The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 24, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, October 24. 1900
Old Timers Used It to Mould
Rifle Bullets.
Elmer E. Cleaver was in town Sunday
night, on his way from Baker to Prairie
City. As usual, he was loaded to the
guards with accurate Information, ob
tained by personal investigation, regard
ing the resources of eastern Oregon in
general, and the great "Isolated Empire"
tributary to John Day valley, in partic
ular. This time, however, he sprung a brand
new one, of much importance to this whole
region. Mr. Elmer says that when a boy;
he often heard the story told that over in
this country somewhere the hunters and
trappers moulded their rifle bullets of lead
taken directly from the ground. Ever
Mncc he has been operating in eastern
Oregon mines, he has been trying to lo
cate that lead mine, but only two weeks
since did he get any clue to the vicinity in
which the ledge Is situated.
At that time he was sitting one evening
in a hotel at Prairie CJty, talking to a
pioneer, jollying him a'on'gand pumping
him the while. Finally he" asked him if
he had ever heard the story about mould
ing bullets from native lead. He had
never heard of it. Rut another oldtimer,
hitting on the other side ot the store read
ing a paper about the "dangerous an
archist," Bryan, remarked that he had
never heard the story, but knew all about
the facts in the case; as he had frequently
turned the simple trick himself in the
early days, when it cost about ten cents a
pound to haul lead in from the Columbia
river trading post.
"I was pacing by there the other day,"
he continued, "and kicked off a piece.
Here it is." And he drew from his pocket
a lump of metal, dulled by contact wilh
other articles, that comes as near being
pure lead as was ever taken from the
ground. The ledge is said to be three feet
thick and stands up two feet above the
Asked where the stuff could be found,
Mr. Cleaver waved his hand over toward
the western sky line and said. "Right
over there. I'll gamble that there are
more different kinds of metal over in that
country than anywhere else of the same
area on earth."
Speaking of coal deposits below Prairie,
he stated that the wagon load which he
brought out was sent to officials of the O.
R. & N. road at their r quest, who will
make tests as to its steam producing qual
ities. In that vicinity surface oil can be
found most anywhere, which for years
lias been used for lubricating purposes.
There Is therefore scarcely a doubt but
what oil fields can be counted among the
marvelously rich undeveloped resources of
eastern Oregon.
Mr. Elmer stated that the richest copper
ore he has ever seen is found in a large
ledge fifty miles south ot Hums, and then
went to bed.
Glgaptic Cripple Creek Consolidation.
Prom entirely reliable sources it is
learned that a gigantic consolidation of
a number of well known Cripple Creek
mines is projected at this time and which
will take several months to consummate
The property involved is valued today at
53,400,000 and includes the Isabella mine,,
the Hart, Acacia, Arrow, Orphan and
probably the Pinnacle. Several compa
nies have been asked to come into the con
solidation, out have declined for the rea
son that they could not see that they
' would be materially benefitted by any
such step. It Is proposed to form a new
company styled the Isabella Consolidated
Mines company, with a capitalization of,ooo. Three, million four hundred
thousand dollars' worth of the new stock
will be Issued to take up the old stock of
the consolidated companies, the remaining
91,600,000 worth of stock going to the
promoters of the new deal and to cover
the expenses incident to the closing of the
deal. For the reason that several of the
companies which are included in the pro
posed consolidation have not vested their
directors with the right to dispose of prop
erty without consulting the shareholders
in mass meeting, so that special sessions
of thecompanie so regulated will be neces
sary, it is stated that calls are forthcom
ing at this time for such meetings. This
will take time and It will not be possible
to close any such deal until all this has
gone through with, which will take sev
eral mouths. Press dispatch from Denver.
Baker City Politic Mixed.
Baker City voters are confronted with
a very peculiar state of affairs pending
the city election November 5. In the face
of high pressure, two leading republicans
have declined to run for mayor; one repub
I lean declined In favor of a democrat; one
democrat whose petition was filed with
drew in favor of another democrat; one
councilman resigned to make his race for
mayor stronger, making it necessary to
elect six instead of four members, another
resignation having already necessitated
the election of five councilman, and the
mayorality question has simmered down
to two democrats. Party Hues are down,
only two counclimen so far having beeii
nominated, and It seems to be a free-for-all
devil take the hindmost race. Republican.
Drug Co.
Only exclusive whole
sale drug house in the
state. We sell only to
merchants. Make the
best prices on miners'
and assayers' supplies.
Freight no higher than
from Portland.
Write for quotations.
Spokane Drug Co.
Spokane, Wash.
Neustadter Brothers
Joshua Hendy Machine Works
San Francisco, California
l I'
H 'jHsLHrilEiilkN
The "Hendy Improved"
Triple Discharge Two
Stamp Mill
1900 MODEL
(tpt.-ltv 6 to 10 Inn p.T Jay
Weight ot Mill complrtr with 8;u-lb. tiampt, Hpxi lh,
' " " " HUM-IN " I)IX1 ll.
INmcr ti-tpillfd lo drive 8v-IN (tamp mill.. . II, .
nvlN " ..7 II. I'.
l)lt:lmii;i' atra 4ft s iuair Imtira.
"I'mIk Hoih- I'tmri Itolstlnc Wlilmn
Sill I iimplneOiranJ Wntri Mlp
Otern.1 Wain HurMs
Mlnlnn .is nii-l Til- Null
"tilt n 1 1 " pJ "llrnJ-Ni'ih'in"
CnniitittAtitifct O'r Cwvln-i, Oil
I irJrin, (.luvlilri; Mulls
I 1'iUn, I figlnri. nrk I'mi p; HnUtl''.:.
1'in'i li p MM InlKo'lni! I'l.mK
Wutrt Whri'lt iintl Wnlrr Miitoit
(til urn! Itntollnr rnclnf and MuUu
A it I iimpifim and Ittiik DlllU,
Sum Mill M.otiinuv
Plans, Specifications and
Estimates Furnished
CaUliii; On Application
Avenarius Carbolineum
world famed Wood Preserver (or minim: tim
bers, fence posts, house props, shingle roofs. A radical N
remedy against L-niCKen Lice aiui an ins.ecis mat piey
upon timber.
Ki:KKUUKON Paint (and rust). A peimancnt a atirg
for inon roofs. Fire rroof for stacks. Send lor circulars.
Basche Hardware Company Agents
rwwi-i i-x 1 at r- w
ConductrJ by MKS. II. I'lSHIiR
A First-Class Restaurant. Only Home
Cooking. Private Rooms for Ladies or
Families. ... Recently Removed to
McCulloch Building, Next Door North
of Brewery.