The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 03, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday, October $. 1900
Sixty Feet of Good Ore Found
on Strawbzrry Range.
million years ago, the bones of fishes.
I he spa linens were formed O't beds of
ilka. which assist in petrification. Mr.
Ogllvy thru says the petritied bones were
I further burdened by heat until now they
(really resemble pearls. The specimens
lie exhibited In the 1 rihiine office .ire very
neaiitiful and show several stages of the
formations. Mr. Ogllvy will send the
! specimens to the Smithsonian institute for
i further Inspection. Me considers his dis-
Another bin In J has been in id- In the I Cl)vcry valuable and h is become consider
Strawberry range, and accnrdhi to the , ;il,y nt,.r.sted in geology. The iilue
rock exhibited In town from the new Mud j mmll,.lins , ivt. ever lrell arched tlior
it will rival anything yet found on that miR,y fr Mlj, formations and their dis
side of tlie valley. l(,mv m;,v e;,j t further revel itions ot
Aland J. IVrreehive been doing as- hc ,M;,j :,rei 'I,, t,,uch and handle
sessmeiit and other work on the Will :, autiftil pearl that was a live ai.lnial a
Cleaver group, ind between H"i-s were I mUIM r ,wo! .,,, i., rm,u, l0
always on tlie alrrt for s.miethlug good ,irj nne wjth terest in the rocks that
for themselves, and I ist week thsy were ( .ip,Kir v, jj .niJ f(.e.,s , evell ,,()se
lucky enough to Hud what tliey were,who inw tifilhiiiR of ueology and the
l"li"i.' '" trutlis ot whkh are hidden in the bowels
llie new 1:1 Inr.idii Is situated half a f t,e trarth. I'cnJIf Ion Tribune.
mile south and west of the Will Cleaver
Croup, and carries gold, silver and heavy ! Work on the Gou Bank Building,
inpper stain. N assays hive et been ,,,,. (jassiirm, who was the architect
made, but the rock has a richer appear- , tM)ijer (,f t,P fraternal lull of this
aike than that taken Irnm the Ion itliau ' lv .,rrV(.j ;S, ,:rJ;lv , L: r,Tllut
Hntirue ledge of Ihe Will (.leaver gloup. , .,,, has ., ,.,rKe forfe ()f me ,he cnn.
I hey located four il liins and they lie sluutioii of the new stone hank building,
at the headwaters of the north lork of .ng constructed by Judge Clifford and
Canyon creek, and on whit is famlliirly ,ujKe n.ieltlne for the Cos people, of.
known by miners acuo. tinted In "' Sumptrr. I he building Is to Incompleted1
parts as Potato Hill. I he names nl the I eny , November, lelK.e ,,e occasion for
properties are Alt.iimmt Nos. i and a. ts rapid cuiisUiictlon. The building will
hmina and I leetwyod. )e ., sUt)s(a,u,, Une, a permanent fixture
One ledge slxtv leet wide can be traced , ;(,j ,r,.j , )e ,0VV, ailj county and
for two claims In length, and as Al lerree uM ,,e (e ,ltmie of a e(frprse that will
puts It, shows the same ot ore rvc ,,, ,hs c,um,y -Blue Mountain
as tlie samples brought to town. ( p KC(
Tlie Ferree boys are both tine fellows j
and it the new liud proves to be a honaii-' Through the Yellowitone.
1:1 the Miner is in on tlie play. Prahie I he new route via the Oregon Short
City Miner. I line Railroad and Mould.i, Mont., enables
von to make a delightful trip through the
Suropter Co. Take Mail to Stiunvlllc Yellowstone National Park, entering via
I he Eagle is informed that the Sumpter ' Monida and coming out via Cinnabar,
Transportation company, w'hlJi operates I making It unnecessary to cover any por-'
the mall line between Sumpter and Can-' Hon f the route twice. -or beautiful
yon City, his suhio (traded the mall j descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore
route Iroin Austin to Susmvllle. wlikh is' i-oii Short Line Ticket Oltice, 142 Third
now supplied Willi a Ill-weekly servke on streel, l-'nrtland, Oregon.
Mondays, Weduesd ivs and l-ridays. Ibis, Q. tuber 1 the Siiuoter agencv of the
lompany wl'l put on ample stn.k and ve-, ,,,.,, nJ ,.v elIl)K Pelegram changed
hides lor the transportation of the mill ,umls :rt.,pM j telegraph news,
and all the tralh ot tlie line. The Susin- fclr.lrM :,d v j,,iy Kivlng speJal at
vlllc country K .piite a terrltmy and " Mention to this district. I'age ot North-1
tains some ol the best mine-- In ''M"l mining notes. Ten Cents a week,'
county, and cert ilnlv uirrits 1 belter mall ,,.. ... ..1 r . .mi,r Send address to Aus-
Henry Finger
On draught or in bottles
at five cents per glass
or five bottles for one
dollar. j Full car load
just received.
Center St., Opp. P. 0.
Sumpter, Ore.
Henry Finger
service at tlie hinds ot Untie Situ, thin
has been given lint seUlon In the pal.
Hltie Miiiiut'iln Lagle.
I lilgjid Granite Road,
line Is a piiagiaph trnin the "spokes-mau-ltt-iew,
Ih it (outaius the in iximiun '
limit ot I'liiiueoiis siati'iiients: Ihe I lil
gatil - ( irauite tailwnv, whkh is to ton
iirkt with U. R. N., Horn (itauile,
Olegou, is now under lOiiisr ot toitstniC
lion. I here ,ue.oo men employed .ind
there Is still .'oo miles to be tniilt. I lie
neatest rallioid st itioii tit I irauite is
Sumpter, liiiiitt-en mi'es ,iw,iy, but it is
expected that Ihe Sumpter Valley railroad
will connect witli I irauite or in that im
mediate vkinitv.
Flili PouiU in the Uhie Mountain.
Charles Ogilv y, ol Hiuh ueek, was hi
I'eiidletou estetda exhiPiliug some beau
tillll specimens ot losls that lie had dls
coveied In the hlue mountain', while herd
lug sheep lot Win. Mo-dier. I heje pecu
liar loimalioiis had been ot iuteiest to him
for oxer two eais. He believed tliein to
be o' some kind ol geologk il toriu illou i
hut was unable to luid out lurther tutor
maliiMi on the subject uoiil atMuit six
weeks ago an ankle headed "Siieullsts
In the Mines" appealed in Ihe I ribiine.
1 he article told ol the discnveiies by a
professor Iroin tlie Stale Uulver-ily ol ,
CahlornU and desciibed similir sub
stances to thoe possessed lv .Mr. Ogllvy.
Since then he has in ide turther iikiilries
and has sitisfied himself that the peculiar
foiiiulious wele at one time, pethaps a
tin Clary, Sumpter, lor mouth.
Drug Co
Only exclusive whole
sale drug house in the
state. We sell only to
merchants. Make the
best prices on miners'
and assayers' supplies.
Freight no higher than
from Poitland.
Write for quotations.
Spokane Drug Co.
Spokane," Wash.
Pelton Water Motor
Is so superior to all others as regards strenth, durability and economy of
water, in fact all that constitutes a HIGH CLASS WATER MOTOR,
as to admit of no comparison, adapted to every variety of service and
made of sizes varying Iroin tlie fraction of i up to 100 H. P. Recent
stieiitilic tests made at the Michigan University in connection with sev
rral other motors claimed to be the best on the market showed 45 per
n-iit higher erticiency in favor of favor of the Plil.TON, while the rela
tive cost per II. P. to buy was unlv one-third to one-half that of others-.
Water companies desiring to make tlie best of their water supply should
discriminate In tavor of the PELTON. Drlix eries made from New York
or San l-'rancisco, as may afford the best freight rates. Circulars free.
One of these motors can be seen any time operating 1 lib MlNbK presses.
141 I Ibertv Street.
New Yoik.
125-121) Main St.
San Francisco. Calif.
Baker City, Ore.
vi ver doscn
''V -.
ueorge w. weigand...
a minniK .Mens Headquarters rst.M uoor to wonder More
a nt iiiNrar. imri 11 a l&