THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, October. 24, I900 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the Town of Sumpter. (Illlllslllll IVIWI WIIISIMMY IIV II. MARSH AMI J. W. (,ONNi:i.LA suiisoii'iios mil s One Year Sit Mnnilit .J. Ao,As IV AllVAM I IntereJ .0 the iiliilll(r In Sumplrr. Oregon, lor IrAttsfjiKslufi ItiHiuuli Hit tnallt at M-cnnJ clatt matter. POPULATION OP SUMPTER 4,500. royal loot in imperial sanctuaries. Hug Ac, AIN and cow couutv papers H-I"nen are playing hockey on the grounds are complaining because ol Maker county's " "e Innpleof llravrn. To make a l.ivv assessment, which only amounts to short-cut through the Imperial city, walls Iwo or three millions. Our greatest have been ruthlessly b'asted, that it was wealth lle I ines, which are not taxed lormeily death to tamper with. Every bv law. Human nature in thesr ivirts ! ll't possible to show disrepect and con- has not reached that degree of perfection when men will dig up money for thr com monwealth meiely Iroui a sense ot the iiiity of the cause. I his thing of taxa tion and exemption from taxation is not lused 011 absttact justice, but expediency, and law muKeis nave ever deemed It un wise to throw the taxation harpoon into mine owners. I hr kickers will please hi luhire aim their hools at legislation aiid give Baker county .1 test. Ol.I) John Sherman is dead, at last. He was a man ot much Intellectual force, but his talents were ever prostituted to Co. store for prompt attention. M. W. ignoble pu.poses. He was In pubic life SllVaii. Sumpter. Oregon. lor loily vcars, and the hlstoiv of that ' peiiod will record no act of his in the in-' Cottage For Sale, teiest of (he masses; all ol his effoits , A beautiful new four room modem cot weie put loitli lor the beneht of the class- l;,Ke w,, clo-rl. nicely papered and on rs. He died rich, but never attained the sR,tv 0 foxioo feet. Price very rea object of lils.iini.iiitiii, the presidency, soluble, (inquire at MlNKH office. I'lie woik he did lor Ills masters was so) tnarse that thev could never deliver to Leuoni in Lace. Iilin this leward, which lie so persistently Mrs. Marsh, next door to MINI-R office, demanded. It was therefore a clear casr will give practical distinctions In lace til letiibulivr justice when, in his decliu- work. Materials and hundreds of pat lug yrais, lie was thrown out ol the pub-1 terns to select trout. He set vice to make loom for the lale( day ' - , , . - - high pilest ot thr dollar worshippers, the coarse libeled I lamia. I III: Boers tr still lighting, as ate thr i P'lllpinos, both lor thrlr lights and politi-j cal llhrity. And the two gteat Anglo Saxou nations ol thr raith air the tyian leal rnruiles ot these two wrak pr)ples. Ihr latest vktoty ol tlte Boeis is rrl.itrd in this press dispatch, from Louden: "l.oid Unbelts trpoits finui Pirtoria that thr Boris attacked Agrisloutrln and suc ceeded In irlraslng the Boer piisoneis in tltrtown brloie being lepulsrd. I heir loss was t.ent, Including Commandant , Vlssei, Bon suipathleis in the town Mssistrd, lot whuh lltev will be hravllv punished. Boris attacked laliirMiillh on Ihr ninth and wrir lepulsrd, the Brit ish loss was tun killed and six wounded. I lie Seventeenth B u ton leglineut tough! n M Ihr Boris a I I tedeiicksi.idt, losing two killed and foul wounded." . Ol- COUKM-. Ui ules L. Alvotd, note teller ol the Hist. National bank ol Nrw Yoik, "has bi-ru wilh the Institution many veals .uul was one ot Its most (Misled men." but he stole .7oo,oco just , the same whrilirr lint sum Is all lie t .....1. 1 1 11 ..... .1... 11 1. 1 IlllllC IS lllll Itllliwn, s.iyt me Clisi.licil. 1 I hat is alw.ivs tlie c.tsr; .1 man must be tiuslrd or hr will never have aw oppor tunity to III tkr silcll .1 killing. A good, honest thlel is never gitrnachince In this woild to tuiu that kind ol a trkk. All OttlCi.ll connected Witlltlir bank Is t anj lirilmenlnl met. Omp inlet uiKanlieJ. Capl quoted as saying: "Pioof that tile bank """"''"J p.ite.ponJencelnclteJ. OrnhJentlal. is not 'Ikely to sulfer by the defalcation is that its piotits tor the year ending last September, were f(, 350,600. 'I lie par valur of stock is $100 per share, bu! it has brought as high as fU)2) at auction. Hie book value of the stock Is $3105 per share and ns high as $3600 ha4 been bid. It has for several years paid annual divi dend of 100 per cent." Till: following Interesting pelce of Infor-tn.-itiim fumes from Prkln bv mail and was put on the wire by the Associated press: "Nothing has been left undone to Im- I press upon the native mind the complete triumph of the allies, and the utter humll- ' I latiou and disgrace of the Imperial govern ment. Beautiful palaces and holy tem ples have been convertrd into stibles, spacious royal parks into camping grounds. Convict soldiers of l-'rance and barbarous Cossacks of Russia are camped on the sa cred slopes ot Coal Hill. A mixture of all the people of the earth bargain and sell I tempt for ancient and sabred customs and religions has been done, and the mark of the vaud il is everywhere." If that isn't the most transparent excuse for robbery ever olfered by civilized, i.lirlsllanlec! people, will some ''patriot" who stands pat on every stacked hand dealt please point out the winning incident. Your .Winter' Wood. I have for sale several hundred cords of seasoned worn! for immediate delivery. I also own and run the steam saw. Leave vNinr itrilpre In .-ttlii-r r.-i nt Inline X To the Faithful ' KNOW Al I. MI.N Tlnl many Prlnret ul thr Oilrnl air now tuloutnlni; In the Oty ul Sampler anj are meeting, lor Itir purpose ul In to uctlnt novlcet anj Jlrtutin wit Join, al 8 p. m WeJnrtJa eci-nlnnsal ReJ Men's hall, anJ al such oilier placet at Ihr (iranj I'aJatha mat in Jer. All ('liner who have not maJe themselves kmmn ate corJlalk InviteJ to present themieltes, stall ol lllf In the temple Joor, where the) will l-e corJIallv welcoineJ. BV ORDCP) Grand Secretary Grand Padasha I. O. R. M. i;JN' I Kill! .So r.lmpiinrj Orjn UeJ Men. I- meet In trculir minill .it I lilt Hi, at Hie kill i tun on tin- irj tl,ep ol trt een Mint ol rult i "'"' , M ! " MtinK . lutniine i-i.m - n u. t.iuft. innmiu ll.ciu ounJt 1 W w iim.i ui U sichem . SU.WPILR UhVLLOI'MLM CO. M'MIMI-R, OKI.GON I Ownrts of all tltr cholcr acir.tgr stir- toundiug Stimptrr. Inside rrsidruce lots un easy teinis. Apply lo S,:VMOt)U II. HULL. Manager. 1 0. M- ROSENDAI.E MINING ENGINEER ... METALLURGIST Nistntt tic-citiOrei?onlan HulJlni?. Port- I111J. ItietJiin. I xjinlnet anj tepoitt upon millet, .Mini... .......a..... .,.ld lu . UA.CI.1i. MdlllllU p A. L STANH, Attorney-at-Law Center, cor. Illsh St. Sumpter, Oreson ! John Temple Grayson Mining Expert and... Engineer The Hlghett References Oiven When Reo,uireJ HAKER CITY, OHH. Cable AJJress Templegray, HaUer. Ore -- ---- E, A. CLEM & CO. AUNING INVI-STMI-NTS Properties Enmlrud and Reporltd on, Member Pott- lind Mlnlni Stock Cichinf 146 THIRD ST. PORTLAND. ORK. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTOHNFY AT LAW Rooms 2 and 3, Hirst Bank of Sumpter Huiiding, SUMPTER, OREGON L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Sreclat Attention Cilvrn to Surgery anj to Dl. eases ol Women. Oflice, Nclll Bleck: RetlJence, Granite Sttrtt nrar Mill pENNF.R & WORTHINGTON Civil and Mining Engineers. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surteyori (or Oregon, Wash ington, Malm anj Montana. I.nglneers lor the Sumpter Town-.Hr Cumpanv, LlmlteJ. UarrM Mi' Pitta! SuKlfl. i OraofMlng. lei Prlatlai H. T. HENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. Ilargalns In Sumpter Dlttrlct Quart Clalmi. SUMPTI-R, . OREGON W A. SAMrYiS, AKCHITi:CT, iickiR cuv, : out cos RelliMe rlan, tpeclrlcatlont anJestlmate-i lurnltheJ ARTHUR PHILBRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. II. S. Dii'uti Mineral Sureor lor Oiei;on anj Uahn. Ciamlnatlont .inj rrprtt on mining proper llet. Other with Little Ulant Mlnlni; Co. MllL SlfllT. SUMpTrB. OWIOON, SSIIHASCP. j:L. MANNING, miL LSL (.It) KecorJer anj Not.irv Public. Collectloni Abttractt Acini lor I wlclJe lire l'ilni;ultlier. Sumpter. IQTOTT cV SIIELION, " m I J ' J. I. Mill on IIIUUS Attorneys at Law. SUMI'TI H. OM.UON . H. W. HAMILTON. Mlnlnc anJ Contultlni; I'ncineer. Mining I'roperlles rtimlnej, HesiteJ On anj I or Site. Morelne anj Neat CoJe. ne anj .e: lio ,18. SUMI'TLK, OHL'CON DKS. TAPE & PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons C. M. I'CAWCE, M. u. a. w. tape, m. d. Telephone Main ij. Suwpur, Orcoon Basche Hardware Co. . . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for "HERCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. LINES OH THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SlIMI'Tltt-CANVON KOUTI-. 14 in p. m. 1 Lv I io p. m. I Ai I 40 p. m. Lv 1 10 p m. I Ar . Mimpier. Ar UlttorJ .. ..Lv UlflnrJ .Ar Auttin .Lv lit in a. m. Huifl, m. ?.)o a. in. t.oo .1 m. Ceniiecilni: at Auttlnultli tt.met tor Cinuin City anj Intirlor polntt. -,o p. m. I Lv I iu p. in. I Ar CI I If or J .llonanra. .Ar I lv Va a. m. o. io a. m. Connertlnt; at llon.mj.i with ttai;e tor 'y, RohlnMimllle. Worle), Vlrginii. IVn .luin anj neither mine,. SD.MI'TLH-dMANITU ROUTE. 1, o p. in. , L Sumiter Ar j ioiu a. m. (irinitr tv J i m a. m. 4'0 p. 'Ai Llei atCranlleto Noith (ork, ReJ Hoy. Han lette anj aJjjenl mines. SIIMPTLR-HOURNL ROUTh. i.n p. m. I Lv Sumpter Ar cup, m. I Ar . Bourne Lv -Q p. m j Ar.... ColumMa. .Lv o 10 a. m 800 a. m. t:o a. pi' IncluJIne North Pole. K. A E., Climax. OhloanJ aJ Ja.'ent EAT r