The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 19, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, September 19, 1900
From the Cleaver Properties in
Strawberry Range.
If .-in v one doubts for :i minute the
Strawberry range Joes not carry as hlul
hi charge of American soldiers, and later
the situation was investigated by Colonel
Kv.'ins and Lieutenant Jarvis, u( the
United States treasury department. As a
result tlie Cossacks will be sent back to
. Nussh, while the Americans will return
to San l-'raucisio In the Samoa. 'I he
I whole alf.iir will lie reported to the au
thorities at Washington and correspond-
ence will probably be opened at time with
the government to ascertain what
Rnssl i's fiitmi- position w'ill It' iii ret'.'ird
values In mineral as any other sec on of ,n ,)e A(I)t.rU,M 1111Kess(llls,b. , devel
thet'ra.rie Ut mining district, all they ,)()s , wieil ie S;l1().( w;s (f )e
have to do Is to cast their optics ov-r the ril , . llt .. r, , ,. ,.,,., ,,..,...
four hundred pounds of surface samples
on' exhibition .it loe Reese's assay allice.
Tlie samples weir brought in Monday
by lllincf tdeaver from the Jonathan
Bourne ledge t the Will Cleaver group.
Mr. Cleaver will take them, besides spec-
Yokoutwas sighted and hailed, and at the
instance nl .1 Hussia'i in the party named
iJadouneditch about thlttv Uusxianx were
transferred from the transport to the
Samoa. Dadoiineditch said the Russians
were laborers, but as soon as they were
linens from the other rich properties in thli ;. ir, . . lllllll,rH1ii1Hif,,,,;,ii,.,.ii...i
dMrlct, to the street fair at I'end eton lu. .ad now thirty armed Cossacks at his
next week, ply them on exhibit ion h;ic ;J pr 4 tl) depose ( .eorge I J.
l-rom be exhibited 0rrs.l5 )aJ , ,,. ,,,,. ,,c
.it the Spokane exposition They llB,MldsC0!lfa,ie Ut that not onlv was
also be placed .... exhibition in Denv er, , ,,,. ()e rrpreeillave o( lt. Rtnln,
next mouth. d hlMnXtJi , (lr ,-xpcditioii, but
I he Jonathan Bourne ledge, Iron, which) u.ys mm, , uf ,e Rlln ROvcrn-
these specimens were taken, will averse , ,I)ent( alld lh,,t lhf Cossacks abp.ard were
tron. three to tlurtv feet wide and the S(lMm .,,,; AlIlrr,-:tll!l ariIlr'd theni.
cropping can be trace.d for our claims In se,ves ,. l(iK)t . 'ti. wlitltr a majority of
length. I he asMys already made aver- t)p W,V,MIS vmt. !MI,Kp ,,. s,mil.( was
age lilty do lais, mostly gold and copper, u.lM f()r Am,rk:11 w;f. t , ,,e;
'! .S"".'f. 1 !,' .... lieved that some hilernatioiial compllc-v
I he Will ( .leav er ledge In the same 011fc fse (H a rMlU o( t(c Uoul),
group is about the -ame in width, but can '
be traced tor s claims in length, and the t Will Survey Eleven Townships.
vhat.u In of the ore is the s.imc as that on , ieorgcS. .NUkerx il Klamath l-nllx;
tlie loiiath.iu Itoiirne, and the assays , tlt. lt..,j ;, ,, j,pwiil Knverninent sur-i
average about the sinie. f ,1 vevipg.patty, arrived here today and wilj
I mi pieces 1.1 rovk were picked up (mco l.iy'lu 'supplies tor a two months stay.
feel apart on this group and the character, ,e surveying crew is composed of eight
formation and other peculiarities ere IC,,( lui they will stnrt lor Bock creek,
Identical. i,s u,uuty, tomorrow, to complete the
I lie Will ( leiver group consists of surveying and platting of eleven town-twenty-six
claims, and Mr. Cleaver siys s,ipN 0t desert land lying hi Lake and
that with a 1000 loot tunnel at least ,irilrv aunties, near the lines, which
twenty ledges woulJ be cut and jooo leet uno stalled by Mr. Nlckerson in lime,
ol depth attained. ilt u .,., impelled to be temporarily aban-
'Iheother d.iv while a crowd was Vionri IIMt w. The surveying of this
.imliiiug (he sprilmens, .1 (ii;ultiirR (a ujl m.iUe .ivall.ible 253,440 acres of
mlnrr picked up a piece of the ore and valuable land to intending settlers. All
siid: "ou throw that into a bin witli this needs to make it productive is
i.hiailhiiigure.iiidioii would never be cv.iter, which can be had either by reser
able to identity it again. I never saw Midi voirs or artesian wells. A constant How
a resemblance 1.1 diarader of oie Irom f artesian water can be had, as proved by
different sections." Prairie Cllv Miner, numerous experiments near this same
laud, at a depth ol from 100 to 300 feet
Rancher. Agiinit Water Pirates. and at a cost of about 5i per foot. 'I he
War has been declared bv the ranchers laud is nearly all first class, sandy soil,
in tlie lower valley against all parties tak- and all lies in Oregon. Harney County
. Item.
I About I
I ....Building.... I
!- Why don't you build when everybody else-
l quits? Why do ycu all want to build at once
I when lumber is green and covered with ice
,g and when prices and labor are high? Now is--g
the time to build, like "Brother Perry" when
g- there is no particular rush. z
- We are offering special bargains in Hats,-
z Shoes, Gloves and Clothing, also other General
Merchandise, because we bought at a big dis-
count and we give our customers the benefit.
We also sell J
cheap but we do not intend to se!l at retail for
less money than we can get on the outside 5
market as some of our competitors do. ' .
E Sumpter Lumber Co. . I
Scenic Line of the World.
I:nr an enjoyable trip east, take the
Denver Rio ( ir.iude railroad, Scenic
; Line of the world. Three dally trains be
tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo
lug water Irom Pint- creek above the head
of thru ditch, usually known as the
Woods, ot Mc.Mulleu ditch. Attorney
Crawtoid came in from Union last week
in their inleiest .in J alter talking the mat
ter ovei, returned to his home at Union.
As a result ol the declaration of war meet
ings ate being held almost every evening and all eastern points, and all points on
by the iiumeious ditch companies and in- the P.ullic coast. Most magnificent seen
dividual interested in tlie other side ot erv on this continent. 'I lie leading tea
tly?tase. I he matter has been brewing ture in connection with the trip is that the
lor several years past and has been the through trains pass through the scenic
cause of a good deal of wrangling among attractions ot the Itocky mountains in
tlie parties interested. An equitable de- Colorado bv daylight, thus attordlng pas
cisiou in (he matter will be welcomed by sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable
all, and we trust that all parties will be ride, tree from dust and the annoyances
Heated justly and without prejudice. A experienced via other lines. Superb din
lawsuit is an expensive luxury, even if lug car service on all through trains,
vou win, and should only be a last resort. Service a la cute, pay tor what you order.
It seems as though the matter could be I hrough standard and tourist sleepers,
settled without resotllng to e.xpensive hti- Slopovets allowed on all classes Ol ticket
gallon, and we hope the parties interested anyw here, between Ogden and Denver,
willheabletoarriveatasallstactorycon. Call .vii your nearest ticket agent ..for
edition ol the matter without a suit.- tickets, rates and all Information, or ad
Carson locsin. Jr'!,!,. H G. NICHOL -
t leneral Agent, Portland, Qre.
Didn't Pwpect the S.berUu Gust. " - "
A press dispatdi Irom Seattle dated the' ' Nolle. J
nth lust., says; I he syndicate expedl- 1 he lavvn s'liiiMhitt hours arc from
... .... . . . I t. " . . . . M ' S, l.
t Ion which went north last spring InMieTro noxw pt m. 'V.ititumersiare
steamship Samoa, with a coucessionfromtrlcted to their own grounds, and will n
the Kussian government to piosiect a be permitted to iormkle tjietiblic streets!
"ihous.ind miles i)t the Siberian coast, '.f,fnVihig'viitet trfVugllr ien hose aj
.thrilling fiasco. Tile S'.imoa 'leVenllv te-V'y other Mhr Mian 'those mentioned
'turned to Nome with thirty or more Rus
sians aboard,' practically (he prisoners of
School Days
.. l.V lVl.V'ill.V.',.J....Wl.WCl.V.
..,T.,wr.,,.,,,..,. ...,..,
THE Public Schools of
1 Sumpter will open Sep
tember 17, and every person
sliould have his. child prop
erly clothed. Our children's
department is complete in
every detail and to introduce
it to the public 'of Sumpter,
we offerthe following spec
ial bargains this week:
Boys' Suits 52 to 55.
Actually worth jS'j
per cent more. Boys'
Underwear, all sics
and qualities. Boys'
Shoes, 51.50 to 5.
Hub Clothing Co.
J. SOIIWAWU. Succrsvir
eanimtitie -nlJoweJ. Tlie. u-.iter will
!,Vhil'ori',,w liWi'em these rules 'arc yio-1
A. J. STINSON, Prop.
(Successor to Snyde & Stinson)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
Raul E. Poindoxtor,
Bedford McNcal'b Code.
lumpter, - - Ore.
. ,..'.
.a'DviDoVMSAttr "1 ' '
Cisun Piirw, Orfsr '
-1 .
Operated in Connection
'with Capital H rr
First-Class Work. Porce
,Jain Bath Tubs
v ,i--
SmpUf j Ortfoo
'seven Americans. TJie veel was pla.ccdi.l4.lcdi!