THE SUMPTER MINER VOL II. SUMPTER, OREGON, OCTOBER 10, 1900. NO. 5 BALD MOUNTAIN AND MAMMOTH. CONTRACTS FOR MILLS AND TRAMWAYS LET MONDAY. Joshua Hendy Machine Works, of San Francisco, Take Everything in Sight Machinery Must Reach Sumptcr By January I Will Be the Most Complete Plants in Eastern Oregon. Saturday night the bids of the manu facturers for furnishing mills and tram way tor the Raid Mountain and Mam moth mines near here were opened for consideration, and Monday the contracts were assigned to the lowest biJder, tlte Joshua Hendy Machine Works, of San Francisco, represented in this instance by J. K. Firth, who is the company's me chanical engineer. Specifications for what was desired to be the most complete and best constructed plants in eastern Oregon ere submitted to various machinery houses and manu facturers by U.S. McCnllum, the resident manager of the two mines. This brought out several representatives of eastern firms, as well as those of San Francisco houses, and it is said the estimates were remark ably close all around. The Hendy peo ple had never been actively in this field for business before and are to be congrat ulated on securing the complete contract which, in the case of tlte Bald Mountain mine, consists of a rock breaker of the gyratory type, four challenge ore feeders, four 5-stamp batteries complete, fitted with twenty 850 oound stamps and the entire mill to be fitted with the latest im proved devices throughout. The mortars will be of a type which have been found the most satisfactory for working the ores in this section. This mill will also be fit ted with an extra allowance of amalgam plates, with extra heavy plating of silver, as a safeguard against any possible loss, and will have twelve 6 feet belt concen trators. The plant is so designed and ar ranged with water motors that the crush er, battery and concentrators can all be op erated independently. The head of water for this purpose is about 700 feet. There will also be installed a sufficient electric light plant for the mill and all out buildings. In connection with the enterprise will be an inclined gravity tramway systemt lead ing from tlie ore bins at the mine directly to the mill. This will consist of the latest improved machinery and automatic self dumping cars. On the Mammoth mine, which has not perhaps reached that stage of develop ment that has the Bald Mountain group, it has been determined, owing to the na ture of the ores and for the immediate re quirements, to use the five foot Bryan mill, and In connection therewith will be installed four 6-foot belt concentrators, to handle the pulp after the ore goes through a Hercules Blake rock crusher. This mill for the present will be operated by a twenty-five horse power engine. In connection with the Bryan mill will be used the amalgam p'ates, heavily coated with silver, the same as for the stamp batteries. The contract with the Joshua Hendy Machine works includes the delivery on the cars a.t Sumpter on or before the first f January next. " Mr. Firth, who has had ntany years experience with the Hendy people, cov ering territory from Mexico to British Colunibla and from Colorado to the Pa cific ocean, expresses himself in very high terms of the way Manager McCallum bandies the business affairs of these mines, ar.d also of the thorough manner In which the specifications were drawn up by Millwright B. F. McLaln.who made the plans for the mills. Free Coinage Incorporated. V. A. Schilling, of the O. R. & N. pas senger departmrnt at Portland, and onenf the principal owners of the Free Coinage mine, came up Sunday on a visit fo the property. While on this trip he completed the final payment on same, placing him self and associates in full ownership thereof. A corporation has recently been formed in Portland to operate the mine In future, and contracts deep sinking will soon be let and continued until the com pany is warranted in putting up a mill. They have a depth of 12$ feet at the pres ent time. Will Work the Inter Mountain all Winter. B. J. Hahn, superintendent of the Inter Mountain, is in the city with W. C. Oil der, buying tools and winter supplies. Mr. Hahn says the property is developing very satisfactorily, and Is second to none In the district. They have prepared to work a crew this winter, having gotten out a large amount of timbers, fitted up buildings and equipped the mine In good shape. They expect tlte best results from this winter work. Diadem Contracts Not Let Today In response to an advertisement in Till: MINER a number of bids for doing de velopment work on the Diadem have been received by the company and were opened today. Owing to the fact of an import ant pending deal, Secretary Mosby did not let the contract, postponing the matter for several days. It Is possible that the scope of the work will be very, much en larged. J. E. McManus Has "Something Good." W. T. Martin, of Seattle, who came to Sumpter a couple of months ago with J. E. McManus, the chief of all the mining operators on the Sound, returned home Monday. He and his party prospected in the Greenhorn, and report that they found "something good." Mr. McManus ex pects to be here at an early day, when he will decide what to do with this find, and is also expected to acquire other properties. Powder Magazine Completed. The Giart Powder company, of Cali fornia, have, through its local agent, T. G. Harrison, of the Sumpter Transporta tion company, completed the'brick powder magazine on the placer ground west of Powder river and near the Granite road. A large consignment of explosives will be stored there within a few days, ready for Immediate delivery to consumers. Machinery for the Columbia Arrives. A carload of machinery arrived this week for the Columbia mine, consisting of two Immense mortars, shafting and some steel water pipe. About half the lot has been loaded on wagons and started for the mine, and the other will be hauled out today and tomorrow. Your Winter's Wood. I have for sale several hundred cords of seasoned wood for immediate delivery. I also own and run the steam saw. Leave your orders in either case at Johns & Co.'s store for prompt- attention. M. W. Sullivan, Sumpter, Oregon. .. Five quart bottles of Olympla beer for I1.00 at Henry Fingers'. ' WORK ON THE GOLDEN GATE. California Men Developing on an Extensive Scale. Tlte Golden Gate group of properties at the head of Quartz gulch, near Gelser, is being developed by a California svndl- cate of wealthy men, under the direction of 1 Mining Engineer H. S. Sherard. The work now being done in the main drift is said to be opening up a tine body of ore, showing considerable free gold and those directly interested are very sanguine of revealing it to be .1 bonanza before the 150 foot contract of drifting Is completed. The cars and track for the cross cut and this drift have arrived, the track has been 1 laid and as soon as the main ore chute Is I reached a contract for 11 wlne will be let to sink below the present drift, though 'work will not be stopped In driving this drift, but will be extended as long as the ore body and vein exlls. The other wotk ' In the tip-raise is going on favorably, one I force of men being engaged in sinking and I another in up-raising. ' It is the expectation of the superintend ent, H. T. Heudryx, to make the connec tion during the present month and when this Is done the mine will be in tine condi tion lor ventilation. The cross-cut north, that has been driven toward the foot wall of the vein, is showing some fine grades or ore, running t8 to fj6 in gold. There are on thepay roll by day wages, fifteen men, also the contractors who are working eight hour shifts and engaged In driving the main latteral drift. The syndicate has purchased six other claims adjoining, upon which extensive work will be done. Mr. Sherard claims it is the intention to sink ton greater depth on this property than has even been done by any other company in the district to date. The Californlaus behind this are old experienced mining men, with plenty of money to carry out their ideas. Work on the Big Brick Hotel. Work on the big brick hotel is progres sing satisfactorily. More than a month ago, before Wm, Stinson's residence had been moved from the site, David Wilson stated through these columns that the stone foundation would be finished about October 10, today. He didn't miss it fur, for the work Is nearly done. It is hoped that his prediction that the building will be entirely completed by the first of next year will prove to be as close a call. Fred Kane Died ThU Morning. Report reached here today from Baker City that Fred Kane had died this morn ing at 6 o'clock. This puts an end, legally, to the mysterious, sensational tragedy that occurred near here several weeks since. The more unimportant details of that deplorable affair will be buried with him and speculation as to how It all hap pened should be guided by charity for the living as well as the dead. All that can be known positively is that he was under the malign Influence of the evil spirit which men designate as the Green Eyed Monster, who has tempted many good men to commit crimes in the past and will do the tame for all time to come. Nor does the mere fact that man Is jealous prove the woman to be guilty. Mere un founded suspicion is even a more cruel torture to the victim than positive knowl edge, and is the occasion of far more trouble and danger. Fred Kane staked his life on tlte Issue and lost without a whimper, like a thoroughbred that might to square the account with all parties con cerned. Let him and his memory rest In peace. Bound Over for Assault. William l.entz and lilmer LocUhard, of McEwen, were bound over to the circuit court by the Sumpter justice of the peace with $500 bonds to answer a charge of having assaulted a Mr. liendrix In the Mcliwen telephone office last Tuesday. Ileudrlx was seeking a settlement for some work done for Lent, and the matter was referred to Locktutrt to settle. A general disagreement followed, charges of falsehood were exchanged, and then Lentz picked up a 1 3-pound billet of Iron with which he struck Heiuhk across the hand. The two grappled and liendrix was caught by the, and, being no match for his two assailants, suffered se verely from blows about the head and back. When hr came to bear witness to the complaint he was a pitilul and bloody sight. Telegram. New York Capital Invested Here M. I:. Graves, of New York, who spent a week In and around Sumpter, It-It Mom lor the east. He came here with plenty of money to buy a mine, examined a number of properties and expressed himself as well pleased with what he saw. It Is reported that lie consummated a deal for the pur chase of a controlling Interest iua devel oped mine, on the condition that the re maining Interests could be secured at the same proportional figure Just what property it is will not be stated until these further negotiations are completed. New Tailoring Firm. The new firm of Hecht & l-'lynn is an nounced to serve the interests of those desiring tailor made clothes at reasonable prices. Their place of business is on Granite street, next to Thad Bellinger's place. Merchant tailoring in all Its branches, with an elegant Hue of goods to select from, will be their aim from this date. Mr. Hecht is well known here, while Mr. l-'lynn comes recently from As toria, where he carried on the tailoring trade. Criminal Libel Against Castidy. Engineer Leston Balliet returned to Baker City Monday evening from San Francisco lor the purpose of starting crim inal proceedings against the -ditor of a sheet known as the Baker City Herald, on the grounds of attempted blackmail and criminal libel. District Attorney Sam White will be called into the case and Bal liet will engage other legal talcnti'uclud lug his San Francisco luwyers, to' assist in the matter. Mint Saloon Changts Hands. L. E. Massle, formerly in charge of the bar at the Mint saloon, has purchased the entire business of C. L. Melquist and in future will operate the place himself; as suming all indebtedness against, and col lecting all bills due the old firm. He is relittlng and renovating the entire place and will soon have a different looking re sort of It, where he will be pleased' fd re ceive all his old and new friends. Cottage For Sale. A beautiful new four room modern cot tage with closets, nicely papered and on sightly lot 60x100 feet. Price, very irea soluble. Enquire at MINER office, h "The Portland", conducted by Gut Woodward 011 Mill street, is fully a representation of its name. A visit wrM convince you of this. ,