THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, September 12. 1900 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the Town of Sumpter. I'UHIIMIIII IVIPV WIIIMMIAV IIV MARSH AM J. W. (.ONM.I.I.A c. 11 . SUIISI.KII'IIOS KA1IS One Vrr SU Mnnlht .fz.uj I.J ALWAlS IN AllVAM.I. l.ntereJ at the postoMce In Sumpter, Orison, foJ transmission tluougli llir malls as setonJ class matter. POPULATION OF SUMPTER 4,500. 'IMIIHI: are some newspapers in this section of country that ought to be in the pen for grand larceny. I hey lay for Till: MINI:I and steal its good news mat ter as regularly as it Is issued. I his thing is getting so rank that it ceases to amuse. 'I III: lettrr of acceptance ol President McKiuley was "released" Monday morn- Several persons have already been shot, it lug, It Is nine long columns af solid type, is reported. A soldier of Kafferty's bat discusses every conceivable issue and says icry, while patrolling the beach this nothing about anything. Some ol the "gems" which the partisan papers are lulling from tills state paper and cluster lug In Mergeuthaler borders arrahsolutelv Idiotic In their transpirent con game iliar acteristics. ANY linn can now get his name in the Associated press dispatches If he adroitly announces th it he voted t jr either Bryan or MiKlnley lour veirs ago and is going to vote for (lie other one at (hemming election. I Ills kind ol stntf means no more than a straw vote or a prediction by a newspaper or individual, and why thcie three ihestnuts are in such constant use is a mystery to one of ordinary common sense and besides, it Is tiresome AT the session ol the physical science section ol the British association lor llir 1 advancement of science, now In annual session at Hradford, Sir William Henry Preece, consulting engineer to the British postolllce, made the interesting announce ment that as a result ol his expetimenls with wireless telegraphy, he had found it niite possible to convey midlhle speech six to eight miles across the sea without wires. He added that it was ,1 practical, commercial system and might be e, ended to coiiimunicite between ships, and be tween ships and the shore. Till: philosopher of the press are Irv ing to find In prenatal lutlueiices a cause tor the unnatural ciiine committed recently in the mountains ol eastern Oregon, when a boy Killed his own lather. It is not necessary to go so tar to tin J the cause. It Is stated that the lather brutally whip lied the son tor the trilling oveisight ol leaving a hatchet at the camp ol the pies lous night. A sense ol being the victim of initialled jtistUe, and oiiisriiiciit vio lent resentment and mote 01 less violent rage are human emotions that more satis lactorily explain the motive ot the honible rime than do any lar-tetched theories ol prenatal intlueiHes, I'lthKI' are only .'711 ions lets in the Oregon penitentiary at presrnt. At no time since iK8 has the number o' inmates lx-en so small, with the cuei'llou of 18K8, when theaveragewas i(n, "When search ing tor evidence ot good times and tiiug results to Causes, perhaps it would be in teresting to uotiie the ettect of prosperity on crime In this state," said stale senator I aly, ot Heutoii, in a recent interview. "I he hard times which set in in 1S0: were at their culmination. uoJ.vrrv worst in i8o. In August, irUi there were over 400 convicts in the state penitentiary ot Oregon, and in August, 1000, there were but 170. In fact, except our year, 1888, ' there has never been sn few Inmates In the state prison as now since 1885. In connection with this fact It is well to enumerate that the population of Oregon In 1HH5 was 188,000, while In 1000 it Is at least 4)0,000. From 1888 down, the num ber of convicts In the state prison was from 320 to 450, or an average of 34$, and in 1888 the average was 265." I ATI-'ST nres ilkn."iti'lii rrl.itlvr to llir Inirrlc-ine horror :it f i.ilvritnn. I . .. . . . ... . ...... that Mayor Walter C. Jones estimates the I 1 the iser- tak - number of dead at 5000 and he Is conser vative. Over n 00 bodies have been tak en to the sea or buried in trenches. Other hundreds are yet to be taken from the' ruins. These bodies are now all badly decomposed and they are being buried In trendies where they are found. Others are being burled in debris where it can be safely done. I here is little attempt at Identihcatinn and it is safe to .say that there ulll never be a complete list of the dead. Chief of Police Ketchum is in charge of the work of burving the dead. There are larue bodies of men eniMt:ed in this work. I tearing up ruins and getting out corpses.) morning ordered a man to desist from looting. The fellow drew a weapon and the soldier shot him dead. The soldier was attacked by three other men and lie j killed all of them. He had live cartridges l in his rille and each of them touud a vie- tim. It is probable that twenty-live in all have been shot. Some ol these were shot I lor failing to halt when ordered to do so. - Others were shot lor vandalism. No accurate estimate has yet been made re garding loss to property. To the Faithful .'NOW All MI:S Tint many Princes ill the s Orient aie now sojournluc In the tills ut Sumpter anj are meeting, lor Ihe purpose ol In siiucilnir noslcesmiJ Jllluslnt: ttisjum, at II p. m WeJnesJay eseliliiKs M ReJ .Men's hall, anj at smli other places as Ihe (iranj I'ajasha im oijer. All Print es who hate hot maJe tliemsrUe kntmn at e cor Jl.ill) Ins iteJ to present ihemselv es, stall nt lite In the temple Joni, hele Itiev Mill be fnrJIallv vtelcomeJ. Grand Secretary Grand Padasha I. O. R. M. EliAN I Willi: Ni. eo, ImpmseJ Outi ReJ .Men, meet in regular loumll at I Ills Hat, at the 8th lull on the it J sleep ot every sesen suns ol each miMin All He J .Men sklling our hunting iroun.ts .lie tteliome. (iinmlK llsK'IM, W. W. lilts.. Cot R. Sachem. Q4 M. HOSI-.NDAI K MINING ENGINEER ... METALLURGIST Oltues IViHims sis-5i)tei;iinlan ItuUinvr. I'orl I.111J. I Iti'Kon. I.sainlms auJ leptuls upon minis, nilning pmpeils. aJvises .ts lo test weikiiik: m.thojs anj HeiliiU'Mlol lues, (.ompiniesoranlej. Cipi tsl tutllislieJ (.otlespinjellte InslteJ. (.onhj, mill. QHAS. H. CHANCE ATTOHNI:V AT LAW Kooms i and 3, Pirst Hank ot Sumpter , Huilding, SUMPTEH, - OHE(JON I p A. I. MAMM, Attorney at-Lnxv .. . . n Z- I Sumpter. Oireon Center, fur, IHnti St, B KKIM A KH itiimin r 1 w I'r.ulUe In all the Court! ot the Slate. I'. S I anJOm.e anj Minini; llilgatlon Spec laities Hooms t anJ ( Dunphe-llran llulljlnic ..I OfsNIiI.', (M I: John Temple Grayson Mining Expert and... Engineer J I ? ! I The Highest Reformers (Iven When Req.uireJ ... IIAKER CITY, ORE. OHr AJJress Templeitray. Maker, Ore I c ,. CI. KM & CO. MNN(J ,NV,:STMyNTS .M u,min,t lnd, .. Mimttr Or ' ion Mining stock Eiehinit ' Mo miRI) ST. POKTLAND, ORK L. T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Attention (ilven to Surgery anj to Dl. eases tit Women. Office, Nelll llluck; ReslJence, (ilitnlir Mtret near Mill phNNF.K - WOKTHINGTON Civil and Mining Engineers. S. Deputy .Mineral Surveyor lor Orep,on, Wash ington, Miho jnj Muntan.i. Engineers lor the Sumpter Tonnslle Compans , 1 ImlteJ. Underground ind Ptttiit Surveys. and Oriiihtln. Blue Printing Ht T. HENURYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. II ire-ilns In Sumpter District Vu.irt Ualms. SU.MPlfcU, ONKGON W A. SAMMS, ANCIIITI-CT, HAKIM l.m, t OHUSON Rell-iMe Ijns, spef Ideations unj estimates furnlsheJ Hk WHIIILHR, I'. O. Don oj. Phone .Main u. Ulticr: tit South Center Street Notary Public. Mining and Civil Engineer. U. S. Deruty Mineral Sureor Mapping anj Blue 1'rlntlng. Mine examinations anj reports maJe. Spe, lal at tention clsen to cyanlJe process. AUTHUP. PHII.BRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. I'. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor lor Oregon anJ l.l.ihn. Examinations anj reports on mlnlnE proper ties. Oltue sslili Little Clint Minini- Co. Mill MM IT. SliMI'llf, Okuios. vi m Esrsru EJ.. MANNING, (.'il KeCurJer anj Notary Public. Collection Abstracts AKeiit lor IjilclJe Die Kstlnjiulsher. Sumpter. STOTT .V SHELTON, SS V. SIOII J. r. MtlLTOs mmimi:i. Attorneys at Law. OHI.C1ON V, H. W. HAMILTON. .Minlnc anj Cunsultlne engineer. Mining I'roperlies'EsamineJ anj UeporieJ On. Meielni: anj Neal CoJe. ' is . SL'.MI'TUR. OKCCON DKS. TAPE & PEAKCE, Physicians and Surgeons C. H. ITstK-P, M. l. O. . TAIT, M. II. TtMiune Main (5. SuMt-rm. orcoos I Basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO 1 I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SUMI'TEK-CANYON etOllTli. 11:10 p. m 1:10 rs m Lv I A. ,. Sumpter Ar I 10: (o a. m. . .CllttnrJ I.v 8.00 . m, .UInrJ Ar 7:10 a. m. . Austin .. Lv , too a. m. Vf p. m. I Lv 7: to p m. I Ar Connecting at Austin with stages for Cans on City anj Interior points. (.up. m. jLv. . CMori.. ..Ar. 7:10 .."nT. V p. m. I Ar .llonania. ..Lvl b:(oa. m. Connecting at llonanra stlth stages for Py. Hot-lnsonyllle. Worley. Virginia, Don Juan anj Melf her mines. SUMI'TEH-URANITE ROUTE. 1: o p. m. 1 Lv . : 10 p. m I Ar Sumi'ter." . .Ar ! 10:00 a. in, lirmlte, . Lv 7-00 a. tn. IheryaKiianlietoNorth Tork. ReJ loyBa7. telle anj aJacent mints. SUMKrERItOURNE ROUTE. ";,I1'VI"' Lv- SumptT..;Ar :lo"aT7r7 j.iu p. m. Ar. .Bourne.. . ,Lv 800 a.m. l:i?r,.mi.J.Lv .Columbia ,Lvj 7:10 a. m- IncluJing North Pole. I:, a E.. Cllma, OhloanJ aJ iacent mines. EAT tf sr