The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 19, 1900, Page 16, Image 16

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Wednesday, September 19. 190a,
H. K. Wheeler was In Raker City yes
terday. "Cuolicnrdle" Smlih left this morning
lor Butte, Montana.
J. T. Pardee left today for his home in
PhllllpshurK, Montana.
Neil Sorenson is back from Portland,
where he has been for a month or more.
Sitncoe Chapman headed a party of
l.idies who visited the smelter Tuesday af
ternoon. P. J. Haunon.a representative business
man of Portland, Is in the city, returning
from a trip to Granite.
Mrs. C. S. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Murphry left Saturday for Spokane,
there they will reside in future.
J. N. Hsselstyn, the mining engineer of
Haker City, was In town yesterday doing
iiislnev. uitli Broker Ed Dwyer.
Charley Moore returned today from his
former home In Oregon City, where he
nas been visiting for ten days past.
William Stlnsnn moved his residence
across the river, where Mrs. Stinsou
wanted him to build when they first came
o Sumpter.
I:. C, ( Jove has rented a house here
.ind will bring his family from Spokane to
'eslde permanently. Miss (iove arrived
several days since.
(JeneralC S. Warren left this fore
toon for Mutle, where he will remain until
iftrr the election, pulling for the Koike
'ellerKepiiblic:iu crowd.
W. C Calder reached home yesterday
from thr mast, where h lias been lor sev
tral weeks past, lie went to Maker City
oday .1 tul will probably return tomorrow.
Kuy Miller arrived yesterday from l.a
' iiouile and has assumed the position o(
..ishicr 111 the l-'itst Mauk of Sumpter,
I lie 1 1 he has tilled be'ote and will now
will pciiiiaiit'iitlv.
Another our ol tlie 21,000 pound boilers
or tlie Ked Mov was stalled for the mine
,'estenlay. .1. W. Cow den took some
rcllent photographs ol the outlit, wltli
its lwry-s liotors.
'I lie ( )wls will otgaule a uest lu-re
Ills evening, preieeillug the meeting with
1 uimii costume perade tlliough the
streets. .Just what kind ol a pioositlon
:liis older is ii,i not vet been revealed.
are not looking, and many of the boys are
returning for a season.
C. S. Warren, jr., and Frank P.
Thomes came in Saturday from the Dia
dem, where they have been at work for
six weeks past. The former left Monday
for the same vicinity, where he will re
main for a couple of weeks doing assess
ment work on some properties in which he
Is Interested.
The Hobson Mercantile Company is
now showing the largest assortment of
stylish and entirely new samples of men's
and bjys' made to order clothing ever
shown in Sumpter.
When you travel the Hourne road re
member Haruard has all the latest remedies
for dust in the throat.
We can fit any form of mankind in our
made-tn-order clothing department. Hob
son Mercantile company.
Children's and Misses Fancy Caps and
Tains at McDevItt & White's.
The Literary
I'tur' Wrrkly
J l'i:c llluttratrl
"All thi PtrloJie'll III Om"
Tll' IIIIPAWV DlC.IST hat takrn Ihr lilf-ht
rink .in wrrklv icvlc ( currrnl thought at
Immr an J arrnaj, In thr rralmt nl lltrnlurr, ail,
vcl.tur. ri'llKlun, polltki, tnclnlngy, travrl, Jl
cmrri 1'iislncw, tic. DUicunlon nnj Inform
linn on jM ilJrs n lmiiunl iurllnnare elvrn.
TI11 cnntrni rah rrl cvrr n firlj vi dlvrrilfir J
as In mnkr 1 Mi: I III uwy Dioi'ST InJItprnuMe
l( tin Ihisv man wlm Jrlrr In krrp up with thr
lhiihliil tin-tlmr, hut titui laikt thr irtturr lor
null a tatU
C. P. Powill, 0, 0., In t nllv. (.hli.ii; "Till'
I III KIWI PlulM K in ahvilulr nrfrislly In
llitiu- Mho uiiulj kirp In line u till thr prngrr..
ol tlmuclit .in.l .icliirirmriit. I Jo mil irr how
.in) tlilnklni: in. in (.in ci'l .ilnnc hIUiouI It."
tdoln Nullum, Aulhor ot " Thr .Man With
the Hoc' " J III I ill wil'i IIUll.s It. niiciil tlie
Inn or thin- ,ilii.iHr Jnutnalt Out come to
mv I il lr '
tiSenitoi John J, In-tlli: "Till ItTIPinV
Dluisi .nl.irc'. ilit- IxmiiJ.iiIrs nl lulrllltfluf."
Sinitoi Willlim P, Fiye. "It will .illmJ tin
mi mr .lisUtiiKr to thr!. ol thr countri."
Con John P. Allfeld. nl llllnoli "tin Imw
.U Dun si Is .incut Ihr riy hot i-ul-lliatlons
In Ainrrini In.l Mil Irnl nl cuiirnt lltrr.ituir II
it. Hiwilii.iWr
10 Centi per Copy. 13 00 pel Yen
Send lor Oncilpllm Circuit!.
rUNK t WACNAUS, Publisher,
Administrator's Notice.
In thr ( (MinU ( nun lor Ihr St.itr nl On-i-iin, tor Ihr
Cmiim or iMkrr. i
In Ihr maltrr ol Ihr nl William II I'almrr,'
Mis. iWI:Weil Is taking the lead In ","' " '"hn I'.ilnior. Ilnl I'almrr. Pan l'.il.nrr. I
., .... I rr.l I'almrr auj Irnnlr I'.ilmri.iinJ urnriallj to all
'VOlMllg lip ,'l b.lll tl) raise lllllils lor the privim known m iinkmmn.
l'.'ili..vl,iii stnriii sutfrriv I II ...ill In Ihr ii nnr ol thr St.Ur nl ()irnn, nu .inj rath
Ji.UWSloll Slorill Sllllerels, .UIU It Will Uml, ,,. ,..,N i(,n,m4njrj anJ iriilrrj In It-'
thetfliilr be a SUCiess. It Will be given ill '"l -H-r.'i In iiiilll.J .nun on ncMmr
.. . .... . . . i III i I i Jn ill Otlnl-rr A D, iguollnn .inj thru- In
r.llis i ;U-.i House I liu.iy cvenillK ill ne.M , slum i.iur. llan ilirir 1-r. ulivilils nunt imt
,,,!, n, ,w,i, i makranoiJn Jlirctlni: anJ aiithotlilni; lh.ll tin- tol
4eei, Hie .Mil. IimIiik JuiIW-J -lrmlri Ih- miU, In Hit Ihr mi-
iiiiiiniii.liit : I :il,v ,,f n, ' .llIJr4iiiH-lomllilnirirt.t In anJ In Ihr Tip top,
MipeiinteiiJent I . I . ( nlmes, ol the , titMi i,r .,.( i..u nut .u.n iuininK ,ituni L
Iil.iilem, p.issnl tnrougli town yesterday
il his way to .Montana. It is said that
neu have lo hide out in that state at pres
nit In order to pievent representatives ol
Xtllry, CI. uk and Koikefeller from shov
ng big hills into their pockets while they
localrj .inj trior Jr.l In thr ntlli'r ot tin- KrioiJrr ol
(.nnran(r nt llakrr iniinii, alj prnprilv t-rlnR
iltualrj abnul tun ni'lrs iuirthrt nl Mnnpiri In lla
krr cnunli , Stair nl ( lrri;nn
lt or itrr nf Ihr lionnrat-lr W. W. Iraitll'nn, JuJt:r
ol va I J (nun
Invtltnrtt vihrrrnt I hitrunlo irt nty hanJ
anJ .it ul taU inurl Ihlk ihlh Jai nl Srptnnrrr, A
II. im.v I I'ANk' (il.llOI.S, Ucik.
( IIvJamis (.noun. Oi-i'im.
"Old age brings experience, and some kinds of
experience brings old age.
Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture
lor their new homes. We are ready to serve
them. We have already supplied satisfactory
lurnltutelor hundreds of new hemes: we can do
as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows
easy selection at all times. There is always
plenty here tor every room In the house. All
our goods are priced on a cash basis and It will
pay you to give us a call.
Hed Room Suits, $15.00
Med Room Suits, better ones, Hastern Hardwood, 17.00
Wall Paper, per double roll, (ampie tm), 15c to 1.00
Queen City Furniture Co. Pattersons 11,
Phone Red )6i.' BAKER CITY, OREGON
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
IBSTYou do not have to buy
Your Shoes from out of town
parties. Leave your money with
people who help you. NEILL
furnish you anything you want,
and can get any shoe for you
that is made, cheaper than out
side parties. .
W II, Hill., I'ri-sMi-nt
T (1 IIAKKISON.Vke-l'iev ar.J Tna.
TIIOs .Ml I.WI N (1rnrr.1l .Manaurr
Sumpter Transportation Co.
Daily Stages to Canyon
City, Prairie City, Bourne,
Granite, Ked Boy, Bonan
za and Golconda Mines.
Hauling Heavy Machinery
a Specialty. "Freight For
warded to all Points in
the Interior.
WE LEAD.......
We Carry the Finest such as
Johnston & Murphv's, Hanan
& Son's
Ladies' SHOES
We also carry the largest stock of
Sporting and Mining Shoes in Eastern
Oregon. Mail orders carefully filled.
Berry Shoe Company
'Up-to-Date" Footwear
Baker City, Oregon