The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 03, 1900, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, October j, 1900
Mining Application No. 918.
Survey No. jut.
Unite J Stiles Lin J Office, t aGran Jc, Ore.
July 8, two. i
Notice I hereby given thai In pursuance 01 Chan
ter 6 of Title i ot 'lie Revise J Statute ol the UnlteJ
State J. McKee, claiming 1500 linear (eel of the
Mnntrlln placer claim, bearing golJ, with surface
ground varying Irom 41 lo x&sferti In wilth, Ivlng
and being situated In no organized mining district.
Grant Cnuntv. Otegori, ha maje application to the
United States for a patent to the said Montrllo placer
tl.tlm, which Is more lully described as In metes and
bounds bv the official plat potted on said claim, an J
by the held notes ot survey llierenl now tiled In th?
nlhce of the Register of the district ol lanjt sub)ecl
to sale at LaGrande, Oregon, which lielJ notes of
survey describe Ihc bnunJarles anJ extent of salj
ilalm, with magnetic variation M at degrees east, as
follows, tn-ult:
Meglnnlngal corner No. 1, Identical ultti southeast
location corner, a Kranlte rock 8xiji Inches set t6
Inches In the ground, chiseled ",M, I'l. 1 wi" with
a mmnd ot rocks utongstde, the quarter section cor
ner on east boundary ol section 4. township 0 south,
ringc ijtj east Willamette MerlJIan, brats south 81
ilegrte 47 minutes, eist 9411.4 feel.
Thence north iv degrees 01 minutes, east 1 vx feet
to corner No. 1.
Thence north 70 degrees 57 minutes, w est 580.8 feet
to coiner No. 1.
Thence south tt degrees 4 minutes, west ujj.t
leet to corner No. 4.
Thence xoutth 7 degrees to minutes, west 4 16 leet
to corner No. 5.
Tin rice viuili 70 degrees jt minutes, east J 80, 8 feet
to corner No. t, the place ot beginning.
Total ea, i7.fti actes.
Said mining claim being of record n the nllice nf
the County Clerk of Grant Cnuntv, Uregon, Vol. I
of the Mining Records thereof, at page 61 1.
This claim Wing for 1510 leet In length nf said
claim, with surface ground varvlng In width from iso
feel near the south end to So feet at each end thereof
The said placer cla'm hereby sought to be patented
bring bounded tin the east bv 1'ie Townslte Placer
claim, on the south bv the lllacksmuke Quarti claim,
on the west by the Gold Standard Quartz claim and
ilie Jumn tilt' Jne Placer claim.
Any an J all pi r Mins chiming said placer claim or
any portion tneteoi, so surveved. described ana plai
ted, and applied for, are hereby noilhed that unless
their adverse claims are duly hied as according to
law and the regulations thereunder, within 60 dajs
Irom the dale hereof, with the Register of the United
States Land office at Mtirands, Oregon, they will be
, .... .. .i... ...... i-i .. ... iku..ii i
riirrru i'y vmue 01 me I'lun.u.ii u m.' mu ih.mi
:. W. l)A.iTl.UTT. Register.
I United States I and Office,
I La Grande. Oregon, August tt, torn.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions the act of Congress of June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the
States nf California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended 10 all the Public Land
Stales by act ot August 4. 1841,
of Sumpler. Countv of llaker, Stale of Oregon, has
this day tiled In this office liliswoin statement No.
7JJ. lor the purchase ol thew'.. swi-4, ne'f iw 1-4,
sw t-4 nw t-4. of Sec No 10 In IpNo. to s, Range No.
6 I: W M.and will ofler proof lo show that the land
sought Is more valuable lor its timber or stone
than for ag'- " purposes, and to establish Ills
claim to sa.dland before the Register and Receiver of
this office at 1 41 Grande, Oregon, on Thursday, the
as'h dav of October, 1000.
fie names as witnesses: William D. llaker,
VanRcmselaer R. Mead. .Michael Lynch, Chailes
Morrell, all ol Sumpler, Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above
described tan Is aro re (nested to tile their claims In
this other on or before sild nth Jivol October, 1000.
li. W, lUHIUIT. Register.
I United States land Office.
La Grande. Oregon, August 11, toon.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions ot the act of Congress ot Jure . 1878,
entitled "An act lor the sale nl timber lands In the
states nf Catltotnla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory" as extended to all the public land
stales by act of August 4. t8a.
deceised, 10 John Palmer, Hert Palmer, Dan Palmer,
l-red Palmer and Jennie Palmer, and generally to all
persons known ur unknown.
In the nameof the Stale of Oregon, 1011 and each
11M mi. are hereby mmminJed and required lo be
and appear In the above nrlll.d court on or brVe
Ihe sird daviit October AD, luoothen and there to
show cause. If any there be, win this court shall rot
make an order dlrectln? and nuthoililni' that the fol
lowing described premises be sold, to wit: The tin- '
dU Ided one-lnurtti Interest In and to The Tip Top, I
Gr nd PrUe and Gold lllll qu'tll mining chins as
located and recn ded In the office ol the Recorder nl 1
Conveyances of Maker cnuntv, said property telngj
miaim m-iiui inn in'ies iioiinwrsi in jumpier hi lia
ki r coitnlv, State of Orrgon.
lly order of the honoral le W. W, Ttav lll'on, Judge
ofsallcnutl. 1
In wltrexs wherenl I have hereunto set mv hand
and seal ol vild court this 1FII1 J.iv nl Seplemler.A,
D, nam. I RANK GLDIiKS. Clerk.
Seall Ur .lAMls ClIOHIi, Deputy.
intiii' Cmci'tT t.mmr 01 tiihStati'cm Ovitioi,
' for the County nf llaker.
.1. II. Stoddird. Plalrtlll.vs. A. Walker and the Co- .
Opera'lve Gold .Mining Company, Delendanu.
To A. Walker, oneol Iheabmr name! detrnd.ints. I
In the name ot the sta'e ol Oregon- Von aie heirbv
regulred lo appear and answer the complaint hied1
agatntt vou In the aboiv entitled cause on or before 1
thc7thdayol Novunrer. tio, which Is ihe last dat
ol the time prevailed In the order made bv the
County lodge ol the County of Maker. Mate ol Oil"
gon, lor the publication ol this si minims: and if sou
Mil so to appear and answer, a decree will be taken 1
against nu tor the relief braved for In said complaint,
which Is tin a decree adludglrg and ditetmlnlng that 1
there Is due and oing Irom nu to plalntllf the sum
Scenic Line of the
The Favorite Rout
Ijcturen the NmtlmeM ami all Points
East. Choice of Two Koutes ThruuKli
the Fani'tiis.
ol one hundred an Until eight dnllirs($n.u.i) with
luiial Inlurail llidiunn Imm itt.s Uil. Im nl l..kniii
ivni iinTiisi iiivi vmi iimiii in- -iii 1 rri n I . g- 1
iikv, until paid, and Ihr luithrr si.m of fitly dollars I tVVeeil U;iltll
I forrc'oslng the lien hereinafter described, and the
ot Sumpter, County of llaker. State ol Oregon, has ' further sum ol six dollars (Io.mi) expended tor pie
this day filed In this other his sworn statement No. paring and recording a notice ot said lien, and the
704, for the purchase ol the se '( nf sec No. u,ln lp costs and disbursements of this su'l; and lor a drciee
No. ros, range No. 16 U W Al.and will otter prool to ol foreclosure ol a certain material nun's Hen for said
show that the land sought Is more valuable lor llsllm-1 sums against the fol'owlngdescri"rd uuartf mining
ber or stona than lor agricultural purposes, and loes- claims situate In Maker County, Stale ol Oregon, lo
labllsh Ms claim to said land belore Ihe Register and wit:-the Delta, as r rem Jed in book "O" ai page 14
Receiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on the Green River ns reiordedln look "O" at pige
Thursday, the stli day ol October, ruoi. IV. the Elite and I nuella as lecorded In book "O" at
He names as witnesses: Maurlie K Attiiv. Van I page l: the Trade Dollar as recorded In bunk "O"
Rensselaer Mead, Michael Lnch, Charles Murrell, at rage tt: the Sumpter as recorded In book "N" at
an 01 numpter. ure.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their italmsin office ol the ret order ot conveyances nl the County
Aiul Four Routes Fast of PueWo anJ
All passenccrs uranted a Jay Mop. over
In the Mormon Capitol or anywhere be
tween Ocilen ami Ueiivcr. IVrsunnllv
conJneted Tourist Excursions to
UnlteJ Stiles Land Office,
La Grande. Oregon, July o, 1000,
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
ptovlslnns ol the act nf Congress nf June 1, 1878,
t milled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In Ihe
Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
Inn Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by ail of August 4. 1891.
JVWli.l K. I'AHDlll
if Sumpter, County ot llaker, State of Oregon, das
tnls dav tiled In this office his sworn statement No.
t)7, lor the purchase ol the e Yt ne'f ande!jeS ot
ec t. lp 10 s r No. 6 li. W. M, and will otter proof
to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor lis
timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and lo
ritablish his claim to said land before Ihe Register
and Receiver ol this office at La Grande, Oregon, on
Tuesday, Ihe ird dav ot Oitober, tuuo.
lie names as witnesses: W, C Older, Mrs. N. C.
Richards. ChaitesO. Morrell, David H.Wilson, ail
pi Sumpler, Oregon.
Any ana all persons claiming njvrrsriy ine arove-
this office on or
belore said slh day ol October,
t: w. IIAHILCTT, Register.
For tickets ami anv Information regard
inn routes, etc., or for descriptive adver
tiiiitR matter, call 011 agents ol Oregon
Railway and Navigation Co., Oregon
Short Line or Southern Pacific companies.
.page 48,: the Nlnelv -Nine as lecorded In book "I." S. K. HOOPER, . C. NlCMOI.,
ai rage in 01 me records or quiuii loinnons, in me ; i jr. r fnr-il ni.
office ol ihe reiorderol conveyances ol the County 1 -.' ' 'J xjcner.ll rtRCIIl
) United States LanJ Office,
) La (irande, Oregon, Aug. 1 1, lotu.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe
provisions of Ihe act nl Congress of June 1. 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale nf limber lands In the
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extenJed In all Ihe Public LanJ
Stales by act ol August 4. 8u,
ol McCwen, County ol llaker, State ol Oregon, hat
this Jay tiled in this office his sworn statement No.
670, lor Ihe purchase of the t',j ne t-4. sec s,'
nw i-4 of section No 11 in township No to s,
range No 17 1: W M, and will offer prool to show
that the land sought Is more valuable lor lis limber
or stone than for agricultural purposes. anJ to estab
lish his claim to said land belore the Register and Re
ceiver nf this office at La Grande, Oregon, on
Thursday, the ailh day of Oitober, iu.
He names as witnesses: Ansell Cook, Walter
Cook, X'. R. Atead, DavlJ McCoy, all of McLwen,
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above-
described lands are requested In Tile their claims In
described lands die requested to file their claims in this nttice on or belote said stli day of October,
.. .. .. . .. . .-.. I.... ..Il...l.l.itt.l Ctri m.-. . ... ..... .. ..
IIS OIIICC OO Ul I'CIUII'Mid .iiriud) u. wt.urn iiuw.
i:. W. llAWUUTT. Register.
United States Land oilier, I
I j Grande, Oiegnn, July , tgoo.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
f rnvlskins ol the act ot Congress of June 1, 1878,
entitle J "An act for the sale nl limber lands In the
stales nl California, Oregon, Nevada, and washing
Inn Terrltllory," as extended to all the public lanJ
nates by aitol August 4,
f Sumpler, Countv of Maker. Stale of Oregon, has
this day tiled In this ofllceher sworn statement No.
(q8, lor the purchase of the n! a ne!.. seU nev and
ne'i set.' of section No. 18 In township No.
1 1 south, range No. 17 I: W M, and will Oder prool
to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable tor Its
timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and
to establish her clsim to salJ lanJ belore the Regis
ter and Receiver at this office at La Grande. Ore
gon, nn Tuesday, the airJ Ja ot October, moot
She names as witnesses: James II. ParJee, W. C
Calder, DaviJ H. Wilson, Charles O. Morrell, all of
Sumpler, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested to tile their claims in
this ottlce on or before said t day of October, iouo.
L. W. HmUTT. Register.
U. W. IIawiuti, Register.
I UnlteJ States LanJ Office,
I La Grande, Orrgon, August 7, tv".
ot llaker, stale ol Urrgan, which lien Is secured by
a notice of lien filej In Ihr office ol ihr county clerk
ol the Cnuntv of Maker, Stale of Oregon, on the 8tli
day nf March, tuuu; anJ lor a Jectee foreclosing anJ
barring your, anJ the defendant's, the Co-Operative
Mining Company's euultv ol redemption or other
Interest In, right to, or lien upon said mining claims i
anJ ever)' part thereof, except the statutory tight lo I
rrJeem, anJ that said mining claims be sold as by 1
law provlJeJ, anJ thai the proceeds ot such sale be I
applied to the payment ot such decree. In.ludlng In J
lerest. attorneys s lees, costs and dlsburseminis anJ
accruing coits.
AnJ you the salj defendant, A. Walker, are hereby
notified that nn Ihe rbth J iv of September, rui, the
Hornral le W. W. Travllllon, County JuJge ot Ha-1
ker County, State ol Oregon maje an order that ser
vice nl summons In thlssLlt be made upon vou bv
publication of summons, and that the dale ot the
lirsl publication ol this summons Is Sepemler -roils.
innc, and the date of the last publication thereof Is
November 7th, lyuu.
N. C. RlOlAMts,
Attorney tor Plaintiff,
Denver, Col.
Portland, Ore.
0. R. & N. CO.
I n riit! CiNt'.i'iT Covut or 1111: Staiii 01 oui iiox,
I In and for the County nl Maker.
Olln lleil.vker. Plalntllf, vs. Thomas Campbell
and John Arinbruster, Defendants: lo John Attn
brusler, one of the above mined detendanls. In the
ntmc nf theS'ale ol Oirgun.vou ar.1 hereby n-
ijulred 10 appear and aniwrr the cnmpklnl hied
against vou in ttie arove rntl led cause on or rehire
Ihe 71I1 Jav ol NovrmNr, igui, which Is Ihr last day
ol the Unit prJ.crlhrl In the order nilJe by Ihe
County Judge ol Maker (ijunti. Stair nl Oregon, lor
Ihe publication ol Hi's .innmons! and It vou tail so lo .
hhu .. I an.u,.. I... !!.. ....Ih.! '
Chicago '
lo'4 p in
Ks press
J.IS a m
8 pm
...,,. . ..... a. ... .. arrenr and niiswri. lujK'neiii "i it innrii ni;aiiii
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance will, the , Jnu f, the sum ol three hundied JnlUs () t
titled "An act lor the sale ol tlmlier lands In tlie
UnlteJ States LanJ Office, (
La Grande. Oregon, July jo, 1000. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
I revisions ot the act ol Congress ol June I. 1878,
-ntltleJ "An act lor the sale ol tlmbet Ian Js In the
states nl California, Oregon, NcvaJa, anJ Washing
ton Territory," as extenJed to all the public land
slates by act of August 4, iM.
vt Sumpter. County ol Maker, State ol Oregon,
hat this day hied In this office his sworn statement
No. 609, lor the purchase ol the lot - and 4, c sw
I section Nn. 18, In township No. 10 south, range
No. it E w M, and will oner prool 10 snow mat ine
land sought Is more valuable tor its timber or stone
man tor
nl this
aird Jaw nf (lrlAbr. ItMas.
Ht mmes ai witnesses: James K. ParJee. W. C
Calder. David H. Wilson, MalJIa L. Richards, all ol
Sumpter. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely th above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or belore said air J day ol October,
voo. E. W. BARum. Register.
States ot California, Oregon, NevaJi, and Washing
Ion Territory." as extended to all Ihe Public Land
Slates by act of Augus 4, !&,
of Clifford, County of llaker. Stale ol Oregon, has
this Jay tiled In this office his sworn statement No.
710, lor the purchase ol the self se! sec. 17. ne'f
ne' nf section No. su. In township No. 10 v.,
range No. 6 L. W. M.. and will offer proof to show
that Ihe land sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or
slone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his Claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver ot this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Satur
day, th it day ol November, tyu.
He names as witnesses: frank S. Slater nf La
(irande, Oregon. James L. Paisley nf Maker City.
Oregon, Henry Panning and Clarence E Whitney,
both of Ctllford, Oregon.
Any an J all persons claiming adversely the above-
described lands are requested to file their claims In
with interest thereon at the rale ol ten per cent per
annum I mm and ever since the 8th day ol July, ium.
until paid, and lor ihr lurlher sum of Itlly dollars
($so.i) attorney's lees, and tor the cnsis and dls
huriemrnls nf this act'im, an J lor the sate of a cer
tain bar, bar lixlutes, glasswarr, stock ol lluuors anJ
ciirars formerly In Ihe Johannesbrrir saloon, lit Simili
ter, In Ihe County of Maker and Slate of Orrgon, at-1
lacnej on me isi uay 01 Augnsi, iguo. oy me snrriii
ol llaker County, Sta'e of Oregon, In Ihe above in
lltledacllon, at the 'nstancenf pi tnlllf, lo satisfy Ihe
Ihe al nve drrrandot rlaln'llf, and 4"shatis nf Ihe
capital stock ot the Columbia llrenlng and Milling
Company, a corporation, attached by the slier I ft ot
Multnomah Cnuntv, Stale nf Oregon, In Ihe above
entitled actkin, at Ihe Ini lance nl plaintiff, to satisfy
said demand nl plilnllll.
And .v mi air hereby notllted that on Ihe tCtli dav nl
September, iiuo, Ihe Honorable W. W. Travllllon,
county judge ol llaker County, Stale of Oregon,
made an order that service nl summons In this action
be made upon vou by publication of summons, and
that Ihe dale ol the first pmbllcatlon ol this summons
thl.olhceonor before said nth Jay of November, ' i?,s,l'!',",y ?,,,,'w"w,JiJ ".Vi J,,u' "I;,'PUD-
E. W. MvkTlL'IT, Register.
N. C.
attorney for Plalntllf.
lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his . CoBey. of Sumpler. Oregen: '
1 lo said land belore the Register and Receiver , M. fcarly. ol McLwen, Oregon,
is office at La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the . t. w. 1
Department of the Interior.
LanJ Office at La GranJe, Oregon
September it, iqna.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler hat filed notice ol Ills Intention 10 make final
proof In support ol his claim, anJ thai salj proof will
be made belore the county clerk ol llaker County, al
Maker City, Oregon, on November 4, . vli: II.
WitLARD F Weeks,
ol McEwen, Oregon, lor the w J, ne 1-4 sec. 10, sw
1-4 se 1-4, se t'liwi'i sec 1 lp 10 s r 18 E. W.M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land,
Worley, 01 MCfcwen, regen: jonn
uregen: William lenu, james
Mabuutt, Register.
vli: James If.
Administrator's Notict.
In the County Court lor the Stale ol Oregon, lor Ihe
Countv ot Baker.
In the matter ot the estate ol William II. Palmer,
General brass and Iron Founders
and Machinists.
Baker City
Iron Works
GEO. F. MCLYNN, Proprietor ::::::
Special attention Ivei to
repalrin and rebulldln all
kinds of machinery.
Baker CltV. Telephone Red 161
f'.t. Sunday
8 pm
10 pm
fta m
Ex. Sunday
Turs. Thur.
and Sal
6a m
Turs. Thur
and Sal.
j: M a m
1 10m Maker City
Salt Ijikr, Denver. It
Wnrih. Omaha. Kan'
sis Cllv. St. louis,
Chicago and last.
Salt I akr, Denver. 1 1,
Worth, Omaha, Kan
sas Cllv, SI. Inuls,
Chicago and Last.
Wall 1 Walla. Irwlslnn
Spokane, Minnrapolis
St. Paul, Duliilli, Mil
waukrr, Chkago and
ocin sirMsinps
All Sailing dales siibtecl
lor Sin I raniisco
Sal every 1 Jis.
Astoria anJ
Oregon City. Newberg.
.ilem, itijepenjence
anJ Way Landings.
Oregon City, Dav tun,
and waj-l.anjings.
PortlanJ lo Cnrvallis
and Wa -landings
Rlparla to Lewlston
1 11 am
5'J P"
10:4 p m
4 pm
4 pm
!.x. Sunday
La. SunJay
,: o p m
Moo. VeJ.
and Irf.
4. )o p m
Mon. Wed.
anJ In.
H. C. BOWERS, Agent,
Haker City, OreRrHJ
xj. Bottling Works &
Gngen & Sloan, Proprietors.
jt jt j j jt
Manufacturers of all kinds of car
bonated drinks and ciders. Or
ders filled and shipped on short
jt j j jt jt