Wednesday, September 26, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. t ON EASTERN OREGON. Colorado Newspaper Man Writes Entertainingly. To a Colorado nun coming into this station it is to hi 111 almost like coming i'lto , a foreign country. The ways of the peo- i pie and their liiMitutious seem, somehow ' or anntlier, to be different from those in Colorado. It is hard to tell in what re spect the difference lies, but every one with whom I have come in contact that has come trom Colorado tells me that his I Oregon is not slow. There is a little I camp tlilrtvone miles aw.iv from here 1 called bumpier. I am told that it lias a perm inent population of 2,500, where is r twi and one-half year ago It lould hardlv , muster 100 people. 1 his eastern Oregon , is doing its share In growing a new uop , of bonanza kings. Kvery now and then i some person is pointed out to me as hav ing made considerable money in the mines. Albert (ieiser, president ol the Citieus' bank, is reputed to tie worth a million dol lars, which he made out of the Bonanza mine. His original investment was Ji, 000. I understand that the mine made a total output of about a million, and it is currently reported, or at least so stated In local print, that the mine then was sold to the Standard Oil people for Another mine, called the Red Boy, is also linnresinii .-ire slmllnr' to mine. H.iker City impresses one with being a bucolic 75. ..'.', t. .,,.1.. f , Anothi .Wlallsm. It has'a population of about reporteJ to be maklnR its owners rich. It fiooo permanent. In the winter there Is.1" ' "" "line, i-r ine prrse u nu W or. less of a floating population de- n en.P atrd Improvements Including irived fwin.ttfe' tributary camps, and along axilllaries, mus stand them In at least jabour Christmas time iltfre are probablj ' , Considerable machinery is be a total of e-ght or ten'tUousand people in '-'"led to the mine now. There snow Ihibernatmg In the city, and at this t,lne' at the mine a stack of of con the wain .reet exhibits some activity! , tra'7 l.ese concentrates are of too ITUV brines nortioyofNheVowr? seems I ow grade to ship and stand the ost of fk IU i-rt'tiifrit ir triini ttitt if 1 rur il liir. (' t' t friMIt- t I Villi tllUV VI Mllill iiinr , -, . ..:. .k. t .. ' 11. 1 , a ong way off. A pant for ncal reduc acter to -.unletting of a metropo tan phase! 1, , . . . . ' , . . : in i.- ... -..J.....7 .,. ..-.lY.. ., 1 Hon will be erected for these concentrates. ...iV, u..VS.ii,V.iK; iln. i11l..iTIHl Hoy, to all appearances, Is a great ;ever, not b'einVqulte'up "to date. It con ;iiects the in. no busijifss p.1rt of the town with tne depot. Tlfe "motive power of the mine. Reports come mat a. Ufpm 01 $00 feet a c)Vlte of- ore within Uie ledge was encounter'eJ"Jist''the',(itlier day, the ore Kaln.i n niiinitbltlmi m( lilira Hit lit l Mil ttiir Var .s the uld-,?ashlo.ud. horse. bUtnt press "V " """"-" .'T K"'" "' V . Vnt it .kiVrs-tl'lose'for tr.nSsporta- W"- .cIhhK a Wicnsia .iia.ihrpd. ii,ii ir i.Mih'itru i i I'fuiinii vi inv Ijuui, aiu.i in.iiut me warns 111 wine A .. . .p . .. , ,Yr, there ,s ., pr-uy.erous di.fusion o(' fH?-' a pound ,f gold or a " efifofefee thr...,.l,ff the community, and , ,.,mmJ "' W? "l1 m';" .''1".U"-. 'flfereis quite a hit ot building gou.g ou 5o,oooworl, ,,f Rj l0 lhP ,,,,( ore. Woughuutthr e,ire Uty. ' v4 l is,i lnnwn.just how g tl, s .,re !...s . J" . 1 t v Si cliuti' Is it may be only a jwcKet but it Ve'rViutfc'U Wn'ol'nctive mining here!J"V,li,.c.Vf" M,,:,,, ,,,,e;,,) ,fV',J.r:"e VerViutfc'U Wn'ol'nctive mining he'rj "V'1 lc,Vf " M,,:,,, ,,,,e;,,)dial ,fV',i.r:"e il 1. .t. . i.i.l.. .1.. .1 .' II MIUIU I'C lll MIIIMllw rlllllIMl'VIIIVl . iiiuur.u war are iiuiicb wmiiii wwer nines . ,, . . , t. - , Vt"' i .' frxtSr reRion, and It is in Maker City r,,r '? w""ld '''"'f ' "lw!' &' M &n'lW.ill over the country. Cabinets U!r i'!1:' T"- .l specimens are to be found in '..uiinbei ,I,a,1,"B n" M1 n''"'J '';-; "J W business houses, hotels, olt.ces and the" " ,r,,u-v-i,,I ,-l,c l,lrd?' ' hf y !,M ",e . Saloons, hvrry other ma., that I haverli"R "''' "'.d 'everybody Isgl.-nl to ' '".tt co,mUgdp jrm JheHIILs has a,,,,eR7H, '" thry are Haying In. iiockettll (.fM.r,ens or a l.imnof eold. I W".e. ,h,s mll,c ln:;,"'d ,n Colorado it ( .the nuggets urteii.lroni the placers. ,,,UJ ll,,, erc ,,,b ,,ave wMea a miMy , "Gold Auh bought iifre"U"a tafnfliar' , '.. ..,....!, i , , .. t, 1 , , , Another nd vidua that Is coming rat- lgn. 1 he epresiniis or trrms in nun-1... , . , , , , ,,,?,. , ,.i 1 . , ., id v nto prom neuce s l.eslou Ha let, a ing seem to be lousldcrablv dilferent from , , - . ," . 1. ,. , ,. 1 1 - ,,. i wt ' young mining man woo is mauing a pne- what are in ogue in Colorado. We ' . , ., , . ., uomeuai ski.css hi iiis mining .kiioiis. In his enterprising spirit he is to Haker 1 City what Sam Nicholson was to Lead-, ville. He has about a doen mines going hi different districts on the Pacific coast. U I Il- .,..!...,. hi,, I. ,-tjl., ..II Ml.. I. I he lode claims in tlil country are " " K ' "" " n""r "" . . . . , , , , . ',., of money and has under way a large mini- ret long by Goo feet wide. I he , , ' . ... . ,, , tier 01 ciiicrpuscs .ui.Miiaiy iu ins iiinirs, 1 He is a regular Colorado man In energy I and boldness uf operations. It is he who is the moving spirit for a smelter at Hurke 1 mont, and for tile construction of a rail- v.. ...I Kill!'.....! Il'.lfur - .Mll 14,1.1. Mil, lit . .1 1 1 .1 . . 1 u.iu imv( iiiiivii xii i.iiu 1 ., 11 in",,,. ledges the claims may lay three, four, live . or evrn six deep, side against side line, j WUr Notice. A great deal of the surface orrs of this T,e hwn sprinkling hours are from 6 country are frrr mining gold, and the out-, too o'clock p. m. Consumers are res put ol many of the mines has been saved l tricted to their own grounds, and will not . by the old-fashioned Me.icau arastra. j he permitted to sprinkle the public streets. J Within tle last year however, there lias Running water through an open hose at jiardly ever liear the, term "vein" used. I.e'dges aie mostly spoken of. ' A -man will say he has a ledge ten feet wide or, one hundred teet or even a thousand feet wide. Me speaks of tree milling or a base ore 1500 teet long ledges are tr.icrd on their appex for many miles, and It Irequentlv haptens that lo cations are made on the-e ledges to tile number of Irom thirty to sixty, end line lor end line. O'.ung to the width of the been an inclination to more universally put modem stamp mills, and the reduction t ores is being accomplished with more rapidity. Some of the old mines have built up big records as producers, but it took a good many years for them to make the showing which even In Colorado any other hour than those mentioned,! cannot be allowed. The water will be "shut off" whenever these rules are vlo-1 lated. SUMI'ThH WATHR CO. I The Hobson Mercantile Company is now showing the largest assottment of f.tggi 31KS II r,L I 'BWWWB HHMI lVS Fraser Chalmers Chicago Mll.l INti ,A(.HIM-:in-olls, Stamps, Crushers. Perforated Metals, Jigs, 1'rur .inueis, lite. MININti MACMINI'UY-Hiiilers, including Sederholm Holler, Air Compressors, Mrldler Pumps Hnr naies, lite. Write to oor C.hicago office for Catalogue. Represented by MENNO UNZICKER, Hotel Warshauer, AKCR CITY, OREGON GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL i',,- RE-OPENED UNDER t" ' " . : NEW MANAGEMENT To lk Conducted .on the "'ill' First-CI:iss .. Ri'Stsnuifnt European Plfin :i . in Con"ntciU'n 1 '?, T; T. DANILSOIVI', PROPRIETOR,. Sample Uooms for Coininercial Men. ' SUMIUI i. HM HON ' . . ' ' -i.' .. , ittr Cawston &. j Company B A , Engines. Boijers HBflBMHBb Machinery aul 48 and 50 Pirst Street, Near Pine y ' POWT.LAND, ORE. I J nl Pi HYDRAULIC, MINING AND DREDGING MACHINERY. RIVETED STEEL PIPE. w.,.,... AMERICAN IMPULSE r........ WATER WHEELS. ETC. WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS 'T,!TfTft,t VAN V J? .VfMf F Wm PORTLAND f.77yrwM OREGON" o. jjji.iir rifim S7 'W& Dixon, Borgeson 8c Co. Mitmilit tutt r of I Vl'lt Dl'Mtll'tlUM -,l Show Cases 5a v3 W-Jt fit? iEi FRONT ST.. COR. WASHINGTON Jl'llUs AMI I). I'll Lists' Wl. ( (l h IUM, I lll l. 1'Ol'II.AM), Oi'P, '-' would be considered phenomenal. With j y'W nJ "" ' wnple of men's t the modern appliances, however, tile mines aie now beginning to accomplish in a month wha it used to t.'iKr them a whole season or a year to do. There is a con-, Mant stream of new machinery coming ' Into tile country from all over th- United ' States, and I am pleased to see some line pieces trom Colorado touudries and ma chine shops. andbiys' made to order clothing ever shown iu Sumpter. When you travel the Bourne road re member Barnard has all the latest remedies for dut in the throat. . . i i "Tlie Portland", conducted by Gus Woodward on Mill street, is fully a I representation of its name. A visit will A. P. (JOSS, President A. J. ( jOSS, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter Trtnticli Ctntril nkl Imlntii Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTHH, OHEGON l ' hi ii convince )ou of this. i-'W.'VWV'W-.'VVWWift.'.