Wednesday, September 10, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. VINSON'S ADDITION ( a SUMPTER V" The Golden Mecca of the West The Center of the Wonderful Sumpter District SUMPTER VINSON'S ADDITION Is the acknowledged mining and financial Is but a two minutes walk from the postofiice center of the most famous mining district in anci contains the choicest business ami resi- America. dence ,ots SUMPTER e. VINSON'S ADDITION Is the most prosperous city on the coast. Sit uated on a railroad. Has electric lights. Has a Business lots, 400 feet from the business center complete water system, which furnishes the 0f the city on the main street. The whole ad purest of mountain water dition is situated for electric lights and water The only city in the state with paved streets, service. Situated on stage roads leading to the outside of Portland. Cracker Creek, Granite and Red Boy districts. The entire Vinson Addition is now upon the market under new management and at prices which will astonish all. For prices and information call on or address r ,l;li ( i. , ? i'! it ; ' North Center Street. R. H. MILLER Sumpter, Oregon ! I