8 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, October $,1900 PIONEER OF PIONEERS. Frank McBean Mines at Can yon City in 1863. Frank McHeau, of Cinyon City, Is one of the tram! old pioneer- of Eisiem Ore gon, whn his helped to in ike tiie coun try's history from the time when there was an almost dally skirmish with Chief Paulina's bandit tribe, to the present time, when the schoolhouse stands near the battleground and the red apple grows by the old time trail of murdering savages. Mr. McHeau first came Into Grant county in i8f)j, when miners dug coarse gold out of Canyon crerk by vicksfull; lie was there when the m ill sacks and pack trains ran thegiutitlet of ambush by day and swift attack by night, when packers and express riders were left dead by the w.ivslde, and a government escort was necessary to safe conduct from The Dalles to C.nivnn City. Since iM) Mr. Mcliean has been a res ident of Grant county, lie knows the town of Cinyon Cltv, its hlrth, and re members well when It was the county scat of all thr country from Nevadi north to Snake river, and uheu )oaiuln Miller was judge over all the mountains, deserts, lakes and valleys, and held his couit in an old log limisr by Canyon creek. As a miner, Mr. Mi.Hr.in was among the first to break ground in the camps that have made eastern Oirgou famous. At Can yon Cily heuoikedn looker when pianos were iiuthought ol; when an abstract of title consisted ot a six shooter and a ready linger; when a man who wore his linen cuff for a collar iould not have gotten" a job nl carrying boiled be. ins In a hash house. In iW4 lie worked with the miners who made Susauville, the old and picturesque camp whose log huts are now slowly ciumlillng in the deep canyon between Greenhorn and Dixie, and, one year later, he saw the Impetuous miners leave and abandon the tailings ot their year's work to the people who Mere to come with fu ture yr. us. He knew the Cable llros,, who discovered Cable Cove, and sold out 011 l:lk creek to Mill I'hurltrun, who hlev hi the Installments ol a good old liugllsh annuity just over the mountains tiom where Granite and l.iwlonare making money iilorr for the likky mlneowners ot today, lie has seen the mining industry rise and fall, and has seen it lise again upon newer principles, and watched the growth of fields and orchards, for which he helped pave the way. After Susans ille, in 1865, failed to the ambitious ol the early miners, Mr. Mc Mean returned to Cinyon City, where he engaged lit business, and in iWkj was burned out by the first gleat lire, In which Canyon City became a total wreck, but was speedily rebuilt and carried on, through good fortune and bad, to the pres ent time. It was In the year of his return to Can yon City, In K6;, that he was one day called upon to investigate the cause of a delayed express trom I he Dalles. Secur ing the company of another, he rode down the narrow vallev, of the John Day river, )S miles to Cottonwood, where K.xpress Messenger II. Cr. Cage, now a resident of Spokane, Wash., told I1I111 of an Indian attack upon the stage in which the mall pouches were stolen and he, himself, es caped only after an exciting bareback ride. This episode was one of the many In which Paulina's marauding savages fig ured in those days, and led to the encoun ter near Waterman l-'lat, In which H. H. Wheeler, the pioneer, whose name is giv en to Oregon's youngest county, received a shot w hlch pierced his lace from cheek to cheek. At this time he joined the United States troops, then stationed at Gamp Watson, and followed the savages Into the Beaver creek country, where they were overhauled and engaged in battle, the scene of which, strange to say, is not known to any man of Mr. McBean's ac quaintance. However, the prompt meas ures of the miners and soldiers served to check the hostile raids, and trouble was only intermittent until the murderous old Chief, Paulina, was killed by Jim Clark ane Howard Maupiii, which put an end to their marauding. Illustrative of the crude methods which then prevailed, Mr. McHeau relates an incident in surgery which occurred at Canyon City in 1864, and which was, the other day, the subject of conversation be tween himself ai.d B. K. Witzel.of Hums. In that year some of the miners discovered an Indian In the act of stealing their horses, and when captured he was found to have a gunshot wound hi his leg. Up on promise of surgical aid and good treat ment, the Indian proved recreant to his comrades in the crime and disposed their Identity. In keeping with their promise, the wounded Indian w.is taken to the physician of the camp, who was poorly equipped for administering amputation. Surgical instruments weie not to be had; but an accommodating butcher loaned a meat saw and steak knife and with these, without auu-'.sthetlcs of any kind, the In dian received Ills reward for betrayal of Ills confederates, and retired from the horsestealing business with one leg missing. In 1H70 Mr. McHeau engaged In the mail srivlce of the United States, his first contract being to transport military mail, once a week from Can) on City to 1-ort Harney, In which service he gained (lie distinction of being the lirst mail catrier to enter what now Is Harney county. This contract was over 68 miles ol mountain road, which was traversed on horseback, when possible, and at other times on snow shoes, or "any old way." For four years he filled this service, during which his contract was extended to the point of car rying general mail from Canyon City to Camp McDcrmitt in Nevada. Tills servlie carried him over .1 route that is unique in the history of the U. S. Mall service in Oregon, for it carried him 24s miles south of the initial point, in which distance Fort Harney was th- only postottiie supplied. During Ills trip he can led a camping out lit and wood, water and grass were the only adjuncts neces sary to his stopping places en route. Alter leaving Harney, the only habitations passed were the pioneer cabin of Tod hunter & Dlvene at Alfoid and at Camp C. I". Smith. After leaving this route, he ran stage lines out of The Dalles to Canyon Cilv and to Prineville, and be came tainlli.irly acquainted with all the pioneer settlers of central Oregon. Dur ing the great "star route" trills in 1876, he was three times calleJ to Washington as a witness In the famous cause. mm THEONIY Wfi IIU10UL Rom 1 Jfc J MEllOW pEUCIOtlS COGKUIl MHr atMMMMMunu iritmM. l&iWn Vim BOTTLE KGISTUED ANO etMMXTEEB MOWN MST1LLEMES CtNMlY mint aT natal 90.101 rwQWTT.. AN MANCIMC W. J. VAN SCHUYVCft 4 CO. atataat. car. PORTLAND. Oft. I About 3 I ....Building.... 1 : Why don't you build when everybody else - quits? Why do you all want to build at once g when lumber is green and covered with ice g- and when prices and labor are high? Now is E the time to build, like "Brother Perry" when g- there is no particular rush. We are offering special bargains in Hats, --g : Shoes, Gloves and Clothing, also other General 3 g- Merchandise, because we bought at a big dis- g1 count and we give our customers the benefit. - g- We also sell 5 LUMBER 3 a nhonn Vint, wo cn not. intonri to se'l at retail for E less money than we can get on the outside g market as some of our competitors do. Sumpter Lumber Co. 3 a J. B. STODDARD SUMPTER, OREGON - -AS8fa"S36Si.Sg9S 'f ( Net. to Ha st tie tfordwarr Oi ff& Happy School Days Near )7V49 SUMPTER. OHCOON HN&v5-iS tt. dJh C&. tth fl eC. rf 4J THE Public Schools of Sumpter will open Sep tember 17, and every person should have his child prop erly clothed. Our children's department is complete in every detail and to introduce it to the public of Sumpter, we offer the following spec ial bargains this week: Hoys' Suits f 2 to ;. Actually worth 38 'j 0:r cent more. Boys' nderwear, all sizes and qualities. Roys' Shoes, 51.50 to 5. Hub Clothing Co. J. Schwartz, Sucrvuur THE GEM SALOON A. J. STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over tho Bar SUMPTER, -. OREGON 5 Raul E. Poindoxtor, MIN ES Bedford McNtai't Cook. lumptor, - - CAPITAL -. Operated in Connection Barber Shop with CaPital H ' ' First-Class Work. Porce- Baths lain Bath Tubs A. O. Davidson. M.-.j.r Sumpter, Ottgoa Claud Drew, Oprtor r -