The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 17, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, October 17, 1900
h il
AH Miners in This District
Unusually Hopeful.
J. S. Hughes, one of the owners of the
Standard, over in the Quartburg district,
the property in which U. S. Marshal
Houserls largely interested.passed through
Siimptrr Friday, on liis way to Joplin,
.Missouri, to visit his brother and mother.
The former was out here last summer.
Mr. Hughes will spend some weeks in the
Bust before returning to the Standard.
He is enthusiastic over the outlook in
the Quartburg district, especially of the
Standard mine. Several weeks since It
was stated in these columns that the ledge
had been cut. Since then they have been
drifting and Mr. Hughes says the vein Is
improving every day. Last week they
took out two chunks of ore, one weighing
over 200 and another )oo pounds, with not
an ounce of rock hi either. 1 his ore as
says gd and copper.
Bvery prospect tint has been opened up
in the district shows good values and most
or the ore bodies are large. The recent
sale of the Present Need to P. I:. Morcy,
ot Portland, for a large sum lias encour
aged claim owuets to go to work and de
velop their properties, and mote work will
be done this winter than in any previous
ten years.
F. J. Conwy Bonds More Claim.
I'. J. Conroy, of the Standard Oil Co.,
lias bonded the mining claims ot Hob Car
ter, located on Sutton creek. These
claims are In the same district as those
owned by Letson Balllet, and the move
made by Air. Conroy has attracted some
of the best mining men in this country, j
among them Al CJeiscr, W. L. Vinson '
and Letson Ralliet. I hose who know are I
tree to confess that these bonded proper
ties are making remarkably good show
ings In wide ledges and rich values of gold.
That country will not be outranked in the
race of paying mines, and this new move
will lend zest to those who own properties
in that district. Republican.
profitable operation.
Crude and local prospecting on the.e
bars has always been attended with a cer
tain amount of success, producing for In
dividuals a modest living or as mi'ch as
could usually be earned at manual labor,
and many a needy man has saved himself
from want by turning to them when no
other relief was in sight. It is entirely
likely that dredging on a large scale will
become at no distant day one of the im
portant and favorite industries of this
country, and that Snake river will add
material riches to Its present indispensa
ble economic value as an Oregon and
Idaho resource.
Of course, in some sections where the
deposits weie exceedingly heavy and rich
it has paid in the past, and the new plan
will only Increase the returns from those
localities, while thousands of acres of
ground that wouldn't pay heretofore will
be forced to yield up its precious treasure.
Engineering and Mining Journal.
Scenic Line of the World.
For an enjoyable trip east, take the
Denver & Rio Grande railroad, Scenic
Line of the world. Three daily trains be
tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo
and all eastern points, and all points on
the Pacific coast. Most magnificent scen
ery on this continent. The leading fea
ture In connection with the trip is that the
through trains pass through the scenic
attractions of the Rocky mountains in
Colorado by daylight, thus atfordlng pas
sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable
ride, tree from dust and the annoyances
e.perlenced via other lines. Superb din
ing car service m all through trains.
Service a la carte, pay tor what you order.
Through standard and tourist sleepers.
Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets
anywhere between Ogden and Denver.
Call on your nearest ticket agent for
tickets, rates and all information, or ad
dress, C .11 .NlCIIOI.,
General Agent, Portland, Ore.
Succenful Proem for Saving the Gold Hat
Been Devised.
The bars of the Snake river appear to
be a very promising field for the gold
dredge. A stream with a moderate cur
rent of three miles per hour and no dan
gerous floods; a climate permitting opera
tion for nine or to months in the year;
oceans of gravel from whkh 'prospects' of
50c to 9$ per yard can be shown with a
.pan or shovel; boulders generally absent;
pay dirt from the top down, apparently,
so that deep dredging and cleaning bed
rock are unnecessary; all these seem to
make the Ideal ground tor the gold dredge,
and gold dredging the simplest matter
imaginable. It has proved otherwise.
The causes of failure are found to be
two the distribution ot values requiring
large quantities of almost barren ground
to be handled, and the fineness of the
product, averaging about 1000 colors to
the cent, making the separation difficult.
Briefly, the success process herein re
ferred to is known locally as the burlap
system. This involves screening to one
eighth Inch to remove the coarser portion
in broad shallow sluices or tables covered
with burlap or similar material. The sand
is made to flow over these tables In a thin
stream, and Almost as much skill Is re
quired for good work as If they were cop
per plates. The process Involves other
Intricate details not here relevant, the cen
tral fact being that this sand is now made
to yield its values and that dredging Is
likely to take a new and effectual start
along the whole line where pay prospects
have been found and abandoned after un-
Through the Yellowstone.
The new route via the Oregon Short
Line Railroad and Monlda, Mont., enables
you to make a delightful trip through the
Yellowstone National Park, entering via
Monidaand coming out via Cinnabar,
making it unnecessary to cover any por
tion of the route twice. For beautiful
descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore
gon Short Line Ticket Office, 142 Third
street, Portland, Oregon.
& Co.
Dispensers of only the
of Liquors
Including Old Overholt, Can
adian Club, Ushers and James
Watson Scotch, Imported 1881
Rrandy, Three Star Hennessey,
and all the Leading Brands of
Wim-s and Cigars. New and
Elegant Fixtures. Comfor
able quarters for gentlemen.
No better service In Oregon.
The Magnolia..
T. 0. iilllM" I C... Prtt.
(Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Bid.)
I About I
I ....Building....
- Why don't you build when everybody else-g
- quits? Why do you all want to build at once-
g- when lumber is green and covered with ice-
- and when prices and labor are high? Now is
- the time to build, like "Brother Perry'' when -g
g- there is no particular rush. -
. We aie offering special bargains in Hats,
- Shoes, Gloves and Clothing, also other General -f
g- Merchandise, because we bought at a big dis--
g- count and we give our customers the benefit. -
- We also sell g
g- cheap but we do not intend to sell at retail for-
g less money than we can get on the outside g
market as some of our competitors do. -
Sumpter Lumber Co. 3
Delmonico Hotel
M. SI'ANfil.liU. I'mprlrlor
A First-Class New Mouse, Well Furnished and Superior Table
Service. Transcleut Rates Reasonable. Special Rates to Local Pat
rons by the Week. Located One Hlock liast of Depot, Corner Co
lumbia and Auburn Streets.
Bousum & Spalding
Free delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and
Malting Co., next door to MINER office.
Mininq Stock Brokers
Ce.....Boro...MiHtHt i to Sherlock Hid., PORTLAND, UKL:.
Raul EL. Poindextor,
Bedford McNcal's Cook.
Sumpter, - - Ore.