x officers FrT-Ar frYA Capitar$5D0,p00 . : ' 1HI.OOO.OOO BII.JICMII Ut . .-77 r ir:M, ii.mk.r Km r.nii u.; r.i iO n?t?i.s iV'FWmWMW. -d Ji.m :,lAIJHI:R1eHISRir2 -i'Vlce-1re'sMent I U .lilt l(t"fMflCIUMMllOWl .f I i, "I iiftVtt,UTlri. n.sn , ttKUfikNfi.iSl't-NKY.ji i t.TKaurerj ". Ttf.'l'fcN'h.Wrti, "'""-v" Secretary 'n ii li li ) in i,,i.,; ntor . i n V'iY&TZ ICCLiZ'f: ' ' '" .""ri "" ti iril ni .ifuij 'o wnbtile rin d nj Jrijiuf f r,"VpV goftwkJV nyi t ! wlr.fl.l.itmfHa HWLmnJ ni. 'in.""''Bflflon,Cirwtvr-riirT:ii? TiMtnrr.Tiiifiiti dj M"""Mrysscssr77"MTiM""P"ssssss T i slum4-1. 4i n cnutjim Minino d j par value ofFifivtCwtf sr -, Each. Trc2ul4k 7 1 400,000 snares. J'.YOHOAST PULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE i ni) niui nil i.v -11 Jin. mm .llPSnf1' ni"H ll-i)f' Jill""!, v.'. "U - .iiu .!. .:f ntn'1 ", k'-i.ii .1. I 11 .,i 1 I lit')! ! Hit 1) l tt.il .tin t ii l In Ui ' ' " ' ' ' "' " ... .. .. ....u.i ..... . .. it .1 r "- " ""' 'i 'I -iwn " . "" '" ""' -" "" "!-" r mi f. r f.u; . n .it 1 .,1 0)1 1 .'J n.5 1 un 1. Jii.t Hit-if.v9(iJ fliiv ;:sf ,:;ocjH; nx.;3 bat ir.m a uizsvju ,,111'fnv 111) 1. hsiuwl ilrJsjj niJi"(iniii.i (!..,, rJT -C.j" IIMdW .J( Ul. iI'.iIb Ai ..ii i..K ..a. Vi.a. 1 W B B :4F. lA'lrltTi ' flidTn 4F. r, . "' YY'" tl'jV'I-Y'1 ,f1, 1 'Olxw'v'lx'jt g . ,11,, ., .,,,, i,j ,.. .. ' " -'"hoi i.-i. JiKiov -hi -win ,:.v,;-,..ijj-i .v, f,"iin:'i I .11 .,!! 'I . II. Il(. ' V I . lll' ll !!.-' 0- .;,M"i ill wJMl'-itt" ii JH 1'. ;) .01 il'.iiiiiil ' '"'' "DEVELOPMENT5 Ithcjiit '(t HtHJ?S niadeiia uinnQ)!(doris6jl!i o)iTi tiirea:font: ledg&Jneaiily.. -. ,' r I , . fM-.'.l .nl , ill.-,, 1 . HI3JII .CJ ti ,itHij.W . , . M .-.' t'V I, it lr .'.. .J ".( !' '' '' " ',; '':-' !"''"' '( H -Mil HVr -i if. M, SiMrt.. .I I',,. 7)l . IT" I- illi.-f ' !.,' y,'I.U,i:jlj r -'ii .11 I !l.. I.I Olt J ! nl j.'. . 11 II .:Ii 'i,ii. i(M;:!iIf 7 ii ittn 'l.l'l ijtl 'VMl tibH--vrovJ -:ioi.i ' J. T ,1,1!" tili tiij.';: rl vm' -h'j-:m in- .:..uvT;) ,tyeftdn Vf cl'&lh-mt?nt, the s$ei 6i'W$fyl$K vRK 'Continue " at hl'X CENISp!rsharc;:avable,alcasl1l,5on,l '-" 'I .iit . 1 ! i 1 .,.i. ''.:'"' ' "...v,f ' tsscfui 1 :, .t) ,. ffll. ,it t.. . 1,. .me msiaiument pian-. v'' ''"' (""" mnn if'? -merow" iM4imJ .1 3 mfA '4iA HW 1 I'. t'f'H')3 ;.'i'i 1 I', "i i.if 'i(iiili .. y 1 -ill I' M. i) .11 I 'it I. !,( 1 ' lr '. l-v Iffli: 'it 1 1 Hi Mi 'ja.i av! Mil 'i. .! 1 ill. 1I..1. Ml jll ' .. , ..11 u,o ii, itnon "im in 1 . ... . ,. ., ., . , . . 0 , jrnofi -mil in- .ni.ii .. -.. i..j wo TlKHisaiul Shares at M2(i.oo, payable io' down and $ roper month ....r i,. . , '",0'""'""( until paid.' Larger blocks of -stock on nrp i'ata scalii. " X" ". ' -v; .. For Prospectus andFurther Information, address, ' ' t ..-, ! t -it r J, 1,1,1 ! NCfCHCNCCS: rnr B.nh or Iuhiim luH.riN, 0c. Cum, Bank Bahin Citv Omihon Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Ore. ANOTHER MINING ROMAN CE. When lit- I1.1J Kt tliroiiKli t.illln, Mr. Lucia- quietly pulled mu the .-iay ticket T(tJHiiiit "Find. 4 Hloil and Takes Up and the claim certtlicate aiuUhowed them IfcO Acf." ,0 I'l"1! wltlnnit a word. I he manS eye ., , .. , ......... 1 nearly bulned out ot his head, and he llirliilliiu-iiiK from the "orlland I He-1 ...,., ...,. ..,, . .,.., 1 1.11. ,.-.1 ... ,1... ...1,.. .. i....i ' ...,.... l.illl it iiii'iiiiru .i iiic inr inning Nieciiiicii ill all.ill.i Inspired composition. MODEL TOWN OF NIBLEY. A ,,is,.r, lor iryhiK to drili a MKlety ,!, fll lUe. t U,M ,le all .asy matter Raising Sugar Bttti lh Industry Every j Lot an Acre and a. Quarter. fleorKe Stoddard, C. W. Niblev and1 Mr. LiilUc h.i now three claims staked Jeorue Hccles, who are all personally in-. out wlikh .show Mime cMeediuuly line' tcresleu in the MiRar l;eet niuusiry or uie lil I1.1II Ki'n couldn't make any more " hrcaks" in tlie s.iinr span?: I O. S. L. Ry. THE IIJKI'CT llOUTB TO Montana, Utah Colorado and all Eastern Points... to develop the claims, as an liiiKlish syn dicate u III luruish him all of the moiiev valley, were in La Ciraude this week and ' made ImalarrjiiKements will. A. L. Cau- c;u,ch9ic of io lavonic roui.vimhf Usiox ey for the disposal of the larRe Conley M",',t :"M" Lin'-or ,he Hl Gbasdk s.enic tract recently purchased by the OreKon " k, rh f r Land company. TncMirvey Is practically ' IW UWngC Ol ar5 complete and the laud ready to be placed On the Ponunj-chicaRo Sprcut,,"Tht lmi in I. .1-, . ........ - l,, ' ,he W- lulPPJ li nil nit iiiiiirwii 111 viuki i rv.iin av number of purihasers four men will be placed in the'tielJ'.W'Mr.Gm'tfey will act as home agent, The land will he offered II I .. 1 .. .. .... I:... .-!-.. I... "T ' ...-s. I.IJI.M Mreded tor m.u erv and olier eApensrs, street, lormcrlv a member of the linn 0 Mr luKt. wjl rcU;m ,( h dj)!i . I. uckc .V Mct.loud, tailors, has returned ,nt.j.,tejv from the ininliiR districts ol Sumpter, Or., ' ' alter an ahseiiie ot several months. Mrl.ucltr has ptoved- beyopd a doubt ' Sinking Contract for MO Feet Let. hat .there is sonirlhiiiK in " name. Sev ' w. P. rnhlvin relnrneJ vrsterJ.iv from rral mouths aijo he went up to Suinp.ter ;, business trip to Sumptef apd other parts for sale at wheat land prices, in tracts inapjusneui): trip, accMippanieu ny an fOwn. While at Sumpter he let a front twenty acres up. "Hie purchasers l;astSlde carpenter, w ho was to build him contract fiir slnklin! an additional 200 feet n ill not be required to raise, beets but"" a,c;ibiu. Mr. I.iukp dlJ, not know lhe'0ll me muUVi pioprrty owned by him- will be ottered-every inducement-for so' iirstlhiR about uIiiIiik, but lie resolved cf lluj )Utt MM fthat p'lace. The -doliiR. . - . 'j ii le.trn, apd e.irn )ie d(J, as son by ,nolc.rtv comprises twelve'claims.aiid Mr. Next year will be an experimental year. ' his Ktind (ottune. He was told that what Cobb.ui(says the chances lor, it to.become .On some tracts beets will btfi raised .with-' " he wanlei,lo look Ipr was a lloat-th.it a Rljan'tlc produfer arc niost "excellent, out water, and on -others-tile efficacy of - vurteverauo.nwas iouim ricn property While absent he visited another iniuinp irrigation will be tried.- If St. life eitd of was sure to Ije in th- kinlty. l:of a Ioiir f(.,r(. northern Oregon and saw lme the first year the land is found to be ell time he prospected In different parts of the I ,je 'looking' gold heating quart. It Is ' adapted to'beef gr'owing.'iliecom'pWwIII disttict, but was unsuccessful. He did practically a new discovery. Ihe town ot either build a rallr6ad or a pumping phut, , not lose, patience, how ever, or give up In ' Sumpter. says Mr. Cobban, Is not boom- by which the juice ot the" beet is conveyed despair, as some would have done. ) lug, but it has a business appearance, J to the factory. Hither plan would entail One day, as he was boklng at the for ' having settled down to a substantial -over Jtoo.ooo expense, and the company .nation of a hillside, he picked up a float, basls.-Rutte IhtenMountaiii. u does not wish to rush in without having -vhlcli seemed tq him to be quite rich. "proved the success of beet growing on the Ovet joyed at his find, lie Immediately re-' SvnAicxu PUr. &U Conley tract. . paired lq the city of Sumpter, two and a VfttK sYl" rucn Sold. 0)c tntere$inK fea1llrc of ,hf Slirvey ,s ulf miles itway, to have the ore assayed. ' The Camp Carson placer mines up the that a town has been laid out on an emi It proved t be quite rich assavhig ft: to; river; including miles of ditches, flumes JJ V'bTa' aWSdSilbJneS the ton. He at once took up iho acres, pipes and other Improvements, were sold1 town, but .'1 residence cltv'of tine lawns comprising! the place where the float was ' yesterday atternoou in Slater's law office, and orchards and magniticent' views'. The' found and the-viclnity. at aucilon, by N. I:. Imhaus, representing blocks, hich will be divided Into four I WheiiiMr. Lucke returned to his claim a French syndicate. They were bid in by ""? J""1"" ,"5 . 'v-.. ?,1 . ... ,. " ,. .. !,,, .. i . 1 f , 1 .. .. i , cm uc sreu Hum 1..1 vji.uiur, iinci iiuiii ling, the Witt. Mulr and J. h. holey. Mr. Muirt an). tovvn in ,he vallevcan be viewed, nformedl immediately transferred his Interest to Mr. It Is the intention that the farmers shall Foley. The price bald Is not glven'out, ;iV '" ,0.w" an1 enjoy community llfeii but Ii understood ,0 b rk,1 gg. rSJlK&SS The Woodley house wa purchased by ev. In honor of C. WlNlblevALa Grande Journal. x"1 ' ' -" Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary (Tourist) Sleepers Superb Library-Buffet Cars Splendid Diners (meals a la carte) Free Reclinin Chair Cars Comfortable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Completely Vestibuled , , . 1 hr luithcr Ihtormallon apply In h'.'nagel w. E.COMAN Trav. Pass. At. ' Grn'j Aent '142 Tliird'St., Portland, Ore. ' r from Sumpter to do some prospecting carpenter, who had not vet been Infoi of his tlnll, was i'i despair and disgust at' 'ih'diobntry saying that'there was not a1 "' dollar's worth' of gold in a hundred miles. He advocated a speedy return to Portland. Charles Nersley. LaGr'andr Journal. ...THE... SUMPTER MEAT MARKET ; A. MANNS, Rroprie'tor. J Butcher arid Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and ' ; . . Sausage' of all Kiitds; tv. : ,i , m hit i 1 i. 'SUMPTExV' w"' 1 1 !- Sill, OREGON "i 1. .,; ( V