Wednesday, September iq, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. 3 OOUNTY RECORDS. Thr following is the record of official business transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, Sept. 18: REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Warranty Jee J Jan 4. M I' HlnJman rt ux lo At J llinjman, w)j ne 1-4, sec u.tpq.r 10 1" Warrant)- JrrJ Jan 4. At I' IlinJnun et ux to At J HlnJman, f? Int In sJv nr 1-4 src8lp r je Warrant) JrrJ-Aug i, Ira (. Schenck lo J W Hronaugh, lot o, part n( 4 anJ 5, Mk 14, At wooj's mJaJn Bakrr City . C JreJ-July to, II R Lewis rt ux to l: W Epplngrr, Int In 160 acrrs In src 8 tp q r 4UC Warranty JeeJ Aug t , Henry Ruxt rt ux to Wm Eblln, 4uoxt6j It In s 1-4 s f4 src t; tpr4or Warrant)' Jee J Sept 11, Nora li Nilrs rt vlr to Elisabeth T Mcintosh, lott 4 anJ 5, blk ), McCrary's a Jn Bakrr City Warranty JrrJ Aug s, M E IjarJnrr rt vlr to C H Uarjner. 6 acrrs In srcs 18 anJ 14 tp iosr)8e 50 m 750 315 Warranty feed Sep 1, Z E Brown ct vlr to Llltle U W nnr, joxxjo It In thr Ahcr Camp bell trad Warranty JeeJ-Jan u, O W Mink rial, trus trr. to Jessie M Mr lilt, lol r, Mk g, Hunt ington , Warranty JeeJ Apr , Sumptrr Tcmnslle Co. to J C Hrlfl, lot . Mk . HtverslJe Jn If Sumptrr Warranty JteJ-Jan s, Sumptrr Townslle Co. to J C lloll, lot 11, Mk I, So Sumptrr aJn.. Warranty f etd-Sept . N C Haikrll rt al to May E Motley, lott 1 an! . Mk 4. Hakll' aJn Bakrr City 80 M u $ Warranty JeeJ-Sefl 10, E H Bergs, tt ux In Link Hoft, lot ) and C, Mk A, Fisher's aJn HaktrClty uoo Warranty JeeJ Sept 19, James York rt ux to H N Drnny at al, n nt 1-4 src it. and s jo' acrrs ot w4 t i-astcltpafte 10s Warraaty JreJ-Drct.og' EJ Crltrr to J C lttR, 1st 1, Nk ). Sunpttr 4000 . Warranty oeeJ-Auga.NC Haskell rt al to N J' Caste J, lot . Mk 1. Haskell's win Batrrr'Oty . U Warranty uX-J-AursS.NC Haskell tt al lo Jotrph t. Wentwoith, lot a, Mk 5, Haskell's aJnBakerCtty 1 Warranty dee J-Sept 1a. N C Haske II rt al lo Mrs. At E Nrlll, lots . Mk 7. Haskell's aJn. Warranty Jer J Aug 1 1, Wm S PonJ to Sunr trr Development company.tracts 49 anJ 50, istaJn East Sumptrr Wananty JrrJ Feb ig. Louis tirlsrr to Frank iielstr. lot v. Mk, DeRuo's aJn Bakrr City Warranty Jrr J i"rb 19. 1 tank tjrlsrr to Louis tirlsrr, lot 1, Mk I', DeRuo's njn Bakrr City Jul! claim JrrJ-Junr 1 1, Nl BMJnrr rt ux lu M Holt, unJItiJr J ot lots 1 anJ 1, Mk 7, Sturgiss Crowell's aJn to Bakrr City. . Warranty Jrr J-At A Hunsaker rt sir to l: At Hunsaker, sw i-sot sn-4 src 4, ipos, r 40 r on no atoo Warranty JreJ-W A Uavls lo Louisa Davis, Its 1 & a, blk 0, Pacific aJn tu Bakrr City, . 1 Quit claim JrrJ Mubrrt Slumbough In L)JU ., SlombuuKh.vltr, nr 1-4 nl sr 1-4 sec I, tp I s, r 9 r . 1 fVrrrmrnt Aug 15. J II W l!otrlghi 10 E J Dwjer, tu JrrJ in uo Jvs, Its 1, 1, ! 4, Mk 8 Sumptrr (frights uJn to Sumrtrt ?m Warranty JrrJ Nov 11, wj. John W.nnnun rt u tu F A Hsrtman rt us. It c, Mk i. Ui J .1J11 to Bakrr Cits . Wairant Jrr J -.March r , 'yg, Jno Duckwurth 10 Wm H.ikrr it Jl, ii'i ;n'i" in src 11 .111J src a, tp 10, r 7 .. Warrant) JrrJ .March o, 'vt. II luckutih rt ux tu Win Bakrr rt al, iin .icrrs In src 11, Ip in, r 7 ... ISo Warrant) JrrJ Srrt 18, II llunsakrr rl u lu W War J, n 1-4 ol s i-4 sr; ), tp 8, r 40. . Warranty JrrJ-Junr at. go. H W Lrtrns rt ux. In I B Buvtrn vl al, lis t to . Mk , I iv- rnt' a Jn tu Bakrr Cits Warranty JrJ-.Ma ?, r. J .M HuyJ rl al to I U Bmrn rial, It 6, Mk 1, HuyJ'x aJ aJn lo Bakrr City Warranty JrrJ-Junr a3..M ll.ivl.rll rt al, lo W C Walrs, Its C. anJ 8, Mk it, Haskrll's aJn to Bakrr City .... Quit claim JrcJ-Srpt i. C II Whitnrv rl ux lo f Batchr, tluacrrs In , rr 10, r 10. Ouit claim JrrlCUtirlttin rt ai to Sumptrr Val My Co, 1 tlKlit ol Jrrds In .p i'o, r 17 HIMM1 )IOU. Spt t. Orrfn Silvtr Mlnlnr Co tu Atbrrl l-ahrrBkach.tha forrsi City Qoant claim., MialKf JrrJ btfr 7, J T Jonrs to I: E Hausrr tlal. ) Intrrrst In thr Jrtlrrson anJ tan otbar quart claims MlblDg dMJ-Srpt 7. S J Junes to E E Hausrr t al, )-4 letrml In ' ConJor quarti cUlois Mltlac 4J-Srl 7. E E Hausrr to J 1 Jonrs tal, )-4trrrtt In thr MUxsy uart claim Vtklst Incorpuiatlon Sp 11, Ttw Port- kUW (JsiU Al aaU M Ct ixj,vu shafts ! boO ai s" par value of locts prr sharr, ofticr at Port- Ian J. Or Mining JrrJ-Srptit, E S Smith, truslrr, ta PortlanJ (J At anJ Al'Co, thr Minneapolis QM claim... 1 . Mining JrrJ-Srpt 11, liW Brck to A Flint anJ C F Alien, an unJMJrJ i-alnt In Mln- nrapnlls, MlnnrsolaanJ EJnag.uarti claims, tja I .Mining JrrJ July 16, E Simpson to C F Lrav- I rnHurth, an unJIvlJrJ 1-4 int In Blur BlrJ anJ KrJ BlrJo,uart clalmx tu Alining JrrJ June 18, T B Atoorr rt ux to C ' unJMJrJ 1-4 Int In thr Blue BlrJ anJ KrJ BlrJ quart clalmx tax .Mining JrrJ Srpt I7.S P Jonrs toWA Jonrx, an unJMJrJ t-4 Interest in Annrx, Austin anJ HumbutJt q a ti claims 1 Atlnlng JrrJ-Srpt 18, J W (iuthrie to Clar ence Wilton, an unJivlJeJ t-i Intrrrst in the Ke) stone quitu claim 1 MORTGAGES. Mortgage- Sept lb. Nora E Nlles rt vlr to F L Moorr, lis 4anJ ;, blk if, McCrary's aJn, Bakrr City 400 Mortgage-Srpl 8. M Wright to Jos Wright, !j Int In Its 8 anJ 9, blk 15, Bakrr City anJ ttv rr Ian J therein lone Mortgage Dec to. '09, F M Roycr et ux to M J Hlnjman, Its o anJ 10, blk 11, McCraty't aJn, Bakrr City 600 Mortgage-Srpt 7. ColJ Cliff M Co to H P StrlcklanJ, thr R E Lrr anJ Claybourne mln elms an J chattels oo Mortgage Nov ix, '99, H E Curry et ux to M J IlinJnun anJ svlte, )i7 acres In sec t anJ I tpro.raoe itoo Mottgage-Sept 6, H V BalrJ et vlr to Jos Shin Jler, It 1 1, blk s. Riverside adn.SumpStr. Ore too Releate-Sept 8. C J Jshns lo H V Balrd el vlr mtg on It ta, blk a, RlvertUe adn, Sueapter. teas Mortgage Aug 75, C M Gardner el ux to J H DonalJ. 16) acres In tecs il aad 19, tp 10 s. r )gr,. ,....,... , ...i isoa Mortgage June ij, Sumptrr Water Co to Spo kane Eastrrn and Trust Co, coaveyt ptop erty acquired from W L Vinson tt ux, known as the Water Works property at Sumptrr. . , , 60,000 Chattel -Srrt 10, Lee Sttwatt lo Russell ft Co stacker , is. Chattel-Srpt I, C F to N C Has kell, one Bryan quarti mill and taulpBtate. . )t Chattel-Sept it-Mrs E f Britten ta the Queen City Furniture Co, household furni ture In Brlttm lodging house, Sumpter its Chattel -Srpt tt, C M Smith to V R Mm4 two horses and harness 100 Mortgage-Sept tt. Nettle DeBordto J H Don ald, It 4. Nk $, Hrllner't adn to Baker City. . J7 Mortgage Sept 1 1, At West tt ux lo L M Whltukrt. blk 18, Uvens' adn to Baker Clly sao Mortgage-Sept 18, W Ward lo B Hunstker. nw 1-4 of swi-esec M, tp t.rto 7x1 MISHiltANBOUS. Attachment-Sept I, Oregon Liquor k Cigar Covs Jno Armbrusler and Chat Johnson, as Johnson Co, chattels In saloon In Soapier, lor ami due on goods sold defts 19 Actlon-Sepl 14, F S lUlllle vs F L Collet! tt al sull to lorrclose mortgage on II . blk I, Sumpler a Jn to Sumptrr lor 400 JuJgment-EJ Ackrrman, favor of RothchllJ Bros . . .4W o Bill ot sale-Srrt 10. W 0 Emele et al, 10 Geo T Evans, nnr share In Middle Ditch on s side I PnwJerrlvrr tuol Bill uf sale Srpl 10, Gro T Evans lo John M Serlght, int in llrrnl Perkins Jlicli on lower I PowJer llvrr 100 I Action Srpl 1, Cnra Long vs Wm long, suit I lor JlvorceanJ i-iol .ill his real properly.. Scenic Line of the World. For an enjoyable trip east, take the u,,, Denver sV Kio t irande railroad, Scenic Line of the world. Three dally trains be tween Denver, Colorado Sprint;, Pueblo ,u3 and all eaMeru points, and all points on 1 the Pacific coast. Most mai;iiiticent scen ery on this continent. The leading fea ture in connection with the trip K the through trains pass through the ceulc attractions of the Kocky mountains in Colorado by daylight, thus atfording pas sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable 1 ride, free from dust and the annoyances 1 experienced via other lines. Superb din ing car service on all through trains. ? I Service a la carte, pay for what you order, I Through standard and tourist sleepers. I Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets i n J anywhere between Ogden and Denver. , Call on your nearest ticket agent (or l tickets, rates and all Information, or ad mi ! dress, B. C. NtCHOL, ,1 ,. General Agent, Portland, Ore. '"' The City Green house, at Baker City, furnishes choice cut flowers. "The Portland", conducted by Gut Woodward on Mill street, Is fuMy representation of itt name. A vtslt wflt convrfreVybo ol this. .1-..V O. S. L Ry. THE UJRLCT RUU1E TO Montana, Utah Colorado and all Eastern Points... Gives chelce of two favorite routes. l the UMON Pacii 11: Cast Mall line, or the Rio (iwxMifc S.'rnlc Lines. No Change of Cars On the PortlanJ-Chlcago Spclal,'"The llnrst In the West, EqulppeJ with Elegant Standard Sleepers Pine New Ordinary (1 ourlst) Sleepers Superb Library-Buffet Cars Splendid Diners (meals a la carte) Free Reclinln Chair Cars Comfortable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Completely Vestlbuled For further Ihformatlon apply to J. R. NAGEL W. E. COMAN Trav. Pass. At. Gen'l Aent 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. Brtiiajj mAwmM RWlrTasZSfatatfl RAILWAY m oseMtotiaw wrtM fMt I a f MIT MAMIflCIIIT tllttflT rrra nss em vtmntatwewtas int Mm era hmsumi or J. D. Mansfiild "&&? w0w.telrarfi,xuelrsj4vaii,lawtsjira SPOKANE Drug 1 Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co Spokane, Wash. oreeaa iitita JMwtMll, xMMMBv faVFfawtlxW Ttst oto asttaawM TMrruM svulsiav oattaaTfB TMMI T TtUUSt) TO TSW IMT MiiV, CAwrerima wrwawt n itt. THttoavt Bslauiatataaw ssaaxvftatw IPl. lr4M4f.f. ns pi YOUR BUSINESS IS JUDGED BY THE NEAT NESS OF YOUR PRINTED OFFICE STATIONERY THE PRINTING LXDNE AT THIS OFFICE IS THE KIND YOU WANT CALL AND SEE OUR WORK AND GET PRICES THE SUMPTER MINER 04fl