'4 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, October ji, 1900 MORE SPOKANE MONEY Will Develop Promising; Crack er Creek Property. II. W. H. S-nltli left litre last week lor Spnkiue (or the purpose of organilug a rived yesterday from .1 mining company In Hrlllsli Columbia. It was consigned to the New York agents of the Hank of Montreal. The Ingot contained a frac tion over 753 pounds of the soild yellow metal, and Is valued at $154,000. It came In a solid cone, and stood about two feet I high. 1 his cone was. wrapped In canvass and fitted with an oblong box made of two- ' inch planks and he.ivily bound with Iron. Ilie gold was firmly held in the box by two wooden u edges driven In from the miImIm' .mm.inv in nnrrnte nrnnerilrs in top. Two heavy Iron rings were set in the Cracker Creek district, which he has the sides of the rough box and through been developing all season. James Cl.irk, , these were fitted wooden bars by uhlch brother of the "I'atsy" Clark, one of the ' the box was lifted. It required four men most Miciesslul operators in the West, is to remove it from the truck in the assay president of the company. James Is said f" t" 'e sCales-New York Press dis til have made even more money, but less patih. noise thin his brother. Allot the men ..... ..7. connoted itl. the company are success-1 GOLD MINES OF INDIA. tnli mining men and it is a matter on uhlih the entire district can congratulate itself th.it these men have become inter ested here. Speaking of this matter, the Spokesman-Review s iys: Spok.iue capitalists arc to extend their Though Worked For Ages, They are Still Producing. 'I lie most extensively developed mines In India are Incited in the district which may be best described as the Western operations in eastern Oregon. Artkles of Uus, ,,,,,,. of ,)le Rrclt pel,inM,a f t,e Incorporation were Med yesterday fur the jst m. They are situated not over Craiker Summit (mid Mining company, , 00 nes from ,he ocein.and bitween witli headquarters in Spokane. I he cap-1 )00 ilMj 400 lMes m)rll of Comorin, ital is in 1 .000,000 shares at 25 cents each. whch s ,le mo,t southerly point of the I he olliccrs are: President, James Clark, mil,n1d of d.f ,s coast range is ke presMcut, l.eou II. I.ongi secretary j 0C.lMy klm. .,,, ,he Western Ghats. It and treasurer, Oeorge It. I.insley; general ,s vcrv rilKKeJ and pd,,!,,,,,,,., chum of manager, II. W. H. Smith. I he directors lllml,s about ioo miles lung, lying are: lames Clark, Leon II. Long and . vy dosc 0 ,he mm aj often rising dl- irorge II. Llnsley of Spokane, H. W. H. ttCy from t!( w:ltrr: IIlagnllicent head Smith, of Sumpler. Ore., and J. C. Mc- J allds .d peils , llRlt r.IIIKK froln I adden, uf Walla Walla. , 5000 , l)000 feeli ,lc e,tt.m or iuilld I he properties ol the company are the J0,es 0, ,N rlnKe .re comparatively Sun.11.lt, Summit No. 1, Summit No. J, 1 mi,, aj it s ammiK llie uplanu that the Cracker No. 1 and live other claims. )c ,ndj( K,j mhm e I hey are dlrect'y west and adjoining the I , ,, reR01 t)(. industry is a very Eureka , E.xcelsoir and North IN.Ie, on ' ;lMCrllt onc. prom time immemorial there the summit between Cracker and l-'ruit us been a small continuous production of t reeks, about hall a mile from Houme, ( the 111et.1l by the natives, who. of course, Maker lounly.and about seven miles from ,my .lclI,lej , work the alluvial de Sumpter. I he Summit, Summit No. 1 wtl , ;ld jtllle he mt),ntllln breams, and Novke arc the northern extensions of AlH)u, 870 he Unf,ttsh bKalIM. .rested the Irre Coinage, Cliinav, Ohio and Cy- , ,e qu.irl r.f,s whiili occurred higher clone ledge, wl.UI. is a parallel vein to the ,,, ,lmlK, tle industry at t.rst was al- Gokond... Columbia, I:. I: d Nrlli . ,llllsl n cnntliiiiiHi record of failures; yet Pole ledge. 1. ,1. 1. . i- Vrars it li.is become well established, and Is now a very Important factor in the world'.s table of totals, as the yield last ear had the value of J8.500.ooo. During August of this vear the Indian mines vieldeJ Al.tCix ounces of I'ciM. and opuieut woik until the heavy winter ( ,, , ,,. rJ , , mnl, ,he priH,uc. snows toned them to suspend operations. j()1 (,r ,c ycr ,, d amoimlrJ ,0 J25)27 I his spring they resumed work and con- mCes ,s fuy eMlftcl, ,, w ,,.,, tinned until October 1. I hey have spent ,, t. tw,vc ,, wj be dose ,0 about fsooo In delopment. According to 500,ooo ounces, worth In the vicinity of Manager Smith, who is the cllv. they flo,ooo,x; for during the last five years, haveevposed the ledge for i 100 leet by mum, SVstems of workings, and up-to- shalts, tunnels and open cuts, and lind It j ,. MMcllncry ,uve eM,ellslvely replaced strong, well del.ned aid from 10 to 40 ..... lllpllllU ..... .1I,ni111I.es of tl.r n.i. Messis. CI. irk, Long and Smith pur chased the Summit and Summit No. 1 claims In September, iKw, ol Alteiihoffer ' i l:o, the tili;lii.il lotatoi. I hey put! on a (our of men and c intliiued devel- leet w Ue, w ith thtee p ly shoots, w it li av says ranging trom 5.40 to 16.15 per ton. I he development consists ol uj leet ot tunnels, oser 100 leet ol shaft and about )5otertol open cuts, 1 he nest work will be to dilte .uni-mit tunnel 1012 leet, I he bulk of the ores being worked at piesenl are ery high grade, and compar atively Itee. I liu at eight of the princi pal pnoeitleo, the crushing during Aug ust amounted to 32,885 tons, whkh yield ed ii.Jii ounces of gold, (worth about whUl.wlll tap the ledge near the main ,l8iJol,fr 0UIKP) 0II ,he pa,eSiinj (,2l)0 M) Miiiui .11 .1 tiri'iu in iis irri. i liry h tve good wagon 10 ids Into the properly, .1 substantial bl.uksmilh shop and outl.t ol tools, good mill site, plenty ol timber tor mining and milling puiposes, and also plenty of water to run a umipressor and lor milling purposes. I'tie ore can be brought Irom the tunnel to the mill by gravity, thus sat lug expensive hoisting and pumping maJiinery. Kpeilswho have examined the property ate said to have declared tint with development the' ouiives at the tailing plants which are all using the cyinide process. I his verres ponds to a shiJe over 17.00 per ton of aude oie. In the M sore property which Is the oldest and most developed a depth of 2)oo feet has been attained on the vein. At this distance from the surface the pay ranges in width from I'jto 3 feet, and gives assay values trom 53.25 to J14 per ton. In the other mines, which have in the distilct. It is the intention of the company to put I, Lv.iiiii-.l ttintlw nf i-vw-i fift nr liv. th property may make one of the best mine!, . ... f f 1 .- . - .....v- r - Ion ;tnJ over, but h Krntrr.illy in a narrow viim. Altittflltr llik Iitifl in uiil.l tti in (no on iwo shilts and push development all ,(lJn he mJ ,() bf ,(1 ;( w nler. and Minager Smith leaves for ilir condition. Minims Reporter, mine Monday to get work started as early as possible. Gold "Button" Worth $154,000. The highest "button" of gold ever re ceived at the assay otlice in Wall street, according to Superintendent Mason, ar- Cottage For Sl. A beautiful new four room modern cot tage with xloets, nicely papered and on sightly lot 60x100 feet. Price very rea sonable. Enquire at MINER office. Mi 7k 5c a Henry Finger THE CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER -55" On draught or in bottles at five cents per glass or five bottles for one dollar. Full car load just received. Center St., Opp. P. 0. Sumpter, Ore. Henry Finger if? THE WONDER GKO. W. WEIGAND, I'ROI'RIIiTOR. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Roots, Slioes, Hats and Clothing. THE WONDER, BOURNE, OREGON TH Sumpter Forwarding Co. General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. Warehouse, and office, S. V. Track SUMPTER, OREGON. THE GEM SALOON A. J. STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Suyde it Stlnson) Only the Best Brandsof LiquorsServed Over the Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON CAPITAL. Barber Shop M Baths A. C. Davidson, Mtnagrr Claud Dutw, Operator Operated in Connection with Capital Hotel, j First-Class Work. Porce lain Bath Tubs Sumpter, Oicfoo i 4