The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 07, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, November, 1900
Seattle Owners Let Contract
for 500-foot Tunnel.
The Seattle Times of Saturday pub-
written, yet unchanged, far so many gen
erations that its origin Is unknown. It is
strong in the minds of these simple folk,
a second nature to them, a sacred obliga
tion which is never broken. The Indian
medicine man who fails In his cures or
prophesies, is doomed to certain death.
He has assumed to fill a holy office, to
take Into his keeping the whole welfare
of his tribe, and when he betrays his lit-
. ,.... , , . .
lishes THE MINER'S story of the recent " "'P'sness '" or nature s
rich strike on the Belle Baker claim of laws' no .pVnls ,men,s are spared ln hls
loriure ana ueatn.
the Mammoth group, and in this connec
tion savs:
The Seattle owners of the Tammany
group of mines near Sumpter, Oregon,
have had their spirits raised several de
grees this week by the reported strike on
So Anna Edna must pay the penalty.
The father of the dead child is only exe
cuting a law older than our declaration,
older, even, than the Anglo Saxon tongue,
when he kills the witch who has Imposed
from view. They loe their local Import-
0 claims belonging to the Mammoth . wl considered In the light of hu
iulug company. According to THE, m'"1 lk,orV' 1 Iwlr simple confession of
ade last -""'e is given in implicit lawi inai ;
ine Indian tradition which dooms Hie)
the Belle Baker claim on the Ibex Mam-1 T i,er Pf0ple' Co,umbla GeorRe and
moth ledge of Bald mountain, in ,he Toy I oy are types of an age and race and
Cracker Creek district a" order of InteNlRence which is passing
The Belle Baker and the Mammoth are
weel "Is- the richest, largest and most Im
portant yet made In those gold tlrlJs in
fact In the Northwest."
The Mammoth mine has already yielded
several fortunes, but owing to the cost of
working It was abandoned several years
ago. It was originally discovered by
James Reilly, at present a resident of Se
attle, and who knows the milling regions
of the Northwest as well as a sea captain
knows his navigation charts. Mr. Reilly
took about $40,000 from the Mammoth,
when his partners became discouraged
and wanted to go to the Coeur d'Alenes.
Later other parties worked the Mammoth
and drove a tunnel straight into the moun
tain for 200 feet; then they followed the
ledge. They did not find fair values and
the property was abandoned.
The Tammany property, which lies on
the saint ledge, is owned almost entirely
by Seattle men, the largest stockholders
being W. D. Walker, W. Y. L. Ruther
ford. R. I". Parkhurst and W. A. Ander
son, who are the officers of the company.
There is already on the property a tunnel
100 feet In length and last week a con
tract was closed with Peter Olson to ex
tend it $oo feet further. Said Mr. Ander
son, the secretary, teday:
"Mr. Olson left last week to commence
operations. His first work will be to
erect bunk houses and prepare for getting
In supplies. His contract calls for the
completion of the work by May 1,1001.
By that time wc will have in a stamp
Thought She Could Have Savtd Child's
Life But Wouldn't.
Anna Hdna was an Indian medicine
woman. She wasintrustrd witha knowl
edge of nature's laws, somewhat higher'
than that of the average Indian. Her ;
people expected her to be unfailing in her '
cures and prophecies. They had implicit '
confidence in iter superior powers, and
fully believed that site was in toikh with '
witch, will supplant the law of the land.
Back of their Innocent story is seen diniiy
struggling tor utterance and justification
tlie reason for the crime. In their eyes it
is no crime. It is late. It less
1 binding than the burial of the dead. It is
l one of the Iron clad rites of the old age of
man, passing through the ciucihle of the
newer age. It Is the past struggling
against tlie tide ot the present.
The Israelites carried their laws into the
Egyptian bondage. "An eye for an eye
and a tooth for a tooth" sounded as harsh
in the ears of their masters, as the In
dian's brutal custom does In ours. Rome
found strange, unwritten laws In every
country she enslaved. She tried to stamp
these jut. She inflicted penalties upon
tlie wondering peoples, and In all the se
verity of her law and uicity of her cul
ture, she never triumphed. The Scythian
mutilated his person for religious reasons.
The Goth drank water Ironi a cup of a
human skull. The Druids in Britain
practiced their grewsome rites, in the pres
ence of the glittering spears of the Roman
armies. And In all countrirs, among all
races are found these indelible characteris
tics, which time, and fortune, and culture
and threatened extermination have tailed
to destroy.
It is a historical parallel which has been
struck in every age. We look at it from
a standpoint and see none of its
strange importance. We rub against
these people on our streets and laugh at
their curious manners and customs and
pass them on without a deeper glance at
their story. But when we sit at the bar
o( justice and see a tribal custom, older
than our government, annulled, set aside,
superseded and condemned, hy the switt
and terrible justice of civilization, we take
a second glance at these wondering peo
ple. I he faith they havr followed so
long is shown in its emptiness. I'lir
laws of their fathers are wiped from th-ir
statutes and they stand helpless and
amaed amid the blinding splendors of an
age they cannot understand. The Jews
rites today they practued in
Moses' time. Tlie Chinrse have customs
the P. Snlrit. A nilst.'ikr In hrr i-nn
iturt vv:is Imimsslhlt- from the liuli.-in nnlnl t P'aCtlCe
... ...... ....,-.--.. , ....... .... ........ r-.-...,
of view. She was a nrlrstess and omen
for them to follow and obey. In sickness ,m,r IU,"'J Y" 'W- And is it any
she was the ever present guide. In trou-, """ ,,,;,t Plle'. '" W Kjjypt,
m. ,1,- i...., ,.u.r .....11.. .1..11. ,i,.,i,i.f .shall say to the bendman: "l-orsake your
mourner, whose waitings drove away the oJs d fol,ow niliie."Hcrt Huffman in
evil spirits and opened the gates of the, tiib Oregonlan.'
happy hunting ground for the departed. Through the Yellowitone.
She was clothed by them hi a sort of Ti,. .,..., ,.. .,1.. ,1. , ci ..
..... , . .,.,.,, 1 I lie new route via the Oregon Short
sacred adm ration, and her "ta ks" were ' . .. i,..!,..,,., .. u.,. , . . , ,
., , , ,. . ... 1 Line KallroaJ and Moulda, Aiont., enables
you to make a delightful trip through the
voices from tlie invisible spirit.
But in this instance her herbs and in
cantations failed her, and the cnild she
was doctoring died. In the twinkling of
an eye, her superior power vanished ac
cording to the customs of her people. She
had failed to cure, and was a false proph
etess, an imposter, a witch, and for prac
ticing her frauds, she must die. This is
the Indian law. It is older than any
American tradition. It comes down
through the history of these people, un-
Yellowstone National Park, entering via
Monlda and coming out via Cuuiabar,
making it unnecessary to cover any por
tion of the route twice. l:or beautiful
descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore
gon Short Line Ticket Oltice, 142 Third
streel, Portland, Oregon.
Only the best of Wines, Liquors, Ice
Cold Beer and temperance drinks at
Barnard's Halfway House.
OUR Saw Mill and Dry
Kiln were totally
destroyed by fire, bin
we still have a large
stock of Lumber and
General Merchandise so
we can All all orders
promptly. k
Sttmptcr Lumber
Company &
Delmonico Hotel
At. SI'ANCI 1 1. PriM'iMur
A Hirst-Class New House, Well PurnMied and Superior Table
Service. Transcieut Rates Reasonable. Rates to Local I'.it
runs hv the Week. Locatrd One Bkuk liast of Ueput. Corner Co
lumbia and Auburn Streets. l
Avenarius Carbolineum
The world famed Wood Preserver for mining tim
bers, fence posts, house props, shingle, roofs. A radical
remedy against Chicken Lice and all insects that prey
upon timber.
hkKKUUKON Paint (anti rust). A permanent coating
for ipon roofs. Fire proot for stacks. Send lor circulars.
Basche Hardware Company Agents
auMPTcn o
Baker City, Ore. dmh.k an runs noru.
George W. Weigand...
T iai..i A1...I. 11 .". .i . . ... ..
a milling mens nenuquariers next uoor 10 wonder store