The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 24, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, . October 24W 1 900
Found in a Give on the Green,
horn Mountains.
(Tim'.m auk iir thi I'voi'Mir Jai:kn.)
I. And il c.i me to pass during the latter
part iif the rclKii of KiiiK McKlnley that
there gathered together all the wise men
and prophets ot the land.
II. And, leli(ild, there appeared ii'itnthem
the Anisel Wheeler whose voice was as
the tinkling of brass and line silver.
put to flight the Milwaukeeltes, for, the
women of that country were mighty
fighters. '
XXI. Thus endeth the First Rook of
Alamo, being a translation as was re
corded, and t tins it so happened that
Wheeler was again declared king among
his people.
Baltic at a Miner.
Very few people are aware that Balzac
once engaged In gold mining. Always
short ol money despite his colossal literary
labor, the famous author yearned for some
j sudden fortune from gold mines or hidden
treasure. He consulted certain somnam
bulists on the point. One of them hav
ing revealed the secret that at a certain
III. 'Ihus did he say unto them, get ye i Smit at Port an Prince Tnussalnl-Loiiver
until the land of Alamo, for, In and be-1 lure );,j buried immense riches, Balzac
hold, I hive had a great the resVfd to repair to St. Domingo and
gold of that country is good.
IV. Thus did they cniiie from the tribes
ol Milwaukee and from around about
the liast and brought with them great
riches and did build up a mighty camp.
V. Now these are the tribes as were re
corded, Wheeler was the son of Tun
tielsite, which, being translated, means
keep 'em out.
VI. And he begat Warner, who was the
sou ol A. Fake, aid he brought with
him the children of Strasbourg who
worked days in the bowels of the earth,
and he il was who wrote the great hook
ol promise-..
VII. And Warner begat Aldrin and his
tiibe lor Aldiiu was the sou ot A.
Sweed,.iud brought wiih him (lie parch
take possession of the treasure. Unable1
to do all the work alone he admitted Jules
Saudeau and Gautier into the syndicate,
promising them a big share of the profits.
They merely had to be at the station at a
certain time, ready to set out "with the
necessary tools." Exchange.
Hill and Canyon All Look Alike In that
Well-Named Region.
"Lost nn Desolation creek."
"This is one ol the easiest things in the
world," observed the man who has been
there, In discussing the latest episode of
this kind reported by the Grant county
I papers. "All that is necessary is to give
,..,...,., , '.ii'cis. nil 111. 11 is nct.cs3.iiy l iu kivc
men o the Prophet Quebec concerning t)e (omUy (.((Ke , ave tefe
c " " "'" " '". m,H I and know what It Is. If there ever was a
V III. Ihus .soh,ppeed.l.athereso- ry propcr,y named Ills that trlbu-
journrd totlutu.un.ry a mighty miner, J or)eM,,.(joi Cfee( of Qve
whose surname was Murphy, who be-, ,a Im w Oreelhom n,0UMlallw.
lug told iu a dream to sean I, he Hook , ., rw mn wm mmfd (ha ()un
:: .::::':d, " rj" " t ,.::; , creek ,,,, . bee,, .hr.. .hm.
vc.iicu li null wiinc 111 tnn mi iiic nni
mines of Alamo.
IX. And Murphy was the son of Sell
Stinks and he brought with him Ma
honey who was the tattler of the tribe
ol Whiskeyites and he begat Smith.
X. Nmv Smith was a great I. inner iu his
The only wonder to me is that there are
not more people lost in that section. For
1 the man who wants to get lost this dis
trict offers mure Inducements than any I
ever visited.
"I he 15-16 puzzle and '"igs-in-the-
ilni'ir' .ir .iii'iiw itilli tli litis
own land and a mighty glass Wo'r M o he low his
and did build up tor himsell
trade In rocks. m J rye.
X I. Now it c.ime to pass that there so
journed into that l.iud one Mcl'hre,
whose siirirune was linoothelite, which '
being ti.insl.ited Iroiu the Hebrew,!
mean- holdfast, and lie did build I
lioiiNes and b.irus and did flourish, and
became a mighty man among the people. ,
Xll. And MiPhrr was the sou of (jetem
and begat Campbell who was the son .
ot Keep'em; thus did they thrive.
bearings in this God-forsaken country.
Picture to yourself a vast stretch of coun
try covered with dead trees and fallen tim
ber, so tlikk that a grasshopper would be
puzzled to get through. The ground Is
broken, there being hills and canyons ga
lore. Hut they all look alike, and as for
using any ot them as a landmark to guide
your wanderings, you would be safer to
lie your reckonings to the sun by day or
ray ol the stars by night. You will find
1111 rlliKlM l-iiiif iti-irl.'k TIim k..'niirii In
VIII 1 11 1 a Ikiit 1 ' " intt'v niiiuiiiDin.ii n, vviiii 9
, ., T c , ' Hiresome and monotonous. There are
wasol the tribe ot Surething, and l'- pa,lr, v le ,, j, winjinK UIU1R),
was a ....,ryin..krr and he did work , w . M .(nJ ( .inJ
v w .." rV P . , ' ''f"""J """' the fallen trees. I heseare
XIV. And HUbee beg.,. Met .regor, who , , ;( , ,,,,, T
was the son of Allison, who was a very , w fr( W,r , mmmii M (f
.kl.m.u.andddown he great mines ,, ;(Ie dtlvflt lwrp for ,,,, lhr
..I t )..e be. ; he It was who was .heated . Mtv ( )e M(nnrr tf.M .,.,
by Ills k.usni.,., and kept ol of . j,,,,, IMMlllflf i(nJ e,j .,. -, hey
v!w "' .1 1 . . . ! are a delusion and . 1 snare.
XV. And the son of Allison beg:, Bar-. ..,,,. lrdcflMR ,,,, , lis
,e.t who was a great man n his own J vjt w.(Mp lf wiMrmrss s nfM;(,,on
way and a poll ki in and took onto him- ., N K ., ht..ll(tt, Ut:m .1)d
-.ill .1 1 K nr Mi 111s ,.,u .ir. ...,.. III, ... I,,.., ,,..ii. Il I. il.U
. , .. . , j . ,, hiiii- unit riAvmivi ruiiiiivri it i inn
And Barrett begat C ur and Ferris. .,, . ,,. v
... , . . . . tHIIIIVIIVH llllll K,,,v ,l,v ' I'MMM'II l
who belonged o the tribes ot Cripple )(f CM,,10, ,min A Mr ,,
Creek and hey, too, d.d inu.e -'"J , Mre.ltn therc ,, lllU ,0 br fimnjiM leM;lle.
um N ,'e,y ",'.. .. t ., ' I had no ditl.culty in tilling my basket In
VII. I hus ends he tubes of Alamo as wo mrs 1h H;lJ u M) ,,cf ffl
was levealed by the Prophet Jackson in . fri wa w,(i n)f ;nd
the I 00k of Alamo. m)) o f (si );J .(
XV II. And theie came a mighty fan,- ,ar h10ttrJ!co( lc cmilUv , ,, h,
iue In h ,t I ,nd. for McCoy would no. ;ve Wf ,, rp , ,() ,. w
lin.l Hid 11.1.111L kul lli I niil liI Ulii ' "
. ':' ' . . ' . '. . " 'out. I got lost within half a mile ol the
their midst the Angel Daley who did
trust them thiough a hard winter,
XIV. And there arose a mighty war
among the people for the tribe of Mil
waukee did battle will, the children of
St. Anthony.
XX. Hut the l.ord sent unto them one
Baud, who was a wise counselor, and
he did lead them Into battle, and did
spot where our horses were tied, and was
making piep.iratioitstocamp for the night,
when the cheerttil voice of my tiiend in
res pone to my calls, gave me my bear
ings and led me back safely to camp.
Five quart bottles of Olympla beer for
ii.ooat Henry Fingers'.
Is Prepared to Do Business
For the
Hartford Steam Boiler, Inspection
and Insurance Co.
Royal Insurance Company
Equitable Building and Loan Association
Portland, Oregon
Real Estate Loans on Approved Property
Secretary Sumpter Transportation Co.
Well Dressed Men
Must necrtsatlly have their clothes
mJe by an exprrlenceJ
Sick It m. JTirrtu
Recently from Portland, where he has associate.
with the leading tailoring houses lor over twelve
vears. Now carrjing a line line nl Fall anJ
Winter Suitings, Overcoat Patterns anJ Pants
(iooJs al
Corner Siciiii' i"
WllhlnfUn Strntl
Baker City, Ore.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed on Short Notice
Eureka Feed & Livery Company
J. L. SULLIVAN, Manager.
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
and passengers to any and all points.
A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Roots,
Shoes, Hats and Clothing.
Sumpter Forwarding Co.
General Storage, Commission and Forwarding.
Warehouse and office, S. V. Track
A. J. STINSON, Prop.
(Successor to Snyde & Stinson)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
Barber Shop
si Baths
A. G. Davidson, Manager
ClAUD DREW, Operator
Operated in Connection
with Capita) Hotel. "
First-Class Work. Porce
lain Bath Tubs
Sumpter, Oregon