The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 31, 1900, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, October jr, 1900
I Unlled Sniff Land OWce,
I La Grande, Oregon, August t iooo.
Notice Is hereby glsen that In compliance with the
provision? of the act of Congressor June 1, 1818, en
titled "An net tor the sate of timber lands In the
Ships of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public LanJ
States by act of Augus' 4, i&)
of Clifford, Countv of Baker, State of Oregon, has
this dav filed In this office his sworn statement No.
?to, far the purchase of the seX seM. sec. 17, ne'
rtt'i of section No. to. In township No. to s.,
range No. )6 E. W. M., anj will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish
his claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Satur
day, the it day of November, 1900.
He names as witnesses: Frank S. Slater of La
Gr.inJe, Oregon, James L. Balsley of Baker City,
Oregon, Henry Panning and Clarence E Whitney,
both of Clifford, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this olfice on or before salj 17th day of November,
E. W. Bartlett, Register.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, October 15, torn, j
., Notice Is hereby given that A B Hammond by Frank
$. Balllle,at'omey In fact, whose postoftke Is Sump
ter, Oregon, has made application to select under
the act of June 4, iBa? (10 Stats. 16) the following
Jecnhed Iract: Beginning" at a post on the east
side ol the right fork of Fruit creek at a point about
1 wo feet fro-n the ferks: thence due west 1040 feet;
then due north sfao feet: thence east 1 tto feet; thence
south iirofeet; thence due easts itoteel; thence due
south 1 110 fret to the point of beginning, and whf-h
tract when surveyed will comprise the se nw if,
the ne H swJs" and nw se 1-4. sec o twp 8 s, r 1?
Within the next thirty days from date hereof pro
tests or contests against the Selection on the ground
that the land described, or any portion thereof. Is
more valuable lor Its mineral than lor Its limber or
agricultural purposes will be received and noted lor
report to the commissioner of the general land office.
E. W. Haktibtt. Register.
of the time prescribe! In the order made bv the
Counts- Judge of Baker County, State of Oregon, for
the publication of this summens: and If you tall so to
appear anj answer, lujgment win be taken against
vou for the sum of three hundred dollars (
will. Interest thereon at the rate of ,ten per cent rer
annum from and ever since the i8th day of July, two,
until paid, and tor the further sum of fifty dollars
($50.00) attorney's fees, and for the costs and dls-
bursements of this action, and for the sale of a cer
tain bar, barhttures, glassware, stock ol liquors.and
cigars lormerlv in the Johannesberg saloon, in Sump
ter. In the Counlv of Baker and Stale of Oregon, at
tached on the 11st day of August, 1000, bv the sheriff
of Baker County, State of Oregon, in the above en
titled action, at the instance ol plaintiff, to satisfy the
the above demand of plaintiff, and to shares of the
capital stock of the Columbia Brewing and Malting
Company, a corporation, attached by the sheriff ol
Multnomah County, State of Oregon, In the above
entitled action, at the Instance of plainllff, to satisfy
said demand of plaintiff.
And you are hereby notified that on the toth day of
September, iooo, the Honorable W. W. Travllllon,
county Judge of Baker County, State of Oregon,
made an order that service of summons In this action
be made upon sou by publication ol summons, and
that the dale of the first pmbllcailon of this summons
Is September toth, tooo, and the date of the last pub
lication thereol Is November tlh, tooo.
N. C Richards,
'llorney for Plaintiff.
Department of the Interior. )
Land Oltice at La Grande, Oregon
September it, 1900. 7
Notice It hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his Intention to make-hnat
proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the county ilerk of Baker County, at
(taker City, Oregon, on November as. tooo, via: II.
E. 6068.
Wiu.ahi) F Weeks,
of McHwen, Oregon, for the w j ne 1-4 sec. 10, sw
-t se i-4, tr t-4 sw i-4 sec 1 ip to r 8 E. W.M.
ne names me toiiowing witnesses to prove nis con
tlnuout residence upon and cultivation of said land,
vli: James H. Worley, of McEwen, Oregen: John
Coffev, of Sumpter, Oregon; William Lenti, James
II. Early, of McEwen, Oregon.
tUW. Uaruutt, Register.
I N thb Circuit Court of thb Stats of Oregon,
for Baker County.
Mallnda Caroline Read, plaintiff, vs. Alexander
Pope Read, defendant.
To Alexander Pope Read, the above named defend
ant. In the name of the Slate of Oregen: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you In the above entitled suit on or be
fore the last day of the lime prescribed In the order
for the publication of this summons, to-wlt: on or be
fore, the 14th day of Novemher.iooo, and If sou fall so
to appearand answer the said complaint on or before
the ulh day of November, igoo, the plainllff will take
default against you and thereaiter apply to the court
for the relief prayed lor In the complaint, to-wlt: A
decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exist
ing between the plaintiff and you the said defendant,
5 ranting her an absolute divorce from sou the said
efrndant, togetherwlth the costs anJ disbursements
of this suit and for such other and further relief as
the court may seem meet.
This summons Is published pursuant to an order
made by the Hon. W. W. Travllllon, Counlv Judge ol
Baker County, Oregon, on the tst dav of October,
1000, directing the same tq be published once In each
week for six consecutive weeks In THE SUMPTER
MINER, a weekly newspaper of general circulation
printed and published, at Sumptr, Baker County,
Oregon, the first publication thereof tn'be on the ird
day of October, 1000, and the las) on November 14,
igoo. W, q. Drowigy, Attorney lor Plaintiff.
IN-tiib Circuit Court or thr Stath or Ori
I con. In and lor the County of Baker.
First Bank of Sumpter, a corporation, plaintiff, vs
E. N. Brlggs,' Arthur Hill, James Jerome and S,
To Arthur' Hill and James Jerome, two of the
above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby
required to appear and answer the complaint tiled
against nu In the above entitled cause on or before
the tqlh day of November, 1000, which Is the last day
of the time prescribed In the order made bv the
County Judge of Baker County, State of Oregon, for
the publication of this summens: And If tou fail so
to appear andlnswer, Judgment will be taken against
ou tor dhe sum of three 'thousand one hundred dol
lars fSnoO) with Interest thereon at the rale nf 6 h.r
j cent per annum from the Jth day of September, 1000,
unui iau, ana mr ine cons anj disbursements oltnis
action, and lor the sale of the lollowlng described
real and personal properly, attached on the ?lh day
ofSerfemberrrooo. bvlhrSherlff of Grant County.
State of Oregon. In the above entitled anion, at Hi
re4JJeaJn!DlilnilH,o satisfy the above namrd Judg
ment of plalntlfr, to wli: - . . J.
I tie tntloolng described real estate In the County
ef. (.rant and .Srale of Oregon, towit; ..Trie Ibex,
quaru mining claim, the Nalches quarts mining claim
and the P)iltrs quart! mining claim, as described In
the notice of location thereof recorded at page 80 In
volume (i of quarts locations. In the olfice of the
County Clerk ol Grant Counts'. Oreeon. Sal J nuarii
mining ctlf a constituting what I. commonly known J,
atlhelhtx nine, said Ibex quani nUnlnv clllm helnevl
'rly extension of the Bald Mountain quarts mln-'t
In the County Court for Baker County, Stale of
Oregon. To the Honorable Hiiard of Counlv Com Cem Com
misseoners: WheieasJohn Wampler.of the town of McEwen, In
said Baker county is deilrmts of obtaining fiom sour
honorable body a license lor the ssl of spirituous
liquors In less quantities than one gallon In the town of
McLwrn.ln said Baker ceunty: Now.therefore.we the
undersigned, a majority of the legal volets in McEw
en Precinct. Baker County, Oregon, hereby petition
sour Honors to grant the said license to the said
John Wampler;
Wm Baker. F M Kogers.E L Spencer.Sam Thomp
son, Oliver TlbbsC If Gardner, Dallas Powell. C E
Lockhart. T M Bifiten. W S Hughes, Elmer Taslor,
H II Stoddard, A A Jones. A N Jones, F L Burt. P
Hogenscn, C Sablanch, M Johnson. Harry Hodgdon,
Jos Adams, Grant Starbuck. John Jones, W M Dav
idson, L I) Stoddard, Joe Nielsen, F G Roberts, E J
Metiler, S W Dean. Jr. S Shepherd. O E Jenkins.
Thos Gamble. S W Dean, S Tlbbs, J Tlbbs, C A
Tlbbs. Thos Tlbbs. S sV Tlbbs. Luther Sparow. Sam
Shannon. A J Worley, W R Johnson, If C Nleder
mark, J W Duckworth.
Notice Is herebv given that the said John Wampler
will apply to the said county court of Baker county
lor the granting of said license on the 18th day nf
November, 1000, or as soon thereaiter as his petition
can be heard.
John Wampur.
Scenic Line of the"
I n tup Circuit court of tmh Stath or Oucc.o..
1 for the County of Baker.
r J. B. Stoddird. Plaintiff, vs. A. Walker and the Co
operative Gold Mining Company, Defendants. -.
To A. Walker, one of the above named defendants.
In the name of the sla'e of Oregon' You are hereby
required to appear and answer the complaint ftle'd
against sou In the above entitled cause on or before
the jth Jav nf November, tuoo, which Is the last dav
of the lime prescribed in the order made bv the
County Judge of the County nfllaker, Slate of Ore
gon, for the publication of Jhls Simmens: and II. sou
tail so to appear and answer, a decreeiwlll be taken
Ml... In at .nil tnr IK. rail..! n.iu-l In In .all nnnl.lii.
"" 1 ""- " ... -H..H. .(,'. mm.. . .
I. hlrl. I. fnr Ar .IIh.IIpc ml .lf.mlnlMi ih.ill WeStfrlV extension Ol the lUU Mnunlaln .IliarlC
thr U .In in.1 nttlflf, Irnm .nil tn nl.lnllff Ih. . I Inff Claim, and Said PvrlleS and Nalfhpl rlalms h
of one hundred an I Ihirtv eight dnllsrs (S11X.00) with' 1 wrsterly,e.s)ttnsionsf said Ibex quart! claim, all
legal Interest thereon trom the t8lh dav of. February, 1 ' 1 J c l! "'lug situate Jus! 'west of the county
jx, until paid, and the further sum of fifty dollar's f line hrtWeejvJsaaer and Grant. Counties, In the Slate
($(o.oo) as an attorney fee to be allowed plalntlC 'fori' P'vVfgon, and. about ,elgbt illf's westerly from the
foreclosing the Hen hereinafter descilbed. and the I fow' Stimbter.; ' ' J
further sum of six dultars (Jo.o6)esprrrdrJ orTe-f-'VtWioi'OSlriR described personal property In
paring and recording a notice ol said lien.and the HP n" house at the Ibex mine, Irr Grant County,
costs and dlsburtemenls'oftMs suit; add lor a Jcorr. ' "e "'Oregen: 1 boiler, 1 hoisting engine and
of foreclosure bl a certain material man's Hen forVald f r, ' '"W slock and dies. 1 ore car, .all, 'irtck. all
.... ..i... ..... ...11.... i. i.j.ih.i ......' ti 1 pin. all fArnnfr. hl.rb.mlih. m!.... .Im.1.. m.h
ruins aKdinsi mr nirtini.iK u.Kiiyr. quail, foinina:.! r; 7 ' y .-.-" ., imi'., m.v,.
n4 ma. nine. 1 iwn, 'icvr sane, an nana' arms,
The Favorite Rout.
Between jhe Northwest and all Points
East. Choice of Two Routes Thrrnioh
the Famous " jmsi.
And Four Routes'of' I'dcbli.'and
Denver. ", ''"',;
All passengers Rrnuteil a day stop over
In the Mormon Capitol or anywhere be
tween Ojcden mid Denver.. Per.sunallv
conducted Tourist Excursions to ' -
, Mil., v ., ;
.Omaha, Kansas citv, st, Louis,
chicago and thii east. "
For tickets and anv Information. regard'
l"K. Wtites, etc., or for descriptive adver
tising matter, call on agents of Oregon
Railway, and Navigation Co., Oregon
Short Line or Southern Pacific companies.
G. P.&T. A. vGeiieral Agent-
Denver, Col , Portland, Ore.
', i'ni' ' t
claims situate in Faker County. Stale nf Oreeon. to
wit: the Delta, as recorded In hook "O" at page u
the Green River as reiorded In book "O" at page
5s: the Elite and l.outlla as recorded in book 'U" at
T-ige 11: the Trade Dollar as recorded In book "O"
at page 11: the Sumpter as recorded In book "N" at
page .84; the Nlnely-Nlne as recorded In book'"L"
at page siaot the records of quarts locations. In the
office of the recorder of conveyances of the County
ut Baker, State ot Oregan, which Hen Is secured by
a notice of Hen Med In the office nf the county clerk
nf the Cnuntv of Baker, Stale of Oregon, on the s8ih
day of March, i"o: and for a decree foreclosing and
barring your, and the defendant's, the Co-Operative
.Mining Company's equity ot redemption or other
Interest In, right to, or Hen upon said mining claims
and every part thereof, except the statutory right to
redeem, and that said mining claims be sold as by
law provided, and that the proceeds of such sale be
applied to the payment nf such decree, including In
terest, attorneys s fees, costs and disbursements and
accruing costs.
And you the said defendant, A. Walker, are hereby
notified that on the eoth day of September, 1900, the
Honorable W. W. Travllllon. County Judite of Ba
ker County, State of Oregon made an order that ser
vice ot summons in mis sun re made upon sou By
publication of summons, and that the date of the
ftrst.publlcalion of this summons Is September soth,
1000', and the date of the last publication thereof Is
November Tlh, 1000, "
N. C Richards,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
In thi Circuit Court of thr Statb op Oreoon,
In and for Ih Counlv of Baker.
Otto Htflocker, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Campbell
.and John Armbrusier, Defendants: To John Arm
truster, on ol the above named defendants. In th
nam of thr Stat of Oregon, you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer Ih complaint filed
against yog In the at ov nirid cause on or pfor
fr.t tth day of No. ember, 1000, which I Ui. last ity
Steel ore btickets. lo sacks nln. I blnivar. han.l .1,111
grindstones, s anvils, 1 barrow, 1 ihaln'.i' oil tank,!
so rolls packing, all saws, picks, shnvels. axes, ham-1
mers, stfdges, levels, braces, bits, filesi rasps,
chisels, wrenches, squares, pipe wrenches and all1
other personal property In said shall house. I
Also the tol'owing described personal property In
the building connected with the lower tunnel of said
Ibex mine: a steam pumps: ore car, all pipes, 4
shovels, 1 sets or car trucks, 1 axe, all track, 1 pick
and all other personal properly In said building.
Also the following described personal prodtrty In
the kitchen and dining room at said Ibex mine: 1
large cooking range, cooking utensils, crockery,
glassware, tinware, Ironware and dishes, as well as
all other personal properly in said kitchen and dining
Also the following described personal property in
the office at the Ibex mine: 1 stove, desks. clock,
lamps, 1 chairs, a beJ springs and bedding, all
drafting Instruments and all other personal property
In th office of said Ibex mine.
Also th following described personal poperty In
the assay omce of th Ibex mine: 1 slovt, 1 large
niunai, v mai mwfiaia, , assay engine anj appli
ances. 140 crucibles, 1 sieves. 1 or crusher. 1 sacks
ore. buckets, and all other personal property In said
assay omce at said Ibex mine.
Also th following personal property In th dwell
ing a Jolnlng said assay office at said Ibex mine 1
cook stove and cooking utensils and dining room
dishes, 1 set assayers scales, 1 coal oil lamps,
gasoline lamps, a bdstad, 1 gasoline tank and all
other personal property In said dwelling.
Also all or on dumps at said Ibex mln and wa
ter tanks.
And you ar hereby northed that on th 16th day of
October, looo, th Hon. W. W. Travllllon, County
Judg of Baker County, Oregon, mad an order that
wrvlc of summons In this action b mad upon you
by Publication of summons, and that Ih data of the
first publication of this summons Is October it.
looo, ana in oat or in tan publication tnereor 11
November t igoo, ,
N. C Richard.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
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