The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 31, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, October 31. 1900
One of the Oldest and Most
Extensively Developed.
At this season of the year a snow storm
can tie expected most ;niy time in thr
Greenhorns ,uid travelers ;ire careful not
to he caught out. When a representative
rare that a mining property will pay its
way from a prospect.
The Inter-Mountain claim is located on
a parallel ledge 160 feet to the east of the
Silver Hill and adjoining the Intrinsic.
There has not been much development on
this claim, as the location is such as to
expect water before much depth Is gained.
A shaft j6 feet deep shows a o-foot ledge
between good walls, with plenty of gouge.
A three-foot streak of the ledge averages
557 to the ton and fifteen inches nf the
three feet gives an assay of 9107, mostly
in silver, with some gold.
The C.iyuse Is the most promising claim '
ol tne nouses 01 , f ,lt. Krmm aMj s considered the best by
the Inter-MiHiiit.iiii group of mines in the j nanv ROoJ mllinK men t wa8 ():atf j
c.irly evening ol an October day, he de- i ,K(0 ;,j openej up t,y a shaft audi
cided Ih .t was where he wanted to stop ,men Clts ,0 a jep,, of forty fcet anJ ,he j
niul the hearty welcome lie received at the ( resu,s vme so ,i,,tteilng that a crosscut
nanus 01 i:iimuiiu 11 uiii.wiin in 111 cumge, 1 n,e w;ls ru) 5,0 eet( cuuK the ledge decision, lie tomiil lliem , Mt a depth of 140 feet and some seventy
getting In their supplies for the wiuterand I f, ,1()rt, f w,ere the rich pay shoot d.iys the entire force was was Wl,rked t)e upper level, or surface
employed packing store in and putting wrli A jrft was sar,,.j j,ou,, nj
them away in the cellars lor winter. 1 he twenty eet two and a half feet of i) ore 1
large .p..nlity and gteit v.uiety of staple kWils rMCOuntered, which increased In the
nml M JCV groceries received Indicates a , rx, hve Mt t0 three and a haf feft of
full npiurcl illon of m m's wants and de-1 ore ;,j ,le v.,ues fK,std to 516.46
sire. I he supplies idled several htr.ivy , d..;,,- ;,cross the three and a half fert.
freight w.tgims and weighted down many
pads luifses, When the goods had been
partly taken care of, IMP MlN'liK man was
shown through the various tunnels and
shads ind uver adjoining claims and the points ot interest In the valley
brio weie pointed out.
I he oldest mining proposition in the
Greenhorn mountain s Hon is the Silver
Hill d.iliu of the luiei'Mouutain group. It
was located twelve years ago by Willi Mil
Srhiiiir, it.i time when the llonaiia was
v.u.inl.iiid the I'hoenix was the mine of
the distrid. I he Ned Hoy was considered
worked out and worthless. A little later,
however,.! mm named Allen took a lease
011 it and round an ilher body of ore, that
lias sime pioveu permanent. the Silver Hill attracted the atten
tion 11I .1 veteran prospector and miner is
proot it has a good surface
showing and the 2000 feet of work that
has lieeli done 011 it dining the past
twelve veals, coiiipir.itltely under the
same owueislilp, has demonstrated that
this 1 large body ot high gr.ide ore.
Some ttiK worth of it was shipped that
swet iged f iso to the ton and there ate
m my Ions ol the same grade of ore
In this crosscut tunnel several very rich
streaks of ore were encountered mid a it-
foot ledge does not show 011 the sur-1
f ice. 'I his has been drifted on and a large
body of good ore blocked out. 1
'I he work this winter will be mostly
drifting south on the main ledge at end of
tuuiitlatid the extent of the ore shoot!
determined. I
The property is well equipped with ore
cars, trackage, blacksmith shop, bunk and (
conk houses. Sultiaent tlmberand logging
is stored away to keep a force of fifteen
miners busy all winter. Everything is
managed economically and to the best ad
vantage, Insuring cheap development
work. The buildings are pleasantly lo
cated, sheltered from the winds and heavy
storms of the section, and a stream of pure
mountain water Is run through the house.
On the claims there Is an abundance of
good timber, black pine, fir and spruce.
The claims are at the head of Dry gulch,
at an elevation of 7000 feet, with the In
trinsic mine to the south, the St. Louis
group to the north and the Little Giant
about one mile easterly. 1 lie nearest
town is Hobinsonvllle, three miles to the
east, and eight miles to the famous Ho
OUR Saw Mill and Dry
Kiln were totally
destroyed by fire, but
we still have a large
stook of Lumber and
General Merchandise so
we can fill all orders
Sumpter Lumber
Company &
Delmonico Hotel
M. SI'ANOIER. Proprietor
A First-Class New House, Well Furnished and Superior Table
Service. Transcient Kates Reasonable. Special Rates to Local Pat
rons by the Week. Located One Block East of Depot, Corner Co
lumbia and Auburn Streets.
'blocked out. I Ike all the early mining of , the nearest railroad is Clifford,
tile ...imp, Hie wntk was coulined to cross-, i,i,irC, mlr-s
cut liiiiiiils to the ledge. A tunnel 1 SS
teet long cut the ledge at a depth of ninety
leet, this work is in nrst class condition,
timneis mil trackage all in good stage ot
I he ledge Is four teet wide and the pay
streak Is 170 leet long, the ledge and val
ues tieiug unusually unit or nt throughout.
There Is . 1 wiue -.unk from the tunnel
I he present work is being carried on un
der the management of W. C. Calder and
the superintendence of Edmund Halm,
who has been on the property for eleven
years. Mr. (-aider's boast that it is the
best developed property in the district
without a mill is not an Idle one, as there
is 2000 feet of tunnels, shafts, winzes
and slopes and the work done is such as I
to prove the existence of large bodies of "
level lilly-lwo leet and ftom this a drift of
seventy vr lest run on ine ledge, snow- j ,,Kh mAt orr The bf, jjgnient us i
lug tue s ne no ty 01 ore and nigh values ,wc1 emiscJ ,,f worli ns ric, in.
loiind 01. the upper levels. A dtitt wajsilu.r ,c existence of values was first
run tVK. leet to the north, gaining ad-. determined by shafts and open cuts before
union. 11 uepiii, ami is near auoiuer pay
cut mi the surface,
tre.tls tliat has, been
some 1411 feel above.
ore has been sloped out and is assorted in
dumps. An estliu ite pi ues tlie amounts
as tollews: 150 Ions of flo ote and 100
tons of ff me, with the higher gr.ide
sorted out. This ledge, like others of the
group, is In dioiite, and the walls well de
fined. I lie dip is to the east and the In-ter-Moiiiitain,
Idng to the east, dips west,
indicating they will come together when
more depth is gained. The ore curie's
Values piiiicip.illy in silver, with some 57
to S in gold and can be treated cheaply
by t combined 'Mocess, at a cost of
about U to per ton, giving a large
margin lor profit.
In thoroughly appreciate what has
been done on the Silver Hill, one must
take into consideration that the owner
was working without capital and the
money to pay for the development had to
be Ukeu out ol the ground, and that it Is
deep woik was attempted,
of the present economical
A continuance
and thorough
till 'llllt 'III'IIIVH MIIM I1IH1'M,M
A large quantity ol t,,,PsS management will place the prop
erty well up to the front of the dividend
paying mines of the district In the near
hi case of doubt or if in trouble and you
want advise in regard to business, mining,
speculation or otherwise, consult the me
dium, Mrs. H. J. Jory. Mie may tie
found at the office of H. J. Jory, the civil
engineer, on Cracker street, near City
Hall. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices
reasonable. Office hours to to 12 a.m.
2 to $ p. in. Evenings hy appointment.
"The Portland," conducted by Gus
Woodward 011 Mill street, continues to
merit the name of the'popular gentlemen's
resort of Sumpter.
Never fails Giant powder.
Avenanus Carbolmeum
The world famed Wood Preserver for mining tim
bers, fence posts, house props, shingle roofs. A radical
remedy against Chicken Lice and all insects that prey
upon timber.
Ferrubron Paint (anti rust). A permanent coating
for ipon roofs. Fire proof for stacks. Send for circulars.
Basche Hardware Company Agents
UMPTtft nd
Baker City, Ore.
W. Weigand...
Mining Men's Headquarters Next Door to Wonder Store