Wednesday, November , 1900 THE SUMPTER MINhH. 'J COUNTY RECORDS. The following is the record of official busim ss transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, Nov. 6: REAL ESTATE TRUSTERS. Warranty JeeJ-Oct jo, U J Sawver ft ux to Mary J Jinney, tot S an J part ol lot 9 blk it, AtwooJ't an J ajn, Baker City $ too Warranty JcJ-Oct )o, H J Siweret ut to Mary E Ustes, e 40 It lot 9 Hk 15, AtwooJ't anj ajn. llakcr City a)o Warranty JeeJ -Oct jo. M J .lanney to R J Sawyer, lot anj a blk 15. AtwooJ't nJ, Uaker City . ... joo Warranty JeeJ-Serljo, io t k et ux to Winnie Johnson, lot 14 blk 5. AtwooJs anj aJn, Baker City 400 Warranty JeeJ Oct )i, T M Rachelor et ux to Hie Title Guarantee anJ Trust Co, 1O0 acres In tec a tp 14 r 44 ... uo Warranty JeeJ-Oct jo. R D Carter et at to C Darker, nw i til nr M anj ne !, ot nw )i tec 1 1 tp 9 r jo, . . . . 800 Warranty JeeJ Nov 1, W II .tones et ux to I) M llotchklns, blk 7 Sumpter T Co, Alosby llelgtitsaJn, Sumpter ,. 100 Warranty JeeJ-Setp eo, T R Verger et ux to W II Jones, unj i blk 7 S T Co. Moby UelRlitsaJn, Sumpter Warranty oeeJ-Oct jo, II P McCorJ to John Scliulu, unj J, v (1 In lots a anj blk 6, Usher's aJn, Maker City 1000 Warranty JeeJ- Nov a, C Tabor 0,O O Hen jtonetat, 1, a, j, 4, q, 10, u, ta, blk S, Helghtia.n, Sumpter tto Warranty JeeJ Aug ji, W W Looney et al to E J Dwyer, lot 4 blk 1, Sumpter Heights aJn 100 Warranty JeeJ Aug 8, J W Duckworth et al S L Shannon, lot 14 blk 7, McCwen 60 Warranty JeeJ Sept 18, '99, State to Daniel Smith, 6oo acres In tp 6 r it anj tp 8 r 40. . . . jt MINING MATTERS. Mining JeeJ Oct 4. I J Corkey, ijmlnlttra tor, to E P Warner, unj Tip Top, ColJ I'rlre anJ CinlJ Hill qli claims ja Mining JeeJ-Oct ao. E F Warner to I J Corkery ja Mining JeeJ-O.-t u. J I. Wlllmll to George K (iranl, ftulJen Uiest nil Claim 4t Quitclaim JeeJ-No a. D Turner to J II DeatHln, Copper Ulance qti claim 50 Mining JeeJ-Nuv 17, Jat Macey to A II Hunt ington, CiooJen pla.'rr Joo MOUTOAOIS. Atortgage-Oct 10, II J Aawyer et ux to At J Janney, lots 1 anj a, Ilk 15. AiwooJ t jrj aJn, llaker City 85 Mortgage-Oct aa, At L Kelsur et ux to Lee Hell, Yiliow Hoy anj Twin Spring! quant claims 747 Chattel -H Weaver to CE Oliver, fixture In Zeller house 90 Mortgage-Ocl )i, T G Shannon to John Rohrman.lot 14, blk 7,McLlwen ecu Mortgage Nov a, W A Jones to Clark Sn Je, lot 6, Hk j, Parkinson aJn, Sumpter ay Chattel J J Aturray to Queen Cltv l"ur Co, houuhutJ gouJk In GulJen West loJglng house )a Chattel E Lent to EJiu Hauler, pilnllng tiulht . . .... aju LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SUMITUR-CANYON ROUTU. is: jo p. m. I l.v Sumpter. ...Ar j: jo p. in. ! Ar .CllllorJ Lv juo p, m. I Lv . ...(.Illl'irJ Ar 7: jo p m. I Ar Austin Lv 10: jo a. in. 8 00 a. in. 7: 10 a. m. uu a. at. Connecting at Austin with stJget lor Canyon City anj Interior polnls. j4o p.Yn. Lv. . CllllorJ . ..Ar mo a. m. yuu p. m. I Ar , .Honania. ,.Lv 6:jo a. m. Connecting at Honania with stages for Pyx, Robinsonvllle. Worle), Virginia, Don Jiun anj Uelcher mines. SUMPTIIR-GRANITE ROUTE. ia:jo p. 01. I Lv 4: jo p. m I Ar, Sumpter. Granite. . 10.UU a m. 7.(u a. in. Livery at Granite to North hoik. MJ Buy, Din telle an J aJacenl mines. SUMRTER-BOURNE ROUTE it: jo p. m. Lv...... Sumpter Ar 9: jo a. ra j:oo p. m. Ar Bourne Lv 1 00 a.m. j:jo p. in. Ar Columbia Lv 7:10 a. m- n eluding North Pole, E. E., Cllnii, OhloinJ aJ lucent nines. Pay Less and Dress Better Tailoring TalloreJ bv The Roal Tullori Is Tailoring TalloreJ Right. Kvery pirnioiit ninth' strictly tt iih-iwuiv. Coriwtiuw oiVtylo, pt'ifuftioii nC lit anil absolutely luultlivs orkiimiiliii. Xt olmryo for showing sum )K'(. Luiiics' nntl Gents' Miickintiislicrt 11 yjHJcinlty. CHAS. B. HECHT Nut to Mafnolit O. S. L. Ry. Tit DIRECT ROUTt! TO Montana, Utah Colorado and all Eastern Points... (ilvescholce ol two favorite routes, via the Union Pacii IC Fait Atall Line, or the RlO CiwANim S.'enlc Line!. No Change of r ; On the PortlanJ-Chlcago,'"The Dnest In the West, EqulppeJ with Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary (I ourist) Sleeper Superb Library-Huffet Cars Splendid Diners (mealsa la carte) Free Kecliniu Chair Cars Coinfnrtable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Completely Vestibulrd Tor further Ihlormatliin apply to J. R. NAGEL W. E. COMAN Trav. Pass. At. Gen'l Agent. 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. F J. HARD & CO. MLVIIIIR.S Ol Till! Oregon Mining Stock Exchange CHAMBER Or COMMERCE BLD'Q PORTLAND, OREGON J Correspondence solicited rl;i tive to mines or meritorious prospects. Can place them in stotkcompauieMir sell outright EXTKNSIVI: EASTERN COKRI-SPONDI-NTS B. L McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OI! QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OITPRiiD HY Till: MWiTTR ehhhi rnr We Have Dallv F ist Trains to the If you cannot take the morning train, travel by the evening train, Roth are fully equipped. OUR SPECIALTIES FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining Car and Huffett Library Cars. First-Class Free Reclining Chair Cars. Hours in time saved to Omaha, Chica go, Kansas City, New York, Huston and other Eastern Points. Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It is to your Interest to use Till: OVERLAND ROUTI:. 1 1ckets and sleeping car berths can be secured from H. C. HOWI-KS. Agent O. R. & N. Co. Baker City, Ore. Or, J. H. LATHROP, Gen'l Ant. No. 1,5 Third St., Portlan d.Ore. D.&R.G.R.R. Scenic Line of the World The Favorite Transcontinental Rout' Between the Northwest and all Points East. Choice ot Two Routes Through tile Famous ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY And Four Routes East of Pueblo and Denver. All passengers granted a day stop over In the Mormon Capitol or anywhere be tween Ogden ami Denver. Personally conducted I tiurist Excursions to OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO AND Till: EAST. For tickets and any Information regard lug rnutes, eli., nr lor ilrsirlptive adver tising in. tiler, tall on agents nl Oregon Railway and Navigation Co., Olegiiu Short Line or Southern P.ullic companies. S. K. Hooi'hU, R. C. NICIIUI., (1. P. " I. A. (ieneral Agent Denver, Cnl. Portland, Ore. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER Uc..f.M.I Capital Stock $20,000 nil IMPs. J. II. KuhHnt I'rrtlJent J. W. Scriber Vlce-l'ietlJent Jame NewtanJt Cathier lilRI i;it)Rs. J. W. Scrlber R. II. Miller J. W. MeaJ UaikSnyJe J. II. Rut bin Transacts a General Hanking and Ex change Business. No Interetl I'aiJ un Depotlt. EAST I peVvMAHel T.D.Bellinger & Co. .OF SUMPTER.... OREGON Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors 01 Including Old Oveiholt, (nit adiau Club, Ushers and James Watson Scotch, Imported ihSi Brands', Three Star Hennessey, and all the I eadlug Brands of Whit s and Cigars. New nuil Elegant Fixtures. Couilor' able quarters tor gentlemen. No better service in Oregon. The Magnolia T, 0, lillln(ir I Co., Proci. (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Hid.) 0. R. & N. CO. Dll'AIIT II Ml: St III Dill IS I t.liv Aiiiiivii (.lilcntn I'nMliiil S'.sl il in'4 p in Salt Ijike, IV-tmr. II. Wnnh, Dm.iln, Clt, SI. t iiiW( l.hlini;" !"! I !' All.inll.' I.x re i:iS in S.i 1 1 I.1K1-, IK'in.r. II. WiiiiIi, timalm, Nan sav ( itv, St. limit,'.'i .m.l a4) a 111 Walli W.illa. leMin ki.41 T in SiiiImiiii-, MliiniMpiili, St. I'rftil. Dnliilli, .Mil waukie, (.hitan anj l.. 8 in OCIAN MIAMSIIII'.S All Silllnr Jiti' Mil-hct loli.iHKe. Inr San I landuii 4 p in Sail ivuv .l.n. Dally IN. SunJay H p in Salurjiv 10 p in COII'MIUARIVI.R S I ISMI R.S In Avii'l.i 'iii.t LinJIni;,. V,i) 4 pin l'i. Sun lay (1 a in l.x. Simjjy WIIAMCI II! RIVI.Ic Oirpon f llv. Niwli-ri S. 1I1 in. InJi'p, iiJence 4l)o p m In. Sunliy .uu v.i 1 .iti.iiiis. Will AMI. Til .1 YAM llll I. RIVIKS 7 a 111 Tue. Iliur. anj Sal i:vi'in Mini, WeJ. an I III. ()ii-i-iii (.In, Dijinii ant w.iv-l niijliiv. tin in Tiirt. Ihur. anj Will AMI! I 1 1! RIVIR 4. l P III .M1111. Wi-I. .iiiJ hi. I'uilltnJ In (.nrv.illls anj W,i-LiiiJIiik I rave Klparla I'M a "I Daily SNAKIi RIVI l Rlpaili In I rllnii I rave li'wlvliui Duly u a in II. C. HOWPKS, Agent, Baker City, Oregon General Brass and Iron Founders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works FRANK MALONI:, Proprietor :::::: Special attention given to repairing and rebuilding all kinds of machinery. Baker City, Telephone Red 161