The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 14, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday, November 14, 1900
Interesting Facts Given by the
Forestry Commissioner.
them rattle their "dry bones," and specu
late upon the Rreat waste of commerce
'I he timber of eastern Oregon, Mr.
Johnson says, Is very Interestingly dis
tributed. He says he means by that the
limber appears in the form of rig-ragged
"Islands" surrounded by semi-arid deserts,
sage brush plains, alkali 11. its, meadows,
open valleys, etc. These peculiar forma
tions, he said, are grouped about the Hlue
mountains, and the different spurs belong
ing to the main chain.
The timber Is mostly of the pine va
riety. Malheur county, one of the largest
counties in the Union, is almost treeless,
A. J. John-nn, of Astoria, forestry com
missioner, has given an Interesting Inter
view in some paper not credited lytlie
publication from which Till: MINI-K clips fr0, parlailir rcas0II Mr. Johnson
it, on the timber land of Oregon. He . w;s , ,,rep.ej , say. A ROod part of
says: I (. country s mountainous and, according
Roughly speaking, the total consump-1 , le .,,,.,, rdfr ,)f lhi1RSi j,houM be
Hon of timber in the state for the present !comeJ wm, considerable timber,
year will amount to feel. Of , w,,rn .iitUrli hl)vv ()1R ,t wnuM ,.,1e 0
this iliiautlty the mills are credited with , eNl;lllM ,le tm,tr Ml,,,y at t,e pleSent
y,ooo,ooo, and the remaining 400,000,- I fMf (f consumption, Mr. Johnson replied
,oo covers Hut whiih will be used I or ie ju ol know, as he had not the figures
luel, lence posts, fend- rails, rallrii id ties . );i j rrK.irdMR iht-iiii.iiitily of standing
iind such miscellanies. Iber ,,.. K h le iMe l)ut ,.
It is interesting the mills ,lillR w;ls crrl.,Minside of twenty years
will consume 100,000,000 more this year ,,. mjs wmij lle ls,inK lilIber wuch
thin was consumed last 'I his is , )ry W0J m) ,(M), . ow.
prool that not only luve many urw mills
been established, but all the old mills, j GREEK MINING REVIVAL.
some ol whkh have been closid, have
been kept running lull blasl. Another Wntk,d 3.0C0 Years Ago-Small Induce
Interesting lait to noli- is that the fuel . ., .... .
1 1 .1 . . .1 ' mcnti Now CjlUred.
(oiisumptlon nearly ntuli that ot the
mills. I An alleged effort is being made to re
I .list vear thr fuel consumption was the ' vive the mineral Industry In Greece, and
-aine and upon tonner veals I irgei. Il Is 1 the isles of the Grecian archipcl.igo,whlch
unlywilhln the list vrar that the mill , stretch away to the southeast towards the
supply esieetls that ol the luel supply, coast ot Asia Minor. 'Iwentylive him-I..-11U
ol cheap o il lausrs .(00,000,000 Iret dred to 3,000 years ago this region was
ol timber to be loiisiuiu-d lor luel every then in Its prime. I lie best known of the
year. Ne.11ly.1ll thr sle.iiiibn.its running iiuieut mines were those of l.aurium on
no the rivets, miny ol the engines run-1 the mainland, where lor several cruturies
iiiug out ol thnltv, and Hie prhulpal lac- lully 10,000 men (slave-) were continu
loilrs and industries In ( )n-gon use wood ' allv engaged In the working of the argen
lor strain purpose-. As soon as a iheap tileious galena deposits ami veins. At
grade 10.1I is pi.ued upon thr N' other points gold, copper and iron was in the near l.ltuir, thr lousump- produced.
lion will br cut down lo .1 nominal hguie. t At tlie pre-rnt time, the principal metals
I hr must drsiriutive agency in destroy- and minerals produced are lead, inc, Iron,
lug limber Is Hir loiesi lues. Mr. John- manganese and silver. Hut there are de-
son esiiin.ilss si limes moir llmbrr posil- ot copper, chromium and sulphur,
has bren destroyed bv tires than has been , while among the later substances known
.ut altogether bv the mills and used lot air tungsten, platinum, emery and gold,
other puipo-es. I'ossjply .is much as ' I'elioleiim has been noted at several
1 feel have been de-liovrd bv ' ' ,,'", . . 1. . . ...,i..
r ' , . ,, ' . Ihedreiiau government his recently
loresl rues this xear, and this year lias ,.,,.,1 a number of mining laws whkh
bren exteptiiui. illy lire Irom burst lues. ,ue probably consUlered by the Greeks to, liri.iuse 11I lavorable ilim.ilr ion- be liberal, and liable to encourage the in-
tBr.,r,..h the rscellen, svs. " M
temiovriliig Ihe Umber sections w nil loi- n,,. ,mm ends. Deposits ot gold, -il-
rslry r.ingeis, thrir h is brrn lr-s timber vrr, b.uvles, rmerv, sulphur, chiomium
destroyed by lire this vrar than during and platinum, ate declared to be the sole
-VP- ve. h, II, hislorv , .he KKntWaiXi'sSlli
stale, slme it became known lo ilvill-1 ;u, ,,lt. cliamber of deputies which ol
atlon. course only tho-r who will pay
I here ate generally periods ol Horn live . to the government, or itsoitiails, a liberal
,., ten vrars t;r,wre vrry Uu!! ""
lues. Ihr epl.iiiallon is simple. Our r other minerals there is provided a
good loirsl lire 1 leans out all Wie'Meid" .ut ol concession, covering thep.i
limber and it takes that length ol tune loi , """"I tees amounting to
i. '" . ' . - sr.sW wot1 l:7t
with whkh to turnish inateilal lor Ihr ,,. .Inj , rials, and a crrtiluate of the
lues to lied upon. It .1 lew small tile- I uial abllilv ol Ihe applicant to pay his
like those Hut bl ird last year will dr- bills. Alter two months-dining wliuh
'. - - ii:r,:o:,:.1TheK:!SiLu!.,::;iu1'o7:,iu:
cler-tand the vasl ,o.iulilles rendered U-C-, v,iwi,ii,riits ,id petitions the pipers go
less lw one good sird tut. is the to Ihr minister ol the Intel lot; who in due
reason the government and the s.,te e- tune lorward. them to the chief superin-
. , , ... , tendrut 01 veriticatiun. I br latter thru
,-rdsr providing a svs. , (n (urlllcr ,WN .IHj
tern lor piointiog the timber against me, p SN,.S n,r petitioner and Ills literature
through Ibe patrol it foiest rangers who ovrrlo the commissioner ol nuance, in
make It thru I'usi.ies- to post notkes, who-e drpartment there I-a tour months
1 . . wait, and 110 doubt a turlher pass ng
wain .amprrs.vant.on settlers. ,d put out M'mid , Uf ,, lnf,Mwi , 1I1VW llue
lues vvhKli m.i hive been stalled bv 0 loo-r chingr the would-be operator
aielrss hands. ,i. lobu-ou louod, in may h ive about him. I'inallv, it the ap
his rambles ,,v rr Ihr st.,te, th.u the pro- pllcant still his any de-lie to operate, a
, ,, . , 1.1. m 11 big voiuui lire composed of n ue mem
,.e generally I. iv e bCiomr rdu.atrd up lo ,,rS M ,, olJ11MIUe, whkh goes to
Ihe protective system, Its advantage- and U. uimu t r siguiture, and when the lat
ioopeiatlon with Hie rangers lu protect in Mods It convenient to approve, the con
, ihr loir-i- ceionalie Is at last In a position to go to
,t'll. II 1 I" .1, III. II IIIIW. I tlllJ'V
In various disiikts of the state are vast
coudiiious the mining industry of Greece
"boueyards" of dead tunbei; .ures and will not develop with anv startling rapid
miles ot skeleton tires, shorn ot their Hv. I lie exports ot metal and metallic
green lollage by withering l.res.whkli leit "' "'"",' fl,r Ihf yfar i8W were
.,, , .,i.i 1 .1 u, 1 1 asfo ews: Iron ore, 448,000 tons; man
behind a trail ol desohtlon. Mr. Johnson RarM, )UCi 2,4p0 ,. t.;,j 0Jt 6 ??0
says lie knows ol nothing so saJ as to ion-: zinc, 21,500 tons; lead bars, 20,160
Maud among these slumps of trees, hear tons. lixchauge.
Are You Progressive and
Do you want a stamp mill that has a capacity of 8 to 12 tons to rach
stamp? One that no maker of stamp mills lu the United States can sell you,
but ourselves? One that is better in every way than the kind they can sell you.
has an enormous capacity. We are selling these mills everywhere. We in
stall complete plants, from 8 to 1000 tons capacity. If you are thinking of
putting up .1 stamp mill, don't do it, until you have written us. We can
save you thousand of dollars, besides worry and vexation. These mills are
endorsed by mining men everywhere. Send for circular.
Merralls' Mill Company
129 First Street
San Francisco, Cal.
Rock Crushers
Ore Feeders
Dredges, Engines
Boilers and Waterwheels
Hammond Mfg. Co.
S. CI.I-IN, Manager
FINE Wines, Liquors, Beer
and Cigars. Free Lunch
with all drinks. Beer Five
Cents Per Glass. Five Bot
tles of Schlitz Beeu for One
the Celebrated
On draught or
by bottle.
The Olympus"
H. I-INGFR, Proprietor.
High Grade Wines.
Liquors and Cigars.
Sumpter, Or.
W. S.
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained
Years of experience in Raker County Records.
No. 2104 Court Street, Raker City; Oregon.
M.tnulncluirrv ol all Wlnjs ol CtronMrJ Oilnkc an J ClJrr.
OprulrJ in (onnrcilun wllh Ilia
Kentucky Liquor House