12 THE SUMPTER MINER, Wednpsdav. October 17, 1900. Are You Progressive and Up-to-Date? Dn ynu want. 'i stamp mill that has a capacity nf 8 to 12 tuns to each stamp? Our thai no maker of stamp mills In the United States can .sell you, hut ourselves? One that is better In every way than the kind they can bell you. THE MERRALLS' RAPID STAMP MILL has an enormous capacity. We are selling these mills everywhere. We In stall complete plants, trom H to 1000 tons capacity. It you are thinking of putting up a stamp mill, don't do it, until von havr written us. We can save you thousand ot dollars, hrsldrs wnrrv and vexation. These mills are endorsed by mluiuK men everywhere. Send (or circular. Merralls' Mill Company 129 First Street San Francisco,. Cal. STAMP MILLS WOOD OR IRON FRAME SELF-CONTAINED MILLS Rock Crushers Ore Feeders Tramways Dredges, Engines'; Boilers and Waterwheels Hammond Mfg, Co. INCORPORATED PORTLAND, OREGON W. S. BOVVERS ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience In Maker County Records. No. 104 Court Street, Maker City; Oregon. 00000000000000 Exclusive Agent for the Celebrated OLYMPIA BEER On draught or hy bottle. (KIOOOOOOOOOOOO "The Olympus tt H. FINGFR, ProprMor. High Grade Wines. Qi imntpr Or Liquors and Cigars. oUmpiCI, Vjl., SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS .Mtmiladiiiric nl .ill klnjvul ( ..nl'on.ilr J Drink anj CJJrik. ()i-tntrj In tunnrrtlciii vilili ilic Kentucky Liquor House WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAGEN & SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE. "Just mount! the Comer" NEBERGALL c MOORE PKOPKIETORS. the: maze Fine Wines, Liquors and Qgars. Next to First Bank Sumpter SUMPTER, OREGON FAKMEKS VERSUS CORPORATIONS Fighting in Malheur County Over Valua ble Water Kightt. Last week several arrests ol ranchers in the upper valley were made, upon the ih.trgeot contempt ot mull, the charge being based 11 )on former court decision lelallveto water litigation between Nevada water ditch people and the owners ot ditch piopeilv above Vale. We know and care less as to the merits ol the controversy, but as a disinterested liystaudri it seems to us that as inlclli gent citlens and ueigbors, these expen- i slve lawsuits 'night to and could be dis pensed llh. I his should be done on the giounds ot etouoiuv and humanity. I he lounrl lawsuit between these two selsnl lliin.il.niil industiious fanners cost, we are iulormrd, In the neighborhood ol ous farmers, would build this reservoir, I would not only furnish water in plenty BIG LAND OFFICE BUSINESS. O. S. L Ry, or ... .a us ucow aim now .., cu mva.ion, ' rbfc he Wun, Thu Y 0vf Lait but lor all bench lands above the water : line ol present canals. j La Grand. In view ol these facts, would II not be ' T)e n of he d ,,, on rconj ar ser to nvestigate the advisability of ,omeMMj etre ,,., reMlei , a niate. building such a reservoir before plunging r, . ,..,.,, hllvIllBVV . ,i. ..,.. ,,,..,. into another long, tedious and expensive s . . , .,; rieiue. of the lawvilt over the little water left in the ., , c-. .. ,. ., , ,T ., 1 .. r. 1. ! Oivicheir of two tjvorii routM.viaihfUsios .i.,., ..1 , I... i 1 .1 United Stales land dine at La Grande. Pacihc I-i Mail Linr.or the Wo liiMNM. S.-ralc liver afiei the great lloodtlde of springtime, , iilfii,n..kiwni to- In ' ( ....... H. .. . .,..,...,, ..Pk...... - Grande mike, who is in the city on bust-. NO Change Ol Cars uess, stales ili.it the business ot the oftice ..... . will tills year neatly double that of last Shetpherckr Joining a Stag Drlvr. ; ye;(r MmU ( M nKM ,,,. arimeS R. I). Larson, stage driver between to the liberal ruling of the department, Vale and T'opiana 011 the Ontario and which enables those commuting or for any Bums stage line, has recently had some reason abandoning a homestead entry to ' epicer experiences with a strange wild aul-! make a second entry. Under the con m.il that haunts the road at an isolated structlou of the homestead laws a main has gone down to the sea without leaving any benefits behind. Vale Advocate. , me iuwict point 10 Montana, Utah Colorado and. all Eastern Points... On Ihr I'orllnnJ-ClilcuRo Srclal.'"The rinctt In lilt Wrtl, liulpt'rJ mill Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary ( I ourist) Sleeper Superb Library-Buftet Cars Splendid Diners l meals a la carte) Free Reclinin Chair Cars Comfortable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Completely Vestibuled point )o miles between stations. Tills , who had once applied for a lioinesle.id en animal li.is the lorm ot a man, but has the try was baried trom applying lur or mak- fif.ooo, to s.iv notliing ot the loss ot time, head of a cow. It lOines down near the lug subsequent entiles, damage to crops, and the eugeudetiug ol road and stands iuielly as the vehicles Auothritactortli.it ll.isli.idanntcri.il roinity belweru liiends and neighbors, pass The driver has seen the creatine beating on the increase ol business at the 'I his money might just as well have been several times and had passengers on the La Grande ollue is the development of thrown into Snake river, or burned, as tar stage one lime to verily his statements, eastern Oregon's vast mineral resources The animal does not seem to be fright- and the applications for patent incident ened bv the presence of human beings, but thereto. Willi the development of the on the other hand has a curiosity to in- mining industiy and the growing knowl- vestlgate them. Me makes no sound and edge of the value of mineral lands, appli is never seen in the night. The driver cations lor patents arc becoming more leads to tuitlirr litigation along the same has prepared to capture the thing the next numerous. Owners ol mining property lines. time it shows up. It is supposed to be a ( are beginning to realie tlut they are bet As we stated before, we know nothing ruse ot some Kind, but some agitation is 1 ter able to makes sale whe-i they have of the meiits or demerits ot the contto- being tell. It shows itsell In (he neigh-, their giound patented than they are when versy, but we do know that enough water hot hood ot lormer stage holdups, and is in the ground is not patented. There are not Hows uselessly down the Malheur liver, (lie vicinity of where Indians in former less than applications for patent to min- Tor liullirr llitorinaliiin apply to I J. R. NAGEL W. E. COMAN Trav. Pass. At. Gen'l Agent 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. us the benrht accruing to the parties con cerned, lo le sure, one side was victo rious but when attorney fees, doubles and vexation ate cousldricd, It was a costly victor v. And the enjoyment thereof only during high water in the spring, to irrigate times did some of their worst work. I. tr ibe entire vallev tor the whole season, and sou lias a good reputation and is not cas then as much land besides. Wearereli- ilv irigh'tened, and his statement is re nhlv informed tint .1 natural leservoir site ceived with respect. Some sheepherder is exists a few miles above Vale that would, 1 doubtless having tun out of the neighbor If brought into rrciilfllon, store enough hood, but is taking desperate chances. water lo irrigate all the valley below; and ' Although it frequently comes within 100 that the aino.iut of money and damage heretofore spent and sustained in water litigation between these aforesaid prosper- feet of the road in broad daylight, Larson is unable to say w hether or not it Is clothed. Exchange. log claims pending bctore the La Grande, office at the present time, Mr Bar licit says. ( The cash business incident to the pur-1 chase ot timber lands during the first three 1 months of this year, exceeded the total cash business last year at the La Grande office. This is a showing that few laud offices In the United States' will probably be able to make lor the same period of time. Telegram. . . . THE . . . SUMPTER MEAT MARKET . -(r. . A. MANNS, Rroprietor. J Butcher and Packen Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds ji SUMPTER, OREGON 'V. ,;