Wednesday, September iq, 19CO THE SUMPTER MINER: if & MISSION A SECRET. Townsite Representatives on a Long Still Hunt. Messrs Mosby and Bucknam, of the Sumpter 'lownsite company, returned Thursday from a three weeks trip to the west and southwest of Sunipter; traveling quite soo miles. They took things easy, camping wherever night caught them or inclination prompted. Begardlug the object of this extended trip neither gentleman will say a word. I hey don't even claim to have discovered 1 the most promising cold bearing ledge yet i Uncovered in eastern OreRou. Hut when I it comes to talking in a general way about the country through which they passed, they become loquacious and enthusiastic. I .U. Mostly nelng an unmarried man, a 4re.1t horse fancier and an expert in pick ing out the perlect points, his declaration that the John I ay valley has the hand boniest girls and finest horses ot any local ity of the P.icilic Coast, is ot especial value and weight on these points. I he gentlemen went from here to Clif ford, Austin, Susauvllle, Prairie City, funis, Malheur and return, coming' back vver a different route, but taking In the jime camps. They say that Hums and Malheur are good towns, backed by big tock ranches. These ranges cover a t'evel plateau hundred:; of miles in extent .tud have an altitude nearly as nigh as ot-Siinipter.v There Is no timber In (hat vicinity .uid'hoth lumber and fuel are hauled many miles. ' ..''"' v' I 'They'agree w ith othertravelers hide cl irlng that tile JoTiu Uay valley Is the jmest countryv6iT;vhkh the Mtn'slilnes: , V J These men were not on a pleasure trip;' it was strictly a business proposition, re garding (lie nature ot which theTe is much speculation indulged in hereabouts. i 1 ' Bullion From' t be Badger. I 1 l-rank Hrile, superintendent of the,! Hadger mine in the Susanville district sbutli of Sumpter, came down to Haker from the properties last Monday with the monthly cleanup, which is said to be about 4000. Tlie Hadger property is owned by an incorporated company whose stick is held principally in San Francisco. It is one of the early locations of the Susan ville camp and is reported to be one of the I test paving small mines in the state of I Oregon. The property has been devel oped in a conservative and intelligent manner, and is fully equipped with ma chinery. All (he development work has been done largely under the superintend ence of Mr. Hrile, an experienced mine sup erintendent of California. He has em ployed a large force of men in develop ment work and the leads on the group are being thoroughly explored. Superintend ent Hrile says this summer has been the most active in the history of the Susan ville district and prospectors in the camp have been encouraged by the good show ing on their claims. Baker City Herald. Golden Opportunities. The season of the year is almost at hand when prospectors gradually drift 'back to town and as they arrive all report" 'great activity in all the districts tributary 'to Sumpter. Tlie older sections have been scoured over for fractional claims and the newer districts abound in prospect holes and location stakes. . As a rule he Vrospector lias done more thorough work 'than in past seasons, located fewer claims itnd investigated what he dfy'l&a'te. (The lliscovery of new classes of ofe'siows'ie effect of prospectors coming Ju froln'Tirr.' mining districts where slmljarf(jrrjiatipli? Wre encountered. Many ofjlie prospect of last year are nearly the-. Mice wijere jnachlnery is necessary'forffurther devel opment. In some of these pumps and hoists will be Installed, on others stamp mills erected, while others will be Idle until a man with money happens along, he will be given an interest in tlie mine for a frac tion ot what it is worth. There are no developed mines In the camp for sale, but there are many prospects and partly de veloped properties held by men with in sufficient means to make mines of them, livery week some shrewd Investor hap pens along and secures one of these em bryo mines. The same hard sense and good judgment that should be exercised in the purchase ot a tract of government laud, a colt or a calf is all that is neces sary when purchasing mining property. Machinery for Gold Ridge Arrives. The new pumps for the Gold Ridge mine, on lower Burnt river, arrived dur ing tlie week and are now being installed at the mine. It is expected that they will be in operation within a week or ten days, unwaterlng the submerged workings of the mine. Manager McNichols is ener getically at work carrying out tne prelim inaries for the big scheme of development planned for the Gold Bldge by Letson Balliet, and it is understood that the tat ter's recent trip toSau Francisco and Port laud was for tlie purpose uf ordering still; more machinery for the mine. Though the Gold Bldge was at our time quite a; steady producer of rich ore, it had practi-' cally been lost sight of in more recent!: years. Now that it lias gotten Into the!, hands of Mr". B illlet it may reasonably bell expected that the Gold Bldge will once, again resume its former prominence as a producer, and even eclipse its former rec-j ord. Mr. Balliet ias jn his day resurrect- eifv several so-called "played, but" minesj and put them upon jhe top shelf. One jnotftile lifstaru'e,! that'oMlie (jowanusV mine, In BlnoxTGulcfi, -California, which! is now paying regular dividends to Mr., Balliet'. .'He also made a producer out of) the Delta, in Dixie district, Idaho, alter the original locators threw up the sponge in disgust. Republican. Through the Yellowstone. The new route via the Oregon Short I 1. me K.'iuroau ana mouiua, mom., euauies you to make a delightful trip through the Yellowstone National Park, entering via Monida and coming out via Cinnabar, j making it unnecessary to cover any por tion of tlie route twice. For beautiful descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore gon Short Line Ticket Office, 142 Third streel, Fortland, Oregon. .IMPERIAL. Lodging House MRS. K. i:. tlKITTI N Furnished or Unfurnished Booms. Neat, Clean and Reasonable in Price. o Opposite Bucks nsrowsrt compsny SUMPTER, OREGON SPOKANE Drug 1 Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than . from Pertland: 1 Write for quotations. ..:.i.'i Spokane Drug Co. ( apoKane,.wasn. r Mines & Real Estate If you have a mine to sell If you have real estate to sell If you have a prospect to sell If you have a house to rent If you want your rents collected If you want to engage help ot any kind If you want to borrow money on real estate .m CALL ON sssi "':"&Ss,. W. H. W. Hamilton "ga. THE WONDER GF.O. W. WF.IGAND, PKOI'KIUTOK. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. THE WONDER, BOURNE, OREGON Delmonico Hotel M. SI'ANOIKW. l'r..,.rl,-lor A First-Class New House, Well Furnished and Superior Table Service. Transclent Bates Reasonable. Special Bates to Local Pat rons by the Week. Located One Block Last of Depot, Corner Co lumbia and Auburn Streets. SUMPTER. OREGON Eureka Feed & Livery Company J. L. SULLIVAN, Manager. Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE-tt VI .. ,. THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. ;;' General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. , Warehouse and office, S. V. Track. J SUMPTER, pREGON.