The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 07, 1900, Page 16, Image 14

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Wednesday, November 6. i;co
TALK OF THE TOWN. ' 3f"0t trestle near the terminus of the
Whitney extension, rushing that work to
, ,, , , completion, uith n hnpe of being able to
Mis. fi.u.k (..crtrldKe returned home nm Mns t0 Whitney by the loth, or not
,oJ''y- later th m the 1 5th of this month.
Tom ( .my is in S.imptt-r .-ir-iIii, alter ., )e W()ma) k0W) fl MrSj St Jnhn,t
'" " m-..i .mumu.s. 'landlady of the lodging house over the
.Indue Newbury started to Portland Portland, has been mysteriously sick for '
vestertl.i y 1.11 business. smP WP(.S Her sister arrived from I
Mrs. Waller I. Mills wnt to Maker I envcr this morning and some people
City vestrrdiy to vMt Mends. 1 seem to think that sensational develop-1
P.I- Miitey.thr Portland capitalist who ' ments will soon be made. She Is said to
Is nper.ilniK i" the (viiarthiugand Straw- I" possessed of much property and is here ,
going under an assumed name.
berry Itulle illstriits, arrived In town to
day, 1-11 route to Poill'llld.
I:r.inl Ashley, of the Oregon and
C.illloiuia Gold Mining lomn.iuy, work
ing cl.tims at the mouth ol Ruby creek,
left for C.alifonlh yesterday.
Attorney G.J. Heutley. of Maker City.
Is In town today on business. He has Novembir 12, and lasts one week
some promising mining property on the
( irauilc road, Just beyond t tie summit.
Walt for the llnbson Mercantile com-'
pany's grand opening, Monday, Novem
ber 12. Store closed until then to open
new goods.
Ilawley's removal sale begins Monday,
C. It. Ilrclit left todiy for Warm lake,
lor the purpose, he deilares himself, ol
boiling the dentin ratio whiskey out ot his
system, lii.tidhlui in his determination to
join Hie "prospetll" push.
A. I. MiEwen returned Sunday from
Mrxko, when- he went some weeks since
to expeil a ruuie tor Ills primipals, Cana
dim capitalists, lit-unit to Maker City
Monday, where lie still is.
Scenic Line of the World.
For an enjoyable trip east, take the j
Denver Hi Rio ( irande railroad, Scenic
Line of the world. Three dally trains be-1
tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo j
and all eastern points, and all points on
the Pacllic coast. Most magnificent seen
ery on this continent. The leading fea
ture in connection with the trip is that the j
through trains pass through the scenic
attractions of the Rocky mountains In j
Colorado by daylight, thus affording pas-
A. P. doss irtiitned yesterday from , j,rMRcrs a cool, pleasant and enjoyable I
Maker ( .ily, bringing h.uU with him more rillCi Uve fr, jlls sm ,,c annoyances
ilnili.ii. .1 liiiiruimilJp.ii.k, tube used experienced via other lines. Superb dln-
I" ' ( '"' "V l'""l "t Canyon K c;ir servkr on all through trains. I
Cily, lor whkh place he will leave to-, Servke a la carle, pay for what you order.
morrow Through standard and tourist sleepers. '
W. II I ickson uid wife returned a tew Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets I
1l.1sss11.1r I10111 Denver, where they have anywhere between Ogdeu and Denver.
Keen for weeks past. Mr. Jack-1 C-''" " ''""' nearest ticket agent for
sou s.iys that millions ol dollars are being tkkrls, rates and all Information, or ad-i
spent u. Colorado looking for "blind" , l''ess, C .It .MCMOI., J
ledges. 1 CJe11rr.1l Agent, Portland, Ore. .
I lie Siuupter Sl il society will give a Rocky Mountain Scenery Hy Day Light
house wanning I rlday evening al its
netv hill in the brU It building on South
UII sticel formerly .Ktupied bv the Mob
son Mi-it.-iutilc compauy. A cordial In-
nation is rxti-utled to all.
President Robhius, ol Hie I'ltst Hank of Route), Denver - Rio ( Irande, C. R. I.
Sampler, leturued home seveial days - P. and Illinois Central to Chkago,
.nice, alter an abseote of a touple ol tonnecting in the Union Depot w lib
tfcks, visiting I i it mde, Pendleton and , ig in Central's similar car lor points east, j
Day light stop over at Niagara Tails.
Through lirst-class tourist sleeper fiom
Pacific Co 1st weekly for Chicago, Mostnn, I
New York ami other eastern points via
I Rio (Irande Western (( Salt Lake,
Portland. Mrs. RubMus Is expected lo j
ii'luru In. me 111 a tet d us.
"Until- Hugh" Aslmtv, one of the men I
who lilt Pike's army ami I inded wheie
"sampler now is lolly e Us ago, building
tae old log linuse know n as Fort Sump
11 r, h is been in tow 11 this week, fiom his
inline and mine in Miuk gukli.
U.S. Uilp.t, win worked lor W. C.
.aldei in the old Red Front, and his sue-
For full paititiilais tall on or address,
Cum 'I Agent Ills. Cent. R. R.
421 I bird St., Portl uul. Oregon.
Your Winter' Wood.
I Invr for sale several hundred cords of
seasoned wood for immediate delivers-.
I also own and run the steam saw. Leave
your orders in either case at Johns &
rn 'c ititri. fur nrnmnt At. W.
ssor, the llobson Mercantile company, ' Sllv;ilt ,,, Oregon.
I -It Ibis week tor his lormer home, Al
' my, ( lirgnn, lo resume a position with
.1 linn with w tilth he was muuected foi a
uum!er of years.
LtMons in Lace.
AUs. Marsh, next door to MlNI-K oilier,
will give practical insttiu'tions in lace
I he Sumpter Valley rail. ay people .work. .Materials and hundreds of pat-1
h ivr a large force ol men at work on the terns to select from. j
rm V
"Old age brings experience, and some kinds of
experience brings old age.
Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture
tor their new homes. Wr are ready to serve
them. We have already supplied satisfactory
furniture for hundreds of new iiomrs; we can do
as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows
easy selection at all times. There is always
plenty heie for every room in the house. All
our goods are priced una cash basis and it will
pay ou to give us a call.
Hrd Room Suits, $15.00
Med Room Suits, better ones, Kasteru Hardwood, 17.00
Wall Paper, per double roll, (Mmrirkiirf)i 15c to 1.00
Queen City Furniture Co. Patterson & EPPinSer
Phone Red )6i.
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
Neill Mercantile Co.
Just arrived, a complete line
of Ladies' Men's, Misses' and
Children's Leggins. v Com
plete stock of Rubber Goods
for all.
Will take vour
measure for tailor-made suits.
Nelil Mercantile Co,
Hawley's Sale
W. R. HAWLEY, Sumpter
W II, CAOr. I'retlJent
T. C. HARRISON, Vke-Pre.anJ Trrf.
THUS. McEWEN. Central Manager
Sumpter Transportation Co
most complete livery equipment
in Eastern Oregon, teams al
Daily Stages to Canyon
City, Prairie City, Bourne,
Granite, Red Boy, Bonan
za and Golconda Mines.
Hauling Heavv Machinery
a Specialty. Freight For
warded to all Points in
the Interior.