THE SUMPTER MINER. M r TOWN OF Wednesday, October 31, 1900 ..WHITNEY.. Building Has Actually Commenced A LIMITED NUMBER OF LOTS WILL BE SOLD to bona fide building purchasers. NO BOOM. Let your eyes and foresight be your judge. The cars will be running into Whitney by No vember 1. Don't overlook a good thing. The coming town at the western terminus of the Sumpter Valley Railroad. e & & g i TELEPHONE BLACK 891 Address or Consult JAMES H. GRAHAM BAKER CITY OR SUMPTER COUNTY RECORDS. The following Is the record of official busim ss transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, Oct. 30: MEAL ESTATE TPANSIERS. Warranty drr d-Ocl g. Wm H Motby to II Balantyne , lot ) blk i to Sumpter anJ lot i blk A.STCo idadn jjo Warranty dee J Feby 16, Lora UooJct vlr to II FLandrelh.loltablkT Wlloval I Warranty deed-Oct n.llF Landreth to Cllrn Burnt, lot( ta an J a i. Mk t Wlloval jo Warranty deed-Aug 15, Jo. Palmer el ux to B F Landreth. lot at blk 7 Wllovale o Warranty deed-Nov 95, '09 A M Clark et ux to APGott.n J lot jMk 11 Sumpter 00 Deed-Oct 18. Whitney Towntlle Co to J II Rogerx. lot 15 blk ao, Whitney Do Derd-Oct at, Jno L Sullivan to M F Sullivan, lot 9 Mk 1, Mill adn 10 Sumptrr 1 Quit claim deed May i, '8, M Finlayaon to J P Atwood.parlne'f nw ( tec 11 tpvrao., no Quit claim deed-May 18, '08, Thos Drlalane rt al to J I' Atwood. part ne M nw ',' tec i tp 9 r 40 Warranty deed-Oct ai. Chai TrlmMr to W I) Lockhart, nj ne l an4 nc U nw tec t teji aw iS tec u tp 10 r jt eo Warranty deed-Oct at, W D Lockhart to F U Lockhart, tame a above .... 5" Warranty deed-Oct arJ J Wlllltet uloWJ I'aylon und H n aw4' anJ awtf nK tec 1 1 andtpSr j8 Warranty deed-Aug e.Wm La J J ft al to A ft Kobncr el al tw ( or )' tec 5 tp r ? Warranty JeeJ-Sept to.S J RoJkey et ux to A M Finch, ) lots In Warren Heights aJn to Sumpter Warranty deed-Oct ta. A M Finch to Loatt Stale Invettment Co, tame at above J" Warranty deed-Aug a ,C L Palmer to C E Wooda.lolt is and 16 blk 14. Wllovale adn. Baker City 7 Warranty deed-Men it, Thos E Etllt el ux 10 Coriander Mng Co, part tec 11 tp it r at.... 1 Warranty ded-Oct 1 j, M Wohlgemuth to J E Wohlgemuth, lot x Mk a, llatkrll't adn to Bakrr City. Quit claim drrd-Oct m. M Wohlgemuth to J E Woleemulh.lot j blk a, llatkrll't a In to BakerClly 1 Quit claim deed-Oct , M Swyter to II Swter, hit wile, blk as, Sumpler T Co't itt adn 1 Warranty deed-Oct to, M J Jamev to M S Bend, w !a nw ,i tec a? Ip8 T4o loo MIMNC1 MATUUS. Mining derd-Oct ta, W L Young et ux to M Unrlcker el al. Dam lino qti claim. tuo Mining derd-Oct 4. E Cannon rt al Free Coinage (1 Mg Co Free Coinage and Dewey qttclalm , 1 Mining dred-Oct .4. V A Schilling et al to Tree Coinage (1 Mg Co Cora qt claim .... 1 Quit claim deed- Oct 18, Jno flaglr to M Un jlcker, undJJ Di light qti claim . Quit claim deed S Chapman rt al to A J Trim ble Annalulu qli claim .... 50 Warranty ded- Apr 11. '07. I R Kldd el al to I: Ul') ton rial water ditch and placer mine In lluckhorn (Sulch axo t Mining deed -Jan o, F I: Cowen et vlr to Clark Snyde, und e-x Appomatox qti claim.. 10000 Mining derd-Oct J A Wilton to J Baer, und ' 1 Mammoth and cxlrntlon and und yt Blue J.iy qli claim joo Mining drrd Oct iq, A llrnolt to Jnn Slratak, und S Blue Bucket and Terror placrr clalait 100 MOHIOACIS. Chattel Oct ai, ieo K (iraham 10 C K Whit man, barber hop and baih tubt . , ai x Moitgage Oct 6, T (i I ockhmt to A l.llloll, lot 1, blk ti Sumptrr, and other land ... 1000 Mortgage Oct a , II Pood el ux to J II Don aldt, lot 10 blk K, DeMoo't adn In Baker Cily 4 jo Morlgage- Oct 16, C W Durkee to J E I'ugh, liold Coin and No a qti claim ., lit Chatlrl-Ocl o. J II Worley to Fred Woilry 1)8 theepand aotont hay 1)0 Attlgnment T Ci Lockhart to A Elliott, mtg on Grlnin Hotel, Sumpter 14I1 Morlgage Oct , W C Chate to W Frrnald, und ), lot 1, blk t. Slur get' adn, Baker City 400 Mortgage Oct jo, M S Bend et ux to M J Jamey, w i nw trC a? tp 8 r 40 Mortage Oct eg. A Bettler rl vlr In I' IV Roo. lot v blk C, DelWt adn, Baker City. . . . II MlsCtUAM ou.s. Action M J Mrad vt Jno Slratak rt re cover damaget lor mining on placer claim No 10, . y Anklet ol Incorporation-Grant County Bank, A P (iott, L V Swigged and C II McCulloch Principal office Canon City, Ore., capital... if ,nuo Action Henry Haltmlrr vt Cnntolldatrd Ho nania Gold Mining Co., to rrcovrr damagrt lor accident io,ox Acllnn-Orrgon I Iquor and Cigar Co vt Wrtl fall & Crntten, to recover on note and ace I. . 114 Acilon-M Well & Co vt Frank loitrr, to re coverunacrt 11 John Temple Grayson j Mining Expcrl and... Engineer The lllghrxt Rrfrrencrt (ilvrn When NrqulliJ IIAKI.K CUV. OKU. Cablr Addrrtt Trinplrgray, Bakrr, Ore 4444v-4 , Pay Less s Dress Better M Tailoring Tailored by The Royal Tailors is Tailoring Tailored Right Every garment made strictly to measure. Correct ness of style, perfection of fit and absolutely faultless workmanship. No charge for showing samples. Ladies' and Gents' Mackintoshes a Specialty Next to Magnolia CHAS. B. HECHT