Wednesday, October j, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. M ?.4 COUNTY RECORDS. Thr following Is the record of official busim ss transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, Oct. 2: kkU. IMATF TPASsltRS. Warranty JeeJ-Si-pl (, M J Janney lo A C Taggart.e )'" ' tec j3.tp8, r 40 800 Warrantv JeeJ -Se pt 5, C W Cleaver to J II McCorJ. lul 1 1, blk 1. AtwooJ's 4II1 aJn to Haker Lily , . 500 Warranty JeeJ -Sept ti, K II Denny et al lo Chat Wilcox, hit i.llk ;, tlr.ittaln & Mc Comas' aJn to Hakrr Cltv in Warranty JeeJ June 6, l: Vernon et vlr 10 J Iton, iiua.'ret In sect aoanj 41, Ip 8, r tr . 9yo Warranty JeeJ -Atav t, ("rank SchlunJ el us 1 1 2 U Halnrs. lot 7. blk 4 anj l.inj nJolnlni( on west In Hk 4. AtwouJ's aJn to Hiker City 650 Quit Claim JeeJ -Apr 16. N C Haskell rt in to V Ison et al, part lot I, Hk , linker Clly . . 1 Warranty JeeJ Sept 18, J I) (ilhbs el ux to I. H Herron, e 8 It, lot 8, blk ,, Sampier Hcljclil ... n Warrantv JreJ- June 14, Jus Calmer et u lo I Craven, part ne ',' se 4), ipy, nu y Warranty JeeJ Se t o, Win A Houston to K J Houston, 14 kits In varlojs aJns to llaker Cilv. 1 Warrant JeeJ Sept 44, A A Houston rl ux to Wm A Houston, lots In vaiious aJns to Haker Cli 1 Warrantv JeeJ Julv i, l;Hlre et (if lo Stella kltor, lots 4, 1. Mk 7, I.evens'aJn Haker Clly 7uo Warrant JeeJ- Oct j.M lielanjtoll II Cosier lots 8, o, ki, Mk it, Haker City juo Warra'ntv JeeJ- Sejt , A tielser et ux to I Artenault, n )t ft lot 6, blk 1, Sumpler? no.. Warranty JeeJ-Sep! g, I- J Rlggen el ux to to l W l.ppinger, 1 Inls In Mk 10, Stuart's jnj ajil llaker (.its X Warrantv 'eeJ Jan )4,u8, W II Hlggen lo l: J rtlggeti, same . . .... 750 Warrant) JeeJ-Apr , Sanson lo J A Heck lnger,loti 14, blk 8, llrtievue aJn llaker Cltv . . 1 Warrants JeeJ Sept 10, J W I- Wilker el ux to Whltne) Tuansltr Co., 40 Mks In Whitney, . ;ouo Warrantv JeeJ -CM it, Oregon Trust It Ab stract Co. to J W I, 3m acres In sec U tp 10, r o .... 1850 Warranty JeeJ Sept w, l l-ccles lo J W l: Valker, 4tj.11 res In sec 47, 8, , )4.lpio, r I" 1 MtMsn minus. Quit 1 him JeeJ Sept 11, M l; (illim to C C (Iffin.unJ l,lntln I'ul iskl (iroup iilf claims 1 Quit claim JeeJ Sept if, C Cdlltln to At l: (iifhn, unJ ' interest In ConsollJateJ Ciem (iruupu,! ilaims il Lease Julv s, I- M Hainetl rt al to C N Chat ham el als lor sears, I'lioenlx & Ariel 0.1 Claims Mining JeeJ Sept -, S Chapman to A Hill, Mv stlc u,l claim Mining JeeJ Sept 4t, W (, lloolli lo Chat A Jones, lair View 0,1 claim , MlnlnK JeeJ -Nov 1, 'og, S Chapman lo A Hill, tiranj Trunk, Mvstic & claims,. Mining JreJ -Oct 1, 1'J Kane to M T Kane, unJIvlJeJ Int In KlonJIkr anj I' J anj Jessie Kane qt elms . . .. . ( Mining JeeJ- Sept 3, Ainu Williams lo Maggie J Williams, lots 4 I, blk g, AtwooJ's irj aJn Haker Cits , also AUIJa nu dm Bousum St ICE CRYSTAL Free delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and Malting Co., next door to MINER office. I ARE YOU LOOKING : INVESTMENT IN MINES OR MINING STOCKS? 5 IF YOU ARE, WRITE a- i L. Y. KEADY & CO. Mining Stock C OiwMi'McWuit HORTOAOES. Mortgage Aug t7. 1' A Correll ft ux In J D Glbb, lot j, Mk 6, Sum pier Heights aJn to Sumpler , sou Mortage Sept 18, J J Tlsher rt al lo J I) Itlbbt, lots 1 anj 1, Mk 1, Sumpler Heights aJn J50 Chattel -Sept ?o. J E Dean lo J W Rather, taw mill anj 6 hortet anj wagons (no Ouitel-Feh Ji.John WRay 10O W Iilggert. ! hortrs anJ harnett .. xx Release Morris ft WhlieheaJ lo Sumpter I Water Co, release of mtg on water plant tor Mortgage Sept n. J W Newton el uxtnMJ Jannv, lots 10 anj 11, Mk to, AtvvooJ't J 1 a Jn to llaker Cilv ,80 1 Mortgage Sept ?6, C M Kellogg el ux lo Mrv KlcharJton, 6 lots In drier's aJn lo Haker Clly jn Chattel DCnnJ A (1 Harvey to C I! Kane, 4 horses, svagon anj harness ,50 Mortgage -Oct t' Haker Cltv I njge No. 47, ' A l: A At to II C Mowers, lot 5, Mk 1, HovJ't aJn Haker Cltv I4n. Morliage--Sept, W L Wllllims et ux to L I M Wnltiaker, xo acres In section 1, tp 10, r it ux Mortgage -Oct 1, J O Mosby lo J W Robinson 1 bill isle on 7 lionet, harness, etc ,., ux Chattel -Sep 8, Colombia Hrewlng Co., ol Sumpter to II Wools, two horses .in J wagon tv ' MISIULIANFOUS. I Action lirst II ink ot Sumpler ss I: N Hrlggs 1 el al, recover) ot $ 1,100, aflectlng Ibex mines Action- III. Phillips s Albert (reiser etal lor commission on sale Honana mine. . . .101,000 Hilt of Sale -Ji ne u.Jnol' HilrJ lo Thus II Taylor unJ ' J HanJ Slore, Sumpler 100 1 lllll ol Sate, Aug a, Minnie Hastlan 10 Call 1 Hastain, 60 ions hav iy lllll ol tale - .Winnie Hasihn lo C St M H.islaln, 47 cattle anj horses vox Articles ol Incorporation (taker Cilv ias V rieclrlc Oi, II I Ish, J II I'arker, J I) mnellt , Incorporators, tapltal slock ,,uu,uuu Acikii-Sepl aj. W ACirantel al s. Oregon Lumber Co:, three logger's lelns 101 Action -Sept 99, Otto llerlockrr vs Union Smeller Mfg. Co. anJ H MelnharJ, manager. In recover on Jr.if It . , . ,' 4H1 SUMMONS. IN Tin: Circuit Coi'Rr or tiipStati 01 Okir.os, I OR llAKIR C(HIM. AlallnJa Caroline KeaJ, plaintiff, ss. AlcxanJer Ciipe ReiJ, JefcnJanl. To Alex.mJer I'ope Kea.l, the above naineJ JefenJ am, In the name ol Hie Stale of Oregon; Vim are hereby require J lo appear anj answer the complaint IrleJ against vnu In the above intlileJ suit on or be fore Ihe laslJxvof the time rrescrlrej In the orjer fnr lit IMiltll.'allrin ill lltl utmmin,. In.uftl ,,n n, tu, fore the 14 III Jay of November, ii, anj If vou fail so ' lo appear anJ answer the talj coin plaint on or before , inr in u. ui i.uvrniiT'rt iiij, mr piniiiini win lane Jelaull against sou anj thereailer apply lo the court lor the relief prjveJ lor In Ihe complaint, to-wlt: A Jecree Jlttolvlng Ihe bonjs of matrimony now exist ing between the plalntltl anj vou the sal J JefenJant, granting her an absolute Jlvorcr Irom sou ihe salj JetenJani, together with the coslt anj Jisbursemenlt of this ti It anj for such other anJ further relief at Ihe court may teem meet. This tumraons It puhlishcJ pursuant to an orJer maJe by the Hon. W. W. Travllllon, County JuJge ol Haker Cnuniy, Oregon, on the isl Jav of October, ioo, Jlre.'llng the tame lo be publisheJ once In each week lor six consecutive weeks In TllP Suhi-TCR MlNLR. a weekly newtpaer of general circulation rilnlcJ anj puMUheJ at SumpKr, llaker County, rrgon, ihe first publication Iheteuf to be on the irj Jay ol October, io, anj Ihe latum November 14, ivui. W, (. PkovslrY, Atiorney for I'lalntifl. Spalding Company FOR PROFITABLE : roncrs 110 Sherlock Rid., PORTLAND, ORE. The Literary Digest IxxuoJ Weekly j Cages IllusliateJ "All tat Ptrlellcili In 0" T110 Literary Dhicst has taken the highest rank as weeklv review ot cunent thought at home anj abroaj. In the realms of llteraluie, art, science, religion, politics, smlologv, travel, Jit coverv business, etc. Dlsscusslnn anJ informa Hon rn all tIJet ot Important qtiestlontair given. The content each week covet a lielJ so JlversltieJ at to make TlIU LllLw) DuitM InJupensable to the busv man who Jeslres to knp up with the thought ol the time, but who lacks the leisure tor tuch a task. 0 OPINIONS MOM tUTHOtmiS t. P. Pawtll, D. 0., In llnltv, Chicago- "Tilt Liri.UAWV DmiST Is an absolute neressltv to those svho vmiuIJ keep In line with the progtess of thought anj achievement, I Jo not stelum any thinking man can get along without II. ' Edwin Maikhtm, Author ol "Ihr Alan With the Hoe j "1 ill lltlHvxv Pun M Is one of the two or three most valuable journals that lomelo my table." Ei-StntUr John J. Inillt: "Till" Iiilrarv DlllsT enlarges the bounJarles ol Intelllgmve." Sinilor Wllllim P. rrt: "Il vlll afiorJ lm hiense assistance lo the scholars ol the couiiti)." Oo. Jaan P. altttld, of Illineis: "Till Llllk A) Die, I sr Is one til the verv best publications In America. In a sluJrnlot turrenl literature il Is Invaluable. 10 Cinti tir Copt. $1.00 atr Titr Sins' lor Dttcriatlut Clrcaltr, fUNK WaONUlS. P.illlhllt, NtW TORN. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS Neustadter Brothers MANUMCTUIMIsS PORTLAND, OREGON POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OI:i"i:KI. HY THK fICT0 We Have Daily Is jM I rains to the If you cannot take the mnrnlne tr.-ilu, ' travel by the evening train. Until are. fully equipped. OUR SPECIAI.TIKS I FASTTIMB THROUGH SEKVICH; Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. ' Dining Car and Huffelt Library i.ars. FirM-Class Free Reilining Chair Cars. ' Hours In time saved to Omaha. Chlca go, Kansas City, New York, BoMon and olhrr Kaslern Points. Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It is to your I Interest to use THE OVERLAND ROUTE. Tickets mid sleeping car berths can be secured irom H. C. ROWERS, Agent O. R. & N. Co. Raker City, Ore. Or, J. H. LATHROP, Gen'l Agt. No. IJ5 Third St., Purtland.Oie. ASK FOR THE PiTI kA M 9)ll l it Al clirt MM I ylDJT I HnRVJll Lnl LnioJ "XvV.sTvvssrn issj nM I . I R"" EAST YOUR BUSINESS IS JUDGED BY THE NEAT NESS OF YOUR PRINTED OFFICE STATIONERY THE PRINTING DONE AT THIS OFFICE IS THE KIND YOU WANT CALL AND SEE OUR WORK AND GET PRICES THE SUMPTER MINER tllliaiiiiiaataini, a