n THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, September 19. 1900 10 HERE FOR HIS HEALTH So Says J. Barring Gould, the Mining Man. J. H:irriiiK (11111M, : mining man from the Bl.uk Hills, is In Sumpter mid will re main here Inr Mime weeks. 'I n n MlNlil representative lie declared th.it lie is here fur his health; though as a mutter of bet, he doesn't look like , 'in invalid, has not consulted a physkl.in and the producing minesi ot this district seem to have a strong attraction f.ir him. The gentleman belongs to the well known English f.iniily whose name he bears, a family that has furnished famous men in the lields of letters, theologv, li-1 ed now to the Bonanza, and will shortly stop work on the Mountain Bell. It is not that these shrewd business men who have succeeded in cornering the world's oil market have not faith in Sumpter district, any more than that they lack the means for working their mines, but as soon as they are satisfied, and looking upon the mine as a safe deposit, prefer to leave the wealth there until they ' need it. These people maintain a regular staff here and are on the lookout lor prom islug properties. Killed Fifteen Ducks at One Volley. S. T. Donnelly and George B. Small I claim the championship for duck bagging in this valley. Sunday last while out with a party on Powder river, these two gentlemen came upon what they term a "veritable storm" of ducks. Both turned a double-shot from their number twelves into the flock and knocked with the four name and slalecralt. Me has served his i barrels twenty ducks in all. Of this apprenticeship in the swift school of the number fifteen were bagged, and includ- West; is an immune, so to speak, and ng spoonbills, wlgeons, sprlgtalls and none of the local operators need e.viect to teels. This is perhaps the greatest num make wages trying to turn a trLk In a ber of dicks recovered from a like number transaction with him. of barrels fired, a these were, slmulta- twenty years ago he was operating a neously, and Messrs. Small and Donnelly j 5000 acre laim in Dakota Territory and , may with a degree of pride claim the i was long headed enough to sell It when championship belt of eastern Oregon. I prices were at the top notch. For the last , However, as the duck season is now fairly ten or liltcen yrars he has been secretary , on, reports from the other nlmrods may of the Harney I'eak Tin Mining coinpiny, establish a new and better record. Baker In the Black Hills, a ten million dollar cor-' Democrat. por.tion.four of which were burned before , Fof!M(K fof the courts and the inevitable receiver got ,-i hold ... the proposition. ! , 'J' MucKlnn , C," f ,9'T Mr. Barring Gould is not announcing land. Ohio, who bought Rope's gold mine the object of his trip to Sumpter from the j a lhPnlnK, Mich., for lij.ooo, secured house tops nor the street Corners, and In J5' wor,h of nchineiy by the pur slsts upon IUI- MINER making no special ! , " abo,ut 35,ooo worth of gold In ... nf his ..mv.-.l here, a promise ' olJ amalgamating plates, and loo.ooo tons to this effect, give,, In accordance w Ith his of '""K!I. wwy!"! a per ton. These , expressed wish, is the reason whv these are being cyanlded and the first bullion- ' The mine may be reopened next spring. Including estimated returns from tailings l the mine has nrnduced nearly $1,000,000 Why Mliun at the Borunu Mine Were Re- I" Kold and silver. cntly Laid Off , Th Por,anji. conducted by Gus! For several weeks p.isi the Portland Woodward on Mill street, Is fully a Telegram has had .1 special correspond-, rCPre.ettoii of its name. A visit will convince you of this. A nnouncement remarks are so abruptly "rung oft. STANDARD OIL CO. TACTICS. AFTER five months of business under all kinds of disadvantages, in our suburban lo cation since our burn out last may, we aie high ly elated over our future prospects, and take pleasure in announcing to our many friends and patrons that not later than OCTOBER 1st we will be permanently located at our old stand on Granite Street, in a' new brick building, fitted up after the best approved plans for modern merchandis ing, and in addition to the large and carefully selected stock formerly carried, we have purchased the largest assortment of Dry Goods, Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments, Furnishings, Capes and Jackets, Notions, Etc. ever put off in the Blue Mountain district. ent in Sumpter. He has a well developed news nose and every oner in a while springs something tr.illv worth reading, the following lor InM.imr: I he Kiiimii.i Ins laid nil 4" men, sup posedly to c.iKh up with the woik, tor it 1 said the power isuol sulliiieul to handle the waste lioui the shall, besides the leg III. II tax upon the hoist. About thlee weeks ago the men wrie laid oil several days tot a siiuil 11 te.isuu. Besides, thele aie lepmts lh.it too gieal eagerness tor gelling out ore his led to the uegleitiug nl pirtaiillous, wliuli slimilJ have been taken, so tli.il hum II will lr necessity to tniihei, with the pio-peil ul Its growing a ttllluiiit task. I he imne cost yrso.ix.'o, and rumor s.ivs twl.e that .illimuit lias t'rrn taken out, with vast iklies still inn. lining. I lit-intimate lelilious .ippurntlv existing be tween tills mine and seer.il otheis in the ttisliul li.is led to a widespread bellel tll.lt lliev ate all owned bv the bt.md'ird Oil I'liinpinv, and so nuw thele ,ur those who believe that Hie epeileiiie ol thrin will be repeated In the ase ol the II011.111..1. 'I lie , mvuels seem to dellr only to develop the mine sulticientlv to establish its worth, and then ate content to leave the gold 1 there, cvidrullwousldrring it .1 -Jlr bank, tor deposits, one into which thieves do not easily break and steal, and a sate refuge irom taxes. I he Denny gump, an extrusion ol the j HurdyGurdy, wrrr opened up and thru work erased, and a watchman put in charge. Similar was thr history of Rob his' Elkhoru, near the Baislie. At the Mountain Brll, near the Golconda, the values have been krpt secret, but the management has sunk 300 feet without aven cutting a station. The policy which has closed the Drnny group and Robin1 rilkhorn i believed to luve been extend ( !o or send to the City Green house, Baker City, for choice carnations; thirty live cents prr doen. Roses fifty cents per dozen. Five quail bottles of Olympia brer for 1.00 at Heurv Finger's. ytvv"v- OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTKR BEER bjluard AND T.D.Bellinger & Co. .OP SUMPTER. OREGON Dispensers of onlv the Choicest Brands Ol Liquors Including Old Overholt, Can adian Club, Ushers and James Watson Scotch Imported 1881 Brandv, Three Star Hennessey. and all the Leading Brands of Wines and Cigars. New and Elegant Fixtures. Comfor able quarters for gentlemen. No better service in Oregon. The Magnolia... T. t. tottttaaf ., . (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn BM.) Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 2o-year-old whiskey as good as Kll.xlr of Life. All whiskies are out ot ON DRAUGHT POOL TABLES bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON W''V''' a'v5 Moke Room Mori- Goods Since the removal of the Post Oilier, giving us the- entire use ot the store room, I have mater ially addrd to the stock a New and Fresh line j jt j jt Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothini, Hits, Shots, Etc. A better opportunity is afforded us to handle the trade, and our CASH PRICES have proven a drawing crrd since the CASH SYSTEM ww inaugurated Scrtr t W. R. HAWLEY.