Wednesday, September 12, 1900 'THE SUMPTER MINER. v DEVELOPMENT PROGRESSING. Eastern Oregon Gold Fields Coming to the Front. The development of the eastern Oregon mining districts is progressing better in these days than ever before, and it does not take a man with great wisdom to discover that it will not be long before that locality will be over run with pros pectors, with men of caliber and money, determined to know the extent of the ter ritory and what there Is In it. It will be well If those having interests there will realise the importance of giving a royal welcome to them. Eastern Oregon Is getting some good advertising hi the eastern states and its effect is being felt by general Injury r.mjiig the'wnks as to the truth of things, and also by sending of capable and ex perienced men from that locality to cover tne district thoroughly and ascertain the truth. We know of one such inquirer this week coining from New York City, a gentleman versed in all the intricacies of Wall street, having a good reputation there for probity and honor, and backed by well-known businessmen; who is ac companied by a thoroughly experienced prospector, with instructions to spcid three months in the district if necessary. Such men should be given full opportun ity, if known, and as in all probability he will not tell his business on the housetops, tiie best way is to give all strangers a welcome under the theory that thereby they may entertain angels unawares. This business of discouraging new com ers, of decrying localities and mines, of silence when your own property is being explored, of a general hoodoo of everything in a dog-in-the-manger spirit, should be relegated to the rear. Give the district a chance. You can't stop it entirely, how ever much you may try, and though you may delay the march of civilization for a time, those who have claims and prospects :ire not going to be wheedled out of their property for nothing, and the time will come when there will be more than one person looking for the same proposition, when competitive bids will work their work to the betterment of the district. Portland Mining Review. Mining a Bulne Proportion. The time was when mining was consid ered among that class of accidents we call "luck." It seems left for our age to re duce it to regular business regulations ,-ind enroll it among one of the world's great Industries. Luck mining is only like luck farming, or any other kind of s-o-called chance work. Men have had "wind-falls in almost all kinds of busi ness, but for the mass of common mortals the safe way is by the way of common sense, and wisely adapted toil. We must "dig" for it. The "up-to-now" Idea of the matter is briefly expressed in the fol lowing clipping from the Mining Record, ,iys the Coeur D'Alene Mining Journal. "Indications are that this activity is but the beginning of a better day than the mining industry has ever seen. Since the days of the great gold mines of Ophir and the mysterious diggings whence came the Ingots of the Incas of Peru, mining has had a hazy halo of romance around it. The cool-headed man of com merce has been too much inclined, In many ages past, to regard mining as a gamble, a venture, a wild speculation. That idea is fading. Business methods are transforming mining from the theme of the story teller to the subject matter of the figured statements of the business world. Mining Is business. Therein lies the brightness of the future of the indus try. A weird tale of a lost and rediscov ered mine is still attractive, but long lists of published dividends are better for the mining districts. Once get the Idea firm ly established In the business world that there is profit in legitimate, business-like mining, and the west will enter upon an era of wealth production which will sur pass the dreams of avarice. That idea is growing in the commercial world." Briitol Bay Plcm a Rank Fake. The United States fish commission steamer Albatross, Captain Jefferson T. Moses, has reached Sitka, Alaska, on her return from a summer's cruise of the can neries and fishing and sealing grounds of the Alaskan peninsula. For over a year the Albatross has beeit prosecuting re searches in the Interest of science in the South Sees and in Oriental and Alaskan waters for a good part of the time, with Prot. Lewis Aggasiz, the eminent scien tist, aboard. Two members of the Ui.ited States full commission, A. B. Alexander and H. C. Fossett, have been aboard. Aivnrillnp to The Sitk.i Al.isk.-in. wlilrh readied here by the Queen, the Albatross, which put in at Bristol Bay, reports the alleged placer strike there a rank fake. The story told by The Alaskan, as gleaned from the Albatross' officers, if true, Is one that should cause a good deal ol shame to those who are engineering It. No names are mentioned, but it Is said the of the strike was started In order to create a stampede for the district next year. But three or four men are interested in the game. These men have a trading store at a village on the Nushagak river, 350 miles or so up from Bristol Bay. The game of the men in the plot is said to have been to exhibit hi this city and else where, 510,000 in gold dust by the men in succession until excitement was caused sufficient for their purposes. Seattle Times. 1 Machinery for the Gold Ridge. A tine set of pumping machinery has ' 1.10. ftAAn nii.Hn.dil fnp .I(ja Ul.lna JU91 UCCII !Ulkll19CU IIJI IHC VJUIU IXIUC mine and has been billed to arrive from ortland at Haker City within a few days, and on its arrival it will be immediately hauled by wagon to the mine, and in stalled by Manager Nichols. Under that gentleman's active management there is already a force of men at work engaged in the preparatory work which will pave the way for operations on a larger scale than at any time in the past. The Gold Ridge is one of the old-time properties of Lower Burnt river and in its day has yielded quite handsomely in gold. About a week ago, as stated in the columns of the Morning Democrat at the time, the property passed Into the possession of Mr. Letson Balllet under a bond of f6o,ooo. he continuing Mr. Ira B. Nichols in the man agement, to carry out an elaborate scheme of exploitation. For that purpose an ample fund has been placed at the com mand of Mn Nichols by Mr. Balllet, and while at present a moderate force is en gaged at the mine, the same will be in creased from time to time as room is made for the men. Heretofore Mr. Balllet lias been known to Raker City people chiefly on paper, but It is very evident from the manner In which he takes hold of the Gold Ridge, that he means business straight from the shoulder. His friends that knew him elsewhere say that Mr. Balllet is a bold operator and they do not doubt that he will make his promise good of making the Gold Ridge one of the prin cipal producers in the district. Democrat. Through the Yellowstone. The new route via the Oregon Short Line Railroad and Monida, .Mont., enables you to make a delightful trip through the Yellowstone National Park, entering via Monida and coming out via Cinnabar, making it unnecessary to cover any por tion of the route twice. For beautiful descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore gon Short Line Ticket Office, 142 Third street, Fortland, Oregon. .IMPERIAL Lodging House MRS. I:. I!. IIUITTI-N Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms. Neat, Clean and Reasonable in Price. j j j OppoilU liieh nirowin bgmpiny SUMPTER, OREGON Mines & Real Estate If you have a mine to sell If you have real estate to sell If you have a prospect to sell If you have a house to rent If you want your rents collected If you want to engage help of any kind If you want to borrow money 011 real estate CALL ON Healy Bldg Granite St. W. H. W. Hamilton Sumpter Oregon THE WONDER GKO. W. WlilGAND, PKOPKIhTOK. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. THE WONDER, BOURNE, OREGON Delmonico Hotel M. SPANf.l.KH. lnrlrtor A First-Class New House, Well Furnished and Superior TaWe Service. Transclent Rates Reasonable. Special Rates to Local Pat rons by the Week. Located One Block Hast of Depot, Corner Co lumbia and Auburn Streets. SUMPTER. OREGON Eureka Feed & Livery Company J. L. SULLIVAN, Manager. Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALEHS THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. Warehouse and office, S. V. Track. SUMPTER, OREGON.