Vrtnp -av, epmler -6, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. T THE INTER MOUNTAIN. Money for Machinery, Also Sale Pending. W. C Calder relnrneJ early last week from Poitland ;ind Puget Sound towns, as noted in Till1 MINER; but did not re main long enough to give any one an op portunity to listen to his story. He re lurned Thursday from Baler City, where he went to continue his talk with General Warren. Mr. Calder brings the Information that .1 financially strong syndicate ot Portland capitalists has been organized to make a producing mine of the Inter Mountain. Machinery will probably not be Installed this season, but work will be continued nil winter, blocking out ore bodies and ex perimenting with the rock for the purpose ftt determining the best method of ex tracting values. Mr. Caloer says that ample capital is nmv in the trc.iMiry to .trry out the plans of the company. And further than till-. :i sale outright of I hK property Is pending; whUh, if it is consummated, will bring into this district one of the strongest mining syndicates In the wot I J. Mr. C.ilder .savs tint in all of his trav els, he d'du't see a ttiAii with one-fourth nf the building and business activity of Sumpter, yet the impression prevails that "the Suinpter boom has busted." When II r loundii man of intelligence he took the trouble to explain the situation here; that every line of legitimate business is doing well and that only in the wild demand for le il estate is the "boom busted." There Is tven a better demand for milling property than there was a vear ago. Of course, Mr. Calder gives the Port land push a jolly; about having become really interested in our mines and being billing to invest rusty money in good, conservative propositions. Yet, there are a score of people around here who have "reen working on that same Portland line, for .1 year past and haven't made wages. Killed Buck with Pick and x. (Jus Nyman, a well known resident of Heech creek, together with a hired man, Mere cutting shingles on Mr. Nymau's place one day last week, when a deer came III sight. The boys had no guns, but started after the animals with rocks. After -it darted away Into the brush they re turned and saw a large five-pointed buck wading In the stream. Mr. Nyman grabbed a pick, which was lying on the wound nearby, and hurled it at the buck, striking him In the shoulder. The blow stunned the animal and the hired man ran with an axe, knocking it in the head. 'Mr. Nyman is considerably elated over the capture, and thinks hereafter he will vhunt with a pick Instead of a gun. Grant VJounty News. Union County Copper Ore. Mr. W. H. Huffman, the veteran pros 'pector, who has been spending much of .'his time this summer in the rich mineral ' 'belt of Union county east of this city, was in Union this week and left with us sam ples of ores from some of the new discov eries of copper made recently, which are -proof positive of the richness of this sec 'Hon In regard to its copper ores. Mr. Huffman and J. T. Bolles are interested .jointly in a copper property near Sanger, east of Union, that Is making an excellent .showing as development work progresses. This ledge is about one hundred and forty feet in width and well defined. A shaft 'H being sunk on the ledge and is now down sixteen feet, and during the entire distance it runs through solid ore, some of -which assays nearly 24 per cent pure cop per. As depth is atUlned the ore appears to become more uniform and the rock 'taken from the bottom of the shaft has been piomuuunl b nil ep rt as part of a "mother lode," so these i wne's are san guine that tliev Inve a property that is sure to become a valuable mine. Mr. Huffman brought In ores from other mines in that section and speaks In glowing terms of the future of Uiiin county's great mineral belt and predicts that it will surely become one of the greatest and richest in the Northwest. Union Republican. Union Telephone System Sold. Last Saturdiy the Union Telephone company of this city disposed of Its lines to the Pacific States Telephone company. The Union company was organized by the citizens of Union several years ago be fore the advent of the through lines from Union to Cornucopia and one from Union to Baker City and purchased a line from Union to Cove. All those lines have now been absorbed by the big company that is prepared to give better service than the local company cotilJ, although the Ut ion company Ins done an excellent work in bringing to the people of till-, p.ut ot thi stue rapid coin.iiiinicition. it steps out now to gie pi. ue to something better and more up to-d.ite. Ui ion Uepuoikau. Prairie Diggings Mill in Operation Messrs. Hlne.s & llelmer, who le-entlv bonded their Prairie Diggings in hit- to Col or.idoVapitalists, are operating their quail mill to its fullest i.'ip.ully rrdiuiug ote taken tiom their bonded property. They have considerable ore taken out, and will possibly opei.ite the mill until December 1st, having reserved that tight in the bond recently given on the properly. '1 he ore that is being sent to the mill at pies ent is rich in gold, and while they are al most too l.ir from the railroad to huulle their concentrates to an advantage, they have hopes of realiinii handsomely from that part of the ore that is free milling. fWue Mountain Eagle. Scenic Line of the World. For an enjoyable trip east, take the Denver Si Wo Grande railroad, Scenic Line of the world. Three daily trains be tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and all eastern points, and all points on the Pacific coast. Most magnificent scen ery on this continent. The leading fea ture In connection with the trip is that the through trains pass through the scenic attractions of the Rocky mountains in Colorado by daylight, thus affording pas sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable ride, free from dust and the annoyances experienced via other lines. Superb din ing car service on all through trains. Service a la carte, pay for what you order. Through standard and tourist sleepers. Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Call on your nearest ticket agent for tl.kets, rates and all Information, or ad dress, B.C. NICHOL, General Agent, Portland, Ore. -a-,--"''"'"'".,v v ft f.V Opposite Bische Jfrt. Hirdwiti Compiny Vt .IMPERIAL. Lodging House MRS. I:, i:. llltlTII'N Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms. Neat, Clean and Reasonable In I'iKe. " SUMPTER, OREGON g" .g. g. . f ... . s- tg-."'s."'..'...s5:lk.k.NWw 3 Mines & Real Estate If you have a mine to sell If you have leal estate to sell If you have a prospect to sell If vou have a house to rent It you want your tents collected If you want to engage help ot any kind If you want to hoi row money on teil estate llealv HMg dranUe St. W. H. W, Hamilton bumpier ( )lllgOII w in m.i3M Call for Bid on Tunnel Work. Sealed bids will be received by the Dia dem Gold Mining company until October to, iooo, at their office in Sumpter, Ore gon, for the running of 6oo feet of tunnel, being the continuation of the company's present tunnel, which is in 225 feet. The company reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The Diadem Gold Mining Co. W. H. Mosby, Secretary. Sumpter, Or., Sept. 18, 1000. Through the YcUowttoo. The new route via the Oregon Short Line Railroad and Monida, Mont., enables you to make a delightful trip through the Yellowstone National Park, entering via Monida and coming -out via Cinnabar, making it unnecessary to cover any por tion of the route twice. For beautiful descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore gon Short Line Ticket Office, 142 Third street, Fortland, Oregon. THE WONDER dhO. W. WIICiAM), I'UOI'kll IOK. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry floods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. THE WONDER, BOURNE, OREGON Delmonico Hotel M. SPANril i:W. I'riiplrlor A First-Class New House, Well Furnished and Superior Table Service. Trausclent Kates Reasonable. Special Rates to Local Pat rons by the Week. Located One Block East of Depot, Corner Co lumbia and Auburn Streets. SUMPTER. OREGON Eureka Feed & Livery Company J. L. SULLIVAN, Manager. Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE- THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. - Gininl Storage, Commission ind Forwirdinf. Warehouse and office, S. V. Track. SUMPTER, OREGON. w