Wednesday, September i( igoo. THE SUMPTER MINFR. tr CHILD LOST 40 HOURS. Wandered Off in the Moun tains One Dark Night. Dr. Brock returned a few diy since from a professional visit to Honau.a, and brought back with him tills Interesting Mory of a lost child. There is a family, consisting ol father, mother and two small children, camped near that place. Their names he did not learn. One night re cently, between seven and eight oMock, during the absence of the father, the mother was preparing her little three or lour ve.u old girl for bed, having taken olf the outer, heavier clothing. Her back was turneJ a moment, her attention being attracted by the other child. When site again started to care for the Utile girl, the latter was gone. Calling to her and receiving no re sponse, the mother stepped outside ol the tent to sec il she was there. The ni;jlu was very dark, and so the purled in )!lier brought out a lantern and searched lor the little one. Falling to hud it and now thoroughly frightened, site untitled some near by campers who joined in tin search. They having failed alter a couple ol hours hard work, the story was carried to Ho nau.a, when n large number of miners organized themselves into parties, systim ntied the plju of operation and renewed the search. All of that night, the uet day, the following night and half ot the ne.t forenoon did the child hunt continue before the object ot the search was founc1. I he little girl was quietly sitting on a log, picking splinters out ot her teet. Having been so long without tood, the men who lound her thought that in all probabilities she would have been starved and frightened into insanity, and sought to approach her cautiously. But she saw them coming and greeted them with a de lighted "howdy do." When she lelt the tent she had on her shoes and stockings. When lound the former had disappeared and the latter were worn out. Asked what had become of her shoes, she said !Ue had taken them off when she went to sleep. I'he little girl was very talkative and told of the day before seeing a great big black dog with two puppies, which she tried to latch, "but they ran away after their mamma" undoubtedly a bear and Iter cubs. The child was unite four miles -from the tent, at a polnt.ln order to reach ' which.a canyon would have to be crossed ' that le.v men other than experienced ' mountain climbers would attempt to cross. The mother's experiences, fears, an guish, despair, hope and finally joy, would make another story, but should not be tampered with by profane hands. I DcLamar't Great Enterprise. Perched hi one of the deep gorges ol South Sinker east of War Kagle iiioun tain, we found the plant and men en-' gaged In driving the great hole wlikh is to tap the famous veins of ore which, worked from above, have added' so'many millions to the world's store of previous metals. The plant is a line our, .consist"! lug of a large power house, store room, blacksmith shop, boarding house, office, i Mables, etc.. all substantially constructed, roomy and convenient. One mile and a ' half of good mountain road . was con-1 structed from Scotch Bob "to the plant. J With Messrs. Frederic Irwin as manager,, James Ingalls, masfr mechanic, Barney Matlenseu, foreman, work has been pushed on the tunnel since January. The hole, 8x8 feet, with a 2x3 foot drain ditch running-under one side the ditch planked on the side and top is now in about 2100 feet, or about one-third of the ! distance required to be run to reach the 1 great Golden Chariot ledge, which it will tap 2100 feet below the surface. Other' ledges, fi rther west, bv extending the tunnel, will be cut at cousiJtrably greater depths. Where timbering is lequired, iomo inch souare timbers are used. The I entire work is now piogresslug sallslac I torily, e.urpt that the condenser employed is proving lusiiiVicleut, and a new and . 'larger one will be substituted. Only about two nuds ol wood per day is re 1 quired to run the compressor and eshaust , fan. 'I hrre shuts of men are employed. Mule trains bring the biol.en rock to the siiifaceand the leveled dumps seive to increase the yard room, which in the d-ep gulch is rattier limited. One cannot Help admiring the pluck and energv of the men who liave the nerve to put tlitough an undertaking ol such magnitude, how ever Mattering tile prospects of a rkli re ward may be. Del.amar Nugget. Five quart bottles of Olyinpia beer ft r ft. 00 at llenrv Finger's. SUMMONS. I I'll ( ! I It ( 01 wt III I'll St Ml Ol (iMIIiON, I liir On Lnunlt til ll.lkrr. .1. II. S 1 111 J. " Mil. vs. . W.itl.t .ml t'lrCo Opi'M it !'j nln 1 . I, lr J ill In ',!. 1 , llit'.ifmt' mini. I .ti-i-uj.itlls. II iln mint- "( tlu' 11I Oircon nu.iiv licii'H r .iiri'.l in .inj .mstt-r t'v ciinpi.ilnl tilt'J .iMltiM t"U in Hit-.ilotf tnlltli J .1 isc 1 n nr hi Inn ltit ?i 1 i.i ot Niiv,-iil-ir. iM4i, tthith I t h t.isl III lilt' tllll t.' lilt t'J lit It'l- llfJlT Ml iJh I't t!l.i C'.irmn liiJceot On- Lihiiih 11I IliWri, M(r nl (.W k'in,lni t r .I'H.ailnn nl Ill's si imni-rs nnj il Mill till sn 1 ,iPvir .in.l ,insfr..i .'ii'iv will Iv token .iK.ilnst tuu tor ilii it'llt'l rriM'J ( liis.iljmi l.ilnt, tmkli I. mi .1 Jt-iii-i-.iJluJll t! MI.I J1I1-1111I1.I11K lli-i llit-tt' Is Ju. .111 J imlnij lion mi In j'l.iimlil llu sum nl inn- Imnlt.-.l .in I limit rlk'lit .liilbrs ($uH no) tilth I -Ml Ititrtrst ihtfit'nn Irnm the 8tti .1 it n' IVI-rii..! t it.-, mull p.i J, .111 J tin fiiiiln-r sum ul tilly Jull.its (Sunn) ,-is jrt ml int Ire In lr .lllnttt't pi.nntlil inr lurrc'iislnj llir lln liitrinitvr trsiillr.I,.inJ tin tmiliir sum i sis .I' (ftfii) psivnji'j tnr pre p.iiln mi J '! nrjlni; .1 unlit c nl siU IU'ii,.nU lin en. It mil .listu siii,-iis nl Ihlssull. .ml Int a .li-tlri-nl liiri-tlii.iiti ot .1 n-rt.iln 111. m's Urn I sums .i.'.ifnst ilit li'l'nttlni; Ji-stil't.l ii.irir mliiiiig claims ilui'i' In I 1. ft (.minlt, S'.ilrnl Oit'irnn. I" till, tlif trcnrJr 1 In hnnU "I ' .H.ii'i-t llif (111 t-n Un k rt-cm JfJ In Inn). "O ' .it l.ici W Hie Kllit -11U Ijiut'llins 11-icr.lpJ In h-nuk "O" .11 p.iKe 14. ilie TnJf .is ii-tnt.lf.1 In binilM()" .it p.ti:e 11 tin; innpiiT us lrinr.1,-,1 In lnnl".V ul IMiSi" 1S1 Ok" Miit'U-Nini'.is trt'iuJi'J In hnnU-"I." nt ps-tgi' li' nl lliiii'tnrjs ut tii.itti Int'Jtlinns.Jn tin nllire nl tlit rrcnijt'r nl t'tiiitt-Minti-s nl tin Cnunlv nt lljkrr, Sl.itrnl Oit-iiaii.tttilcli Urn Is tri'mrJ lv n nmltV nl Urn lili'J In Ills' nltit'rnl thr t'nunty (Ink nt lliv Cnuntv nl IliUrr. Sl.ilr nl lili-r.(in, on ihe 9S1I1 Jay nt Alan h, iv: .inJ lot .1 Jrt'lit- tnrrt'lnsliiK .111J luttlng iur, 111J tlif J li-nj.inl's, llir .fC)prr.illvr Attaint-' equity ul rrJnnptliin nr nllirr Inu-li-sl In, llfht llrn upnn alj mining fl.tlms anJ rvrry p.ul llitn-cit, t-sci-pl Hit- sl.ilulnry il;ht 10 ri-Jrrin, .-in J snlj mining claims hi' snU .is I'V l.m prnvlJvJ, jnJ iliat Ihr prut'rt'Js nt sil.'li s.ilr l-r npplirj lo llir r-tMiirnl nt siith Ji-trrr, IncluJIni; In-It-lt-st. utmrnrv s' Ins, 1 nsls nnj Jlsl'iirsrinrnts nn J utvrulni; mti An J nu thr s.ilj JrlrnJ-in', A. W'.ilUt-r, nir tirrrl'y nntilirj Hut nil ihi'Ttitli Jiv nl St'Ptrmt'rr. hhvi. tin. Ilnimrat'lr W W. rr.ivllllnn, (.nunty .luJi;r ul ll.i-kt-rLuuniy. Stilr nl Otviiun iimJr an orJrr llul srr slcrul suinitiuns In this Milt lr injjr upon nu ty puMUatlun nt summons, unj HiAt tht Jalr ut Hit lifsl puHI.-Jllon nt thin summons Is Srp'rnil rr tii, 1 nt, an j ihr Jlt- ut llir 1 1st pabllt-.-iiliin tlit-ttut Is Novrmt'rr -III. iguu. N. (- I'l iiiwiis, Atlurnr) lur I'lalnilll, SPOKANE Drug Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the. ..-state. - We sell onlv to merchants."" Make the best prices on miners' and assayers supplies Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. it-4;i-i'r:,tyv.t-iriT:p rT ,-, t-i n w-w 3 1 Hb KMbUL Condtkted by .MUs. H. 1 iMir.K A First-Class Uostaurant. Only Home Cookinji. Pri'ato Rooms for Liulies or Families. ... Recenth' Removed to McCulloch Building, Next Dooi North ol Brewery. SUMPTER. OKI?. 3 1;.!'...o.Jc.sU.V-c ENGINES e BOILERS RUSSELL SAW II" L ft-J. mnn hnim J BL'HSJDI UJI1 LK.UIU Mil 10 THRESHERS STACKERS Maohinery RUSSELL & CO. Wrlto for Catalogue and IMccs. PORTLAND, OREGON. Bousum & Spalding CRYSTAL ICE Company l:tee delivery nl Pure Ire. Leave nrdns at nilite of Colutubia HrcwhiK and Malting Co., iit'M dtmr to AINII ollue. SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS .M.iluil.iclurrri nt ml I. In, Is nt ( .ill oil tlt-.l Drinks ,inj t.l.lris. Upt'MlrJ III tnnllrCllnll tilth II, I- Kentucky Liquor House WHOLESALE AND RtCTAIL. GAGEN A. SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE. W. S. BOWERS ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of r.iterieiu'e in Haler Coituly Kesurds. No. 2104 Court Street, Maker Cilv ; Urenn. OlllHMKHNMIOOOtH) lixcliisive A Kent tnr the Celebrated OI.YMPIA MHHH On draunht or by bottle. 00000000000000 "The Olympus5 H. IMNGI K, Proprietor. Sumpter, Or ; HIkIi Grade Whirs. Liquors and Ciar. 7 ii roil nd Ilie. Corner" THE MAZE 1 n.. I.. ,t .t: NI-MI-RGALI. .V Al.QplM: I'KOI'KIKTOkS ,' Fine Winesr Liquors and Cigars. ,,rV Next to First Bank Sumpter SUMPTER, OREGON