Wednesday, October 24. 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. ...THE CITY OF... M SUNPTER p .-J ' llltti t i IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE RESIDENCE, COMMERCIAL, BANKING AND MINING CENTER OF THE , . . f.f Great Sumpter Mining District Surrounded as it is by Ten Dividend Faying Mines with ' ,j Stamp Mills. Many shipping mines are now being developed ' by capital and will soon be dividend payers, while hundreds of promising prospects are in process of development. Enterprise With Capital Will Find This a Profitable and Safe Field For Investment SUMPTER, OREGON v. " IS A MODERN LITTLE CITY OF '",- 3500 POPULATION ' It has many blooks of paved streets, gravity water system, reservoir capacity 1,000,000 gallons fed by pure mountain streams, 80 pounds pressure at fire hydrants; a first-class and well equipped fire department; electric light plant , . not surpassed in the state, 2000 incandescent lamps, streets lighted by 20 arc lamps; good oity government, good public schools, lodges of nearly all the secret orders represented, healthy climate, and different from many mining centers it is a "CITY OP HOMES FOR THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING DISTRICT." SUMPTER WITHIN THREE YEARS WILL HAVE A POPULATION OF TEN THOUSAND You can make no better investment than to purchase Sumpter Real Estate. Desirable business and residence property can be bought from $60.00 per lot and upwards on easy terms, by addressing Sumpter Townsite Company, Limited. CHARLES S. WARREN, President. TOM C. GRAY, Auditor W. C. CALDER, Sicretiry.