THE SUMPTER, MINER. Wednesday, October 17. 1900 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the Town of Sumpter. PUrtllMIHI F.VPKV WLDMMIAY II V C. H. MARSH anuJ. W. CONNEL1.A StBMIIrlllON MATIS One Year . . Six Months .St.uo AlWAYS IN AIIVANCP. bntered al the postiinVe In Sumpter, Oregon, Ini transmission through the malls as second class matter. POPULATION OF SUMPTER 4,500. - KNOCK the knockers good and hard. They are doing this region infinite harm and every one of them has a selfish object in view. OH AL the fields of human none are affected so little by politics as gold mining. This doubtless accounts for the general apathy over the approaching flection In eastern Oregon. Not so, how ever, with the silver camps In Idaho. There the hope has been aroused that mines abandoned for a dnen years may tesume operations and the former lite and activity be revived. SHIPMENTS of mining machinery to South Africa have bsen resumed from Chicago, says a lecent press dispatch. Thousands of dollars worth of machinery which could not be delivered on account of the Hoer war is now going forward. One of the members of an iron firm, in speak log of the presents prospects in South Af rica said: "Orders from that country are coming In again and the indications are that the Transvaal will soon enter on an era of prosperity such as it has ueven known belore. We are already crowded with orders and the plant is running toils uncapacity." ADVICES received at Seattle from Kn diak, Alaska, tell ol a series ot earth quakes which were felt in that place on October o. The trembling began at 2:2s a. m. and lasted at Intervals for six hours. Much damage was done to property, and one life was lost. At Karluk, 00 miles Iroin Kodiak, the bark Heron, loading sal mon for San Francisco, broke from her moorings and was driven ashore in the lierce storm which accompanied the earth uake. One sailor was drowned and the urgo, consisting of 12,500 cases of salmon, was lost. The first shock felt at Kndi.ik created havoc in the stores of that place. At Wood Island, the North American company lost a quantity ol breakable goods. The sharl at that place was also destroyed. AND now the democratic partisan press and stump spe.tkrrs are noisily declaring that if McKluley is cleited, our republican , turin of government w 111 be superseded by a monarchy. The republican papeis and speakers ale swearing that II Bryan is elected, the business and industrial Inter ests of this country will go speedily to hell figuratively speaking. Both state ments are false and libelous. No Ufllll ntfll.t .tf kllk willlM. lit. ........ n.. ..n... .. 1 11.. ....... 1., i !... one or the other, and the wontais that such rediculous ghost stories Mill be re-1 sorted to to voters. The old died- Iifthewool partisans Mill vote iiiirr.. t spective party matter what I policy Is advocated. Camoalgning is tor the purpose of reaching the independent,! intelligent voters, who decide national elections, and to sUCll men tills kind Ot rot is mentally disgusting, nauseating. ' I I THE gold Cyanide sampling Works in this citv haip been .-luseit al thp older nl the American Smelling & Refining com-' pany, and now, unless an independent sampler of this iharacter is established i here, all the cyanides from the mil's ol this western country will of necessity have to be sent east for sampling before the producer can expect any returns what ever. This sampler, which was the most extensive and complete of any similar works to be found In the United States, has already been a great convenience to the mining men of the west employing the cyanide process of ore reduction, and its removal will be sincerely regretted by them. It is understood that local enter prise is figuring on the advisability of es tablishing an independent sampler to suc ceed the old one, and It is t) be hoped that the project will be successfully carried out. Salt Lake Mining Review. OVER in Idaho where the dear ladles are given a chance to "elevate the elective franchise," they are engaging In the game of kindergarten political jobbery them- selves. The Boise Statesman says: "Some of the democratic ladles are prov ing themselves adepts. Thev discourage j republican women from registering, de endeavor, daring that they will be subject to jury duty. These democratic emissaries will all be registered, and they will all vote. No woman need be worried about jury duty. There is little doubt that they are exempt tinder the law, but, If they are not, boards of county commissioners are not going to draw women for jurors. There has been a little of that done, but It will be dropped everywhere. Every woman should register and vote, and republican women should be careful to see that It is not confined to those of the democratic persuation." . The Literary Digest lued Weekly t Cages Illustrated "Ml tit trMleili I Oat" Til" llHHAHV DlflKST hat taken the highest rank a a weekly review ot current thought at home and abroad, In the realm! ol literature, art, science, religion, politics, sociology, travel, dis covery business, etc. Dlsscusslon anJ Informa tion on all sides at Important questions art given. The content each week cover a del J to diversified at to make Tllll LlHtMRV DlOCXT Indispensable to the busv man who desires to keep up with the thought of the lime, hut who lacks the leisure lor audi a task. oriiioRt no auTHortiTitt I. r PrMll. 0. 0., In Unity. Chicage: "Tint Iiurary DKiau it n absolute recently to those who would keep In line with in progreta ot thought and, achievement. I do not we how an thinking man can get along without It." In Metakam, Author of " The Man With the Hoe": "1 lib Lilt MARY DlOEXT It one ol the two or thrre most valuable lournalt that come to my table." It'Staatar Jeka J. Iatllt: "THE Litcharv Dull SI enlarge the boundjrlet of Intelligence." Stailar William P. Fry: "It will atfotd Im nienie assistance to the achotais of the country." Gov. Jakn . altftle, ot IlllneU: "THR LltBR AMY 1)1(11 ST l onrot the veiv best publication In America. To a ttudent ol current literature It It Invaluable. 10 Casts M' C. fS.OO tar Tur Seal fir Oitctlatlvt Cliculir. rURK WaSRaUS. Pailiaaan. RIW YORK. I. O. R. M. LTGAN I Ullll- No. o. Improved O1411 Red Men. meet In irgular lotimil at l.lllt lla'i .11 the th run on the ltd tlrep ol every seven tun ol each I moon All Red Men vltltlng our hunting grounds 1 aifHeliomr. GlOkdr Ham R, I W W. 1 1 1 IX. C ol R Sachem. ' SUMMER DEVELOPMENT Co!" I SUMI'TUR, OREGON Owners of all the choice acreage stir- ro(IMiai(Z Sumpter. Inside residence lots (Mi easy terms. Applv to SEYMOUR H. BELL. Manager. " M "urtci:KrAI J O. m- KUStNUALI: MINING ENGINEER " METALLURGIST 0lt.ce: Rooms ,.x-M O.egonlan Buldlng. Port- lanJOion. tUamlnes and iesit upon mints, mining piopeit:adlsesa 10 bett working methods and treatment ot ores. Companies organlted. Cape lal luinl.hed. Uvrre.pondncelnlted. Confidential. f '" p A. t. STARR. Attomey-at-Law Center, cor. High St Sumpter, Oiegon John Temple Grayson Mining Expert and... Engineer Th Highest Reference (liven When Required HAKER CITY, ORE. Cable Address Templegray, Baker, Ore f, A. CLEM & CO. MINING INVESTMENTS rVtetrtlll luminal1 mi Rtaorttf ea. Mtnbtr Part- ! Ulalaf Stack tiektait 146 THIRD ST. PORTLAND, ORE. QHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNFY AT LAW Rooms 2 and 3, Hirst Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and .Surgeon. Sumpter. Oregon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and to Dli. eatet of Women. Office, Nclll Block; Residence, C.ranlle Street near Mill pENNER & WORTHINGTON Civil and Mining Engineers. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyori for Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana. Englneert tor the Sumpter Towntlte Company. Limited. Ua4rrtaa tad Pataat Samel, ad Braaktlt. IIm Prlallag H. T. HENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. Bargain! In Sumpter District Quart! Claims. SUMPTER, . - OREGON yy. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, HAK'LU CITY, : ORtUON Reliable plans, specifications and estimates furnished ARTHUR PHILBRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for Oregon and Idaho. Cumulations and reports on mining proper ties. Omce with Little Giant Mining Co. MllL STRtlT. - SuwpHR. OklOON. NSl'HASCi:. ktL tit ATI E.L. MANNING, City Recorder and Notary Public. Collections Abstracts Agent tor I riclde Tire Extinguisher. Sumpter. STOTT & SHELTON, SAM R. STOTT J. F. SHUION Attorneys at Law. SUMPTER, OREGON W. H. W. HAMILTON. Mining and Consulting Engineer. Mining Properties Examined, Reported riles Examined, and For Sale. un 1 Moreing and Neal Code. Box tis. SUMPTER. OREGON rjRS. TAPE & PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons C M. PCARCC. M. U a. W. TAPI, . o. Telephone Main jj. Sumpter. Orsgon Basche Hardware Co. . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C. C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO 11 AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. Sl'MPTER-CANVON ROUTE. i:jo p, i:o p, 1:40 p, t: p I Lv Sumpter Ar A f"li. . .. otto a. m. 8:00 a. m. t:o a. m. ;:oo a. m. Lv.,....t.llrtnrd Ar Ar. Austin Lv Connecting at Austin with stages for Canyon City im imntvr ijintB. :o p. I Lv Clifford . you p. m. I Ar Bonania. . ...Ar ...Lv :io a. l:o a. Connecting at Bonania with stages for Pyx. Robinsonvllle, Worley, Virginia, Don Juan ant Helcher mines. SUMPTER-GRANITE ROUTE it:o p. ra. 1 Lv ..Sumpter.. 4; to p. m I Ar . .tiranll 10:00 a. t:oo a. nite. . livery al (iranile to North Fork. Red Boy, Ban. rette and adtacenl mines. SUMPTER-BOURNE ROUTE. EAT 11: r p. ra. Lv Sumpter Ar : a. m j:oo p. m. Ar Bourne Lv 8:0a a. m. Ar Columbia Lv a. m- Including North Pole, E. E., Climax, Ohloand ad jacent mines. "."-...- I