1 6 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, October 31, 1900 TALK OF THE TOWN. Attorney RUiards Is in Maker Uty to day 1111 Ir.il liiisincss. A il nimbler w is Imrii ;it the home of E. h. Ilauser I uesdiv of 1 1st week. I:. S iiulcrsiiii Smith returned Siindiv Irom I'nill.iiid, when- lie li.nl liecli mi mill ill)', business. Sevi ir Itrll lt-f 1 Siindiv for hrillsh Colimilii.i, on pilvate business, lie re lumed today. A lull . ill he iMven .it 1:111s opera house tills evening, Inr the heiielil of the Sump let SikiiI sniirty's lihritv lund. V. C C.ilder returned Mondiv from I..-1 ii.inde ,'iiul W uiii I ike, svhete he h.id been fur .1 week 01 mine. Miss Minnie Mnhler, nl the pnstoiliie foae, went to B iker Citv this alterunon to spend sever.'il days with her mother. Hun. I)ell Stuirt, demna.lt ic candidate fnr elejui, will discuss the issues nl the i.-impii;n it Hllis npei.i house S.itutd.iy evfiiliii; Mr. ind Mrs. Mill, nl Clitfnrd, were in t(r. 11 vesterd iy. While here they nought . three l.tls iu the new tnwh of Whitney, ' will eiea .1 building and do hiisiuess there. Dr. I .ipe (epulis Hi it Mrs, K.ine, shut Mime weeks siiiie hy her husband, h.'is ahlnit retnvered and v ill le.ive his hos- plt.il buiitimiw, Riilut; In her sistel.who1 lives iu (laker City. I Robert K.ihler returned to Suiupter List week, liter comp'etiiiK the Pnitlaud Mill-, In .ind Milling mmpiny's buildings on 1 the .Miuiie.ipolis il.iim .it Huurne, ol ulilui ! E. S mdesiiii Sunt li is m.ui.iKer. A II illnween sini il by the (.idles of the 1 Methodist '.(until u ill be held this even-( in .it the hum- of Mis. K.ihler, corner nt 1 ColtimliiH .ind Niiitli stieels, tu which :i 1 Cotdi il invitation is extended to .ill. ' Dell 1 Hunt, more l.imilli.uly c.illed "Milie" .ind leit.iinly the must popul.it , liqiiw dnimmer on the I'.icilic cost, is do-' hit the town t.idiy. Mike sells more "ml tin 11 11U" Ih. 111 ,iny other live druiiiiueis in his hue. ' I he I idles ol (he Methodist church h.ive tlioucjillnlly ,nr iiied to serve one of their i.ilril ihltken dliineis, ,iso .1 supper, 1111 I'.leiiiuu d.iy, November 6, .it 1:111s op en liouse, pike ol either nir.il titty cents, the pi iit-rils to o to the ihorch. 1 J. M it Hudson, Hie .itlornev .ind iouiti nlist, (--liiiiifd to Sumpter this week from the ( utile Ronde valley, wheie he h.is been uti suspending puhlkatinu ol his piipe il ( ii.iiule. He .innouiues th.it he Will eiiniii lieu- ind pi.utke I iw. At. ( ittle, tisi commissi, mer (01 the , slate ol VV Islington, who is lively Intel rsled in iiitl .uouiiil Siiuipter, spenl sev.i el il Jiysheie this week. He s.iys th it-1 (nivetniit Koi'.eis will undoubtedly be te elei led over thele ind tll.lt HlN.lllUtll tuny the st.tle. J W St.ot( w.is .mested .1 few d.ivs , since on the charge of larceny, preferred by lid Carmndy, .-iicusiug him of stealing blankets and other personal effects from the liureka llvety stable. The case Is now on before Justice l-'elixand will come up for hearing Monday. 'I here was a shooting scrape In the ten derloiu Saturday evening, in which some powder was burlied but no blood was shed. I here was some trouble about the man's money and the woman's vascllat iug alfectlous, whkh (he former tried to settle with his gun. Recorder Manning lined him titty dollars and took his horses to secure the money for this municipality. Six O'Clock Dinners. I he (iolden Eagle Hotel Iris inaugu rated the plan of eveiiiugdiiiuersand mid day liuicheoiis,which idea is an acceptable one to the majority of those living at hotels. Mrs. R. II. I.loyd, music teacher of fif teen years experience, is now prepared to give Instruction on the piano and organ. Apply at her home on North Mill street. 0. R. & N. CO. GROCERIES Ol'IMM (.lilcilBn I'mlljnJ Siwl.il in-41 1' m All inlk- l.xpieS IJ 11 pni H p m Dtlly I x S1111J iv 8 m S.1IU1J1V 111 1' m It .1 in I SiinJ.i) T J in Tui-. Tluir. anj S4I 6a m Tui'. I hur. aiij Sal. leave Kirii I 11 a m Unit TIMI: .scin:t)iM.i:s I mm Halter (.lly Cal. I ..I... IV-aa.. . -....1 ..nr. I'niTn. it. Woilh, Omaha, Kan- sti Utv, M. I mil (.hkai;o anj Kat. Sail lake, Denier, 1 1. World, Omaha, Kan sat Cllv, SI. Inulfi ChlcaKii .mJ V.m. Wall.t Walla. U.liton Spokane, Mlnnf.ipollt Si. I'juI, Duluth, Mil waukee, l.lilcagii anj Last. oci:an mtamshii'S All Sailing Jate nul'leil. In change. I or San I random Sill rvt-iv 1 Ja. COIIIMIIIAKIVUK SrCAMI.KS To Attiirh .m.l Wat IjhiJIiik. wn.AMi:rn: kivlh Oircon t.llv, Newl-erg S.tlrm. InJrprnJrnx an J Wav-LinJIngt. wuuwi.rrr.WAM' inn. uivius OcfRon Oiv, Datlon ana WA-ianJini;t. wilmmctti: ivi:m 1'oill.inJ in Coivatllt and W.1V-I jnjinsk SNAKi: KIVI.R Kip ii It in IrwMiin AHRIVB 4j a m 1l pm 10:4) p nt 4 pm l.x. SunJay 4: P p m I'.x. SunJay 1: 1 P m Mon. WeJ. anj III. 4. 10 r m Mon. WJ. anj I il. Lratr I rwltton II. C. HOWI'KS, Agent, Maker City, Oregon V"4 JMJTKtrit "Old age biings experience, and some kinds of evpeneiue bilngs old age. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture lor their new homes. e are readv to serve them. We have alreadv supplied satisfactory tuinitiite lor hundreds of new homes; we can do is well tor liundieds more. Our stock allows easv selection at all times. There is always plenty here tor every room iu the house. All our goods are priced on a cash basis and it will pay you to gl e us a call. Ned Room Suits, f 15.00 Hed Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per double toll, uampirt utt), 15c to 1.00 Queen City Furniture Co. ... I'lionc Red jfii. uterson & lipplnger JJAKUR CITY, ORliUON Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. Neill Mercantile Co. Just arrived, a complete line of Ladies' Men's, Misses' and Children's Leggins. v Com plete stock of Rubber Goods for all, v Wiil take your measure for tailor-made suits. Neill Mercantile Co, W. II, CADH. IWJtnt T. O. HARRISON, Vkfl're$.nJ Treai. JAS. NCWLANDS. Sy. THUS. MCCWCN. General Manager Sumpter Transportation Co MOST COMPLETE LIVERY EQUIPMENT IN EASTERN OREGON. TEAMS AL WAYS READY TO GO ANYWHERE Daily Stages to Canyon City, Prairie City, Bourne, Granite, Red Boy, Bonan za and Golconda Mines. Hauling Heavv Machinery a Specialty. Freight For warded to all Points in the Interior. WE LEAD..,.. -OTHERS FOLLOW We Carry the Finest such as Johnston & Murphy's, Hanan & Son's Ladies' SHOES We also carry the largest stock of Sporting and Mining Shoes in Easter.n Oregon. Mail orders carefully filled. Berry Shoe Company "Up-to-Oate" Footwear & Baker City, Oregon 1 . S.41 T5