The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 03, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    .nw Jawti .s.j.
Wednesday, October . 1900
Much Money and Time Ex
pended on the Search.
and at once commenced to develop their
property. A vein of ore four feet wide
was encountered which give an average
assiynf f4j. The tunnel is now in 160
feet, and since the vein was tapped six
weeks ago 43 sicks of ore has been taken
out and is ready for shipment to the
smelter. Wampler and Jacobs have been
offered 5io,ooo for their property, but re
.... I fuse to sell. During the p.vt two months
O. C. Mcl.eoJ has wie to Portland to Mr Wam,,,.r has bee s(cl, anJ lhe ore
float a mining deal Involving the High - MckeJ fof Mllpineilt presents the work
,rade group of live claims, situated only Jonp ,,v ,,,, p ,,.,, ,s her ,,rten,ion
three miles from Sumpter, nut on the road , ,.,ke ,he re , ,,. smeer al Sumpter
toHourne. I hese claims have been lo-!for treJnent.Democra.
tated for some mouths, and have been (
worked lor several weeks past by the lo-1 Gristly Examined and Approved.
eator, L. C. Reckwilh. Recently the ! . J, Swetland, of Portland, who has
ledge was cut and some rich ore uncuv sct tne summer in the extern states,
ered. Pine gold Is plainly visible to the ' w,ere he has already solJ considerable
naked eye in places. The best assay treasury stock ol the Gold Mln
made showed gold values of I106, while MR company, made a Hying trip to Sump
he average Is only a trifle below lifteen . tt, for t,e purpose of examining the Grl2
dollars. Mr. Mcl.eod says he knows a, ty ,jt,eat its presrnt stage of develop
man who wants just such a property and mentl doing so in the Interest of the par-
he has no doubts but what he will succeed (es w,n have purchased stock and at the !
In accomplishing the object ol his trip. , request of others who contemplate pur
Much of mining camp Interest Is attach- chasing on his recommendation. Mr.
rd to this property. I he story goes that ( Swetland states that he Is highly gratified
In the early days of this district Chinese . wjtn P progress made in development
placer miners took out over from s,MCe ,N a visit, his previous high opiii-
the gulch below, gold that surely came
Irom this ledge. Old timers believe that
the Chinese found the ledge and after
wards covered it up, knowing that if
white men ever Irariied of lis existence
they would come in ami run them out of
thai sectlen. Sometime after these fust
lucky Celestials went away will) their
heavy loads of gold dust, others came In
Irom California, went dlrrctly to these
diggings and began operations. They ev
idently were acting on iuloimalion re
ceived before reaching here.
Alter it was learned tint the Chinese
hid taken out so much dust, many pros
ion of the properly being substantially
confirmed, and ct nsiderlng it now certain
that lhe mine will become a grrat gold
producer; he will recommend to his princi
pals the purchase of the Grizzly stock as
an excellent investment. Mr. Shetland
departed for the east yesterday.
Oregon' Presidential Vote.
In view of tlir approaching eleciiou the
popular vote for president as cast in Ore
gon Is of interest. In 1S72, democrats
cast 77$i;repubhians, 11,818. In 1876,
democrats, 14,1 $8; repuoiLans, 15.50S;
1880, democrats, 10,040; republicans, 20,
pectors tried to find the ledge Irom which 619; labor, 140; 1884, democrats, 24,604;
the gold hid come, but without avail. It 1 republicans, 26,860; prohibition, 402; labor,
k reported that the Cable Hiotheis, from , 726; 1888, democrats, 26,522; republicans,
whom the Cove takes its name, spent 1 33, 2)i; prohibition, 1.677; labor, 363; i8g2,
f l,ooo mid much time seaichiug for this
vein. Ol couise the man who dually
found it, stumbled on t the grand prize
by accident it's always that way.
Ncwland's Good Missionary Work.
James New lands, formetly cashier of
(fee lfrst Hank ol Sumpter, who reiently
bought a large Interest in the Sumpter
Transportation couipiuv, of which he has
since been elected sruelary, returned Sat
urday Irom an e.Niended visit to his family
In Portland. Mr. New lands occupied the
position of cashier of the United States
National bank at Poitlatid lor over six
years and, consequently, has a large ac
quaintance lliereamoug the businessmen,
tj whom he has recently been enabled to
explain In his own conservative way the
light side ol Sumpter; Its business people,
fturrounding mines, and the reasons for
kite solidity now and in the lutuie of this
entire section. It is known to the writer
that Mr. Newlauds has done some good
missionary work In this way, which will
be shown by futuie development ol new
enterprises here at an early day. He will
Ht once assume his new duties with (he
Transportation company, and his tamlly
will join him here In a short time to he
tome permanent residents.
Two Projperton Make Their Pile.
Prospectors Investing thrir money on
grub stakes in search ol gold in eastein
Oregon do not always come out broke.
While the iiMJuntv are unsuccessful In
Imdlog anything ol merit, like in all min
ing countries, there aic those who olteu
strike it rich and make a Miiall fortune
within a very short space of tune. Lit
May John Wampler came to Maker City
and invested all the money he had in a
giuh stake. He took with him as a part
ner Jackvm Jacobs, ;md both went into
the Granite district, intending to spend
thrir time in the hills until thrir grub was
used. They locateJ two claims, called the
IHack J uk, about 16 miles from Granite,
democrats, 14,24); republicans, 36,002;
prohibition, 2,281; populist, 2(1,1)6$: 1806,
republicans, 48,771); fusion, 46,062. Ex
change. Railroad from Union to Burkmont.
Engineer Chalk and Major Searls were
in the city Tuesday preparing to make a
preliminary survey from Union to the re
cently developed mines near Medical
springs at the new town of Hurkmout.
It is understood that lhe cltiens ol Union
I have 3,000 now In the bank to pay lor
the survey. I his road will tap a I irge
body of timber and with the ore from the
copper mines would make the operation of
the road, which will be 26 miles, profit.
We. La Grande Obswicr.
Scenic Lint of the World.
Por an enjoyable trip east, take the
Denver cV Rio Grande railroad, Scenic
Line ot tlir world. Three daily trains be
tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo
and all eastern points, and all points on
the P.icitic coast. Most magnificent scen
ery on this continent. 'I he leading fea
ture hi connection with the trip is that the
through trains pass through the scenic
attractions of the Rocky mountains in
Colorado by daylight, thus affording pas
sengers a cool, pleasant and enjonhle
lide, tree from dust and the annoyances
experienced via other lines. Supeib din
ing car service ou all through trains.
Service a la carte, pay fur what you orJer.
Through standard and tourist sleepers.
Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets
anywhere between Ogdeu and Denver.
Call on your nearest ticket agent for
tiskels, rales and all information, or ad
dress, R. C. NK.HOL,
General Agent, Portland, Ore.
The Hobson Mercantile Company is
now showing the largest assortment of
stylish and entirely new samples of men's
and b.iys' made to order cblhlng ever
shown in Sumpter.
ING Great Bargains
Big Discounts
Agents for Matting
ly and Moore Whis
keya ao-year-old
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
Mork Room More Goods
Since the removal of the Post
Office, giving us the entire use
of the store room, I have mater
ially added to the stock a New
and Fresh line of j j J j
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Etc.
A better opportunity is afforded
us to handle the trade, and our
CASH PRICES have proven a
drawing cird since the CASH
SYSTEM was inaugurated j
Succrttor to
Khlcr& tUwIry.
t t