The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 03, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    Wednesday, October $, 1900
All Want to Be Well,
To feel the glow of health: not merely not to be weak,
but to be strenn: not merely tohave life, but to have
abundant life. .
This You Can Have
You are oneof the all. But you work
hard and tire easily. You get up early
and go to bed late. You eat too fast,
or have little appetite to eat at all. You
are a slave to the gods Hurry and
Don't Wait Until Its Too Late
Extreme depression sets in. Your
head feels heavy, your memory fails
you. You are sensative to light, yet
nervous in the dark. You fidget and
twist; are tired, but cannot sleep; wak
ing dreams become a nightmare to you.
You are hungry; yet no food seems to
agree with you.
Regard your condition as serious. D n't trill with it. If you can afford it, go to a good doctor. If you
can't afford it, get the best remedy will nuet your case. Even if you go to a doctor, the chances are that he
will prescribe rest, fresh air and some form of electricity as a tonic. This being the case, why not go about it at
once in the right way and consult Dr. Sanden. try one of his Electric Appliances, Nature's own remedy, used by
Dr. Sanden with the greatest success for the last jo years upon all manner of ailments, such as Rheumatism,
Lame Back, Varicocele, Drains, Impotency, Nervous and General Debility.
A Walking Advertisement
"(Mountain Home, Idaho, June 6th, noo.
"Dr. A. T. S.nidrti:
"I do not know whether I have ever c.tllrd vour attention to a case in this
place, nl Mr. W. C l . The doctors have had him in hand about the
same length of iime they winked on me, and have mine to a lull Mop at the
same pl.ue. Ills genrr il he.ilth seems (air, hut lie can not walk a little hit.
I helieve l( he could He persuaded to trv the S indeu hell it would he the means
id giving him a complete cure. Any one In Mountain Home who can see me
getting anniiid now, and knows the shape I was in when I not the hell,
shoiid certainly give it a trial on general principles. am without any doubt
a walkliiK advertisement for your Dr. Sanden Klectrlc Itelt. Hoping you may
induce Mr. I to try one of your belts, I remain, respectfully,
"C. b. HOYI.I-K.
"I S.-They call Mr. It's complaint Paralysis."
The Name of Sanden is a Guarantee
Of not only the latest and best electrical appliances, constantly Improved and
pitented, but also th it my experience in the use of such is yours, If you will
but phce your case in my lianas.
My Belts are the cheapest because of their superiority over others. I am
so positive of this, that I beseech you not to purchase a belt from any one
else betore you have at least seen and examined one of mine. If your vital
strength is at stake, beware of how you deal with these ne.v concerns, whose
chief stock in trade is gall. I find myself compelled to warn the public, and
would invite you to write me at least and to look up mv standing in those
places where I do business. Electricity will cure you if properly applied; im
properly applied it will cause you a waste of time, money and regrets. If de
sirous of honest and efficacious treatment write me today. It costs you abso
lutely not one cent to consult me freely in your case.
ot. it. Ruimii imiiiiitf
DR. A. T. SANDEN, Portland, Or.
Townsitc Company Sells a
Number of Lots.
W. C Cilder is himself again. After
several mouths ul stagnation hi the real
estate in.iikel the sale of lots in the
Similiter Townsitc company's various
additions is opening up lively ; the tall
activity lias undoubtedly been inaugur
ated, lie 1 epulis that more sales have
been made during the past week than
during the picvious two months, and all
to men who bought to build, in most
cases homes (or themselves.
(1. 1:. AlltM, of S.ileiii, the gentleman
who bought the blink now occupied by
the llobsoii Mercantile company and the
Townsitc company, arrived In town a few
days since and is showing his faith In the
camp by investing mote money here. He
has alieady bought two lots, on each of
which lie will rrect a residence, one for
himself and the other for rent. He will
r-malu line all u Inter. His storerooms
will he vacated at an early day and he
says lie has a number ot applicants to
lease them, that there is no trouble In get
ting good tenants.
Hulst & Simpson have bought an entire
block In the company's first addition,
where they will build a house and a large
John Gngen has purchased lot 4, block
i$, Sumpter Towusite company's First
addition, on which to build at once.
Mr. K.ibluson has bought two lots In
Warren Heights addition and one on
South Mill stteet, adjoining the steam
And so It goes all down the line, and
that is why W. C
Calder Is himself
Whit Colonel Doiuu's Books Do.
(icurral Passenger Agent Hurlburt, of
the 3. It. it N., lias just received a letter
ft mil the secretary of the I'.irls reposition,
expressing "the high degree of interest"
uitlivvhMi he has read the company's
book on "Oregon. Washington and Ida
ho," and the recently issued folder on the
"Eastern Oregon (Jnld Helds." lie
asks w liv a large block ol "the wonder ttil
Oregon climate" was not put on exhibit
Ion at the exposition, where it would have
been gieatly appreciated during the op
pressively hot and sultry weathrr from
which I'.uis has sutlered tills .season.
And he closes by announcing hts deter mi
atlon to visit this region and see it for
himself as soon as may be possible after
the close ot the exposition. Oregnulin.
All of this excellent work was done by
Colonel Donan, but it is the small bore,
narrow guage, provincial policy of the Ore
goiiian not to mention his name.
Nrw Fttt Milling Discovery.
J. H. Duitkln, a prominent expert min
ing man Irom Montanawho has been pros
pecting In the Halsley Klkhorn district for
the past three months, brought into this
city this morning some samples of very
tine ore to have assayed. 'I his ore, he
stated to a Republican reporter, came
out of a ledge which he has just discov
ered but a few miles from the famous
Halsley Klkhorn mine. It Is of a free
milling character and taken from the
ledge, which at the present time is eight
feet in width. Mr. Dunkin has had a
great deal of experience in the mines of
Montana and says that he thinks that
this district is equally as good as any he
has ever visited, and tint it has a great
future before It and that there is a great
many Montana capitalists who have it In
view for Investment. Republican.
Are You Progressive and
On vou want a stamp mill tint has a capacity of 8 to 12 tons to each
staim? One thai no maker of stamp mills In the United Slates can sell you,
but ourselves? One that is better In every way than the kind they can sell you.
ha nu enormous cap-icily. We are selling these mills everywhere. We In
stall complete plants, Irom 8 to 1000 tons capacity. If you are thinking of
putting up a stamp mill, don't do it, until vou hive written us. We can
save vou thousand of dollars, besides worrv and vexation. These nulls are
endorsed by mining men ever where. Send for circular.
Merralls' Mill Company
129 First Street
San Francisco, Cal.
w. s.
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained
Years of experience In Haker County Records.
No. 2104 Court Street, Haker City; Oregon.
Minufactureit nl all klnji nl CirtsiiutrJ Drinks inj CUtn.
OprrattJ in connection lili tut
Kentucky Liquor House