The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 07, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, November f, upa
Summary of Business Trans
acted During Past Year.
A summary of the business of thr sev
eral liicil laud nllues in I lie United States
Is rnil'r.icrJ in the annual rrport of the
t' laud oilier, :uid is takrn up by
stales. "I lit six I, in J districts of OrcRon
standout vriy prominently among the
I mil districts of tht western states.
I lit- K'lsrlmru l.ind distrlil in.iUrs thr
I irf.rsl rrturns of tht; six, tut niug in f 102,
(t2 tor Hit' 2)02 rntrlrs, embracing
ft tot;il arra nl 252,106 acres. 'I hr La
( district ranks srrond, w itli a total
nl $Ki,iij, trmn 1637 entries, mvrf Inji
im'm.) urrs. I hr other districts in order
.irr: Oregon City, 57I,5S-!, f'oin 1560 en
tiles, nl idj.oji .-urrs; I lie Dalles, with
)6iVJ7ilroiii tf22 rntrlrs, of ifio.sKd acres;
I ikrvirw, ultli .2i,Kc)7, for 211 entries,
ol 2.j,Kt) .-ures; Hums, with fi 1,711, fur
.J7 entries, ol 51,-.-" acre.
In most every Inslancr thr heavier-!
sales were ol tiiiihrr and slnne land; that
is, while 1 1 issed as such, thry were main
ly timber lands. Ily districts, thr sales of
tlirsr lands wrrr as follows; Knsctnirg,
)l.lnt. 'it 5Mj,j6i ; la drande, 21,201
.urrs, at Jsj.ijo; Oregon City, 21,5))
.n Ifs, .it Jsi.H) ) I I he Dalles, 2440 acres,
at foioo; I akrvlew, ftHKo aires, at f 1 7,
2ti, and at llnrns, 740 aires, at f 1K50.
Sales ol mineral lands were generally
light, as were sales at pnolic auction,
tlrsrit land entries, and commuted home
slrad rntrlrs.
More lands wrrr takrn up under grants
to railroads than in any other way. "such
I mils wrrr disposed of in the following
iiiautlties: Knseluirgdlstiict 1 20, )H acres;
I .1 ( Jraiide 1 1 he I )allr Military Wagon
Kn.iil company selections,) 20,021 acres;
Oregon City, Hjioft acres; 'I he Dalles,
(wagon road selection), 27,861 acrrs; Lake
v lew (wagon road selection), 160 acres,
.uid Bums, 0130.
luthe Roseruirg dlstrlit, in addition to has brm ruumrratrd, 647 original
and ).() Iinal homestead rntilrs are re
ported, rmor.iclng respectively, 02,564 and
45,1)2 acres rath. Hie state selections
.iniouiited allot
incuts to 1-J4H acres. On the original
homestead rntilrs the state received n,
1K9; final homestead entries, f22), and on
land selections under railroad grants,
I5)7, while the 212 applications to pur
chase timber lauds netted $2120.
I hr number ol oiiginal homestead en
tries in the I a (Jraiide distilct numbered
764 and lin.'il entries 21 ), embracing 117,
(Kiaud 32,620 .urrs, respectively. I'lirsr
urttrtl ftt,t;i6 and f 1 J ) ), In thr samr
order. Over 2o .urrs wrre tiken up
iniilrr thr tlmbrr cultiHe laws, while l 510
wasurllrd bv 151 applications to purchase
tillibrt and stour lands.
I lure hundred and sevenlv-right orig
inal and 2t)5 Iinal homestead rntilrs, cov
ering -6,6-6. iinl 4),5S .urrs In tlie Ote
gun City laud di-llld wrrr irportrd, net
ting Jdiji .uid J1S21 respectively. I In
state selections In this district aggregated
looo .ules.
largest tracts ot I uid wrrr disposed of
in I hr Dallrs land district by cash sales;
1102 ac.-cs at public auction, 24to.uirs of
tlmbrr and stone lands, 105 under the
desert laud act, and 7Md aclrs v com
muted liiiinrsirad rntilrs. In aJdilion to
this, iji, 1-61 .urrs were taken up by orig
inal homrstrads and )2,lSo by Iinal home
strad rntlies. I hrsr uettrd ?i j,):S .ind
i2io each. I hr number of .ides taken
up in wagon roaJ selections was 27,(161
and 0560 .urrs in statr srlrctious.
Hntrles undjr the desert land act aggre
gated )2iS acres in the Lakevlevv l.-tud dis
trict, netting )h Original homestead
entries in (Ills district covered 11,782 acres,
and Iinal homesteads 4815 acres, bringing
In 51206 and i8o respectively. The state
selected 1800 acres in this district.
Generally speaking, land business in
the Hums district was good. Entries un
der the desert land act took up 10,888
acres, and final desert land entries 1492.
'I he original homestead entries covered
22,738 acres, and final homestead entries
0805 acres, netting 5)oo6 and J367 respect
ively. The state selected 840 acres in the
Hums district.
Will Go Down I5J Feet on the Nelson
Property, Now Bonded.
A it, il tl' 1 ftlniln til llllw i-ll-j 'I ftc- tlnllL I
ago which inrans a new departure in
placer mining In Oregon, or at least in
this part of the state.
I;. S. Lack and associates have taken a
Irasr and bond on the property of the old
Nelson Placer Mining company, which In
cludes the Nelson placer mines, the Au
burn ditch and the water rights connected
therewith. 'I he price is not stated but It
is said to be well up in the thousands.
A large are.i of this placer ground has
alrrady been worked to a drpth of about
80 frrt, as deep as could be milled with
prrsrnt facilities, but there srems to be
practically 110 hrdro.k to this immense
gravel deposit, as a shaft was put down
to a depth of 87 tret below the present
workings, through pay gravel, and still
110 end. It is the intention of the new
company to work the property by means
of a hydraulic elevator, using a similar
system as those now in vogue in the deep
gravel mines ot California and Colorado.
Competent engineers have examined the
property and report with the machin
ery contemplated thr company will be en
abled to work the ground at least 60 feet
deeper, using thr same tluine. The ma
chinery w ill be placed in position lor early
spring operations.
Tlir Nrlson placers have been operated
for many yrars and, while the actual out
put ot the property has never been
made public, ovrr $400,000 Is shown to
have been produced by mint receipts now
at hand. During the si years In which
it was owned and operated by Mr. L. V.
Nelson it produced 9214,000.
On the success of this enterprise de
pends the Installing of like machinery on
oilier properties in thiscouuty. Democrat.
Scenic Line of the World. (
For an enjoyable trip east, take the
Denver & Rio Grande railroad, Scenic
Line of the world. Three daily trains be- j
tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo .
and all eastern points, and all points on
the Pacific coast. Most magnificent seen I
cry 011 this continent. The leading tea-1
ture In connection with thr trip is that the!
through trains pass through the scenic
attractions of the Rocky mountains In
Colorado bv daylight, thus attording pas
srugrrs a cool, pleasant and enjoyable
lide, tree from dust and the annoyances
experienced via otlnr lines. Superb din
ing car service on all through trains. '
Service a la carte, pay tor w hat you order.
I hrough standard and tourist sleepers.
Stoptwers allowed on all classes of tickets
anywhere between Ogdeu and Denver.
Call 011 011r ue.i 1 est ticket agent tor
tickets, rates and all information, or ad
dress, C .11 .MCIIOL, ;
General Agent, Portland, Ore.
Rocky Mount -In Scnry By Day Light.
Day light stop over at Niagara Palls.
Through lirst-class tourist sleeper from
P.uilic Coast werklv for Chicago, Boston,
Nrw York and othrr eastern points via
Hio Grande Western (Great Silt Lake
Route), Denver c Rio Grandr, C. H. I.
cV P. and Illinois Central to Chicago, '
connecting in the Union Depot with Mich
igan Central's similar car tor points east.
For full particulars call on or address,
Com'l Agent Ills. Cent. R. R.
421 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
ING Great Bargains
Big Discounts
A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Boots,
Shoes, Hats and Clothing.
Sumpter Forwarding Co.
General Storage, Commission and Forwarding.
Warehousr and office, S. V. Track
A. J. STINSON, Rrop.
(Successor to Snyde A Stinson)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
( s-AruAi Operated in Connection
Barber Shop with CaPital Holel-
r 1 First-Class Work. Porce-
Baths lain Bath Tubs
A li. iHvinsoN. MsniKr Sumpter, Oregon
CtAUU lUIc,0r.itul r .