The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 26, 1900, Page 16, Image 16

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Wednesday, September 26. 1900
I tn ulve more lime tn his etenslve mining
! interests. Next Mi'intli lie will go tn the
cities ol the All.intic seaboard, and from
there tn New Orleans.
It Is stated that sheep are now worth
Colonel Oraysnii returned yesterday
from the Miby iVkKee.
'I he IniililliiK on North street which was
used last winter as a bn.vliiiK alley and
lalei as a bunk house, U being torn dtivvn
W. C C ilder, Mrs. Rodkey and d nigh
ter returned esterdiy Irom tile Inter
Superintendent l.niililiu, of the smelt
er, lias been in Maker City this week,
Inokiui', Iter some ore purcii ises.
I he luiclt work on David Wilson's two
stores at the 1 oruer of Center ami ir.iu
te streets, will l)e completed today, a
ijiiirk Jul).
Dr. I'earce and his bilde are expected
to arrive mn-t any day now. lie has
written tn have his apartments In the hos
pital ready (or him.
A I)Ik crowd came in on the train this
afternoon, presumably to attend the raves.
I he Sumpler Valley mad gives a round
trip ticket for one lare.
Otto Her looker, Johnny Parkinson and
f'reil Chapman exped to leave tod ty or
toinoirow foi Harney county on a hunt
nig expedition, to he none a week or more.
Lumber and supplies are being hailed
daily to the Minneapolis, whiili is hcli g
developed by .1 I'mtlaud company, under
the management nl I:. Sanderson Suiliii.
'I lie work of excavating for the founda
tion (if the hotel is tieaily completed, the
T. T. Uaiillsoii was hi Maker City yesterday.
A gnnd pack horse for sale at a bargain, one dollar a head more on the ranges of
liuiuire at this ollic'e. eastern Oregon than in the stock yards
.it Chicago. 'I he reason for this is that
sheep raisers Hud that they have re
cently sold otf too many ol their tloJ,
owing to prev-iillug good piUes, and must
replemish U) purchase.
"The I'ortlind", conducted by fins
Woodward on AMI I street, is fully a
representation of its name. A isitvill
convince you of this.
I The llohsim Mercantile Company is
I now showing the largest assortment of
I stylish and entirely new s imples of men's
anillnys' made tn order clothing ever
shown In Siimpter. ,
Through the Yellowstone.
The new route via the Oregon Short '
Line Railroad and Mould. 1, Mont., enables
you to make a delightful trip through the I
Yellowstone National P.irlc, entering via
Mnnida and coming out via Cinnabar, ,
making It unnecessary tn cover any por-1
tiou of the route twice. For beautiful
descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore
gon Slioit Line ticket Oltice, 14 1 'I bird
streel, I'mtlaud, Oregon.
Rocky Mountain Scenery By Day Light.
Day light stop over at Niagara Tails. 1
Ihrough lirst-ilass touii'.t sleeper from 1
I'.iiltk Coist weekly for Chicago, Mostou, I
New York and oilier eastern points via '
Kin (irande Western MireatSilt Lake,
Route), Denver iV Kin (irnnde, C. R. I.
V I', a nil Illinois Central to Uilcagu
rockisall on (he ground and the whole 1 cminKlll, j ,lc lnion Depot with Mich-
piupusiiion Is moving along with sails
lactory progress.
J. Marring (inuld was suddenlv called
away by wile, lie Ifll Sunday toieuoou,
hut says he will be back, as he didn't get
time In sec hall ol this mining cuuutr) ,
with w hicli he is v ety lav oi.ibly impiessecl
t'rom a notice published elsewhere .t
will he seen there will be a crack. 1
jack wrestling match here Saturday even
ing, between the ch.imi ion, Jack Orwel ,
Igan Central's similar car tor points east,
l-ur full particulars call on or address,
Com'l Agent Ills. Cent. R. R.
142 Third St., Portland. Oregon.
Scenic Line of the World.
For an enjoyable trip east, take the
Denver cfc Rio Grande railroad, Scenic
Line of the world. Three dailv trains be
tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo
and a new candidate lor honors, '1 0111 1 ""J all c.-trfiii points, .inii all points on
toward. toe I acilic coast. Most magniticent seen-
..nli..rlil.,i.l...r .!... Pr.ilil-rite ...... ery on this continent. The leading lea-
chant, passed through town early in tie route from Portland home. He
Mas recently become a lather and was
down the valley inspecting the child.
Mrs. Durkhelincr will leturn In January.
M.ild mountain is covered with snow,
which fell some days since. '1 his morn
ing there, was a heavy frost down here in
this valley altitude July 4,500 feet.
Draw your own conclusions about the ad
visability ol putting on that winter uu
ilrrwate. Paul I:. Poludester has resigned his po
sition with the h.isihe Hardware com
pany to take ellect October 10, in order
ture hi connection with the trip is that the
through trains pass through the cenlc
attractions of the Kocky mountains in
Colorado by daylight, thus altordlng pas
sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable
ride, free from dust and the annoyances
experienced via other lines. Superb din
ing car service on all through trains.
Service a la carte, pay for what you order.
I hrough standard and tourist sleepers.
Stopovers allowed on all classes ot tickets
anywhere between Ogden and Denver.
Call on your nearest ticket agent for
tivkets, rates and all Information, or ad
dress, M. C. NICIIOI.,
( Agent, Portland, Ore. ,
"Old age brings experience, and some kinds of
expeiience brings old age.
Some others, too, 110 doubt, will need furniture
loi their new homes. We are ready to serve
them. We have already supplied satisfactory
furniture for hundreds ot new homes; we can do
as w ell for hundreds more. Our stock allows
easy selection at all times. There is always
plenty here for every room in the house. All
our goods are priced on a cash basis and it will
pay you to give us a call.
Med Room Suits,
Med Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00
W all Paper, pet double roll, ramriiif), 15c to 1.00
Queen City Furniture Co.
Patterson & lipplnger
Phone Red 361.
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
Mas arrived in all kinds and
prices. Suits from $8.00 to
$25.00. Call and see. NEILL
Siimpter, Oiegon. Only one
Price. . . . . .
W. II. CADI.', I'rrtMrnt
T. 0. IIARHISOS.VIfe-IVr.jniTrr.
THUS Mi.l.WCN. OtntHl Mjnictr
Sumpter Transportation Co.
Most complete livery Equipment
in Eastern Oregon, teams al
Daily Stages to Canyon
City, Prairie City, Bourne,
Granite, Red Boy, Bonan
za and Golconcla Mines.
Hauling Heavy Machinery
a Specialty. Freight For
warded to all Points in
the Interior.
We Carry the Finest such as
Johnston & Muiphy's, Hunan
& Son's
Ladies' SHOES
We also carry the largest stock of
Sporting and Mining Shoes in Eastern
Oregon. Aail orders carefully filled.
Berry Shoe Company
"Up-to-Date" Footwear
Baker City, Oregon