THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, October j, 1900 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the Town of Sumpter. It hUMItl) I VIM VWIlSIMMV HV C. II. MARSH ami J W. CONNKLLA MliM MII'TKIS HA7IS One Sl Month f t Ml ALAS IS AllVASf I I Mere J at the itt ihlc In Sumplcr, Oregon, fcii Irancmltslon through the rrull .i crconJ cIjvs after. POPULATION OF SUMPTHR 4,500. TllOM miners In Pennsvl v.ini.i .ire evidently nut lumnf y et, 'I hey lefused to accept an advance of ten per i rut In wages, JIiik 1 . 1 f doen or so sil is-lies. NlirilhK pirty will derive much raign ni.ilrrlil from tlielmldrnt .it Vktor. iilor.Uo, Hi which si.ine toughs threw locks and things at Roosevelt. No one with any sense or decency hid aiiythiug to do with the. itt ur, one wa or .mother, 'I III "b iik-capper" is alw.ivs a menace to a milling camp, but he is nn mure so than the cl ilm-hnldrr who uiisiepiesruts the value ol his holdings to piospedlve Invrstois. It auvtliing, this diss works more hardships to a distikt tlriu does the i back-iapper. .ilt Lake Mining Review. 'Mil antl-Cluk dfinoaats h ive put up. a full statetkket In Montana, which move' will probably deleat the millionaire for. senatoi, but will-tint Interlefe with Hrvau electois. I he sriitimeut ol indepeudent, srlt respecting demiM.its in that state Is voiced In the expressien: "A iiuc 011 both your houses." ROOM VI I I brieves in the powerul the, press. He is surrounded h boot-lickiug hired piess agrnts in the campaign as he , was dining his pv lolnluili caiiipalgu In1 Cut) 1, winning I line tlirough the employ ment ol the Mine ladies. Ills present 1 statt ol scilbblets make It appear as if he were In mole danger at Victor the other I ilaywlitn sumebodv threw 1 lock, than when he witnessed through Ills tirld I glasses the negro legiuieiit dish up San Juan hill. DOWN in Potto Kko tliev can get into politics, it not into this glorious union ol "equ ility to all." I he leJeral p irty, at its convention at (.aguas Moud ly, passed lesoltiliou!. altili itlug itself w itli the demo-1 ratic party In the United States. Cable grams trom W. I. Bryan and James K.I Jones urging harmonv wereread. Niine 1 Rivera m ide a spree li. In which lie op posed the admluistratl.iu on the ground that the hill Is uusatislactory. hiiJ tint for to irit.ius clemaud a more in dependent form ot government. I lie srs Mint Mill last several dtys, and, the dele- g lies m ill nominate a delegate tor congress. 1 A republican miss meeting at San lum' 1 1 iiiuiii ru hit .luiiMiiisiiaiiuii .tiiu ii.iiuru candidates tor the house ol delegates. SoMI days siiue the Sumpter corre spondent of the Poitlaud lelegram srut In a story about l.estou Balliett's chemes over Burkmout wa, declaring that the copper properties there are no good, bis- lug this opinion 011 the allegitiou Hut) they hid been turned down by experts iC"' and farmers. I he young man h is a good ' nose tor news and Is doing some excellent unrk here, so I hi! MlSTk Is not ullllmr . .. . .1 ..... ., . """" 10 peueve mat mere is any maiue infixing In his motive tor sending in the stult. He was merely slutted by some knocker, some dog in and out of the manger, with which this section is all too numerously 11 filleted. He has evidently not yet served his time in a mil. Ing camp, or he would never condemn any property merely be- cause it has been turned down, knowing that perhaps there is not a mine on the continent but has been unfavorably reported on by some fresh, cock-sure expert. I he Baker City Herald came out Sat urJ.iy with one of Cassldy's idiotic at tempts at sensationalism, dealing with the same subject. The opening paragraph was an attempt to make it appear that Superintendent Laughlln, of the Sumpter smelter, was authority for the malice per meated statements that followed; though as a matter of fact the language employed does not make the direct statement that Mr. Maughliu had made the remarks. It . was merely a dishonest trick. Those' i who know the gentleman, know that that ( Is not his style. Hut this Herald story is of no significance, further than the prob.i j bility that Mr. Halliett was t niched for a I "loan" and refused to respond. 1 h it's Cassldy's sie and style and record. Hoth ' Messrs. I.atighlin.iud Halliett area thous land or more miles away at present. I When thev return he will dodge them. iVw. Till: MINI U is not in Mr. Hal- Hrtt'Monlidenceand can not speak an ihoritatively of his plans for the present or tm. future, but It looks as if he were investing considerable moiiey hi this dls- trkt in intelligently directed enterprises, 1 and he should therefore be encouraged. If he does not solicit stock subscriptions in the old, approved way, but has branched out on some new line, for this a one lie siionia not ue lonucmiieu. 11 Halliett succeeds as the indications now I are that he will he w ill be the great N i- noleonlc operator of the N irthwest and these same knockers will worship at his, hiuk account. It b some bad I lick he should tail, he will merely be in .1 well filled boat with mimic generally reputed emiuentlv respectable people. Koclt tlie knockers. Saddle and Bridle for Sal. In good condition and offered cheap. Apply at 1 III: MlNKR office. To the Faithful KNOW Al I Ml N Tint nunt Pilnfr nt ihr Oilrnl Ati imw Mioiifnlnc in tttr l.M of Sumpltr jiiJ (lit mntlntfi Ur ll purpr tif In sirnt tint notUr miJ Jllluvlni; wkJom, M I) p. in V,Jne-M rvrnlnc t HfJ AWns hi. anJ a uU itlhrr rlAtf n ihrtiMiU lrtJrm ma ntJt'r. All l'iinii uhi Iuvi not mijf ihrmvrlvr I mmn ,in kurJUIIv ImitrJ iuptirnt1hfmrUri. haM il Mil in tnnj, M Hit Ifmplf Jimi, whrri lhf will U'itrJIilU uiUnmrJ BY omoch Gund Secret a ry Grand PcUsha I I. O. R. M. ( ccav iwmi. N.. ,, iinpnrj ( l'ifZl VJlr )uti krd Mrn, Ma 1 At Hit- 8th rn kun nt each miNin All HrJ Men islline our luintln t-ruunJk mr uiIiiiiik (ilOWtlh lUKIW, W W III l. , i.l l sa heiti. - , ROSUNDAl I MINING ENGINEER ... METALLURGIST Oltnes irisimc tiviib Orrfonlan HulJIne, I'urt- I litij. OrrKim. I vainlne anj ieHnU upon mlne, i mlnlni; piitrllt: ijites at In hect niklne metliuJc I anj treaimrntot urn. Cimp,nlet orjranlfej. Capi t4l tuinkliiJ. (.nrtecsnJrnie ImitrJ ConhJentlal. , , II. CHANCE 1 ATIORNI-Y AT LAW 2 and ). Hirst Rank of Sumpter Kooms Hiillding, SUMPIER, OREGON ! I C A. I. STARR. Attorney-at-LaM' Center, i or. Mlgti St. Sampler, Oregon John Temple Grayson Mining Expert and... Engineer The Hlghe! References (ilvrn When RequireJ . HAKLR CITY, ORE. (jHf AJJrt Ti mplet;ri . Ifakt r, Ore -- A. CLEM Si CO. MINING INVKSTMbNTS Prttartlat Eiiminttf Reported on, Member On- n Mining Sleek tich"- 146 1 HiKO St. Portland, oki:. L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Attention (ilven to Surgery anj to )l. - ol Women. Omcr, Nc'lll Ifiovk; KeclJence, t.r.niie street n, Mm pBNNFK & WORTHING I ON c,vll ;))J M,nnR E1Rl1Mrs II. i. 11. milt In. ( Iri.un. Wntli. Inton, IJjl nJ Monunj. Inglnrert lor toe Ttuinpier iimhkiie coinpjnv, Liinuej. Undf(o"d ind Pttint Surttti. ind Uria-Mliif live Printing u ' . HKNDUYX & CO. Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. lUrgalni In Suinpur Divine! I SU.MPTI.R, VU4M. ciMiin. OKfcOON 1 I VV. A. SAM.V.b, ARCHITECT, iumh cm. : owi con le pljn, rdli.atlonk an J etlm.ile lurnlklieJ ARTHUR PHILBRICK Civil and Mining hugiueer. I'. S. Dcput) Mlm-ial Survejor lor Oie.nn an J IJjIiu. l.v.nnlnallon anj lepurlt on mining prepri nt. Oiiire li tmle (nam Mlnlni; Cu. I Mill SHUT. SUMHIIB. OWIODS. 1 NSIIMSSCI'. !.!.. MANNING, KLAL til Vri' Clt) Recorder nj Notary Public. Collectlont Al traci Atrnt lor I tlclJe I Irr I" vllnguliher. Su-nptrr. glO'l'l cv SHbl.TON, .SA U. sot1 J. I. MIILIDS , Attorneys at Law. 1 Stl.MI'TI H. ORECO.N ;W. H- W. HAMILTON. Mining anj Con.ulllng Lnlnrrr. Mining I'ropenlec fctamlneJ anj KeportrJ On. Hoc 11b. SUMPTLR. OKfcCON )RS. TAPE & PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons c. m. euvwcu, M. II. I. W. lAI't, M. O. I Telephone Main v StIMI'ItH, Omuion DAKI-R k HAKfcH ATTUHSrVS VT IAW Practice In all the Count of the State. It. S. UnJOmce anj Mining Ligation Sreclaltie Roornt anj o Dunpl.e)-Ur).n Uulljlnj U CRANDk'. ORE Basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for "HRCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. M1.MI'TIR-CANON hodti- i o p. m. I 10 p. m. I " p. m. r m. . Sumpirr. . .Ar Cllllnra ...Lv Clirtnrj Ar Aujtln , .Lv Ar Lv Ar Connedincat AutlnIUi uKe. lor Canyon Cll anj InlerHir polniv. t'40 p. m. j Lv CliHorJ . .Ar I t:,o am. i 00 p.m. Ar. ..Ilonania. ...Lv 6 joj.m. Connecting at llnnania oltli ctate. lor I'y. RoMnomille, Helclirr mlnet. worir), viruinu. Dun Juan anj MIMI'Tl.ktiRANITE ROUTE. II o p. f P. iLv Ar Sumi'ler,. (irtnlir. . Arl Lv 10 ou a. 7 a. Llvrr at tlranlte to Nurlli lork. ReJ llo, lian letle anj aJiacenl mlnet. SUMPTER-IIOURNE ROUTE. 11. r- p. m. 1 00 p. m. 'o p- Sumpter Ar ...Bourne Lv ...Columbia Lv eo a. loo a. t. H a. InduJlnc North Pole, E. A E., Cllma. OhloinJ aJ tacent mlnet. EAT 10 10 a. m. loui. n T. o a. m. 5 iu a. m.