w fffgyy Wednesday, September 12, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. a $ tl v BIG CONSOLIDATION. Gold Bug-Grizzly Absorbs Sev en Griffith Claims. The Gold Hue-Grizzly Gold Mining company has acquired by purchase seven additional mining claims, all adjoining Its properties, which are situated next to the Ibex mine on the west. The newly pur- development show It cannot be made a mine, and yet It may, as a prospect, have had great promise and worthy the ex penditures made In an effort to make a mine. Western Mining World. All Kind of Rctumption Rumors. The rumor Is again afloat that the May Queen mine, adjacent to this city, is again to resume operations. Just where the re port came from Is not clearly uiidti stood, bi't everybody seems to have confidence that it is based on facts. The May Quten mine for some reason has not been a suc cess, at least so It would seem to thoe chased property was bought of Gri tilth observing from an outside standpoint in a Brothers, the original locators, who last ' casual way. Since the mill was completed fall refused f6o,ooo for it on a bond. i It has been operated very little and then At a rough estimate there Is about 600 feet of work on the entire ten claims, now controlled by the Gold Bug-Grizzly peo-. pie, clearly demonstrating the continuity 1 of the lead through six of the claims, while mi any of the others the rock when crushed will pan a good string of colors. Assay values from a great number of tests made gives from $2 to 5140 in gold, with but Indifferent results. However, work has been In constant progress in the stopes and it is said enough ore has been uncovered to warrant the management in again starting up the mill. On top of the report of the May Queen's resumption of operations comes another that the Little Giant mine, up Clear creek, and the Mag nolia, four miles north of l.awton, are and the group Is now pronounced to have again to reMime operations and will be one ot the most favorable showings in the under ti:e direct management of I:. J. Ibex district, considering the amount of Godfrey, the gentleman who has made a development. great mine out of the Red Boy. l.awton The Gold hug-Grizzly company was Standard, organized last January, owning the three claims, Grizzly Numbers one, two and1 Scenic Lint of the World, three, and the management has steadily por an enjoyable trip east, take the worked them since April 7, under the Denver tV Rio Grande railroad, Scenic direction of J. J. Hennessy, the manager ( Line of the world. Three daily trains be and one of the principal stockholders, and 1 tween Denver, Colorado Springs, I'ueblo who has probably no superior in such and all eastern points, and all points on I work in all eastern Oregon. j the Pacific coast. Most magnificent seen-1 The new properties added to the hold- j ery on this continent. The leading fea- lugs of the company naturally increase lure In connection with the trip is that the I the value ot the stock therein very mate-; through trains pass through the scenic 1 rially, nuking it of greater attraction to j attractions of the Rocky mountains in those now holding it and particularly so ; Colorado by daylight, thus atfording pas-1 since the company has not increased its , seugers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable capitalization, as would naturally have . ride, free from dust and the annoyances been supposed. ' experienced via other lines. Superb din- It is considered now that the original 1 ng car service on all through trains. Idea and plan of sinking is justified and to Service a la carte, pay for what you order, that end an engine, boiler, pump and hoist Through standard and tourist sleepers, will be installed in a very short time. ' Stopovers allowed on all classes ot tickets Aside from the claims acquired the com pauy has purchased the water rights which will be necessary for milling the ore product. Contrary to the custom of many min- ( lug corporations, the treasury siock 01 1 this company has not been offered pub-! When you travel the Bourne road re llcly, but what has boen sold to cover the member Barnard has all the latest remedies expense of development to date was taken , for Ju!,t '" the throat. in u tew large blocks by men of consid anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Call on your nearest ticket agent for tickets, rates and all information, or ad dress, B. C. NICHOI., General Agent, Portland, Ore. erable means and practical knowledge of mining and whose Intention it now is to k create a larger treasury fund for more Im provement and rapid development of the mine. Mr. Hennessy, who locally man ages the property and has given his entire time to the Sumpter district for the past year, is conlideut that the Gold Bug Grizzly will make oneof the largest mines in eastern Oregon, and certainly has the confidence ot some of the best mining men in the west regarding his judgment. Will Some One Please Define "Wildcat"? Will some croaker or cent per cent money lo.uier who thrives on the ready circulating money of a mining camp, and who is everlastingly cautioning people to beware of "wildcat" mines, have the good grace to define the term. Let him do so and every condition he applies will be met by producing a great mine which, at one time, possessed the alleged attri butes. Is a mine a "wildcat" because the stock of the company owning it is selling at a nominal figure? If so, then the Granite Mountain was a "wildcat," for its stock was sold for less than 10 cents a share, yet it-paid over ij, 000,000 in div idends, and is still being profitably oper ated. Iron Mountain was sold as low as 8 lents and lias paid over half a million in dividends. These mines were once only prospects with ten-fuot holes, and so was every other great mine. The fact is, a "wildcat" is only such when time and RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY DENVM RIO GRAND! or COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS orMHt choc or THREE DISTINCT ROUTES A NO 1h MOST MAGNIFICENT SCENERY IN AM I RIO A. IT I TM OMiV f NANtOOftJTlM MTM. ilM FAMiM! DtCHV THWOUQH QUAmT NO CIUMQuf 8ALT LAKE CITY, LKADVILLK, COLORADO SPRINGS antf DKNVIR. TMt RIO ONANOfl WISTINN RAILWAY OPf HATIS TMMI fAT TRAINS TO TNI f Af DAILY, CARKTINO TO OMAHA AN CHICAGO WltMOUT CM'NM. fC4 IMfMHsAftON M fAkMHffTS sniMM Of Mfl At J. D. Mansfield a.w.wewm, tr 'ch.hihish ItHiyVlsU IKBBwvMBBJK''. BJWJSk Fraser and Chalmers Chicago MILLING MACHINl-RY-Rolls, Stamps, Crushers. Perforated Metals. Jigs, l-'rue Vanners, Etc. MINING MACHINI-RY-Hoilers, including Sederholm holler, Air Compressors, Reldler Pumps, l-'ur- naces, Ktc. Write to our Chicago otticr for Catalogue. Represented by MENNO UNZICKER, Hotel Warshauer, BAKER CITY, OREGON GOLDEN EAGLEHOTEL RE-OPENED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT To Be Conducted on the ill First-Class Restaura European Plan J in Connection T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample R ooms tor Commercial Men. SUMI'IIK, OHl.nnN rant aMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMVMMMMN'F 48 and 50 First Street, Near I'lne Cawston & Company. SlHit'itorit In 11. p. Gregory v company Engines, Boilers Machinery and Supplies.... PORTLAND, ORE. fluixu flip HYDRAULIC. MINING AND DREDGING MACHINERY. RIVETED STEEL PIPE. ..,... ' AMERICAN IMPULSE " WATER WHEELS. ETC. WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS MsaasjisBSjsJMHdMVH PORTLAND OREGON Dixon, Borgeson & Co. f ( . ' " ' Af.inuf.uluirrt of I.Wy lHll'lllHI ol FRONT ST.. COR. WASHINGTON Show Cases .IMW HI'S AMI lll't'll lllsls' WMI Omn it Mask I iMUkis. PORTLAND, OKI!. fe ,-f'- A. P. GOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 5 Til Intirest Allowad on Timt Dtposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON 4-v "