Wednesday, October $i, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. MINE NEAREST TOWN. Shows Up Good Under Limited Development Work. 'Lewis M. Raker, of Salem, Oregon, returned to his home yesterday, after a profitable all Mimmer work oit his claim just adjoining the northern limits of the town. The property, known as the Tisha tningo, lias a splendid showing and will more than likely make a mine. Mr. Raker, who is a man of mining experience, located his claim in the summer of last year and has done all his own work, though a man of advanced years. He has a good strong ledge of six and a halt feet between walls and a cross ledge f over four feet, in blue and white talc and gray quart.. The best assays show $ 3.48 in silver And S13.23 in gold, and the greatest verti cal depth reached is only about twenty five feet. Mr. Baker has closed down for the winter, but after a well earned rest in the mild Willamette valey climaV, he will resume work as soon as early spring is here again. Joe Hurt Kills Three Deer Joe Hurt started out Sunday morning loaded for big game. He returned in the evening and declared that he had killed three deer, and had the empty shells to prove the assertion. He also brought along with him one deer, and tells a very plausible story to account for what he did with the other two carcasses. Mr. Hurt ays he saw thirty-live or forty head dur ing the day and could have killed more if he had wanted to. The herd makes its headquarters live or ix miles south of McKuen. SOME INTEREST IN ELECTION. Manifested in a Few Bets Made and a Josh or Two Sprung. There is some little Interest being mani fested around town in the presidential elec tion as the day of the great contest draws near. It shows itself in the disposition of the sporty boys to back their judgment on the (exult, with all the coin at their command. . . Tlie gambling is almpst entirely on the vote in the slates considered from this distance doubtful, Washington, Indiana and West Virginia being the three 011 which the most money has been placed, neither side offering or asking odds. There has been but one bet of any con sequence made on the general results; Mar ley Wood wagering fioo with M. W. Sullivan ag ilust his steam sa w,on the elec tion of McKlnley. This is considered a bet of even money. Harley Wood is dead game and Is taking the McKinley end of everything in sight. He has also bet ten dollars with Mr. Sullivan on each ot these tvo propositions, that the republicans will carry three Pacific coast states, Washing ton, Oregon and California, and Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and New York. Mr. Wood feels so sure of winning the saw that he Is already contracting to cut stove wood "In any length desired. He has also made seven ten dollar bets with Seymour Bell on different prop ositions. Sunday some of the republican joshers tried to have fun with Triad Bellin ger, a democrat who stands pat on the Chicago platform and Is always loaded with reasons for his position. The spokes 'man of the push staled that (25,000 had been spent for fireworks at the recent Bryan reception in New York; that he had been given a banquet' that cost t.$o a plate and he thought it was a low down r ick of the ice trust to refuse to pay the bills. Mr. Bellinger saw the point and the joke and proceeded to hand out some hot ones on the icetrust proposition, that were pointed, all right, but dld't run very large ly to joke. ENORMOUS DIVIDENDS. Mining b Away Ahead of Any Other Industrial Enterprise. A glance at the enormous dividend be ing paid by mining companies monthly and quarterly as compared with those paid by other commercial enterprises, should covlnce the most pessimistic ob server that mining as a business is far and away ahead of the ordinary business investment. A few facts may contribute to the store of knowledge being accumu lated by the casual observer and intending investors of capital. In California there are at present more than 100 gold mines paying dividends or profits to their owners, that we know of. There are many others, quartz and placer mines, of which no tecord is kept as to the output. Stratton's Independence of Cripple Creek, Colorado, Is quarterly div idends of 5488,000, and the total paid has been 52,440,000. The Calumet and Hecla copper mines of Michigan have paid $70, 000,000 to the shareholders, though it cost them 51,200,000 before one dividend was declared, and it was started originally as a "wild cat." The Kennedy of California has paid more than 52,000,000 In dividends. The mines of Cripple Creek, Colo. .paid nearly 51,000,000 net, in September, ind the total dividends paid by the riiines of the district amounts to 510,000,000. Dur ing the month of August copper to the val ue of 54, 5000,000 was shipped from the United States to Europe. In the same month American mines paid 53,066,154 and for. the six preceding months oven .. ,. I.. .IL.I.Un.l.! Tl. Unnuliilii I 4,AAS,WI III uiviuiliua. lib iiumviiiunv of Leadville, Colo., has produced in twenty-three years 565,000.000 and has paid nearly 510,000,000 in clean dividends, and the Homestake of South Dakota has been paying quarterly dividends of 5105,000 regularly for over a year. These are but a few figures gathered at random here and there but they are not worth considering when comparing mining with other industries? San Francisco Mining Review. Six O'Clock Dinners. The Golden Eagle Hotel has inaugu rated the plan of evenlngdinnersand mid day luncheons.whlch Idea is an acceptable one to the majority of those living at hotels. Lessons in Lace. ' Mrs. Marsh, next door to MINER office, will give practical insttuctions in lace work. Materials and hundreds of pat terns to select from. Saddle and Bridle for Sale. In good condition and offered cheap. Apply at THK MINER office. For Sale. Economy Gasoline Gas Lamps, cheap. Enquire at MINER office. "The Portland," conducted by Gus Woodward on Mill street, continues to merit the name of the popular gentlemen's resort of Sumpter. When you travel the Bourne road re member Barnard has all the latest remedies for dust in the throat. Five quart bottles of Olympia beer for 1 1. 00 at Henry Fingers'. Five quart bottles of Olympia beer for 51.00 at Henry Finger's. The best is always cheapest buy Giant powder. Beware of, but ask for It Giant powder'. Always reliable Giant powder. Are You Progressive and Up-to-Date? Do you want a stamp mill that has a capacity of 8 to 12 tons to each stamr? One that no maker of stamp mills in the United States can sell you, but ourselves? One that is better in every way than the kind they can sell you. THE MERRALLS' RAPID STAMP MILL has an enormous capacity. We are selling these mills everywhere. We In stall complete plants, from 8 to 1000 tons capacity. It you are thinking of putting up a stamp mill, don't do It, until ou have written us. We can save you thousand ot dollars, besides worry and vexation. These mills are endorsed by mining men everhere. Send for circular. Merralls' Mill Company 120 First Street San Francisco, Cal. STAMP MILLS WOOD OK IRON l-'HAMK Boilers and Waterwheels' Hammond Mfg. Co. j INCORPORATED j PORTLAND, OREGON The.... Shamrock A. M. CARMATHY, Proprltor S. CLI-IN, Manager FINE Wines, Liquors, Beer and Ciais. Free Lunch with all drinks. Beer Five Cents Per Glass. Five Bot tles of Schlitz Bki-r for One Dollar. 00000000000000 Exclusive Agent for the Celebrated OLYMPIA BEER On draught or by bottle. 00000000000000 'The Olympus" H. FINGFR, Proprietor. High Grade Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Sumpter, Or. W. S. BOWERS ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience In Baker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Baker City; Oregon. SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS Minuf.cturcrt of ill kind, of CarbonatrJ Dilnkt nj CIJt. 1 Opr(tr4 In coniwcilon with lh Kentucky Liquor Houte ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAGEN SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE.