w&m8teiMijRfi- fl3Wfi,SWWffiibiiMWR. JS . t " .'MOTiop or i, MCK A.nnnoTinN of i maskt s,ntifeiiT, ' m M- m m i t w r. m w v fMinlnc.-Arpjcjyn nnii - TIAKR LfWD,JrUf VUNFJJ fc arSj ip Yr M J 1 V HIlTlKf aWlR apiSBl ItTdsn ' 1 1 gggfcs m Dl SBBB--' United SUttt Land Office, LaUrandt, iihii n inm Visit.- l hrfev riven that In ourauance Mr 6 ol Tide it of ilit Revised Statutes ol the United States J. McKee, claiming iyx linear leet ol the Montelln placer claim, bearing gold, witn surface round van Ing from 4 to. 8.i.feHn wl dlh. I Ine and being situated In no BrliUeJlnlltf 01R Ciranl County, Oiegon, has maie application to the United Statei (or a patent tpftlvm sat5 Monthly dUck claim, which Is more fully GesHrWd as WfnlWsta viin.w hv the ofhclal slat rotteJ on saM claim, and fv the tieU notes of surveVJtiepMlTiowfileJiJii ilhai mjs suojeci mice ol the Register of the district offal v sale at Laurande urv describe the claim, with magnetic variation at it degrees ntlows. lo-wlt: Heglnning at corner No. t, Identlcrl with southeast Vicatlon corner, a granite rock 8mk4 Inches efi6 inches In the ground, chiseled "m. ri. t ioi won e, Oregon, which field notes of i bounairlejnd''fctlO)t!ald variation at it degrees easr, as the auartej section cor- TBOtnT mi tuianf JtnfLft Jllon ner na eaavrTsAJJtMovftMon4.lown 4anna a mlnilt. t 9 At. A f !. Thence north 19 degrees oi mjnutes, ast iy feet in corner No. , ' i'iUi i :.' if Th-ni-f. north to degrees st minutes, west 550.8 teei locotnerwoTTr " "" "" Thence south 11 degrees 44 minutes, v. esi iwjj.i t i Thenccsmittti corntl H6. ,. It degrees iq minutes , wi SSWRWjotffH Theiiu smilli fiJiimi It ml al ti n frr.l to corner Ni. . Ha piai 11I hrnmniflCs T ll 4MI. I,.fil ill fl'S. ( Said mining claim being of record in the office of ihe Cniiniv Cletk ol Grant Countv. Oregon. ol. I .if the Mining Reiords therrol, at page ;6i 1. t I 111 CI ill II) 1'VIIIK " 1 J"" " " " 1.1 1 gwiMMwwteag 1, i78. ION. United States Land Office. mmrrfTiriim. to same mav be note'd Tor" report" to the" Commissioner Notice Is hereby riven that In compliance with the '1 .. ...-... ... , provisions of tne act or congress or june t, till. entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands In States of California. Oregon. Nevada', and Wa -Initnn TetrHnrW,' eat ended to all the Public Lai 'Slates by act M-AWnfJT 4, i8aa. J j-t ptl I '"1, MAUBICB r. MM l, of Sumnter. Countv of Raker. State of Oregon Llhls day tited III thWtMce his sworn statement rTtf),forfht'rurchasntthe wj sw 1-4. neV sw t4J. sw j-4nwi-4.or aecno.iom ipno. 10 s, rcange no. JllJf.W-fflJiiJ wM offer proof to show that the lapll sought Is" more valuable for its timber or stone man for agrn"iiurai purposes, anj to esiapusn ro claim to sa.d land before the Register and Receiver. 1tts office at La Grande, Oregon, on Thursday, tne 15th day of October. 1000. I lie names 'as witnesses: William D. llakW. VfhlMltsAier ITMlWIT-Mtrtlltl tmcffrtlharles & vdWaYmTnTOvtiitVtfr. .. ..! .... .".... . ..Il. jesenrej tanas are requested 10 mt meir ciai thlsifficsp pnjdr before 1IJ afth day of October, tuco. .ti vv. ' e. w, UAOTlBTTt ntR,e CffillK Vtlt Jjiitt Inai . Srecon.'ft.VsYoK'daV'or'Xii. gust. 1000. jekiW.BMirnnriiMBbM) , ( jifihi'l bttfr ii-rrwitV- rV -.-3 itiilBHit UXHt. v'ACT)UUNnt KtfWil. fffOJtCC M Iwt in ffm 'JWWCAtWNMsiiv; n,() , 'LtiflnM 'hi lymirrnit j-t.ft -ji'-w :i "v' iffcmfewJL 'ffeWf.K'WkilStv'M, Ad, IaOMii.wI JIXJO,. l ..:;- .- :; ""i.."" ... v."." - - 11 flraiinni w Mnatiniihouruinijuiit.iiitmLiM. ! iitled'"An "act 'ibr the sale"o7 timber landVirT ft Mates of t Jtniornia, uregon, NevaJivHMWMhiBl: ton Territory," as eatended k all the Public Land 0 'iiffnniwi) .y?ih,M?RVK'':iuv()i)e vrm ' u'JNlWIKhagrithajieH.seK. vN fftV ne! Mr section No. to. In township No. 10 s.. range no. 10 l. vr. m., ana:wiiinrr prMiiinnaw that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or HK"fllvfn ImMrtluliuial purKies. aJ lo.etubllsh his claim to said land, before the Register and Re iMnt IhlsJaitieeKt U irnndOfin,'rfaattir- umj , iiir it w ui nuicnim.iuu... . wvo :j.t f.9' IIIIIIIO'D ifi iiP'i.li 1 Mai "tni.'t I i IW'I I '"'!i IVirtflT ill! 11 .lit) 'PI 1 . 1 I Me names as witnesses: I rank S. SMtrr of Lt 1 '."t ,k,lrt' 0 WhfooJjOrlgijB.IIII!f)r (JlilK 11! "In III Anv an j an persons ciamng adversely the abov described lands are teliueiteS toMH Wr ' tlalHril i.'ir.lnitlft . JMI(l."lll'lirl litr tiJililniiV44iI flii ilu. (1 v)ir.:i m ' imiuiL ,11.111111.11.1. in niiK World .nuiniri flttVWi tlk KirhVft,,iUjlll"l,Hliits Hast. Choice of Tuyiluirtct.frhrouiih .ii.tl'5,HanMM tt .m,P V . ., ., I'" ROCKY'-MOUNT'AliY v JHJHhHd ttil lasfiTTiiiHilMiBn this olticc on or before said tttli dav ol N lia((Tlt'': I"-" ""' ' " ' "'li' tt. ' liMulll In 1 irnllalSlilas IsnlflfMCf.) 4il (La tirande, (Oregon, August ti, iialin. with siirfaic ground varlng In wldih Irom 410 1 stales of California, Oregon, McvaJ.i, .mj wasni feet near the south end to 58ofeit at each end tnereot ton lerrltory, as extended to an me public i J The slid plicer claim hereby sought to be patented states by act of August 4. idi, nelng bounded on the wt.bv the. Townjlte Placer, VvHDa-K ti tukiH Notice Is hereby clven that In compliance' V.I1I1 he provisions of the act of Congress of June 1.' II iB, entitled "An act for the s.tle ol timber ljn-k,ln hi! 1 td 1 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United Statei Land Othce. I La Grand. Oregon. July o, iv". 1 ' Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the , V'tOfltliHik ol the act of Congress of June 1. 1878. , entitled "An act for thy sale of timber lands In the Mstes of CalHornla. Oregon. Nevada and Washing-1 tun Tetrlton ." as extended to all the Public Land Mites b act of August 4, t8g. M .,. ; wwwrmr,' """SCENERY ' ,,""v" '' IISlC (I. I HII I I' IV'JI V. 'I I imAnd iHoiif RouUrh Eastiof fjithloliahd 1 All iinViiititiiri. nriiittil i ileit .li ii. 'TrriTlDNTDRTinUnrrnrFir???'.!!!! Ilwi MiirmomOMihil iir..li,wiir c hf ,1f ....! .w i.lU'tll..(ktlt.Lll nitil .I.)tllltr .. IWkmi'iUtaf -"iiT' iiJZ 2 z?.- r ur-v'ivr'.n-i" ' n'r. - " it ' l rir-i.i"" , U- , ,-.. ,i .uiiiuHci iHr,!HMcu?1WlfTwI0ii-i: fo the Honorable Counts Court til Hiker Cmintt. rme.u1viL',eKvnr - - , -s . Wifie unJerl8ne,J, a mimltv iiClliu. leial voters nf til, Nnilli S)tnnlir I'ri.. in. I. C.iMniifVf rtbn.,l State ol Oregon, tesivcltullv pres.nt tills, our pell- P :0T llcKrN alt J VllU'nfdTinAtftllf rtJUnfii OMAHA, nXANSAS GlTV. STulll'OUIS, ,.,,,.. guiU'ACq.AND TIU: lST. , . .1.-.. -., t,,.. h,-C.M V.inJjrJ Ouarti claim and . c ... r-..-..": j' n.b... v. , n... iJ lln,.,.i,i.. i .,.. .. l.... i .. i , ii ' i '"K ftilllOi fit... Of IDT UCM. tlpllVmiJWVcr- tie Jump Oil Joe Placer Chlrni ,, .. ,,..,. Oils d,V tiU-d In this ptuce his sotn statement lt. Ihmi l sell at rlall, tn idditfil Irs less ilian oft gal- J,llVR MWttlTt .!! L,l ''IR'nls flf OryRtlll Any and all persons clafmlng sild rljcejclalm )irT t04 (AJUntipurchWof the se ' ol sec No. t). Ii lp Ihn.'s'rililluoifr.'hiilt and V'lnuus 'll.ilntsMl lhlf fiid TRhiKvnt '.'llld NilViuntloii Co.. OffKHII ma sisiin inur ail i kii sui yr -j ur iiitii nun 11 i k.a u a j (v vv m .sti.i uni rsiis- in imtisii1 iiniimi tin suii'imn in .1 11 ! ii j .'iisi .... a.i . . .... ..ii. .ei.ahdarried lor, r .hereby notlhed that unless , -Wuxls M.io iu'lr the foVdldiiVn nf;,n' ol S theradierse claims are duly f.l;jBsacorl,VMos, .. .,.., thinlot ivrlcullural putioseS.nnd to the'lnnTn of '(ir'anit. snd'a short dMtan.-r rsst nt the rarlS. IHlOI'hK.A HI! 4.iiNICiMC) W. law and in regulaiions inereurijer, "') tabllslt his cldlnt In said land before the Reglstfr nd limM-eteeft liaker and tinml Counties!. U. P. CV I. A. (.ifllCfai Audit '&r3ltZ!'r:v''wm- "" UK . H i..mui.i, .a Mmm,nJ...l I Denver, Col. I'nrlliiiiil, Off. i..ir.,.J hy slrtue ol tlie provisions ot the slid slatute. 11, ,, a. wlmsT.s Atiurlfe I . Mum1. 1 an l.upid. John I Jones.i Mm Coinwrll. Clms I. I erf) , ' 'L'L '!! I --" ..-.i, ih.,1 rpr ui.,u. 1 .. ". ' -.. . ...-7". . .'-: . .. .. it 1 iin..iw n. r ki.h... I ..Hi. il'iii. ...... j 1.. , unis .. 1 n,-i.iv.. . tf(.nssiiir aimj. Mii!!taii i sncii. inaries Ainri i. :: :: :. rr. ..-;..... ...t. ...,.,...... ,. -.it.skk . ' i '.ii .....;. -w..- wr ft tuitinm, John lieirdle, llentv ,Mor . Arch e M 1 Anyand all Persons clalmlni? adversely the ab ve ,.)o.nl.Jvl '."'"''.'P.'-W .M l'1n!. '.!' Nlil'ols.in. TIMRKK LAND, ACT JUNf- 3, r7r vni.uS!SSSS I' . ","!', '"Hlvan.WW McCalie,. John StolbeV,.? ItiWimJ. ON. iuuu. 1: w.liAKitiTT. Registe. , v - R?vV?Siy7i,uff' f.f' tfS'Srt-VS? I !!. ' ""i " ' ., ri,ii, 11, , inr, nni j ; su.iti. A a....-- ; t i. . . ... ...... ' . ,i 1 . . 1 "iw. mwirw iir, i: is itre.1, urn tiusnn, me i ' Wlllldmson. S W I rnst. T A llrnwn. I'd llllllnes. ' TIMIIKK LAND. ACT JtlNI: 1, 1878.- NOTI CG I louls Ikstrom, II Miurgan, I) A Walton. I-H linen. I IOR PUIII ICATION. I " NOriCI.: ' ' "' I Notice Is hereby given thai the said Joe I'jilnoA United States Land Olilce. I J-T." ."TO. !'. "'. ",?.y.u.'?l" t-"u,U". "''" J - -.-.. i i...A. a.... . . .jl.. v"''iii tvi siiv iviniKiiiii it 1 iiu 111 I'll tr mi Vft.iitr 1. " "'""' ",lK "UK- " T" ' tow. or as'soon thefealicr as his iviiilon'un bri K'ntl. a U hrhi Rlfi thjtl In "nmntlnni-t wllhlht ItfjirJ. .mil lf4UIM1 At I ri. " tvvASkt.la.lfna ri afttA At sl f inte. nf lutt m 1I4O JVVtt k. I'ABKIC I -,lil I arl fnr Hi.. .! nl llnkir linlvlnLh. of Siimpter. Countv of llaker. Mate of uregon, lias Males ot t-aiiinrnia, uregon, nevaaa. ana wasning- . . . -ai. 4-. . -- 1.1. .uh .ft-.Hun n lrM 1 utfllnrv. aaVlan In. I 111 Mil inn I'llfMir fin.l Kit. .Ial ltll in 1111 (1II11C IIIS l II Pl' 1 n l' " iviet ( n sx.i ... s..s. .-... w.. eot. lor the purchase olthe e !j tie!.' and e'j se'4 of States by act of August 4. i8n. seCl..tPlosLir.o.,oj:.v,. m.ai.u-1 ".- flATLWOOU WMM '1 Dt'i'xwr ' Chicago Poitland SpiKlal 10-45 P tn ....i..iiri.UnJ-iouI.MIs-mor-valuaMefnrlts- " uailhuuu. , Slroher or stone than foragrtniltwal purrosejrand to rnfMcForrrr Cnuntv-nt-H.ikrr,-Sn1rnf- Oregon, has rstabllsh htt-ri!" io.aUUiid-patoruUi-KegUtj;r , ihl. ds'tiltJ.ln-lhlsotl.ce-Jilom-Hiement No. - nd Keselyir ol. tills olhcea) U C.randeitlregonjin ,6,0.tor.lhe purchase of. the sS n t-4,.sec ja V! 'fu7Xi7thc-iVdVir'fOrt k, lie names as iineci " !t" . . ., ..7i. , range ixo t u w ni, ana will oner proor 10 snow VirHnriHi4iU. O MwrUI. Uasi JJJs.YilsQDt-aiU4lMt 4b Und-tousihi. I mum.ialuabla.luf iujlmber si Sunpter, Oregon. or stone than for agrlcullural purposes, and to estab-' Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- llh M cwm t0Mjj landln-lore the Register and Re described lands are requested to file tlielr claims in c,Vf r ,, otlice at La Grande, Oregon, on 1.1. ninf on or belore salj aird day of October iws . li.urvJ.iy. ih t.ih Jay of 0.-mler. imi II. W. llAKlLfn. Register. e n,mi. fl vlinesses. Ansell Cook. Waller j Conk. V. R. Mead. David McCoy, all of Mcl.wen, I TIMBER LAND, -ACT, .JUNIM,- f7-, &:?h?f"W , .. .- i- df. -j!. TX t l.. - J l.f- .. nn ... l.tV.fl1.l4l OBldV (.ul .( ( 1. tnkaf If A I It JIN liii (1111,17 wil mi I viwir- in ajin ? vi.mi'iri 1(un. K W. IJAWTIITT. Kefilklff. ' POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF T,HE FAST' TIME ,ANP --SURERB-SERVICE .1 1 j NOW'OFRftlin' HY Till: NOTICii FOk PdtktcATlON. tH HOREST LIEU SELECTION. Ml ! I UnlteJ Slates. Land Office, ) j Grande, Oiegnn, July to.'toon. ( Notice Is hereby given thai Ini compliance wlih the yiiulslnnsol the act ot Congress of June , i8t8, erlllllJ"Ari JCTfitf tlifsah'iif HmUT lanal lth states of Calllomla. Oregon. Nevada, and tt ashlifg- f.m rrrrlltnr'l as extend!' to ul,he pul-lk land states by f ilof August 4, i). ' "'maio'ia u picha'hus' ' has ...... .-.i.... ... ... . , runi-rieKrrom wnicn me w corner ui riec e'j. set. nets and H, u . 1-. w. M. un .in- .nmii -in.. u. nes,' se'' ol section No. 18 in township lo. ,nuth Tg.Vv feet, thence west bfn fett, thenCe sotiih it Sumpter: Countv of Maker. Stale of Oregon, hat this day fileJ In this office her sworn statement No. gS. tor the purchase 01 tne n) j ,n at irande. Ureeon. August 1 1 . nun. Nntlr Is liirihv plvpn thai I rank S. llalltie. whose post olrlce address l Sumpter, llakei1 County, Dregrm.nas made application tn select under tne Act of June 4. 1801. (to Mats.. '16) the following de-. scribed tract; lleglnnlng at a post on the west slJept 1 j 1 run s.reKirnni wmtii 111c .in iimirr ui .in iu 1 j 1 thence I W , PICTO' We Have Daily Fast Tr.iinv . v v tylne " '-, " It HWM. and will offer tn hnw thai tlie land sought Is inuTe VJinapre 1 iimh., 111 sinnr than for acrlcultural puriises. and tirtl8rWfh tin llalm '" Id land ertwi ilia llasjla ii.miiiiiuranf . mat 10 . .ilWl. Hand BJ nfter rrbot , .-- ihtnce estt6o leet. thence north iuo v-Jlllirie lor III ihmce east 110 feet, thence soulli ' 1 1 leeK "lUrK OTs feet, ehce easlitio feel, thence south 11 jo feet, thence west fr mi Urcelver of this office at La (iranJe, gun. on Tuesday, the trd day ot October, toms. She names as witnesses: James II. ParJee.t Older. David II. Wilson. Charles O. Worrell umrter, Oregon. V I ajlefnrtit Any and all persons claiming advf,rKtheNvi ., fZ described lands are requested to file their clalrnTTrTr within this office on or petor said i oa 01 uciorcr, jijoo. ., t W. ilAKUKTT. BJr. 1 1 ('., to the beginning and comprising . acres I nis trjuUJUJien surve; h J- r.'5 SEK andp SecisJo 8 S R n ol NW'J "iHenesTlh 6 r-AKJM.anSVJl,' nwi;' easssssssssasst aas. .afasasw ssaiaiaiaial ""' "V"? " " "Ii "If von dnnot thke the nioruiite tralin triyiioTdavs from date herei.i travel by the evciiiiij; train. Both 'are against the selection on thr .... .1 1 land described or any portion thereof, ' ' "hiiiujcu. -, - rroKsts or contests against the selection on thr I TIMUbR LAND. ACT JUNfc 1. iltfc-NOTICE ! FOR PUBLICATION. United Sutrs Land Office La Grande, Oregon, July jo, 1000. :l Lrrnund that tl Is MasMMU for Its mineral than for agrlcullural purposes, will be received and noted lor report to the Commissioner ot the General Land Office. i L. W. Haututt, Register. Vnili-e Is hereby eiven that In compliance with thr lotfjionvfJL,thrjLCJ of Congress, of June . tltl, I entities! "Atvatct fithrjWstfUoClUBbel latrds in. the-1- et uWaef CaJitornlayOrtgon. Miicida. and .Washing fzL tun Trrltory, as extnja m an me puimt iana wtes by act of August 4, 1801, CHARLES O. MOBHEIL I it Sumpter, County of llaker, Stat of 'Oregon FOREST LIEU SELECTION. Unlfrd Stales I and Office, ( I a Grande, Oregon, Aug. 10, 1900. ( To Whom It May Cencern: Take Noiice. sVfAtl. I ksstahlxae nluiia thai la(.asaK llarlnn 4a,lincal j 1'ifHVS l m"T,' " " js-ii iiiii "" " a- aa AA4l4l.Ad I- lJJL-v lis" I Italian Ikik iaa 4m )UIUim.V sj(C ntvn iij t wjfcVM tiwud apptkaiHon 10 select unr, Act ol June 4. 1847 (p . IiIm n aiailrl Iftfl Mlflff 4Il0 KfjMM4rrnxl nnCIMf as. Ml linwutwls.U'lW ?" I ' '.? vHsSK11' &tJSS&2i l "'iV' "' T. ZT '..ITT i.t... te. P.M.. W. r. m ih. around that the said tract Stat., it) the following described land: R tl. Lots 1 and and Lis NW), Th WK Sfc's-and txHK SL .Sec Lot 4 ana si-h piwm 18 E. W. M. It Tp 9 S R Sec 6 Tp b and WjJ NEtf lias this day filed In this dH( hi sworn i statement No. rs.. for the purcfias 01 in 101s i ana 4. e;s . . ofseftlan No. il..ln'lownshlpNo. to south, range li 'No. it h W M. and will ofter proof to show that the ..-j 1.. 1. -. -u-l.t-KI n Itc llmlwr nr slnfw "'" suiiij.ii - ---'7 -.- .-". k, .T.T ; i:-r.-j. --s, u . p u u inan 11. iiir-M:!- ",, -.. .;- h ho I ill,. 4 ih., -.Iihl- ih. ' are required the selection or anv portion d all persons claiming adversely the abov- Sum Land OJcr at U Grand. Orefm. that ,th -OUR SPECIALTIES M IV FASTTIME THROUGH SERVICE l ' . I ' I I , i I . II t J . ... I 11 'I 11 . t ! I 1 1 Throueh Palace and' Tourist Sleepers. Dlnlne Car dud Ruffett Library Cars. Flrst-Class 'Free Recllnlne Chair Cars. I' Holirs In time saved tn Omaha, Chica go, Kansas City, New York, Boston and otner eastern roinis. JJCKtii eoou via t Salt Lake City and Denver. It l to your Interest to use THE OVERLAND ROUTE. Tickets and sleeping car berths can be secured from t. i i . i H. C. BOWERS Atlantic l.spmts uiljpm r.ti 'tn 8 p 111 Dally L. Suaday 8 pm. Saturday '11 ,fl,t"ri.. 'Ci 6a m .' Strida' t.i I 7 a m Tues.' Jhur. and Sal ui. Ill 1 till!" 6a m and Sat. .11 Leave Rlparla .. - uaiiv Ai . TIMI! SCHIDULUS Irom llikir f.llx Salt Uke. Denver. It, Woilh. Omiha. Kan sas City, 'St. Iiiiils, Chicago and, I ast. Salt l.nke. Denver, 1 1. Wonh, Omaha, Kan sas Cltv, M. Inuls, Chicago and Fist. Walh Walla. Irwlston, SiMikane, Atlnneai-olU SI. Pdiil. Dululli. .Mil waukee, Chicago and I.JSI. OCKAN STI'AMSIIIPS All Sailing Jill's sul'lect 1 to change. I'or Sin I ranrlsco -Sail every l dav,s. COI UMHIA RIVLR Sfl-AMIiRS t To Astoria and Landings,, Wav l-l WIIAMUTTL RIVER I- 11 1 Oregon City, Newberg. ' baiemi inaependeiic andWavLaridlngs., WlUAMI!fTl'.'l4'V,M II llll.lv RIVI.US ., Oregon' Cltv,' DS foti .and.Wy-andlngs.,!, WILIAMETTi: MlVl.r. Portland to CorvaJUa and Way-LinJInjrsC' - r Leave I ewlstnn Dally uam ij r- snaki: rivi:r Rlpaila-lo l.ewlstoni H. C. BOFRsfgent, 1iaker'!CUy, Oregon Akkivli i'i'Iv, .m ml 1 P' 1 mi ini !) p m 4 pm ,ni. i' lorn' llj, Sim jl 1 y I. I '"III. .ii-im.1"? i:s. ni III unday M .Vfeia. t wed. and III. hi I till 4. r P m liuo-JWei. and lit. Agent O. R. & N. Co.; "in " t im'i. -Baker City, Ore. Or, JH.ATHROPrCen' Agt. , No? lis Third St., Portlan d.Ore. Sumpter ( & Bottling. Works uagen a aioan, rroprieiors. , .Manufacturers of all kinds o( car bonated drinks and ciders. Or-' . ,.deri tilled-and shipped e-n short1 InoUce. , : ' . , jt jt jt jt jt SUMPTER, 'J' " '":"" OMCON