Wednesday, October i, igoo THE SUMPTER MINER. y GREEHORN DISTRICT. Many Mines Being Opened Up Over There. The section almost directly west of Sumpter known as the Greenhorn dis trict, in which some extensive work has been done the past summer, will be the scene of much activity during the comlnc winter. Heavy supplies of provisions and miscellaneous mining and equipment have recently and are yet being freighted in, and although the snows are unusually heavy in the mountains, the men can make themselves warm and com fortable as anywhere else and for many of them the spring will doubtless show up with telling effect after the long winter season with pick, hammer and drill. A brief mention is made here of a few of the working mines in tills district, among which is the Hen Harrison group, owned by Uillham and son, relatives of Hanker J. H. Robbins of Sumpter. The develop ment consists of over 300 feet of tunnel work, and a shaft 50 or 60 feet in depth, opening up a four-foot ledge, In which the values run from Mi to Jj6, gold and sil ver, principally the former. This prop erty Is mentioned as one of great promise. V. B. Hurd is opening up a "bakers doen" of propertiesand has accomplished a vast amount of work for one season, that shows an intelligent expenditure of money and labor. Dividend payers will no doubt be the ultimate result and help to convince the Portland skeptics that mining Is a good place to Invest some of its money. The Dewey, owned by Richard Knapp, of Portland, has four feet of ore, running as high as 76 in gold, silver and copper, in a formation of green stone and deorite. Hie Smuggler group, owned by Peter Gagnon and "Black Jack" Gordon, con sists of five claims. Prom the three tun nels and a shaft ore is being taken with values from f 25 to f 53 per ton in gold and silver. Joseph McKee, the Portland liquor man, who is often seen in this section, is spend ing Ills money on some appaiently tine properties and expects big returns in the near future. The Carbonate mine with two claims, owned In Pendleton, has some 500 feet of tunnel work and a 40-foot shaft. It lias a good 15-foot lead, with values said to be about 5i2 per ton. The Ruby mine Is owned by Omaha men and has a soo-foot tunnel, showing a solid 4 foot vein of good ore, with $18 val ues In same. ' , The Chloride mine has Utah men for its owners. Their work consists of 300 feet uf tunnel, in which a 3-foot ledge Is encountered, tlie values in which are said to average. $42. It Is a smelting prop osition. The Tempest group of six claims yields some very high value smelting ore, said to run as high as J50G per ton. Bennett & Bennett are its tortuuate owners, and are doing good work; having opened a seven-foot vein of ore while running 22; teet of tunnel and a 30-foot shaft. TheOrnament, owned by Portland men, has 700 feet of tunnel work; a four-foot ledge and can boast fjo average assay values from this property. The Tiger group of four claims, owned by Weidler, Powers and Ordway, of Port land, is being managed by Jack Powers, the well known prospector and'mlner who first came into the Greenhorns in 1887, where he has slcne been, with the excep tion of a short seasonal Nome.from which delusive place lie is giaa lo-rtturn to tne- Greehorn country dud remain. The Tern , pest has a 200 foot tunnel and a 6o-loot shaft, at the mouth of which Hie ledge started "from one and one-half inches and increased to four feet at the 6o-foot depth', where there is now good'solid'ore. Cer tificates from Assayer Rnbbins show val ues from $37.83 to $45.03 in gold. This property is situated on the head waters of Boulder creek. The Morris property, owned by Grant Thornberg, has about 6co feet of tunnel and a 35-foot shaft. Eight hundred ounces of silver and three ounces in gold are said to have come from a ton of this ore. A preliminary survey Is now being made from the Tempest mine to Robinsonville, which will cross the south end of the Greenhorn range. The wagon road will be about four miles long and will cost ap proximately 2ooo, the expense of which will be borne by the mine owners in the Greenhorn. This will bring the district within sixteen miles of the end of the Sumpter Valley railroad, where it Is i ciaimeu ore can re delivered on a dowu-lilll pull for live dollars per ton. In speaking of Robinsonville, it brings to mind a character known to every one there as "Porty Nine Jlmmle," whose I nam Is James Dilfin. He was born in the county Armaiigh, north of Ireland in 1824. He has lived In his present cabin for 32 years and celebrated his seventy sixth birthday the sixth of the present month. He crossed the plains in 1849. No one believes in the mineral virtues of tills country more than does"Porty Nine Jlmmie." Scenic Line oi the World. For an enjoyable trip east, take the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, Scenic Line of the world. Three daily trains be tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and all eastern points, and all points on the Pacific coast. Most magnificent seen cry on this continent. The leading fea ture in connection with the trip Is that the through trains pass through the scenic attractions of the Rocky mountains in Colorado by daylight, thus affording pas sengers n cool, pleasant and enjoyable ride, free from dust and the annoyances experienced via other lines. Superb din ing car service on all through trains. Service a la carte, pay for what you order. Through standard and tourist sleepers. Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Call on your nearest ticket agent for tickets, rates and all Information, or ad dress, C .B .NlCHOL, General Agent, Portland, Ore. "The Portland", conducted by Gus Woodward on Mill street, Is fully a representation of its name. A visit will convince vou of tills. SPOKANE Drug Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. J' - i jafcBBJWy Represented by MtNNO UNZ.'CKER, Hotel Warshauer, BAKER CITY, OREGON Dixon, Borgeson & Co. FRONT ST., COR. WASHINGTON k' A. P. GOSS, President & Bank of Sumpter 5 Trtnucti Ctnartl tnhlni luilmii Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTIiR, ORKGON ,'WSs&,'-WW& Bousum CRYSTAL ICE Free delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders Jit office of Columbia Brewing and Malting Co., next door to MlNLN office. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR PROFITABLE : INVESTMENT IN MINES OR I MINING STOCKS? IFYU ARE, WRITE - L. Y. KEADY & CO. Mining Stock Brokers Coail B.oro.O'McNtiiL Paul E. Poindoxter, MIN Bedford McNcal's Code. iumptor, - - Ore. Fraser and Chalmers Chicago Mil LING MACIIINKRY-Rolls, Stamps, Crushers, Perforated ...V.t'.,i,ls.' -"KN I1"'1 Vanners, lite. MINING MACI I INI-RY-Boilers, including Si'drrholiit Roilr:, Air Compressors, Reidler Pumps, Pin naces. I-U Write to our Chi -ago oilier for Catalogue. iM.iniif.ioliiirix uf Kw-tv IVtcilpilun il Show Cases JlMIMKv' AMI tWlll IIISIS' WMI CAM'S A IUNK I IXUIKIS. PORTLAND, OKI? - '' A. J. GOSS, Cashier & Spalding Company no Sherlock Bid., PORTLAND, OKI:. ES