukee. M. C. Koester, cashier of the Concord Insurance company, and William Kickhaefer, gave Mr. Wheeler at different times fuoo and $500 to de velop properties. He failed to pend the money and do the annual assessment work, and the mines were forfeited and relocated by the Red Boy Mining com pany. Mr. Wheeler then located other claims, working from the Coeur d'Alene tunnel at Alamo in 550 feet. He spent f 12,000, which was furnished by the same eastern parties. "By resolution the company discharged Wheeler on September I, and appointed me as general manager, with authority to employ a competent miner to superintend the work. We tried to expert the prop erty, but Mr. Wheeler refused to allow the agents of the company to do so and drove them off. Then Mr. Kickhaefer, as the principal stockholder, tiled a bill In equity and has secured a temporary in junction. Wheeler at one time owned 100,000 shares, but he refused to pay the , I revenue stamps for their Issuance, and men assigned me mock 10 HIS Wile. K. J. Wheeler, a brother, has brought a suit j in Chicago, against L. G. Wheeler, and J tile stock has not been issued, due to the j restraining order. Directly or Indirectly, Mr. Wheeler owns 110 stock in the com pany." Portland Telegram. Joshua Hendy Machine Works San Francisco, California lilBfiiiiKiW r$ElBBBBBBBBBBBBmwATAw i mm ifl -MEM ' 1 1 ITCH tHI , HH ' 111 MEiHH The "Hendy Improved" Triple Discharge Two Stamp Mill 1900 MODEL Cicltv.... Mo to loin ft 1 Jy Wright ul Mill ton-filrtr villi dso-lh. Hmr, Bfo Ibi. " ' " Holh. nM Ills. I rr ItqullfJ lo .!tlw8io-tK n.inii. mill 5 II. t. " mo-lb. ,. . Dljclmicc nlc.1 6j Ulf IiuImh. KING OILINC. CAM SUM T.UOXI.S Mining (Machinery and Supplies "lil llcivr IVnrt I'lilttlng WMmt Srtl-lhuni Inq Oir rnj Wutft SM Oir nj Wnlri Hiti krl Mining' Cms mi.l 'IV.' Hall "Tiluii'i h" ni'J "irrnJv-Nniliim" Corn mi.itnik, Oir I.111O11 l,Oif 1'i'Jim, LiutlilnK Mull licit, I "11 K I IK". Ann Pun s; llnlkllru;. ruitiliij: mi.l Inlc.itlnt: I'latilk, Wain Wlni Is mul Watrr Molnr OH anil (laMitlnr I'ntlnri ami Mollis, Air ( iiiri'ii'kuiisanj lmk D1III1, Sao Mill Maililnuy Plans, Specifications and Estimates Furnished CalaliiK On A'llcallon Increased Force at the Union. At a meeting of the directors of the Union Gold Alining company, who.e property lies about three miles from Cop per Hutte, it was decided to put an in creased force of men at worl during the whiter months. The force will not be a large one, but sulhcient to develop the property, which now shows a very prom ising ledge of ore carrying hlt,'h values. IncreaseJ activity Is reported in the camps surrounding Copper Butte and Burke moot and a number of important deals are pending there. It is believed by those who are posted that great strides will be made now in all the districts between here and the Seven Devils. Baker Repub lican. Beware of, but ask for it Giant Powder GOLDEN EAGLE HOTE HE-OPENED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT To Be Conducted on the ill First-Class Restaurant European Plan I In Connection T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SlJMI'IIH, OKKinN IllLlu HYDRAULIC. MINING AND DREDGING MACHINERY. RIVETED STEEL PIPE. WniTa pom PMIGiaftftO CTIMf AMERICAN IMPULSE WATER WHEELS. ETC. (3 WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS HPWWWiiliiii '.nmwi.MI PORTI Atintrt'M, vi F':ii.v-rm"'Tv'4 ---v7n - woiora ttiik-flttiUia DnBTiMnh?: zrrmti UKtbUII KSCj ' tiSULl- 48? srdjcFliM Stint, btpi Nie Cawston 8l Company H. i. niri-riouy & COAW'ANY Engines, Boilers Machinery and Supplies.,.. PORTLAND, ORE M